I Raised The Richest Man In The World

Chapter 9: paper airplane


The bar was very dark, and although there was no one there at the moment, the smell of smoke left over the years had already permeated the walls and filled the entire room.

It smells weird, obviously not something that ordinary cigarettes can leave behind... Cheng Hao felt that it was a bit unreliable to hold his breath—he couldn't stop breathing all the time.

When he settles down, can participate in regular boxing matches and gain a certain reputation, he will definitely not come to such a place again.

Although Cheng Hao thought so in his heart, at this time, he still urgently needs such a job.

After entering the bar, Cheng Hao realized that the inside of the bar was much bigger than he had imagined, and at this moment, someone was cleaning the bar.

They cleaned up all kinds of garbage, including vomit.

The old black man who brought him in found a chair to sit down, and then looked at Cheng Hao: "Little guy, do you know the rules for boxing here?"

Cheng Hao said: "I don't know, I only know that I am short of money."

"Well, most of the people who come here to box are like you." The black man said, "I can tell you the rules here. My name is George. What's your name?"

Cheng Hao had guessed before, but now he finally confirmed it—this black man is Old George, the owner of the bar.

Cheng Hao said: "My name is Cheng Hao, you can call me Cheng."

"Okay, then I will call you Cheng from now on." Old George said, and while smoking a cigarette, he talked to Cheng Hao about the rules of boxing here.

In regular boxing matches, you need to be weighed before the match, and then you will compete with people of your own weight.

But in places like this, the rules are less stringent.

However, the boxing match here is the same as the regular match. You can't attack the back of the opponent's head, throat, or crotch. A little, but I don't want to kill people.

"In my place, you may need to fight someone who is heavier than you, not a little bit heavier, but someone who weighs 20 kilograms. I have a doctor here, but his skills are not good. If you are seriously injured, he may not The method can help you, and this is not a turn-based system, you need to keep fighting with your opponent, and you can only win when you knock him down..." Old George said a lot.

Cheng Hao thought about it and felt that he could accept it: "How to calculate the remuneration? You know, I need money."

Old George said: "Anyone who comes here to watch a boxing match must place a bet! From the total amount bet on each boxing match, 4% will be drawn as the winner's revenge, and 1% will be taken as the loser's bet." remuneration."

"What about the rest?" Cheng Hao asked.

Old George said: "The rest, five percent belongs to me, and ninety percent is distributed to those who bet and won."

It's smart for old George to do this, at least his bar will never lose money, Cheng Hao said: "I agree."

"How old are you?" Old George asked, "I need to register your information."

"Sixteen." Cheng Hao said.

"Very young." Old George glanced at Cheng Hao, and asked a few more questions, such as where to live, but Cheng Hao couldn't answer, and he didn't care.

He simply registered Cheng Hao's information, and finally said: "There will be games here every Tuesday and Friday. You can come here in advance, and I will arrange it for you."

"Thank you." Cheng Hao said, and asked again: "What day is today?"

Old George said gruffly, "Tuesday! Are you coming to-night?"

Cheng Hao refused: "I'm afraid I can't do it today." He has injuries, and it would be fatal to come to participate in the competition today... In addition, he also needs time to adapt to his brand new body.

"Then wait until next time." Old George said.

"Okay." Cheng Hao agreed.

Cheng Hao and Old George agreed and left the bar.

And just as he walked out of the bar, he met Chester.

Seeing Cheng Hao, Chester ran over immediately: "How could you do this! You actually left me behind!"

"I never promised to take you in." Cheng Hao said.

Chester was a little angry and kept complaining, Cheng Hao finally couldn't help but waved his fist: "Do you want to taste my fist?"

Chester shrank his neck and ran away.

Seeing that he was gone, Cheng Hao walked to the place where Lin Yuxun lived.

The rolling door is still broken, he can try to snap the door back later... Cheng Hao took out the key and was about to open the door when he saw a black man who looked like a ball running towards him.

He is not very good at distinguishing the appearance of black people and white people. He doesn't know how to describe the appearance of the black people in front of him. One thing is certain, this black person is really fat!

"Stinky boy! Are you living with Tony now?" The fat black man asked loudly.

Hearing this voice, Cheng Hao knew who this person was - this is the landlord who appeared last night and this morning.

At that time, he only heard the voice of the landlord, but now he can see the appearance of the landlord clearly.

It can be seen that he is doing well.

Cheng Hao said: "No, I'm his classmate. I came here because I needed something from him, but a few black people knocked on the door and broke it, so I can't leave." The landlord said before that if one more person lives, the rent will be increased... It's already very embarrassing to eat and live for free, and Lin Yuxun can't be asked to pay more rent.

However, he was penniless and couldn't pay the rent, not to mention, he even hoped to continue living here - if Lin Yuxun didn't let him live, he would end up living on the streets.

