I Raised The Richest Man In The World

Chapter 65: Valentine's Day


Lin Yuxun blushed even more when Cheng Hao said it.

They are all men, I'm afraid Cheng Hao really doesn't care, but he is different.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Yuxun even felt that he was going to take advantage of Cheng Hao.

Various thoughts flashed through Lin Yuxun's mind, but when he really started to scrub Cheng Hao's body, those messy thoughts disappeared.

There were bruises all over Cheng Hao's body.

His injuries weren't just the bandages... His arm was swollen all over.

Lin Yuxun wanted to cry at first, but later, he didn't feel anything at all, but he became more and more careful when scrubbing.

Cheng Hao also felt his careful care, and his heart was warm.

The nurses in the past were not so careful.

Relatives are indeed different.

He didn't have a family in his previous life, but he did after his rebirth.

Cheng Hao was thinking about this, and the tearful little Danny kissed him again.

Cheng Hao suddenly felt... this injury wasn't particularly bad.

Cheng Hao stayed in the hospital for a total of four days, and after Lin Yuxun came to take care of him, he never left, but Old George and the others were persuaded by him to go back to the hotel to live.

Claude is quite noisy, it's really not good to put him in the ward, and he has a lot of things to do... Old George simply took Claude and Bob and left.

But he left Danny, and Danny refused to go.

Cheng Hao was also willing to let Danny stay, so only Lin Yuxun and Danny were left in the ward.

Cheng Hao was lying on the bed watching TV, and Lin Yuxun was teaching Danny to recognize words, such as pointing to Cheng Hao's wounds, teaching Danny the words "injured", and writing words such as "Cheng Hao is injured" Show Danny a sentence like this...

Danny took a pen and copied it. Slowly, he learned both words and sentences.

He is a very attentive child, and he will also copy the words and sentences he has learned in another notebook and look at them from time to time, so that he will not forget what he has learned.

At this time, Lin Yuxun read books on various aspects.

Cheng Hao also cared about Lin Yuxun's study.

After learning that Lin Yuxun planned to learn computer knowledge, Cheng Hao specifically asked about the current development of computers.

He knew that in the 1990s in his last life, home computers existed in China, but he really didn't know how the computer was developed.

Lin Yuxun has a superb memory, and has specifically searched for information in this area, so he told Cheng Hao about the development of computers.

The first generation of electronic tube computers was manufactured at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946, and the cost was as high as 480,000 US dollars. After that, there were transistor computers, and the current computers are already integrated circuit computers.

Just five years ago, there was the first microcomputer.

Three years ago, the first personal computer with color graphics was available.

After listening to Lin Yuxun's description, Cheng Hao realized that the development of computers was much slower than he imagined.

But even so, there are already a lot of people studying computers in various universities in the United States, and people have long realized that it will bring about huge changes.

Cheng Hao began to talk to Lin Yuxun about some computer things, mainly talking about what the future computer would look like. Of course, he always said that it was his expectation.

Cheng Hao had told Lin Yuxun about this before.

At that time, Lin Yuxun memorized everything, but he didn't think much about it. Now that he thought about it deeply, he suddenly found that Cheng Hao seemed to be really talking about the future.

Cheng Hao obviously didn't understand this knowledge, so why did he know this

What the hell did he do before

Lin Yuxun thought about it a lot, and finally felt that there was no need to think about it.

Cheng Hao was sent to him by God.

He believes in Cheng Hao, and he will do his best to help him paint the future Cheng Hao wants.

"Yuxun, technology is the primary productive force. If you study this knowledge carefully, you will definitely become better and better in the future." Cheng Hao said. Since Lin Yuxun likes computers and wants to learn computers, he certainly hopes that Lin Yuxun will study hard.

He didn't expect Lin Yuxun to be very successful, but with Lin Yuxun's situation, it would definitely be no problem to build a few websites in keeping with the trend of the times.

"I want to make money." Lin Yuxun said.

"Study these, and you can make money... If you can, I hope you do what you like, and don't rush to make money." Cheng Hao said, and after finishing speaking, he suddenly found Lin Yuxun looking at him seriously.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Hao asked.

Lin Yuxun said: "It's nothing... Cheng Hao, I'm not short of money now, so don't give me money, even if you give me, I won't spend it."

"Why?" Cheng Hao asked.

"I don't want you to get hurt." Lin Yuxun was very stubborn.

Cheng Hao said: "It's not that if you don't spend money, I won't be injured. If I want to be a boxing champion, I will definitely be injured in the future." He didn't want to lie to Lin Yuxun.

Cheng Hao smiled, but his eyes were firm, Lin Yuxun could only grit his teeth.

Seeing him like this, Cheng Hao sighed: "I promise you, I will never do dangerous things in the future."

