I Raised The Richest Man In The World

Chapter 41: praise


Those who robbed should have followed from the casino.

Because Cheng Hao and the others left immediately after taking the money, these people failed to make a thorough arrangement, so they came to grab it with a knife. Now seeing Cheng Hao and the others running away, they were stunned for a moment, so they could only follow Chase.

However, the hotel where Cheng Hao and the others live is very close.

After a while, Cheng Hao dragged Lin Yuxun to the door of the hotel, that's all, he also saw the police patrolling.

"Police! Someone is robbing!" Cheng Hao yelled, and at this time, the policemen had already seen the robber with the knife.

They took out their guns and went after the robbers: "Stop! Don't move!"

It was impossible for the robbers to stop, they turned around, and Sa Yazi ran fast.

If it was in the poor community where Cheng Hao and the others lived, the police must have fired at this moment, but the police here did not shoot immediately, but just ran behind, and disappeared with the robbers after a while.

Cheng Hao stood at the door of the hotel, breathed a sigh of relief, and went to see Lin Yuxun again.

He practices running every day, the distance he ran just now is nothing to him at all, he is not tired at all, but Lin Yuxun is already panting non-stop, as for Danny...

When he saw the robber, Cheng Hao held Danny in his arms and didn't let him look back. Danny didn't know what happened at the moment... Cheng Hao hugged him a little higher, and smiled Ask him: "Danny, are you happy?"

Although Danny couldn't hear Cheng Hao's words, he could see Cheng Hao's smile.

At this moment, he only thought that Cheng Hao suddenly ran up to play with him, and hugged Cheng Hao's neck with a smile.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao lifted him up and pushed his head against his stomach.

Danny smiled even more.

After confirming that Danny was fine, Cheng Hao looked at Lin Yuxun, and asked with a smile, "Did you feel that it was thrilling just now? Is it as exciting as in the movie? It's fun, right?"

"Yes." Lin Yuxun was a little scared at first, but after hearing Cheng Hao's question and seeing Cheng Hao's bright smile, he was not afraid anymore, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

As long as you are with Cheng Hao, no matter how dangerous things are, they will not be so scary.

Seeing him like this, Cheng Hao finally felt relieved and began to calm his heartbeat.

He didn't show anything in front of Danny and Lin Yuxun, but in fact, he was a little scared.

I'm afraid that I'm really in danger, and that something will happen to Lin Yuxun and Danny.

In the poor neighborhood where they lived before, he had always been careful, but here... he was really careless.

He thought he would be safe in a big city, but he forgot that it was always more dangerous at night, let alone they came out of the casino.

Taking a deep breath, Cheng Hao finally suppressed the fear in his heart, and then realized one thing—where are old George and Claude? Why is it gone

Before, Cheng Hao was worried that Claude didn't know how to run, so he specially asked Claude to run first and run later.

And when he saw Claude holding Old George and running out like a wild horse, he didn't worry about Claude at all, and just ran behind.

But now, old George and Claude are gone.

If they entered the hotel, they should have been waiting in the lobby anyway, but there was no one in the lobby.

Cheng Hao asked, "Where's Claude?"

Lin Yuxun shook his head blankly. He was terrified before, so where is the air traffic control

"You wait here, I'll look for it." Cheng Hao said, and he was about to look for someone.

But as soon as he left the hotel gate, he found old George and Claude back.

Old George's face was extremely ugly, as for Claude, he was a little scared, and followed Old George step by step.

"Old George, it's great that you're fine!" Cheng Hao said.

"Why am I okay? I have something to do!" Old George was angry. He glared at Cheng Hao and then at Claude. He wanted to scold others, but felt that he would lose face by scolding his own people in public. Can only say: "Bring the salute! Follow me upstairs!"

Old George was going mad with anger.

Before, Claude picked him up and ran away, and he was still hugged by the princess!

Old George swears that he has never been hugged like this in his life, and his face is completely humiliated!

Forget it, the idiot Claude only knew how to run forward after picking him up. He watched them run past the hotel, and then continued to move forward...

Fortunately, under his scolding, Claude stopped, and then they ran back slowly.