The fat landlord looked at Cheng Hao suspiciously: "Boy, is what you said true?"

"It's true! Mister, those black people were so hateful yesterday that they broke your door. Don't worry, I will find a way to fix it for you!"

When Cheng Hao said this, the landlord's attention was diverted, and he cursed those black people who smashed the door. Of course, he didn't forget to ask Cheng Hao to compensate: "If it weren't for you, those black people would not come to smash my door, so You must fix the door!"

Cheng Hao repeatedly agreed.

Only then did the landlord leave satisfied. Seeing him leaving, Cheng Hao heaved a sigh of relief, opened the door and entered the house.

Last night, Lin Yuxun's washed clothes were placed outside to dry in the shade, while in the bedroom inside, Danny was playing with the ring-pull can again.

Cheng Hao took a look and found that one of the five sandwiches he brought back had been opened, but he only ate half of it.

The child is a deaf-mute and can't understand his own words, but Cheng Hao has nothing to do, so he just sat next to him, then picked up the old newspaper that Lin Yuxun wrote his name on yesterday, tore it open, and folded a part of it A paper airplane.

Danny didn't pay attention to him at first, but then stared at him without batting an eyeball.

The paper airplane was quickly folded, Cheng Hao glanced at Danny, and threw the paper airplane forward.

The paper airplane just flew out.

Danny's mouth opened slightly, but he didn't move, his eyes were firmly glued to the paper airplane.

Cheng Hao smiled, picked up the paper airplane, and threw it out again.

The paper airplane flew out in a circle, then circled and landed on the ground.

Cheng Hao picked up the paper airplane again and put it in Danny's hands.

Danny stared at the paper plane for a moment, then threw it forward.

He is not very good at throwing paper airplanes, it fell down quickly, but he was still very happy to see it. He got up from the bed, climbed out of bed to pick up the paper airplane.

Cheng Hao was worried about whether the child would have other problems before, but now he is more relieved and has guessed about the child's previous performance.

His mother passed away, and he was only accompanied by a brother who wasn't very close... Maybe he just behaved deliberately.

Danny was a child, and a child without toys and playmates.

A paper airplane that is very common to others, he likes it very much. After playing in the bedroom for a while, he felt that the place was too small. He took a look at Cheng Hao and went to play in a bigger room outside.

Cheng Hao also followed out.

He knew the kid couldn't hear, but seeing him having fun, he still smiled and praised: "Danny is awesome!"

"It was a good throw this time!"

"you are great!"

Cheng Hao's parents died early in his previous life, and his family was very poor before his parents died. Therefore, after joining the provincial boxing team, he suffered from psychological problems and felt a little too low self-esteem.

Later, the teacher of the boxing team took him to see a psychiatrist and praised him in different ways, so he walked out slowly.

He also found that psychological hints are very important. For example, he kept hinting to himself that he would become the most powerful boxer in the world, and later he really won the world championship.

In those years, he has read some psychological books one after another. Although he has not studied systematically, he knows at least one thing, that is, children need encouragement, love and affirmation.

Danny can't hear it, but he can see it.

He stands by, pays attention to Danny, applauds Danny, Danny will definitely be very happy.

Cheng Hao was right.

Although Danny started playing, his movements were slow and he didn't smile, but when he sat by and watched, smiling and applauding, Danny's movements became faster and faster.

When he threw the paper airplane, he didn't stand up and throw it flat like he did at the beginning. He even started to jump up and throw it.

Seeing Danny like this, Cheng Hao clapped his hands even more, and gave Danny a thumbs up: "You are amazing, Danny!"

After Danny threw the paper airplane, he went to see Cheng Hao. Now seeing Cheng Hao like this, the corners of his mouth curled up, showing a smile.

He is of mixed race, and he is already beautiful. Probably because he always stays indoors and does not go out, his skin is very white and almost flawless. Now his smile looks extremely cute, like a little angel.

Cheng Hao stood up, gave him a hug, and gave him a thumbs up again.

Danny was even happier, and ran to pick up the paper airplane with a smile again.

Cheng Hao stood by and kept encouraging.

The boy Danny has only been running for a while, and he is out of breath. He is obviously lacking in exercise. Give him more encouragement and let him run around the house!

"Danny, you are such a little angel!" Cheng Hao said, just as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of the rolling door shaking, and at the same time saw Lin Yuxun getting out from under the rolling door.

After he entered the room, he thought about ventilating, so he didn't close the door. Anyway, the door can only be raised less than one meter, and people outside can't see what's inside, and won't reveal privacy.

Because of this, Lin Yuxun can get in without a key.

Lin Yuxun's clothes were a little dirty, and he looked very tired. At this moment, he stared straight at Cheng Hao, blankly.

Cheng Hao showed him a big smile and greeted him: "Lin Yuxun, you are back!"

"Hmm." Lin Yuxun said, his eyes were red.

