I Raised The Richest Man In The World

Chapter 18: Cover the quilt


The landlord's loud voice was like a thunder, rumbling through the night sky, and then, there were more "thunders"-his furious curses poured out.

Cheng Hao dared not speak and pretended not to hear.

He also wants to repair the door, but this kind of iron door, the iron sheet is deformed, it is impossible to completely repair it, unless it is replaced...but he has no money.

Even if he had thirty-five yuan now, it probably wouldn't be enough to buy a rolling door.

In addition, this door is not unusable now, so it can only be left alone.

Cheng Hao lowered his voice and said to Lin Yuxun: "I bought a hamburger and came back, you go and eat."

The corner of Lin Yuxun's mouth curved.

After Cheng Hao went to work, he has been very restless.

He has nothing here, and he is afraid that Cheng Hao will leave and never come again.

He even couldn't help thinking in a bad direction, for example, could Cheng Hao see him working part-time today and couldn't stand him, so he left.

Since he was a child, he has always been disgusted and abandoned.

His mother left them because his father had no money.

He was very disturbed, so after having dinner with Danny, he waited for Cheng Hao to come back.

When Cheng Hao was around, he would take advantage of the time after dinner to teach him Chinese, teach Danny English, and play with Danny. This small house is always full of laughter and laughter, but when Cheng Hao is not around, the place becomes extraordinarily deserted.

He knew how to teach Danny English, but he didn't know how to play with Danny, after all, no one had played with him before.

Before Cheng Hao appeared, he didn't know what to do with Danny except to feed and dress Danny. Even now, he didn't know how to get close to Danny.

He kept staring at the rolling door. Fortunately, Cheng Hao came back after nine o'clock.

Now seeing Cheng Hao lowering his voice so low because of the landlord's words, and looking furtive, Lin Yuxun didn't know why, but suddenly wanted to laugh, and his mood became clear.

At this moment, Danny's attention was already on the plastic bag containing the hamburger.

Although he lost his hearing, he has a very keen sense of smell, and today's burger is really delicious!

Cheng Hao took out two hamburgers and gave each of them one.

On the way back, he held the hamburger in his arms all the time, and now the hamburger is still warm, so it's time to eat it while it's hot.

Danny took a bite of the hamburger and narrowed his eyes happily.

Lin Yuxun was not in a hurry to eat, he was even a little at a loss.

A hamburger like this costs about thirty one. He used to only buy it for him on his birthday when his father bought it for him...

His mother would buy it on normal days, but she always ate it herself first, and gave Danny what she had, because he couldn't eat it.

Now Cheng Hao is giving him a hamburger, and he is a little flattered.

Cheng Hao urged: "Eat quickly."

"You eat, I'm not hungry..." Lin Yuxun said.

"Let's eat, there are more, and I have eaten six on the way back." Cheng Hao said.

Lin Yuxun looked at Cheng Hao in shock. Even if Cheng Hao found a job, it would be unbelievable to him to buy ten hamburgers at a time... Cheng Hao lied to him, right

Cheng Hao said: "It was given to me by a customer. He lost his wallet and I returned it to him after I found it. He bought ten hamburgers and gave them to me as a thank you."

Cheng Hao didn't intend to let Lin Yuxun know about his boxing. After all, he boxed black boxing, which was quite dangerous.

Just like he didn't want Lin Yuxun to do cleaning work, Lin Yuxun probably wouldn't want to see him punching either.

But for the time being, he only has this way of making money, and he also likes this way of making money... so he can only lie to Lin Yuxun.

"By the way, I advanced a week's salary today." Cheng Hao took out the thirty-five yuan and gave it to Lin Yuxun.

In the United States, salaries, especially those at the bottom, are paid on a weekly basis.

Cheng Hao felt that they should have to do this. People here are always used to spending all the money they get at once. If the money is paid on a monthly basis, many people will starve in the second half of the month!

"A lot!" Lin Yuxun was a little surprised: "Why do they still pay in advance?" This is simply impossible... Generally speaking, those who have just joined the job will be held back a week's salary.

"Maybe it's because I'm good-looking? After the first day of today, some people thought my service was good and praised me, and the boss liked me very much." Cheng Hao made up nonsense.

He has been scolded all the time today... But there is no need to tell Lin Yuxun about this.

Hearing what Cheng Hao said, Lin Yuxun nodded first.

He also thinks that Cheng Hao is good-looking and has a better temperament. Such a person, standing with those black people, will definitely stand out from the crowd. It is normal for others to give tips.

If he had money, he would be willing to tip Cheng Hao a little more.

But soon, his heart raised again.

He has lived in a poor community since he was a child, so he understands what a good appearance represents here, and this good appearance does not matter gender.

Even good-looking men are likely to get along better than good-looking women.

Cheng Hao is really good-looking, and he is a rare yellow man...

Lin Yuxun suddenly became worried, lest Cheng Hao would suffer.

Cheng Hao didn't know his entanglement, he said: "Okay, let's go eat, and go to sleep after eating."

He played a game today, and the feeling he used to have returned, and he also found that his injury was much lighter than he thought.

That's right, the original owner was stabbed in the stomach, and the blood flowed a little bit more, but at least the muscles and bones were not injured, and it was raised faster.

Cheng Hao felt that he would start training tomorrow, and he must also train, otherwise, it would be difficult for him to win in the next boxing match.

Now, if they have eaten, they should go to bed early.

Lin Yuxun and Danny each ate a hamburger.

The hamburger from the roadside shop that Cheng Hao brought back was larger than the fried chicken hamburger he ate in China in his previous life. Even a grown man would be full after eating one. As a result, Danny was a child. He even ate it up, and Lin Yuxun didn't waste it at all.

