I Raised The Richest Man In The World

Chapter 26: Cook


That broken shutter door is definitely what Mr. Dampier misses the most these days!

Lin Yuxun followed Cheng Hao, and was a little embarrassed when he heard Mr. Dampier talk about the rolling door.

At the beginning, Cheng Hao promised to repair the door, but he couldn't repair it at all, so he had to let the door break down...

Cheng Hao said: "Mr. Dampier, I have already thought about it. I will buy a second-hand rolling door tomorrow and replace it for you."

Hearing Cheng Hao's words, Mr. Dampier became dissatisfied: "Why is it a second-hand rolling door?"

Cheng Hao said: "Your door is also old."

Mr. Dampier grunted, cursed the nigger who broke his door, and finally admitted it.

At this time, Cheng Hao said again: "There is one thing, I don't know whether I should say it..."

"What's the matter?" asked Mr. Dampier.

Cheng Hao said: "Actually, if you change the door of that room into an ordinary door, such as a wooden door, I believe that this garage will definitely be able to rent out a higher price! You also know that winter is coming, and the rolling door is not warm , That's fine, it's easy to be destroyed..." Cheng Hao said a lot about the weakness of rolling doors, and what he said was also true.

Generally, this kind of door is only used for garages!

"Of course I know this, but do you know how much it costs to change the door?" Mr. Dampier asked.

"It does cost a lot of money to change the door, but after the rent is raised, you can earn it back sooner or later. More importantly, it is more cost-effective for you to change the door now." Cheng Hao said.

"Why?" The chubby Mr. Dampier was puzzled.

Cheng Hao said: "We broke your door, if you don't need us to fix it for you, then we can compensate you 20 yuan, you see, in this way, you can save 20 yuan to change the door! "

Mr. Dampier thinks it makes sense, but... "You must pay me at least fifty yuan!"

After some haggling, Cheng Hao and Lin Yuxun paid 30 yuan in compensation and 15 yuan for the rent of the upstairs attic, and then got the key to the attic.

That's right, the rent for the attic is fifteen yuan per week, which is nearly twice as expensive as the garage.

And the shutter door...

Cheng Hao also paid attention to the price of rolling doors a few days ago. The new ones cost about 100 yuan, not including the installation fee, and the installation fee in this place is very expensive. As for the second-hand ones... He has never met anyone selling second-hand rolling doors.

So... He tried to get Mr. Dampier to change the door and install it!

That would save him a little money!

Thinking of this, Cheng Hao said again: "Mr. Dampier, before you install the door, you can use bricks to build a wall, or even a window. I think of it, even if you rent ten yuan a week, It’s also possible, you don’t need to rent only eight yuan.”

Mr. Dampier's garage has always been rented out at eight yuan a week. At the beginning, Lin Yuxun had no money, so Mr. Dampier's cohabitant, Beverly, asked Mr. Dampier to rent the garage to Lin Yuxun at a price of six yuan per week.

Mr. Dampier has always been worried about this, so after Cheng Hao appeared, the rent would be raised.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Yuxun gave Mr. Dampier two yuan as soon as he said it.

The more Mr. Dampier thought about it, the more he felt that Cheng Hao was right: "Boy, you are very smart!"

Cheng Hao also felt that he was very smart, and actually compressed the one hundred yuan rolling door into thirty yuan in compensation.

Cheng Hao and Lin Yuxun got the key to the attic from Mr. Dampier, thought about it, and immediately started moving.

The furniture in Lin Yuxun's rented house belonged to Mr. Dampier. He didn't have many things, so the moving should be done soon, and it could be finished tonight.

Cheng Hao and Lin Yuxun moved in full swing. In order to avoid someone coming over and taking the opportunity to steal things, the two of them would always leave one of them downstairs to watch.

Just as they were moving, a black woman in floral pajamas with many braids came down from upstairs.

This black woman Cheng Hao has seen these days, and she is Mr. Dampier's cohabitant Beverly.

Beverly's facial features are quite good, and she should be considered beautiful among blacks. After she went downstairs, she stood at the door of the garage, and then said to Lin Yu: "I'll stay here, you go and move things. .”

"Thank you." Lin Yuxun thanked her, and moved together with Cheng Hao for their odds and ends.

Lin Yuxun didn't have many things, but they needed to be tidied up and the room had to be cleaned, so the two of them moved for almost two hours before finally finishing the move. During this period, Danny also followed behind, helping to carry things.

Danny was a little uneasy when they took things out of the house at first, but when he found out that they were moving upstairs, he didn't feel unhappy at all, and ran up and down.

Downstairs the house is very damp, the attic is different, the storey height here is not high, and there is a slope, so each room is very small, but there are three rooms in total!

Among the two small rooms, one has a bed of 1.2 meters, and the other has a bed of 1.5 meters. The remaining large room is a kitchen with an old wooden table. and wooden chairs.

Seeing this kitchen, Cheng Hao felt excited.

There is gas here! Can cook!

The gas stoves in the United States are quite different from those in China.

