I Raised The Richest Man In The World

Chapter 74: champion


After Cheng Hao returned to Gibbs, he continued to train.

Most of the boxers here in Gibbs gave up training with Cheng Hao after they found that they could not do so much training with Cheng Hao, but there were still some people who trained behind Cheng Hao——Claude and Galton People, still train with Cheng Hao.

Neither of them can follow the whole process, they just follow along and rest when they are tired... Claude basically spends more training time than resting time, but Galton...his resting time far exceeds the training time.

But he kept training, and never came to the gym in a suit again.

He wasn't even like at the beginning, when he saw the black people around him, his eyes were not eyes, and his nose was not his nose.

This young master's bad habits have changed a lot.

Cheng Hao noticed this, but he didn't have time to pay attention to this young master, he was too busy...

On this day, Cheng Hao didn't finish all his training until eight o'clock in the evening. He took a shower first, and then went to the mailbox at the door.

He found several letters addressed to himself from the mailbox, all of which were sent by Danny and Lin Yuxun during his participation in the competition.

Cheng Hao walked back with the letter, and as soon as he reached the door of his room, the door of the room next to him opened, Old George came out from inside, looked at the letter in Cheng Hao's hand: "Another letter from Danny? "

"Yes, do you want to watch it together?" Cheng Hao invited Old George.

"Let me see it, and I'll just take a look." Old George said reservedly.

Seeing him like this, Cheng Hao was a little helpless.

Old George would ask to see any letter from Danny.

Cheng Hao was sure that he didn't want to know Danny, but he wanted to know something about Monica from Danny's letter.

He actually cared about Monica, but he just didn't contact Monica... Of course, Monica didn't contact him either. Danny wrote at least one letter to Cheng Hao a week, but Monica never wrote or called old George.

There is a problem with the relationship between father and daughter, but he can't control too much.

During Cheng Hao's competition, Danny sent two letters, which contained many pictures, and some words were marked on the pictures.

Danny said that sister Monica gave him snacks, that the new black woman in charge of cooking made delicious dishes, that Arabella bought him a drawing board, and that he missed Cheng Hao very much.

Cheng Hao imagined Danny's appearance, and his heart softened.

After he read it, he gave Danny's letter to old George, and then took out the photos that others took of him when he went to the game, and then began to write a reply to Danny: "Dear Danny, I I miss you very much too..." Cheng Hao's letter was not long, but after finishing it, he picked up a pen and drew some pictures on the blank space of the letter paper.

He has not completely forgotten the skills left to him by the original owner, which is good.

After Cheng Hao finished drawing, he put the letter and photos into an envelope. At this time, Old George had finished reading Danny's letter.

He put down the letter and left. After old George left, Cheng Hao went to read Lin Yuxun's letter.

Lin Yuxun's letter is written in Chinese, probably because the only Chinese book he has read so far is "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", which is a bit pedantic.

Fortunately, it does not affect reading.

What he wrote in the letter were all small things, but reading it made people feel warm... After Cheng Hao finished reading it, he felt that no matter how tired he was, it was worth it.

Cheng Hao was thinking about how to reply when there was a sudden knock on his door.

Standing up and opening the door, Cheng Hao saw Galton.

Young Master Galton was wearing a striped suit, with his hair combed back, dressed as if he was going to a banquet... Cheng Hao frowned slightly: "Is there something wrong?"

"My parents brought me some seafood by air, do you want to try it?" Master Galton said condescendingly.

"I don't want to." Cheng Hao directly wanted to close the door, he just wanted to sleep now, and he was not interested in seafood.

"Wait!" Galton propped the door with his hand: "You lived in a slum since you were a child, so you should never have eaten seafood, right? I have big lobsters..."

"I'm really not interested." Cheng Hao closed the door with force—his strength was much stronger than Galton's!

As for seafood such as big lobsters, he had eaten them in his previous life.

He doesn't dislike eating seafood, and he also thinks seafood is delicious, but he doesn't have the feeling that seafood is so delicious that there is nothing on earth.

Not to mention his appetite in this life, even in his previous life... he could eat a hundred or so big lobsters.

Back in the room, Cheng Hao simply wrote a reply and fell asleep.

Galton outside the door was furious.

He did a lot of psychological construction before putting down his airs and inviting Cheng Hao to have dinner together, but Cheng Hao didn't take him seriously at all!

For the next half month, Cheng Hao has been training.

In the first few days after he finished training at night, he was able to take a shower and read the letter before going to bed. Later... he moved the time to read the letter until the morning.

I really have no energy at night.

Even, he couldn't get up in the morning.

But he still gets up.

And his performance shocked Gibbs: "Cheng, I thought you would not be able to persevere, but I didn't expect you to persevere... You are an amazing person."

"Thank you." Cheng Hao said, this kind-looking white old man who wanted him to be a boxing trainer at the beginning was really cruel to him!

But it's also for his own good... Gibbs spends far more time with him these days than with anyone else.

"You will become a world champion." Gibbs said again: "You have such a talent, and you are willing to work hard for it."

"I think so too." Cheng Hao laughed.

"Come on! You can win a national youth boxing champion first." Gibbs said.

After Cheng Hao talked with Gibbs, he set off for the game again.

This time, the competition is not in the original city, and even going to another state.

