I Raised The Richest Man In The World

Chapter 91: professional boxer


After Old George moved to the outskirts of a big city and lived in a relatively better community, Cheng Hao spent more time outdoors.

Previously in the slums, it was really not suitable for outdoor activities, but it is different here.

If you run out here, you can see the farm, river and even the woods. The scenery is good, but the people here are quite friendly, especially Cheng Hao has run a lot, and after getting to know the people around him, there are neighbors who give him food of.

Generally speaking, Cheng Hao will go for an hour of running in the morning, and in the evening, he will take Danny out to play again.

As a result, this day, when he took Danny out, he was stopped by someone.

The person who stopped him was Eustace Merton whom he had met a few days ago.

Cheng Hao frowned and looked at the person in front of him, and Eustace also looked at him with a bad expression.

"Let's talk," said Eustace.

"I don't want to talk to you." Cheng Hao said.

"Talk if you don't want to!" Eustace said, just as he finished speaking, the two assistants behind him looked at Cheng Hao with their chests folded.

Cheng Hao looked at Eustace with an ugly face.

If it's just him, it's not a big problem for him to run away at this time, but there is Danny here.

Danny's weight is not light. He hugged Danny, and he probably couldn't outrun the three people in front of him.

"What do you want to talk about?" Cheng Hao asked.

Eustace sneered: "Of course it's a contract."

Cheng Hao looked at Eustace, waiting for Eustace to continue, but he didn't speak, but a person got out of the car next to him and said to Cheng Hao: "Hello, I'm Eustace's manager, Let's talk."

Eustace is a man full of aggression and aggressiveness. He is not easy to get along with at first glance, and his methods of blocking Cheng Hao are even tougher.

This manager is different. The person in front of him gives people a feeling of spring breeze, and makes people feel that he is very gentle and easy to get along with.

At the same time, he also came up with a great contract.

This is to hit a stick first, and then give a sweet date.

Cheng Hao didn't even have the urge to take a look at the contract, but Eustace was still eyeing him, and Danny was still dazed.

Cheng Hao looked at the contract and said, "I want to think about it."

"Think about it." The agent smiled at Cheng Hao: "I can't say that Old George is a bad agent, but he is really outdated. You have no future if you follow him. You should have a better one." choose."

Cheng Hao didn't speak.

The agent accepted the contract from Cheng Hao, and took out a business card to Cheng Hao: "After you decide, you can call me, our OC lacks fighters of your age, as long as you sign with me, we can give you Your best resource, making you a boxing champion, making millions a year... like Eustace."

Cheng Hao took the business card, and these people let go of his surroundings.

On the way back, Cheng Hao tore up his business card and threw it into the mud. When he got home, he looked at Old George: "Old George, I met Eustace outside today. Fortunately, I ran away quick."

He didn't tell old George about this kind of thing. If old George heard about it elsewhere, he would be angry.

If he said directly that he had read the contract, old George might not be happy either.

He simply said so.

"Did he say anything?" Old George, who was slumped on the sofa and smoking a cigarette, suddenly sat up.

"I just want me to sign the contract... Old George, then you take me and Claude to Gibbs's training every day, let's hide." Cheng Hao said.

Old George took a deep look at Cheng Hao: "Thank you."

The next day, Old George took Cheng Hao and Claude to Gibbs for training.

Gibbs welcomes Cheng Hao very much, but he doesn't welcome Claude, because Claude doesn't listen to him, and things like running to play or to eat often happen.

Once Claude came, he had to put most of his energy on Claude, and it was not so convenient to point out other people.

Of course, if old George came along, Gibbs would not hate Claude, anyway, Claude was under the supervision of old George!

Even in that case, he would be more than happy to see George Sr. chasing Crowder.

When he was free, he was also happy to let Claude fight with the boxers who were training with him, so that those boxers who were training with him would be sober.

Claude... really strong.

Those boxers who train with Gibbs and still feel that they are very good, after fighting Cheng Hao and Claude, will be as quiet as a chicken and never dare to speak out.

Cheng Hao trained like this for a month, and in March, the National Golden Gloves boxing match began.

Cheng Hao, who has reached the age of eighteen, participated in this competition.

The National Golden Glove Boxing Championship is much more powerful than the youth competition Cheng Hao participated in before, and this competition will even be broadcast live on TV.

Thinking of the live broadcast, Cheng Hao was a little worried.

The original owner of this body was killed by someone looking for revenge. Obviously, his family did not want him to live.

But... he doesn't seem to worry too much

When he crossed over, the appearance of the original owner was already very different from when he was in Hong Kong, and earth-shaking changes have taken place in the past two years.