It is square and placed on the floor. There are four fire holes on the top, and the bottom can be opened, so you can bake things in it. Cheng Hao was very happy when he saw it, but soon felt helpless.

He found that he didn't know how to use this thing at all!

Now is not the time to mess with this... It's late, they should go to bed.

Cheng Hao spread the newly bought quilt on the 1.5-meter bed, let Lin Yuxun and Danny sleep together, and slept on the small bed himself.

He went to bed late last night. Although he didn't exercise today, he did a lot of things. He fell asleep when he lay down, but in the next room, Lin Yuxun didn't sleep.

He can't sleep.

Without Cheng Hao by his side, he suddenly became unaccustomed to it, and even he himself didn't know what was going on.

He even regretted telling Cheng Hao that he could rent the attic. If he didn't tell him, could he sleep with Cheng Hao for a few more days

And there is Cheng Hao's boxing job...

Many thoughts flashed through Lin Yuxun's mind, and he went to bed very late again, but the next morning, his biological clock made him wake up early.

He didn't sleep well for two consecutive days, and his eyes were black and blue.

As soon as Cheng Hao saw Lin Yuxun, he noticed Lin Yuxun's situation: "Did you not sleep well last night?"

"I changed a place, and I couldn't sleep at first." Lin Yuxun said.

Cheng Hao didn't doubt: "Let's go, let's wake up Danny and go to school for breakfast. This morning and noon, we still eat at school, and in the evening we can buy some food and go home to cook for ourselves... From now on we will cook at our own home Eat well, it must be delicious."

When Lin Yuxun heard Cheng Hao's words, he imagined their cooking together, and his heart moved.

On this day, Cheng Hao accompanied Lin Yuxun to work as usual, and after work was over, they bought some vegetables, eggs and beef to go home.

When they came home, they saw Mr. Dampier taking bricks and bricks and building the wall himself.

After Cheng Hao gave Mr. Dampier an idea, he felt that Mr. Dampier might have to spend a lot of money to replace the door. After all, it is not cheap to hire someone to work here, but what he did not expect was that Mr. Dampier actually Going to build a wall and a door...

Now he built half of the wall on either side of the garage door, fastened an old door frame in the middle, and started to build the rest of the wall.

Cheng Hao was in admiration: "Mr. Dampier... is quite amazing."

Lin Yuxun said: "Mr. Dampier does know a lot of things, such as repairing water pipes, repairing door locks, etc., he can do it, but if you ask him to do it, he will charge money."

"Being a landlord really requires more skills..." Cheng Hao said: "Speaking of which, my wish is to have a building in the future, and then I can live on rent."

Lin Yuxun silently kept these words in his heart, and was a little worried.

To build a building, you need to buy a piece of land, and then build a house on it, which will definitely cost a lot of money.

Cheng Hao and Lin Yuxun tried cooking after returning home.

Cheng Hao doesn't know how to cook, but he has lived in China since he was a child, so he still knows the cooking steps and dishes.

Lin Yuxun can cook. When he was very young, he needed to cook for his father, but the food he could cook was very little, only cooked.

The two discussed it, and finally decided that Lin Yuxun would be in charge, and Cheng Hao would give advice by the side.

Then, they made three dishes: boiled broccoli, boiled peas, and scrambled eggs. As for the staple food, it was Lin Yuxun's pancakes.

His father usually cooks by mixing various dishes together, but his skill in making noodle cakes is very good. He also taught Lin Yuxun, but Lin Yuxun hasn't done it for several years...

Some of these foods are salty and some are bland, and some of them are not good in appearance. They are definitely not delicious, but at least they are edible.

The three of them were not people who would waste food, so they ate a lot.

After eating, Cheng Hao left home, and he wanted to go out to exercise.

After the game on Tuesday night, he went shopping and moved on Wednesday. Today is Thursday, so he has to practice hard.

Another day passed, and Friday arrived.

During the day on Tuesday, Cheng Hao did not train, but this Friday, Cheng Hao still exercised

He has now begun to adapt to high-intensity training, and his condition will not deteriorate due to training. Under such circumstances, training naturally cannot be stopped for a day.

Cheng Hao was looking forward to the boxing match on Friday night, but Lin Yuxun felt uneasy.

Cheng Hao, will you get hurt again

This night, after Cheng Hao set off for the bar, Lin Yuxun also left and went to Old George's bar.

He's going to find out the situation, he doesn't want Cheng Hao to get hurt.

When Cheng Hao arrived at Old George's bar that day, many people came to say hello to him.

Some of these people called him "Cheng", some called him "Little Cute", and they all asked him if he would play.

Most of the players who compete here are amateurs. Many people have competed once, and it may take a month before they compete for the second time. Cheng Hao was injured in the last competition, so they are not sure whether Cheng Hao will do it this time. Participate in the competition.

"I will participate!" Cheng Hao gave an affirmative answer without hesitation.

Of course he will participate in the competition, after all, only by participating in the competition can he get money.

Moreover, he likes boxing, like the feeling of fists and muscles colliding.

I just don't know who his opponent will be today.