I Raised The Richest Man In The World

Chapter 98: apple pie


Seeing that Lin Yuxun gave Cheng Hao the apple pie she gave him, Monica couldn't help but said, "Tony, Arabella has made a lot of apple pies, so you don't have to worry that Cheng Hao doesn't have apple pies to eat."

Of course Lin Yuxun was not worried that Cheng Hao would not have apple pie to eat, he just couldn't accept this "gift" from Monica.

Monica just gave him an apple pie, the apple pie she and Arabella made together, everyone has it, he directly refused to let Monica get off the stage, so he simply took it and gave it to Cheng Hao .

After doing this a few times, Monica should be able to understand what he meant.

Lin Yuxun said, "Monica, I don't like apple pie."

Lin Yuxun actually liked Monica quite a lot before. Monica is a very energetic girl, and he likes such a friend.

But when he found that Monica liked him, he avoided it a little bit.

Monica has delivered food to Lin Yuxun several times. At the first delivery, Lin Yuxun said she didn't like it, she didn't doubt it, but after a few times, she realized that Lin Yuxun was tactfully refusing it - when he usually eats, Lin Yuxun obviously eats everything of!

Monica glared at Lin Yuxun, then went back to the kitchen and brought out some apple pies: "Claude, Danny, eat apple pie!"

Claude is still addicted to the game.

He is really no different from a six or seven-year-old child. He used to be addicted to TV, but now he is addicted to games, and even his enthusiasm for food is not as good as before.

Of course, he still wants to eat the apple pie.

Claude came to the dining table with the game console in both hands. He didn't stop until the snake he was playing accidentally hit and died. He grabbed an apple pie and ate it. While eating, he wanted to play with one hand.

Cheng Hao grabbed his game console: "Claude, play games in moderation."

"Restraint?" Claude looked at Cheng Hao puzzled, and then said, "I want to play!"

"No, you can play after eating. Also, starting tomorrow, you can only play games for three hours a day." Cheng Hao said: "You can only play games after you have finished training." It was Chinese New Year before, so he didn't How to deal with the matter of Claude playing games, but it will definitely be taken care of in the future.

"I don't want it!" Claude said.

Cheng Hao smiled at him: "This is a rule, you must agree."

Although Claude is stupid, he also knows that three hours is not long compared to a whole day. He is holding an apple pie and is about to cry...

Cheng Hao said in time: "If you cry or cheat, the time will be shortened, but if you are obedient, I can give you more time."

Claude held back his tears in time: "I'll be good."

Cheng Hao said: "Then play the game after eating."

Claude finally had a good meal, and at this moment, Danny came over, pointed at the apple pie and asked, "What is this?"

"Apple pie." Cheng Hao said.

Danny kept repeating "apple pie." He got one for himself and another for Monica's daughter, and taught the little girl how to speak: "Apple pie."

The little girl "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Danny repeated to her: "Apple pie, apple pie."

The little girl finally talked to Danny: "The apple pie is delicious."

Danny added, "Apple pie is delicious."

Everyone was eating apple pie, only Lin Yuxun didn't eat it... He said he didn't like it.

He often didn't eat the snacks made by Arabella recently because he said he didn't like them when he refused Monica.

But in fact... He is not picky at all, he can eat whatever he can eat.

"Yuxun, I remember that I have a book with you, you can go get it with me." Cheng Hao took a piece of apple pie, got up and looked at Lin Yuxun.

"What book do you want?" Lin Yuxun stood up.

"A novel." Cheng Hao walked two steps while talking, seeing this, Claude's eyes lit up... However, Cheng Hao, who had taken two steps, came back again, carrying Claude's game machine, and then go upstairs.

The joy in Claude's eyes disappeared, and he continued to eat depressedly. While eating, he forgot about the game console, and became happy again.

Lin Yuxun followed Cheng Hao upstairs, and asked curiously, "Which book do you want?"

Cheng Hao handed Lin Yuxun the uneaten apple pie in his hand.

Lin Yuxun was taken aback.

Cheng Hao said: "Should you be hungry?" It is already afternoon, and he is already hungry. Lin Yuxun has been doing mental work, so he is probably hungry too...

Lin Yuxun was indeed hungry. When he was downstairs, the smell of apple pie kept hooking him.

But he didn't expect that Cheng Hao would give him a piece. It was even possible that Cheng Hao asked for books just casually...

After taking the apple pie, Lin Yuxun took a bite: "Thank you."

Cheng Hao said: "You don't need to thank me, I didn't do it."

The corners of Lin Yuxun's mouth curled up.