Old George decided to take Cheng Hao by train - he was a little bit against the plane, it is said that he had seen the plane crash with his own eyes.

It's a rare experience to see a plane go down...

Cheng Hao used to take high-speed trains in China, and various inspections were very strict, but the inspections in the United States are not strict, and it is easy to buy tickets.

Before Old George got on the train, he reminded Cheng Hao to be careful of pickpockets, but after the reminder, he paused again: "Well, there is nothing on you that can be stolen..."

"Yes, I'm poor." Cheng Hao got on the train with his suitcase.

There are four people going to the competition this time, Cheng Hao, Bob, Old George and Claude.

The train took more than ten hours, so old George generously booked a sleeper berth. After Cheng Hao got on, he took a nap first, woke up in the middle, had something to eat, and then went back to sleep.

His recovery ability is really strong. He slept all the way on the train, and when he participated in the competition, he didn't have any discomfort.

The opponent Cheng Hao encountered this time was much stronger than the opponent he had encountered before.

Cheng Hao found that Gibbs' training camp was very useful. During the hard training day after day, he practiced many movements instinctively, and sometimes he knew how to perform without thinking too much. punched.

If it was him before the training camp, it would not be easy to win all the way, but now he...he has won all the way.

Old George was worried that the referee would be unfair and asked him to knock down his opponent. In his previous life, he had indeed seen descriptions of referees being unfair in some boxers' autobiographies, so as long as he could knock down his opponent, he would definitely not give up doing so.

As a result, the title of "Rage Boy" became more and more famous.

Some of his opponents had given up on the fight before they could even face him.

There was almost no suspense for Cheng Hao, who became the champion of the 75kg class.

Others' games are not over yet, and Cheng Hao hasn't won the trophy yet, but he is already in a very good mood—Lin Yuxun said he would come to him.

At this time, Lin Yuxun had already arrived outside the stadium.

The city where Cheng Hao participated in the competition was a bit far away. He shouldn't have traveled all the way here to find Cheng Hao, but he still came.

Last time Cheng Hao won the regional championship, when he went to find Cheng Hao, Cheng Hao was obviously very happy... He wanted to make Cheng Hao happy.

Of course, the most important thing is that he loves Cheng Hao.

He wants to see Cheng Hao.

Even though he didn't dare to let Cheng Hao know his feelings, he still wanted to treat Cheng Hao better, and even better, and wanted to get close to Cheng Hao.

The last time Lin Yu searched for Cheng Hao, he didn't contact Cheng Hao. After all, he was in his own city. He knew the exact time of the game. Home, nothing serious.

But this time is different.

It would be a great loss if he didn't see Cheng Hao on this trip all the way.

After Cheng Hao went to the city where the competition was held, he called him, and he made this call the night before he went out and told Cheng Hao what he was going to do.

Cheng Hao disagreed, but he was quite firm, and finally got on the train.

The train ticket Lin Yuxun bought was a seat ticket. He took the train for more than ten hours before finally arriving in the city where Cheng Hao participated in the competition, and then got on the bus after asking someone.

A taxi would be cheaper, but he didn't want to waste money.

As for a waste of time... He can also learn when he is in the car.

What he lacks most now is all kinds of knowledge, and when he went out this time, he borrowed several books to memorize and read them all the time on the way.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon when Lin Yuxun arrived at the place where the competition was held.

When he was on the train, he was reluctant to buy food, he brought his own food, but now, the food has already been eaten.

The train plus the bus, he spent twenty hours on the road, tired and hungry, but when he saw the gymnasium, he felt it was all worth it.

"Tony!" Bob called Lin Yuxun.

After knowing what Lin Yuxun was coming, Cheng Hao asked Bob to wait at the door, and now he just picked up Lin Yuxun.

"Bob!" Lin Yuxun ran over: "Is the game not over yet? Can I see Cheng Hao's game?"

"The game is not over, but you can't see Cheng's game anymore! His opponent was injured in the previous game, so he retired directly today." Bob said.

Not being able to see Cheng Hao's game, Lin Yuxun was not disappointed, but felt a sense of relief.

The competition is dangerous, and if possible, he hopes that Cheng Hao will never participate in the competition.

"Although you can't see the game, you can see the awards ceremony!" Bob took out a pass to Lin Yuxun: "Let's go in!"

Lin Yuxun hung the pass around his neck and walked in.

He was brought to Claude and didn't see Cheng Hao right away, but after a while the awards ceremony started, Cheng Hao stepped onto the podium.

There are many people who won the championship, including whites and blacks, but Cheng Hao is the only one of the yellow race, who is particularly eye-catching, and people around him always mention him: "That violent boy really won the championship!"

"He's doing pretty well, and he's probably going to be a professional boxer in the future."

"Professional boxing will have another powerful little guy."

When Lin Yuxun heard such an argument, his heart was warm. When Cheng Hao was introduced, he yelled loudly like other audience members.

When he shouted, he still had the feeling that Cheng Hao was looking at him!

This may be just his illusion, but he is willing to believe that Cheng Hao is really looking at him!

Lin Yuxun waved his hands, and when the awards ceremony was over, he squeezed through the crowd to meet the champions: "Cheng Hao! Cheng Hao!"

He yelled a few times, and then saw Cheng Hao smiling at him, ran over to give him a hug, and stuffed the trophy into his arms: "I'm glad you're here, I'll give you the trophy!"