I Raised The Richest Man In The World

Chapter 62: hospitalized


Although Alex called an ambulance very early, Cheng Hao still waited for a while before the ambulance arrived, and then he was carried by Claude.

He's a little taller than Claude, it's really weird to be hugged by a princess, but fortunately Claude put him down quickly...

Cheng Hao was lying on the stretcher, every time he took a breath, it hurt very much, his body was shaking uncontrollably, and there was still a smell of blood in his mouth.

He was stabbed twice when he first crossed over, but he hasn't suffered such a serious injury since then. It's been a long time since.

"Cheng, hold on!" Old George followed up and said to Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao glanced at him and said nothing.

He could still hold on to talk before, but after confirming that he was safe, he relaxed, let alone talk, he didn't even want to breathe...

Well, breathing is a must.

Not only that, but his head was also dizzy.

Cheng Hao closed his eyes and lost consciousness.

"Cheng!" Old George exclaimed.

Alex said: "He will be fine, he has been very smart and has been protecting himself."

After Cheng Hao conceded, Mad Bull kicked him first, but then Cheng Hao blocked those kicks with his hand wearing a boxing glove, so Cheng Hao's injury was not serious, and he was even able to stand upright before stand up.

Old George didn't speak. He knew that Cheng Hao should be fine, but he still couldn't help worrying, and his heart beat faster and faster.

He even regretted bringing Cheng Hao to the black boxing competition.

He should let Cheng Hao continue to exercise. Most boxers only enter the ring after several years of training, don't they

For the next time, Cheng Hao should continue to exercise!

Old George thought so, and smiled wryly again.

Cheng Hao is not necessarily willing to continue boxing.

He is a very smart person, and he has no bad habits, he will not squander money, even if he does not box, he can find another job, maybe he can go to a university...

That should be a better choice for Cheng Hao.

Old George's mood was a little low, but soon, his mood disappeared.

Claude's cries turned his mood from depression to rage.

"Woo... Cheng Hao will be okay? Woo..." Claude cried very sadly.

Old George snapped at him mercilessly, "Shut up!"

Claude didn't dare to speak anymore, sobbed, and reached out to touch Cheng Hao.

Old George said: "Get out of here!" He is in a bad mood now and doesn't bother to pay attention to Claude.

Claude was yelled at, so he could only stay away from Old George pitifully, and continued to sob.

Alex saw this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched, what's going on with this Claude? Even if you have a good relationship with Raging Boy, there's no need to cry like this, right

Or should I say... normal grown men don't cry like that.

It wasn't only Cheng Hao who got into the ambulance, but also Mad Cow.

Mad Cow's situation is also quite miserable, and he also needs treatment.

Cheng Hao has old George and Claude on his side, and Mad Bull has his agent and assistant on his side.

The medical staff have already started to give simple care to Cheng Hao and the mad cow. The manager of the mad cow asked his assistant to take care of the mad cow. He looked at Claude who was reprimanded by the old George: "Hi, what's your name?"

"Claude." Claude replied obediently.

"You've been doing great! You're really strong! You're a great boxer!" said the agent.

"Cheng said that too!" Claude puffed out his chest.

"Are you interested in following me? You should know me. I'm the manager of Mad Bull. I've had many famous boxers in my hands..." The man started to chatter, took out a business card and handed it to Crowe Germany.

Alex couldn't help but said: "You are too shameless, aren't you?" You actually poached someone in front of his manager!

"Claude, if you follow me, I will definitely respect you, and I will never reprimand you like him. I can still give you the best resources!" Mad Bull's agent ignored the others and only talked to Claude. De said: "I will make you rich!"

Claude took the business card.

Alex was about to remind Old George to look at his boxer a little, when he saw Claude handing his business card to Old George: "George, he said he can give me a lot of money, do you want it?" ?”

Mad Bull's manager: "..."

Alex:"… "

Because the ambulance is not big, Old George, who actually saw everything in his eyes: "Haha!"

Old George took the business card and said to Claude: "Don't worry, I'll let him give us a lot of money!" Mad Cow's behavior before was simply murder, and he will definitely demand compensation!

Mad Bull's manager realized this, and his face turned black.

After being interrupted like this, Claude was not so sad and stopped crying. He just asked old George: "George, how is Cheng Hao?"

"He's asleep, please keep your voice down and don't disturb him," said Old George.

Claude was relieved, and now he was not in a hurry at all, so he began to be curious about the things around him and wanted to touch them.

Old George said: "You can't touch anything on this car! If you move around, you will be arrested and never come back!"