Cheng Hao took a novel from Lin Yuxun, and when he went downstairs, he sat beside him with the book and read it.

Lin Yuxun ate a palm-sized apple pie, and when he was no longer hungry, he continued to work on his computer.

The computer he is using now is a very thick laptop, and it is also the world's first laptop, but although this computer is called portable, it is actually very heavy.

Lin Yuxun spent most of the day sitting in front of the computer, but every evening, he would go out for a walk, which was also requested by Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao usually goes out, but he usually disappears in a flash, while Lin Yuxun only wanders around the house.

Today, Lin Yuxun was circling around the house when Monica stopped him: "Tony!"

Lin Yuxun turned his head: "Monica?"

"Tony, you've been avoiding me recently, do you not like me?" Monica looked at Lin Yuxun with wide eyes.

Lin Yuxun didn't expect Monica to be so direct, and was slightly taken aback.

Monica said, "You think I'm not good enough for you?"

When Monica asked, she felt a little wronged.

Lin Yuxun said: "No, I think you are very good, but I already have someone I like."

Monica really liked Lin Yuxun, so she took the initiative, but was rejected by Lin Yuxun several times, and she lost her mind, but she was a little unwilling, so she stopped Lin Yuxun and asked.

"What's the person you like like?" Monica asked.

"He is a very good person, very very good, I think he is the best person in the world." Lin Yuxun said.

"Cut!" Monica said, "What's so good about a bad guy?"

Lin Yuxun didn't speak.

Monica asked again: "Are you already in love?"

"No." Lin Yuxun said.

Hearing this, Monica suddenly said: "Since you are not together... Do you want to try with me? Don't worry, I won't pester you, I know you won't marry someone like me, I don't have a diploma , I have given birth to a child."

"Monica." Lin Yuxun interrupted her: "You are fine, be more confident."

"That's right, at least I'm pretty. You only said that the person you like is nice, but you didn't say that she is pretty. She must not be as pretty as me," Monica said, "So, do you want to come to my room tonight?"

Lin Yuxun has never met a girl like Monica: "Monica...don't do this!"

"What? You don't like the way I look?" Monica asked.

"I just want to be friends with you, and I don't want our relationship to be too awkward." Lin Yuxun said.

Monica said: "Well... you Chinese are very conservative."

Lin Yuxun was a little puzzled when he heard what Monica said. Monica saw it and said, "It's unbelievable that Cheng Hao has never found a woman. He also said that he will only be with the person he loves!"

"I will only be with the person I love." Lin Yuxun smiled, and after laughing, he felt a little sad again—who will Cheng Hao love in the future

"I see, you don't love me." Monica said, "I hope you can be with the one you love."

Monica left after speaking.

Lin Yuxun watched her leave, heaved a sigh of relief, and a little envious.

He envied Monica for being able to express her feelings so confidently, even if the other party didn't accept her, she dared to propose a sleep.

If he was a girl, a beautiful girl like Monica, he would definitely do the same when facing Cheng Hao.

Too bad he's a man.

However, it's fine now... Thinking of the apple pie before, Lin Yuxun felt his heart filled with joy.

Unfortunately, his happiness didn't last long.

That night, old George received a call, and ZYF Company answered an advertisement for Cheng Hao, and Cheng Hao was leaving the next day.

Cheng Hao has not been a professional boxer for a long time. Although he is famous, he is not very big. It is a surprise that he can receive an advertisement under such circumstances.

Old George set off with Cheng Hao the next day, and they came to the company that night, and then Old George immediately went to get the advertising contract this time.

"This time the advertisement is for a sports drink. You and another boxer will shoot together! Then you will have to fight a friendly match, then shake hands and drink together." Old George said to Cheng Hao: "This is not a good shoot. Difficult, the advertising fee is still very generous! There are 20,000 US dollars! I didn’t expect you to receive such a good advertisement!”

"Who did I shoot with?" Cheng Hao asked.

"A player named Andy...is he from OC?" Old George's face changed,

Cheng Hao was also surprised.

The name Andy is no stranger to him. After learning that he is from OC Company, he is even more sure that this Andy is the Andy he knows.

In the mid-1980s, OC Company once won a boxing champion, which made OC Company, which had been in decline, regain its glory.

But this is actually just a carnival before OC's death.

This Andy did some insane things during his time as a boxing champion, and was finally imprisoned by people with evidence. At the same time, he also involved many illegal things done by OC Company. OC Company, which had the ability to control the boxing world, finally collapsed .

Cheng Hao didn't know what Andy did, but he knew one thing.

The boxing champion who beat Claude to paralysis a few years later was Andy.