I Raised The Richest Man In The World

Chapter 118: buy a house


As soon as Claude finished the fight, he was so tired that he fell asleep, so he could only cancel some of the interviews that should be accepted, and let Old George and the people from ZYF company deal with the rest.

This is not a bad thing... Keeping Claude a little mysterious may make him more famous.

Together with Bob, Cheng Hao got Claude to his lounge.

Claude is very heavy, this job is not easy, but fortunately Cheng Hao is strong.

Cheng Hao supported Claude with his left hand and asked Bob to open the door, but as soon as the door opened, he saw Lin Yuxun.

Lin Yuxun changed his hairstyle, wore a suitable suit, and held a briefcase in his hand, which is a common dress for the middle class here in the United States, making him look a lot more mature.

Cheng Hao was taken aback. Lin Yuxun had said he would come over before, but he didn't see him this morning... He thought Lin Yuxun would not come over.

"I'm a bit late... Is it hard for you to support him?" Lin Yuxun saw Cheng Hao, and hurried over to help Claude, lest Cheng Hao would get tired.

In fact, he had already told Cheng Hao that he would come, but he was too busy to find the time until this morning.

He came here by plane. When he came, the game was about to start, so he didn't bother Cheng Hao, but went to the place where Cheng Hao and the others rented. According to what Cheng Hao said before, he found Cheng Hao's room and took the inside I finally came here to wait for my work permit.

"It's not too late." Cheng Hao laughed: "But I'll be very busy next time, I'm afraid I won't have time to accompany you."

Claude has become the boxing champion. He and old George must be busy with a lot of things in the future. He is afraid that he will not have time to accompany Lin Yuxun.

"It's okay! Do you want my help?" Lin Yuxun asked.

"Okay." Cheng Hao agreed. There are not many things to deal with around the boxer, and they are quite simple. Lin Yuxun can definitely do it.

Lin Yuxun did it well, and he even helped revise the interview draft they planned to give to the media.

When Claude woke up and jumped up to eat and drink, he also stared at Claude and recited some interviews.

For the next two days, they were very busy, and at the same time, Claude was completely angry.

Those who like boxing in the United States don't know Claude right now.

The TV station even edited all the game videos of Claude in this professional game, and then played them in turn on the TV station.

When this video was played, the ratings of the TV station were always high. At the beginning, people would see that as soon as the referee's whistle sounded, Claude quickly killed the opponent with one or two or three blows. As for later...

The match between Claude and August and Carroll was scheduled at the end. When the two games started to be broadcast, although Crowder no longer crushed his opponent, it was still exciting to watch.

Two veteran boxing champions lost to an unknown pawn!

People always like such things, so more and more people began to pay attention to Claude.

Magazines with interviews with Black Bear Claude are also selling very well.

Old George and the others did not completely conceal Claude's intellectual problems, but made a certain degree of beautification, only saying that Claude has no talent in learning, knows very few words, and has hardly gone to school...

If such a background is placed on a star, it will be annoying, but Claude is an athlete, so everyone can easily accept it.

Some people even think that Claude has a personality and is very cool.

For a while, when boxing fans chatted, Claude was the one who talked the most: "Have you watched the black bear game?"

"Looked at it, he is really amazing!"

"He actually beat Carol, so handsome!"

"I prefer his game against Auguste!"

"I heard that August was because he bumped into him at the beginning and was injured, and then lost to Carroll."

"It's really unlucky for Carol and August to meet him!"

Everyone is paying attention to Claude, and there is less attention on other fighters, such as Andy.

Andy is also a dark horse who suddenly appeared in the boxing world this year. He was as famous as Cheng Hao before. In this competition, as long as he can get the top three, he will definitely have many fans.

And he does have this strength, his strength is actually only a little worse than August and Carroll.

However, Claude showed up.

With Claude riding ahead, no one noticed Andy at all. Even the many fans that Andy attracted before this game turned to pay attention to Claude.

OC company was furious.

But old George was happy.

Before, because Claude would always make troubles, Old George always frowned tightly when facing him, and always reprimanded him, but these days, when Old George saw Claude Claude just laughed and was very kind to Claude.

On the way back after getting the gold belt of the boxing champion, Old George was so attentive to Claude. He didn't let Claude take anything without saying anything. He would buy whatever Claude wanted to eat.

And Claude... Cheng Hao thought that Claude would be surprised to see old George like this, but he wasn't.

Claude quickly accepted the old George's changes, and began to push forward.

After Lin Yuxun came to Cheng Hao's place, he stayed for two nights and went back with Cheng Hao and the others.

He has helped with a lot of things in the past two days, and Cheng Hao hasn't had time to talk to him... Cheng Hao felt a little guilty, so when he got on the train, he let Lin Yuxun rest in the sleeper, and said again; "Yuxun, I Go get you some water, do you have anything else to eat?"

"I brought food, so I don't need to buy anything else." Lin Yuxun said quickly.

Claude on the other side has already started ordering what he wants: "George, I want Coke, chicken rolls, bacon rolls, cakes..."

"Why didn't you say it when you didn't get on the train? And we've already brought a lot of food." Old George was a little depressed, things on the train were much more valuable!

"I want those!" Claude insisted.