Every time he used to go home, the house was quiet and there was no sound, but today, before he reached the door, he heard Cheng Hao's voice, and when he came in, he saw Danny smiling so happily.

Lin Yuxun's heart beat faster and faster, and his eyes became more and more sore.

When his mother was still alive, there were sounds in the house, but it was usually the noise of his mother and her cohabitants, the sound of his mother beating and scolding Danny, or the sound of his mother crying when she was drunk.

There had never been such a happy sound in his home.

Lin Yuxun felt that his exhaustion was swept away, and his whole body was refreshed.

Cheng Hao noticed that Lin Yuxun's eyes were red, and walked over immediately: "Did someone bully you? Are you okay?"

While playing, Danny paid attention to Cheng Hao. At this time, he also saw Lin Yuxun. He stopped playing with paper airplanes. He ran to Lin Yuxun's side and pulled Lin Yuxun's clothes, looking at Lin Yuxun worriedly.

Lin Yuxun said: "I'm fine... I'm just happy to see Danny smiling so happily."

"This kid is very smart." Cheng Hao said with a smile.

Lin Yuxun gave a "hmm".

Cheng Hao said again: "Sit down and rest for a while, and I'll get you a glass of water."

He said, stood up and poured water.

"No need, I'll do it myself." Lin Yuxun hurriedly poured water to drink, and then asked Cheng Hao, "Do you want water?"

"I've had it." Cheng Hao said.

After a moment of silence, Danny stopped playing with paper airplanes and looked at Cheng Hao and Lin Yuxun worriedly.

Cheng Hao picked up the paper airplane and gave it to him: "Danny, keep playing."

Danny couldn't hear the sound, but he could understand the movement. He held the paper airplane, smiled at Cheng Hao, and threw the paper airplane out again.

Cheng Hao continued to praise.

The atmosphere in the room was different again.

Lin Yuxun looked at Danny enviously, feeling happy and sour at the same time—no one played with him before.

Cheng Hao noticed Lin Yuxun's expression. Lin Yuxun's age is about the same age as those kids who just entered the boxing team he taught before... Cheng Hao folded a paper airplane with a newspaper and handed it to Lin Yuxun: "Do you want to play?"

Lin Yuxun held the paper airplane and stared blankly at Cheng Hao.

"It's actually quite fun." Cheng Hao said cheekily, well, he actually doesn't think paper airplanes are any fun at all.

"En." Lin Yuxun responded.

Playing with paper airplanes seems very naive, but when he was naive, he never played with paper airplanes...

His father is busy with work and earning money every day, and he doesn’t talk to him ten words a month, so naturally he won’t take him to play. As for his companions... After his mother leaves, he has to go home to prepare food and wash clothes, so he doesn’t have much time You can play, and other children don't want to take him to play.

Lin Yu threw the paper plane out in a strange way. After throwing it out, he was so shocked that he realized what he had done, and ran over to pick up the paper plane.

Then he held the paper airplane and didn't let go.

He is not young, and Cheng Hao doesn't force him to play... He praised Danny from time to time, and then folded a boat with newspapers.

After folding, he gave it to Lin Yuxun.

Lin Yuxun opened his hands, put the boat in his palm, and held it solemnly.

Cheng Hao smiled and started folding other things. When he was in kindergarten in his last life, he had origami classes. He always folded things quickly and well, so the teacher taught him to fold a few extra things.

At that time, his family was not rich, and there was nothing to play with, but he still had a lot of paper, so he folded and played repeatedly, and he would take the initiative to learn any new folding methods. First.

He hasn't folded anything for many years, but his childhood memory is very clear... Cheng Hao is folding everything at this moment.

Just paper boats, he can fold four different kinds, paper cranes, flowers, turtles and so on, he even folded a gold ingot.

When his mother passed away, he watched the coffin with his relatives. Feeling empty, he followed them to learn how to fold ingots. In the end, he learned three different ways to fold ingots...

Cheng Hao tore the newspaper piece by piece, folded many things, and finally folded a heart for Danny—after he folded more and more things, Danny stopped playing with paper airplanes and ran to the side Come see him origami.

Receiving the love, Danny smiled again.

Lin Yuxun held the paper airplane in one hand and the paper boat in the other, glanced at Danny, and then at Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao is completely different from them, and I don't know when he will leave...

Lin Yuxun felt that his heart and lungs seemed to be tightly grasped by someone. It hurt a little and he couldn't breathe.

But at this time, Cheng Hao felt that the time was almost up: "Lin Yuxun, I have a presumptuous request..."

"What?" Lin Yuxun straightened his sitting posture, a little nervous.

"I don't have a place to live for now, can I live here?" Cheng Hao asked. He has no money and knows no one. If only he could live here.

Lin Yuxun almost jumped up, and he nodded without thinking: "Of course!"