Old George booked two adjacent rooms, both of which were standard rooms, one for Cheng Hao and the three of them, and the other for him to sleep with Claude.

After going upstairs, old George called Cheng Hao and Claude to his room, yelled fiercely, and was not satisfied until his throat hurt, and put Cheng Hao back to sleep.

However, when Cheng Hao left, he heard old George yelling at Claude: "Hurry up and take a shower!"

Cheng Hao sympathized with Claude for a while, quickly returned to his room, and then took out the five thousand dollars and counted them.

One hundred dollars a piece, five thousand dollars is actually only fifty pieces, but Cheng Hao counted them back and forth several times and was very satisfied.

Then I started to worry again: "Where should we hide this money?"

In his previous life, he was a well-known athlete with an annual income of several million, but now he has started to worry about how to hide the 100,000 yuan...

"Do your clothes have pockets?" Lin Yuxun asked.

The two discussed it, and finally decided to put the money in the pocket of a shirt with pockets, and Cheng Hao wore the shirt inside. Throw on a sweater and coat so you don't have to worry about losing your money.

As for spending money, it may be inconvenient... They don't spend this money, they only spend the five hundred dollars they saved!

After the two discussed it, they went to bed happily.

The next day, because of the biological clock, both Cheng Hao and Lin Yuxun woke up very early, but Danny slept very soundly.

Cheng Hao first trained for more than an hour in the hotel room, took a simple shower, and then looked in the mirror in the bathroom, showing off his muscles: "I am getting stronger and stronger, and I will definitely become Greatest boxer ever!"

A boxer must have self-confidence. An unconfident boxer may shrink back because of fear before he starts a fight with his opponent.

You must know that in the real arena, the vast majority of boxers feel tired and unable to fight because of psychological effects. They give up in their hearts, so they shrink back and dare not fight anymore.

If a boxer loses his confidence, it will be very difficult for him to stand up.

Cheng Hao will not stuff a towel in his pants to boost his self-confidence, but he will encourage himself every day: "I am the best! I will become the world heavyweight boxing champion!"

Lin Yuxun heard what Cheng Hao said, and it was not the first time he had heard Cheng Hao say such a thing.

This is actually a bit narcissistic, but it seems natural for Cheng Hao to do it.

Of course Cheng Hao will become the most powerful boxer and become the world heavyweight boxing champion.

Lin Yuxun believed him: "You will succeed!"

"Thank you." Cheng Hao smiled and looked at Lin Yuxun: "You will succeed too. You are so smart. If you become a doctor, you will definitely become the most powerful doctor. If you become a lawyer, I believe that celebrities all over the world They all want to be friends with you! If you become a scientist, the Nobel Prize should be yours."

Lin Yuxun is often depressed and always feels that he can't do anything, but when Cheng Hao said this about him, and when he read what Cheng Hao said that he wrote down, he felt that his whole body was full of pain. strength.

Although he thinks what Cheng Hao said is too exaggerated, he likes to hear it.

Cheng Hao blew on himself and Lin Yuxun again, and Danny woke up.

Cheng Hao walked over to Danny, picked him up, and kissed him: "Danny, you are the bravest boy! You are not afraid at all when you come to a strange place!"

Danny didn't know what Cheng Hao was praising him at all, but he was very happy and laughed happily.

Beautiful day begins.

After Danny washed up, they went to have breakfast together.

This hotel is not bad, but it’s not a particularly good hotel. Apart from anything else, there are very few types of breakfast, and there is only one egg, sausage, and barbecue per person. Bread and drinks are self-service, and you can do whatever you want access.

The hotel should do this to save money.

Unfortunately, they met Cheng Hao.

The bread in the hotel was not very good. Many guests didn't eat anything else after eating their own portion of egg sausage, but Cheng Hao was different. He just ate the bread for five people.

The way the restaurant waiter looked at Cheng Hao changed.

When Cheng Hao finally finished eating... Old George brought Claude back again.

Claude ate a portion for six.

The waiter was already dumbfounded.

Old George didn't take a bite of the bread. He drank a cup of tea, ate his share of egg sausage barbecue, and then said to Cheng Hao: "I'm going to see my friends later, you take your brother, and Crowe Go out for a walk."