Cheng Hao is now 1.87 meters tall, including 87 kilograms. He no longer has the slender and youthful feeling he gave people at first.

However, his face is still a little tender, so that some people still regard him as a minor.

Cheng Hao felt that it was not necessarily because of his tender face, but because many people in this country were too mature.

Cheng Hao participated in the 81kg competition, which is second only to the heavyweight class.

In his previous life, due to the increasing weight of boxers, there were two levels above the 81 kg level, but now there is only one level.

The strength of an amateur boxer is very different from that of a professional boxer.

Of course, the top amateur boxers are also very strong, such as those who won the Olympic champions, they are only incomparable with the top professional boxers.

But these powerful amateur boxers, when they make their mark, will become professional boxers...

Cheng Hao's opponents at the beginning were basically ordinary.

It didn't take much time for him to defeat these opponents, and at the same time, he started to have fans.

Professional boxers in the United States attach great importance to their fans, because the more fans they have, the greater their value—some fans will watch every match of their favorite boxer live, not only that, they will also Buy peripherals, buy products endorsed by your own boxer, etc.

For professional boxers, advertising revenue is also a large percentage of overall revenue.

However, although he had fans, there were a lot of people participating in the Golden Gloves competition. Fans from various families were mixed together, so he had no contact with his own fans.

Even Cheng Hao didn't know that Galton actually watched all his games.

Galton has been following Cheng Hao, watching Cheng Hao's game.

His parents didn't let him participate in the game, but they didn't forbid him to watch the game, so he brought his assistant or something, and ran to watch it happily.

Star chasing, if you are alone and just watching stars on TV from a distance, often cannot last long, but if you pursue it with real emotion, and meet a fan group...

It will become more and more vigorous.

Galton was like that.

He met many fans of Cheng Hao, and the more he talked to each other, the more he felt that Cheng Hao was amazing.

"The first time I watched his live match, he was playing black boxing. At that time, he was not yet an adult, just a cute little boy."

"I've been following him since his match against Summer, he's so handsome!"

"What I like is his match with Mad Bull!"

Galton stayed with these people and talked a lot about Cheng Hao's training. He looked like he had a good relationship with Cheng Hao, plus he was rich...he became a fan leader.

Galton likes to be respected and adored like this, and being able to manage a group of people also gives him a sense of accomplishment as a young adult, so he does this "work" very hard.

He was only a little dissatisfied.

After returning to the hotel at night, Galton called Lin Yuxun: "Cheng Hao's game today is very exciting, why don't you come and see it?"

"I'm not free recently." Lin Yuxun said.

"Busy about researching game consoles? You can take this matter for a while," Galton said.

"If I do it too slowly, the company will never make a profit." Lin Yuxun said, he found some classmates to study with him, and he wanted to produce results as soon as possible.

"Slower profit is slower profit, what does it matter?" Galton wondered.

Lin Yuxun: "..." Lin Yuxun was a little jealous of Galton again.

When he and Galton started a company together, Galton took out tens of thousands of dollars and said it was his pocket money, so he cooperated with him.

That's right, Galton usually spends tens of thousands of dollars on clothes and various hobbies. For him, tens of thousands of dollars is really not a problem!

But for everyone else, it's an absolute fortune.

"Did you know? Because Cheng Hao is so good, someone just gave up the game!" Galton said again, looking proud.

Your favorite boxer is really good... there is nothing more gratifying than that!

"I know." Lin Yuxun said: "I will go to the last game."

Now, Lin Yuxun doesn't need to worry about his studies at school anymore, and he is already competent for the job at Professor Chapman's place, so he spends a lot of time in that newly established company.

However, when Cheng Hao wins, he will still go.

The Golden Glove boxing match was a little darker than Cheng Hao imagined.

When there were two boxers fighting, one of them had the upper hand, but he couldn't knock down his opponent until the end. As a result, the referee even judged the loser to win.

There was a lot of "boo" in the audience, and when Cheng Hao played, he hit harder-it was safer to knock people down.

Decades later, the spirit of competition has been paid more and more attention, and referees' black calls are even more rare, but now... they are quite common.

The power of capital is really powerful in the era of poor information circulation.

Now even if the audience at the scene and the audience in front of the TV feel that something is wrong, they have no other choice but to curse a few words.

Of course, the referee didn't dare to go too far in this kind of live TV game, at least when Cheng Hao was sure to knock someone down, he was the winner.

Cheng Hao became one of the champions and won the gold medal.

When he came down with the medal, there were cheers everywhere, and Cheng Hao was a little excited, and then he subconsciously looked around.