Lin Yuxun nodded: "Okay."

On the first day, Cheng Hao was harassed by those agents in the ward, but in the next few days, he never met those people.

There is no doubt that George Sr. made the move.

A few days later, Cheng Hao was discharged from the hospital.

His recovery was so fast that the doctor was amazed, but he didn't suspect anything. Some people's recovery ability is indeed better than others.

In this world, there are always some people who are different, such as Claude, who is born with infinite strength.

Lin Yuxun has been taking care of Cheng Hao for the past few days, but after that conversation, he did not continue the conversation in this regard.

Lin Yuxun also knew that Cheng Hao really liked boxing, otherwise, he would definitely not be able to keep training day after day.

Since Cheng Hao likes it, he really has no reason to obstruct it.

After being discharged from the hospital, Cheng Hao will go back.

Lin Yuxun also wants to follow, but he still has to learn. Cheng Hao has high hopes for him, and he can't let Cheng Hao down.

That afternoon, Lin Yuxun returned to Shi Wenzheng's place.

At the beginning, Lin Yuxun left a note, saying that he had something to leave, and later called Shi Wenzheng, saying that he would be away for a few days, but he did not tell Shi Wenzheng about Cheng Hao's injury.

Cheng Hao felt that it was unnecessary for Shi Wenzheng to visit him specially.

"Yuxun, what happened to you these days?" Shi Wenzheng asked curiously when he saw Lin Yuxun came back.

"Cheng Hao is injured, I'll take care of him." Lin Yuxun said.

"Injured? Why didn't you tell me about it? I should go and have a look." Shi Wenzheng said.

"He was not seriously injured." Lin Yuxun said: "And they often get injured when they punch, it's really nothing."

Lin Yuxun said it lightly, Shi Wenzheng heard it, but felt a little uncomfortable.

But Lin Yuxun already smiled: "Let me cook, now after cooking, we can have fried rice at night."

Seeing Lin Yuxun like this, Shi Wenzheng felt more and more that these two children were precious.

If possible, he is willing to help them more.

Well, he doesn't seem to be able to help much now, the most he can do is introduce a few professors to Lin Yuxun.

He is very serious in his studies, and several professors in the school like him very much...

Lin Yuxun continued his school life, and took the time to send two bags of rice, a jar of rose jam, and some snacks to Old George's address.

He looked at Cheng Hao's passport, and he knew that Cheng Hao's birthday was coming. He sent these as Cheng Hao's birthday present, but when the things were sent to Cheng Hao, it should be Valentine's Day.

Cheng Jinhao's birthday is February 20th, and there is a holiday before his birthday, Valentine's Day.

But this festival has nothing to do with everyone living in Old George's house.

Old George and Arabella have no lovers, and Bob has no object, let alone Claude Danny and Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao's nose is already healed, but his ribs are not healed yet. He can't train, so he watches boxing videos every day and reads various books related to boxing to learn about the boxers at this time.

In addition, he did not forget to stare at Claude for training, consuming Claude's vigorous energy.

This is also impossible...

Although Claude's mind is like a child, he is indeed a grown man. Even if he has no interest in the opposite sex, he still has certain needs. If he doesn't handle them well, something may happen.

As for how to deal with it...

Just let him train.

When he was tired, he didn't think about anything, and he didn't even realize it.

On Valentine's Day, Cheng Hao received many things from Lin Yuxun.

He is not very interested in other things, but he really likes those two bags of rice.

It was Lin Yuxun who understood him!

What made Cheng Hao even more happy was that Lin Yuxun actually remembered his birthday... Among these gifts, there was a card to congratulate him on his happy birthday in advance.

"Your two younger brothers are very good." Old George said when he saw the card.

"That is." Cheng Hao was a little proud: "Tonight, I will cook rice for you!"

"What's so good about rice?" asked old George, who had eaten rice before and had no interest in it.

"It's very delicious! You will definitely like it!" Cheng Hao said, Old George and the others probably wouldn't like simple rice...but he can make fried rice with eggs and other rice.

Cheng Hao put boiled rice in a small baking dish, added a little water and seasoning, put peas, bacon, corn on top, and put it in the oven for a while... In this way, bacon should be made Rice bowl

Of course, egg fried rice should also be done.

Cheng Hao doesn't know how to cook, but it's not uncommon to see Lin Yuxun and Arabella cooking, and they can still cook things like fried rice with eggs.

The kitchen in Old George's house was large and spacious, and there it looked out onto the yard.

While cooking, Cheng Hao saw a pregnant half-race beauty walking by outside the yard several times.

But the blood of that mixed-race beauty is different from Danny's. She is obviously a mixed-race of black and white, and has a different kind of charm.