The food really whets the appetite.

It's just that these two people are also very pitiful when they regard food that others are tired of eating as delicious food.

Lin Yuxun ate up all the hamburgers, but refused to take the thirty-five yuan from Cheng Hao, and must return the money to Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao could only say: "This money will be used as my living expenses and rent. If you refuse to accept it, do you not want me to live here?"

Lin Yuxun took the money immediately.

After washing up, the three of them went to bed.

It's a bit crowded for three people to lie on the 1.5-meter bed, but fortunately, the three of them sleep well, and there is no influence on each other.

In the past, Cheng Hao fell asleep when he fell down, but not today.

Although the game was over, he was still very excited, and couldn't sleep for a while, so he began to think about the future.

He had already made money, but he didn't tell Lin Yuxun not to go to work. After all, his entire household was only thirty-five yuan, and he didn't have the confidence to do so. Moreover, it was also impossible for Lin Yuxun to go to that terrible school if he couldn't find a job. Not necessarily a good thing.

But he can't do nothing...

This night, Cheng Hao thought a lot, and after thinking about it, he felt Lin Yuxun, who was sleeping in the middle, leaning towards him.

It was a bit cold this day, so they covered the quilt, Cheng Hao made a bed, Lin Yuxun and Danny made a bed.

Seeing Lin Yuxun approaching now, the person who was lying upright was still shrunk into a ball. Cheng Hao thought he was cold, so he stretched out his hand to lift off his quilt, and covered Lin Yuxun and Danny's quilt .

After Cheng Hao finished, he fell asleep peacefully, but Lin Yuxun was taken aback.

He didn't expect Cheng Hao to be asleep yet.

Fortunately, after the quilt was covered, Cheng Hao did not move. Lin Yuxun lay motionless for a while, and finally couldn't resist the drowsiness, and fell asleep slowly.

The next day was Saturday, and the school was closed, so there was no free breakfast and lunch.

Cheng Hao felt that it was a pity that they didn't have much money, so he was happy to eat free food, but unfortunately there is no...

Cheng Hao finally divided the remaining two hamburgers last night into three portions, and took out the bread that Lin Yuxun bought more yesterday, and ate it with Lin Yuxun Danny. Danny and Lin Yuxun were not hungry after eating hamburgers before going to bed last night, so they ate more than half of the hamburgers in the morning. The extra bread they bought yesterday actually went into Cheng Hao's stomach...

After eating and drinking, Cheng Hao looked at Lin Yuxun: "Let's go, let's go to work together!"

It's not good for him not to let Lin Yuxun go to work, but he can go to work with Lin Yuxun.

The two finished the work quickly together, and Lin Yuxun could relax a little bit.

As for Danny...

Cheng Hao also thought about whether he should not take Danny with him at all, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was fine.

Lin Yuxun's method of educating Danny is actually not suitable in his opinion.

Danny is inherently flawed and destined to have a harder life than others, and it is not a bad thing for him to understand that life is hard, and that he needs company.

It's definitely better to let him help with some work than to keep him at home.

As for what he might have seen that he shouldn't have seen... With such a mother, he probably has already seen what he should have seen.

Lin Yuxun didn't want Cheng Hao to go to work together: "You don't need to go, I can do it alone."

But Cheng Hao made a decision, how can Lin Yuxun object

Cheng Hao picked up Danny with one hand, put one hand on Lin Yuxun's shoulder, "wrapped" Lin Yuxun and walked towards the building: "Let's go!"

Cheng Hao and Lin Yuxun went to the building together, and first did a simple cleaning with Danny, and then brought water to Lin Yuxun, so that Lin Yuxun could do the final cleaning.

He would often carry Danny on his back, or in his arms, as he ran around.

Danny loved being held by him, and most importantly he could get some exercise.

Of course, he didn't forget to speak to Lin Yuxun in pure Mandarin.

Lin Yuxun was quick at recognizing characters, but it didn't take a while to change his accent, but it could always be improved if he took his time.

The three of them worked together, and all the work was done before two o'clock in the afternoon.

So Cheng Hao took Lin Yuxun and Danny to the supermarket early to buy their dinner.

I took the money home yesterday, so it's time to give my opinion... Cheng Hao ordered three apples, some tomatoes, cucumbers, and even bread, he asked for meat floss bread.

Of course, he also ordered three of the most common breads. He needs to exercise, which consumes a lot of energy, so he needs to eat more.

In fact, compared to buying finished food, Cheng Hao wants to buy rice and vegetables, and then cook rice and stir-fry vegetables, but there is no rice in the supermarket here, and he can't cook yet.

He joined the boxing team at a young age and has been training non-stop. He has never been in the kitchen at all.

Even if he knew how to cook, Lin Yu's rent-seeking small house couldn't be fired—the landlord didn't even have gas for the garage.

Cheng Hao can only buy some vegetables that are better eaten raw.

After returning home, before dinner time, Cheng Hao first taught Danny how to recognize words, and then wrote some journals for Lin Yuxun to learn how to recognize words.

Danny can't hear the sound, so he can only learn words by looking at the objects. This is very inconvenient, and there are not many words that can be taught. Cheng Hao really wants to read books or textbooks with pictures and texts as teaching materials, but unfortunately they don't have this condition now.

After earning a little more money, he must find a way to move away from here and take the two of them to a better community.

Cheng Hao ate dinner while thinking about it, and then said to Lin Yu: "I'm going out to work, you don't have to wait for me."

He doesn't need to "work" today, but he has to go out and exercise.