Lin Yuxun never came to this competition...

Just thinking about it, Cheng Hao heard Lin Yuxun calling his name: "Cheng Hao! Cheng Hao!"

Cheng Hao looked over and saw Lin Yuxun.

The Golden Glove Championship lasts for a long time, first with the preliminary rounds in each region, and then the final.

Today, the weather is hot again, and it is the hottest July.

Lin Yuxun was wearing white short sleeves and jeans, standing not far away and looking at himself, those eyes were full of himself... Cheng Hao's heart skipped a beat.

In the past six months, he has been thinking about Lin Yuxun's confession, thinking about it so much that he almost got himself into a ditch.

But he couldn't help but think about it.

No matter how busy Lin Yuxun was, he never stopped writing to him. Even if he wasn't dangling in front of him, he still had a sense of presence.

Cheng Hao walked over, gave Lin Yuxun a hug, and sighed secretly in his heart.

After winning the Golden Glove boxing championship, Cheng Hao was very busy.

During the previous games, he, the only yellow man, attracted a lot of attention, and TV commentators even interviewed him, not to mention now.

A special boxing commentator contacted Old George, wanting to make a feature film for Cheng Hao and show it on TV. In addition, some companies or individuals contacted Old George, wanting to sign a contract with Cheng Hao.

Old George began to choose contracts with Cheng Hao, preparing to make Cheng Hao a professional boxer.

Professional boxers can bring in huge profits and are very expensive, requiring various packages and even a dedicated team.

Old George can't handle all of this by himself, plus there is OC company watching... Cheng Hao and old George unanimously decided to let Cheng Hao sign a contract with a new company. Bad company.

The conditions offered by this company to Cheng Hao are also very good, and the signing bonus is very generous, but the old George talked with the other party, and finally decided to reduce some of the signing bonus, and then increase Cheng Hao's share ratio.

"Cheng, you have to know that you will become better and better. In this case, you have to take a long-term view, not just in front of you!"

Cheng Hao agrees with Old George's words. Most importantly, even the reduced signing bonus is more generous than Cheng Hao imagined.

All this made Cheng Hao feel that it was very right for him to choose this path.

The abbreviation of the company that Cheng Hao signed is ZYF. The founder of this company is very young, but in his early thirties. He is a boxing enthusiast and has a wealthy father. He invested in the establishment of such a company, and he and Cheng Hao The contract was signed for four years, with a signing bonus of 300,000 US dollars. After signing the contract, the company will provide Cheng Hao with resources for packaging.

After that, the company will take 12% of Cheng Hao's advertising and endorsement income, and 20% of other income.

At the same time, Old George also signed a contract with Cheng Hao and the company. He will become Cheng Hao's agent, regardless of Cheng Hao's advertising revenue, but he will get 20% of the boxing income.

That is to say, in the future, Cheng Hao can get 88% of his income after paying taxes and deducting part of the cost from shooting advertisements. If it is the income from participating in competitions, then he can get 60%.

This contract is already very lucrative, at least it is more lucrative than the OC company's contract that Cheng Hao has seen before.

Of course, if the OC company wants to sign a contract with him now, it should give him a better contract. After all, he is also the one who has won the Golden Glove champion now!

The signing bonus of 300,000 US dollars is after tax. When the money entered his account, Cheng Hao felt a little excited.

After all, he was once impoverished before.

But he was not too excited. After all, in his previous life, after becoming a top athlete, his income was very high. At that time, a variety show invited him to travel, and the salary was several million.

It's a pity he hasn't had time to go...

Cheng Hao took the money calmly and passed it on to Lin Yuxun.

Danny needs a lot of money to install a cochlear implant, maybe 200,000 yuan. In addition, Shi Wenzheng is going back to China. Lin Yuxun will need money for renting a house, sending Danny to study, and so on.

When all the dust settled, it was already the beginning of September. After Cheng Hao went to the bank to handle the transfer, he called Lin Yuxun, and Lin Yuxun came back not long after.

He came by himself.

Lin Yuxun got his driver's license two months ago and bought a second-hand car to drive. The second-hand car is a bit old and only costs three hundred dollars, but it is still very easy to use, except that it is a little louder.

The car stopped in the yard with a "rumbling" sound, and then Lin Yuxun walked down from it.

When Cheng Hao won the gold medal last time, he met Lin Yuxun, but he didn't talk to Lin Yuxun much—they were too busy, and after Lin Yuxun confessed, they slept in the same room and talked all night. It looks weird.

Now, more than a month has passed since that meeting... When Cheng Hao saw Lin Yuxun, he felt that Lin Yuxun seemed to have changed again.