"No problem." Cheng Hao said.

Old George took out another two hundred dollars to Cheng Hao, pointed to Claude and said, "Buy him some clothes, and you can buy some too."

Cheng Hao agreed.

Claude always wore old George's clothes.

Old George is about the same height as Claude, but he is much thinner than Claude. Claude weighs 200 pounds, which is about 90 kilograms in kilograms. As for Old George, he is up to 70 kilograms.

Old George's clothes, which Claude was wearing, really didn't fit him well.

When Claude was full, Cheng Hao took Claude out.

In the past, in poor communities, there were basically black people at first glance, but now in big cities, there are not many black people, and all white people are everywhere.

Things like spitting, going to the toilet anywhere, quarreling, cursing and even fighting are completely absent here.

This is a completely different world from the poor community they lived in before.

However, they are also a bit out of tune with this world.

In fact, Cheng Hao, Lin Yuxun, and Danny are okay, mainly because of Claude...

Wearing ill-fitting clothes, with messy hair and beard, Claude, who has no temperament at all, is always watched with guarded eyes when he walks on the road, which makes Cheng Hao and Lin Yuxun start to be attracted by others. Watch with a wary eye.

Cheng Hao is fine, but Lin Yuxun and Claude are very sensitive, and immediately shivered.

Cheng Hao said to Lin Yuxun: "Don't care about other people's opinions, you crush them in terms of IQ! I guarantee that they will not understand the books you read!"

Lin Yuxun smiled.

Cheng Hao looked at Claude again: "Claude, why are you running around? You are so strong, you are the strongest person in the world, you don't have to be afraid of them at all."

Claude was a little confused: "Really?"

"Of course it's true. You are much stronger than me, aren't you? You are a person loved by God, so you are born so powerful." Cheng Hao said.

Claude was also happy.

Lin Yuxun suddenly looked at Claude a little unpleasantly...

Although the simple-minded Claude stopped shrinking after being praised by Cheng Hao, but they can't go on like this...

Cheng Hao finally decided to take Claude to buy clothes first.

Old George gave two hundred dollars, but they couldn't afford too good and expensive clothes. Cheng Hao wanted to find a cheaper store, but there was no such store near the hotel.

Cheng Hao asked someone, and then took Lin Yuxun and others to wait for the bus.

They planned to go to the city center where there were many shops, and there was a cheap supermarket there, where Claude could buy clothes.

Most of the people on the bus were white people. After they boarded, some people squeezed their bags tightly and tried to stay away from them as much as possible.

Cheng Hao was also a little helpless about this.

In the United States, there are many low-level people who don’t have jobs and rely on stealing for a living. Some people in their communities even take trains to big cities to steal, which makes many people unfriendly to black people who don’t dress well.

As for a yellow man like him, the treatment will not be any better than that of black people.

However, Cheng Hao felt that their thinking was too one-sided.

He lived in a poor community, and he found that most of the people who would do bad things and steal things were well-dressed, and they were not as indecent as Claude... those thieves, they would even wear Pierre Cardin's custom-made clothes.

Although they were guarded all the way, they managed to reach the city center.

Cheng Hao didn't care much about other people's eyes, he asked someone for directions, and then went to the cheap supermarket.

This is a small two-story building. There is a staircase in the middle of the entrance. The space on the left side of the stairs sells women's clothing, and the space on the right side of the stairs sells all kinds of shoes. The railings on both sides of the stairs are full of various bags, while men's clothing and Children's clothing is on the second floor.

Cheng Hao and the others went straight upstairs and began to pick out clothes.

Clothes here are not expensive, and men's cotton coats only cost ten to twenty dollars, and trousers are even cheaper than buying in the neighborhood where they live.

Cheng Hao took the people and picked it up.

He found that both Claude and Danny like bright clothes, while Lin Yuxun prefers black, white and gray.

Cheng Hao let them choose by themselves, and he will give some suggestions.

Old George gave Cheng Hao two hundred dollars, but not all of it was for Claude, and Cheng Hao also had a share in it.