Claude immediately withdrew his hand, not daring to move.

But he was so bored, he always wanted to do something... Claude took off Alex's wig, put it on his own head, and said to Old George: "Old George, this is really great, it's very nice to wear. Warm, I want it too, I want red."

Old George gave the stunned Alex a sympathetic look, and said, "You ask Cheng Hao to buy it for you!"

"Okay." Claude nodded and started playing with the wig.

For convenience, he had the same bald head as old George, and now the wig fits very well, but the golden wig doesn't match his complexion.

As for the red ones he wanted... uh...

Alex was so angry that he wanted to grab his wig back, but he didn't dare to move when he saw Claude's thick arms.

It's better for him to be quiet.

This is a man who can knock mad cows away...

The ambulance finally arrived at the hospital, and Cheng Hao and Mad Bull were pushed to the emergency room together.

Cheng Hao's ribs were broken, and his fingers and arms were slightly fractured...but overall the problem was not serious. The doctor told the old George the specific situation: "This little guy is in very good health. He is still young and has the ability to recover." Ye Qiang, as long as a month, the body will be healed."

Old George was a little worried when he heard the words: "Will there be sequelae?"

"No." The doctor said: "You should know that ribs are very long bones." Broken bones in legs or hands are very troublesome, but broken ribs are very simple. Some people don't go to the hospital for broken ribs. They will grow up slowly.

Compared with Cheng Hao's side, the attitude of the doctor at Mad Cow is completely different: "Is he crazy? He took illegal drugs! His trauma is not serious, just lost a few teeth, but I believe , His brain has been destroyed by illegal drugs! His body will also deteriorate!"

"It's really scary. It's fine to take a little stimulant during the game, but he actually ate something like this!"

"What a lunatic!"

Cheng Hao didn't know all of this.

When he woke up, he was already lying in the ward, his nose and hands were bandaged, and there was something on his chest... supposed to fix his ribs

I can't even move now! Of course, it's nothing, the most important thing is that he is hungry.

"Cheng Hao, how do you feel?" Old George asked with concern when he saw Cheng Hao woke up.

Cheng Hao turned his head slightly and looked at Old George: "Old George, do you have fried chicken?"

George Sr.: "...Only Nutritious Meals!"

The hospital will provide nutritious meals, which are very rich in variety, but there is no fried chicken in them, and the weight of a nutritious meal is not much.

No one will give a patient a large piece of barbecue, and those patients can't eat it...

When old George brought the nutritious meal to Cheng Hao, the doctor just came over and said to Cheng Hao: "You will feel a little pain when you breathe, and you won't want to eat. This is a normal phenomenon, but you still have to eat more. It allows you to recover faster."

While he was talking, Cheng Hao urged the old George who was feeding him: "Hurry up!" His own hand was injured and he couldn't eat with a spoon, but the old George was still feeding very slowly...

The doctor was a little dazed looking at the man who was eating so much.

Cheng Hao said again: "I also think I should eat more... Is there anything else? I don't have enough nutritious meals."

The doctor said: "Wait a minute... If there is any extra nutritious meal, I can give it to you."

"Thank you." Cheng Hao thanked.

Doctor: "You're welcome...you have a good appetite."

Cheng Hao ate all of a nutritious meal.

The nutritious meal tasted pretty good, and Cheng Hao was very satisfied, but he was still hungry after eating: "Old George, I remember you have chocolate?"

Old George reluctantly took out the chocolate he had prepared, which was supposed to be given to Cheng Hao after the game.

Cheng Hao ate very satisfied.

Thanks to the United States, there is no custom of eating soup and water when you are sick!

The doctor was very "responsible". After Cheng Hao ate the chocolate, someone actually delivered several nutritious meals: "The gentleman who took medicine in the next ward is still awake, and his nutritious meal is for you. Someone else's... Poor kid, eat it!"

The bones are broken and the nose is crooked. I think my whole body is in pain at the moment. I have been thinking about eating, and I even like the nutritious meals in the hospital so much... How pitiful this child is!

The nurse looked at Cheng Hao with extremely soft eyes.

Old George continued to feed Cheng Hao helplessly: "I've never fed anyone before."

"So I let you have a new try? Isn't it great?" Cheng Hao asked.

"Eat it!" Old George said, and stuffed a mouthful of oatmeal into Cheng Hao's mouth.

He was feeding, and when he looked up, he saw Claude looking at the oatmeal with his eyes shining, looking like he wanted to eat it.

How did he sign such two boxers!