"Okay..." Old George really bought it for Claude.

Then Claude kept eating, and after eating, he gave the garbage to Old George, and asked Old George to throw it away.

Cheng Hao felt that Claude was a little too inflated.

It would be bad luck for him if he went on like this.

Old George may be obedient to him now because he is happy, but it is absolutely impossible to be like this forever.

Old George really couldn't be like this all the time.

After returning home and resting for another two days, Old George finally couldn't stand Claude holding the game console all day: "Claude, it's time for you to train."

"I'll play for a while." Claude didn't even look up.

"You've been playing for a long time." Old George said.

Claude is no longer afraid of Old George: "I still want to play! Also, I want to eat cake!"

Old George looked at Claude quietly, and finally snatched Claude's game console, and roared: "No cake! You go to training!"

Not only that, but soon, the house began to be filled with old George's roars: "Claude, what's the matter with you? You have gained ten catties! Ten catties! You will become a fat pig!"

"Hurry up and train!"

"You can never eat high-calorie food again!"

After the game came back, it was Christmas. Cheng Hao took Lin Yuxun and Danny to spend Christmas with Old George and the others, and watched Old George chasing after Claude by the way.

In general, the heavier a boxer is, the more powerful they are, but it also makes their movements less flexible.

Claude's original weight is actually a bit heavy. He is less than 1.8 meters tall and weighs 200 catties. Now...

Cheng Hao said: "Old George, don't be too angry, he ate too much just now, at least three catties out of the ten catties he just ate."

Cheng Hao's words are not wrong, but even so, Claude has gained seven catties. Under the encouragement of old George, he had to start training just after Christmas Eve, no matter how coquettish and shameless he is .

I knew it would be like this... Cheng Hao couldn't feel sympathy when he saw Claude hugging Old George's thigh and howling.

Because of Claude's good innate condition, his training volume has been very little... If he really wants to live the life Claude wants, he will definitely be fat to death!

After Christmas Eve, Cheng Hao and Lin Yuxun went back to their rented house.

As soon as he got home, Cheng Hao gave Lin Yuxun a bank card: "Yuxun, I made a lot of money before, here it is."

"You gave me all the money, what do you do? I'm not short of money..." Lin Yuxun was a little helpless. Before Cheng Hao sent his salary back every week, he refused, but Cheng Hao insisted.

Cheng Hao said: "It's a custom in our family to hand in salary when we have a partner! In addition, I also have money around me."

Cheng Hao also kept money around him, but he really didn't have much to spend it on, so that he basically couldn't spend the money around him except to buy snacks for Claude.

Lin Yuxun originally wanted to refuse, but when he heard what Cheng Hao said, he couldn't bear to refuse immediately—Cheng Hao was paying the salary to his partner! to object!

What should he do if he doesn't accept Cheng Hao and hand it over to others

Cheng Hao said again: "By the way, let's go buy a house. It's inconvenient not to have our own house."

Foreigners seem to like to rent houses, but Cheng Hao still wants to have his own house, it doesn’t need to be very big, even a small one is fine, but it’s always comfortable to live in his own house.

"After the new year, I'll buy it." Lin Yuxun said, all his money has been invested, but he can take out a loan to buy a house. The money needed to buy a small house was huge for him in the past, but for him now For him, it is nothing: "If you only pay the down payment, 20,000 US dollars is enough..."

"So cheap?" Cheng Hao was a little surprised.

"The apartments here are not expensive." Lin Yuxun said.

At this time, Cheng Hao was pleasantly surprised: "In this case, the money in my bank card is enough! When Claude played the game before, I went to bet. Although I didn't make much, I made a little bit. "

Such a large-scale professional boxing match can be bet on. This time when Claude participated in the competition, Cheng Hao took a little money to bet and bought Claude to win every time.

At the beginning of the preliminaries, he did not earn much, but he also won two thousand dollars. Cheng Hao collected the principal and half of the proceeds, and took the remaining one thousand dollars to compete in the Claude and August competition. At the time, Claude was pressed to win.

Just this one, his thousand dollars became ten thousand dollars.

After that, if Claude was pressed to win again, the odds would be very low, but his stake at that time had already become 10,000 U.S. dollars, so he won a lot after all. Now that card contains almost 30,000 U.S. dollars.

They can buy a house.

"In the future we will have a house, a home that truly belongs to us." Cheng Hao laughed.

Lin Yuxun was slightly taken aback, he didn't realize this before... Now that he heard Cheng Hao say "our home", he felt a surge of joy from the bottom of his heart, his eyes sparkled: "En!"

"After the new year, let's go to see the house and pick one together." Cheng Hao said, and kissed Lin Yuxun.

Lin Yuxun's face immediately turned red.

Although the relationship with Lin Yuxun has been established, Cheng Hao was injured at first, and then went out again before the injury healed. The two of them hadn't gotten close before, and a kiss was already the worst they had ever done. Closer to the action.

Mustering up his courage, Lin Yuxun also kissed Cheng Hao.

After being kissed, Cheng Hao laughed, hugged Lin Yuxun, and kissed him on the lips.

When the relationship between Cheng Hao and Lin Yuxun was getting closer, on the other side, Old George received an invitation from Eustace to challenge Claude.