Cheng Hao knew this, but after thinking about it, he still used it all to buy things for Claude.

Claude was penniless when his younger brother Chester threw him to Old George. He actually lacked a lot of things.

Cheng Hao bought him three sets of thick clothes from head to toe, and some discounted clothes such as short sleeves, all in bright colors that he liked.

He is dark, but he immediately stands out when he puts on bright colors.

Claude was very happy, and kept asking Cheng Hao: "Are these all for me? Are they really for me?"

"Yes, these are all for you." Cheng Hao said, and asked again: "Is there anything else you want?" Of the two hundred dollars, there are still ten dollars left.

Claude said: "I want a pair of glasses, a pair of beautiful eyes!"

"Okay, I'll buy you a pair." Cheng Hao said, this supermarket also sells cheap sunglasses, and he asked Claude to pick a pair.

Claude chose a pair of glasses with orange rims, and after putting them on, his voice suddenly became crying: "Oh, God, I have so many new clothes, and I still have glasses! I've always wanted a pair like this Glasses!"

As he talked, he took off his glasses to wipe his tears, and said to Cheng Hao repeatedly: "Cheng, do you know? I like glasses like this, I've always wanted glasses like this."

Cheng Hao doesn't know why he wants glasses, but he can probably guess that these glasses have a special meaning to him.

Cheng Hao said: "Put on your glasses, you look good after wearing them."

"Yes, I think I'm pretty too!" Claude said, sniffling and putting his glasses back on.

Cheng Hao patted him on the shoulder: "It's so cool!" Claude's facial features are not good-looking, and his back is slightly hunched, but he dressed in such a colorful way... Cheng Hao suddenly felt that he was indeed a bit good-looking.

Of course, the most beautiful ones are Danny and Lin Yuxun.

What Lin Yuxun chose were simple and elegant black, white and gray clothes.

He has gained a little weight recently and stayed at home all day, his skin has whitened a lot... Cheng Hao said: "Yuxun, you look like a little prince!"

Lin Yuxun is the little prince, Danny is the little angel, and Cheng Hao praised them as usual.

The three of them bought clothes before, but today they only bought a thick coat and two pairs of thick trousers. Cheng Hao also bought a fanny pack for himself, and a schoolbag for Lin Yuxun and Danny.

Danny's schoolbag is red, and Lin Yuxun's schoolbag is the most common black one.

After they bought their clothes, they changed in the dressing room, then left, and then walked directly to the bookstore not far away.

Cheng Hao's current income is unstable, and it is difficult to send Lin Yuxun to a private middle school, but he can buy books for Lin Yuxun.

The bookstore is very big, and there is a sign at the entrance of the bookstore, with the names of some best-selling books written on it. After entering, Cheng Hao also found that besides books, music tapes and video tapes are also sold here.

Cheng Hao has never had the opportunity to learn music, he knows nothing about music, and he is not interested in the movies and TV shows at this time. He didn't even watch these things, so he brought Lin Yuxun and others inside.

There are many, many books here, and they are all English books... Although Cheng Hao is good at English, he still instinctively dislikes English books.

He waved his hand towards those books, and said to Lin Yuxun: "Yuxun, you can choose any book here, we will buy no matter how many books there are today!"

Lin Yuxun laughed: "Okay."

Lin Yu went looking for books. Seeing this, Cheng Hao took Claude and Danny to buy picture books.

Claude has only been to school for a few days, and he can't even write his own name, and Danny doesn't know a few words. When Cheng Hao helped them choose books, he immediately felt that he was a cultural person.

While they were picking, Cheng Hao suddenly saw a yellow man walking in from the door.

A man of yellow race just like him and Lin Yuxun!

This person was probably in his twenties, wearing a pair of thick glasses and an old coat with a very old style, holding a notebook and a pen in his hand, and walked towards the bookshelf as soon as he came.

Cheng Hao didn't know if this person was Chinese, but he was very happy to see a person with the same skin color as himself in a place where there were white and black people everywhere.

"Friend, are you Chinese?" Cheng Hao greeted him in Mandarin.

The man turned his head suddenly and looked at Cheng Hao with excitement: "I am! I am!"