Today's Lin Yuxun is wearing a suit, hairspray, and a pair of glasses on his face. He looks much more mature, and his appearance is getting better and better.

Seeing Lin Yuxun like this, Cheng Hao was slightly taken aback.

"Cheng Hao, why did you give me so much money?" Lin Yuxun asked immediately.

"Are you nearsighted? Why are you wearing glasses?" Cheng Hao asked immediately.

The two looked at each other, and Lin Yuxun took off his glasses: "It's plain glasses, so I look more mature."

Cheng Hao smiled and said: "I'm going to compete in various places, and I may not be able to stay at home...The money is for you, you can find a suitable school for Danny to send him to study, and then help him install a personal salary cochlea."

"What about you?" Lin Yuxun looked at Cheng Hao in disbelief.

Three hundred thousand is not a small amount. It is enough for Cheng Hao to buy a house and a car. It can completely allow Cheng Hao to live a decent life, but now, Cheng Hao gave him all the money

Cheng Hao said: "I usually don't have many places to spend money. Besides, I said that Danny will be fitted with a cochlear implant."

Lin Yuxun looked at Cheng Hao with complicated eyes, not knowing what to say.

Cheng Hao, that's really great.

But Cheng Hao said this... Is Cheng Hao going to hand Danny over to him, and then make a clear distinction with him

Lin Yuxun was in a panic.

Cheng Hao said: "You take the money and take good care of Danny. I will be very busy in the future. "

Now, Cheng Hao is a little unclear about his feelings for Lin Yuxun.

However, he always had the feeling that something would happen if he continued like this with Lin Yuxun.

It just so happened that after becoming a professional boxer, he was destined to be very busy, so Lin Yuxun could calm down.

It is very possible that Lin Yuxun will like him because of gratitude.

After being separated for a while, Lin Yuxun might fall in love with someone else.

Lin Yuxun didn't say anything.

Cheng Hao's smile was bright. He didn't know whether Cheng Hao was really busy or an excuse, but he finally decided to accept the money.

Danny really needs treatment, and...he took Cheng Hao's money, and he can pay it back later, but he will always get entangled with Cheng Hao.

After Cheng Hao became a professional boxer, he was really busy. He had to prepare for the next professional boxing match, strive for a good ranking, and fight everywhere to build his reputation and attract fans.

Cheng Hao couldn't even go home for a long time.

Speaking of which, Old George used to take Eustace around like this, which made his relationship with his wife worse, and let his daughter see that he was not close at all, but was afraid.

Now, he started to live like this again.

Generally speaking, life is getting better and better for Cheng Hao and old George, but the people in OC company are in a bad mood.

After Eustace and his agent approached Cheng Hao, Cheng Hao never responded. They wanted to talk to Cheng Hao again, but they couldn’t find a chance—Old George followed Cheng Hao closely, and he didn’t even relax for a moment !

However, Cheng Hao's attitude was very good at the beginning, and they all thought Cheng Hao would agree.

Eustace was brought up by old George since he was eleven years old, and they all betrayed old George. Why does Cheng Hao have to follow old George all the time

During their investigation, Howe found that old George was not good to him, and even arranged a lot of black boxing matches for him to fight...

Later, when they learned that Cheng Hao had signed up for the Golden Glove competition, they thought they had the answer.

Cheng Hao definitely wants to get a good ranking in the competition, and when he has chips, he will talk to them.

They waited for Cheng Hao to contact them.

OC Company is not in New York State. They paid attention to Cheng Hao, but that's all. So, a few months passed in a blink of an eye, and then they learned that Old George and Cheng Hao had signed contracts with other companies. company of.

Eustace's agent was angry, not to mention Eustace.

Eustace knew very well that old George hated him and would have dealt with him if he had the chance.

Now, Old George has a promising boxer... When Cheng Hao becomes famous, he will definitely challenge and humiliate himself...

This is what he does not want to see.

His company certainly didn't want that either.

Eustace knew that his company had not been profitable in recent years, and because of this, they had trained a strong boxer, whether he was really number one in the world or not, they would make him the champion.

In this case, they certainly don't mind getting rid of a few competitors early.

Eustace looked at his agent: "I think, you should go to the boss and tell him how strong this Cheng Hao is. His talent is much better than mine."

"Are you sure?" asked Eustace's agent.

"I'm sure!" Eustace said, "You've read his investigation report. So far, he's only trained for two years! Is there anyone who won the gold medal in the Golden Glove competition who only trained for two years? His The talent is unparalleled. Moreover, he should want to be the heavyweight champion, and Andy's goal is the same."