I Raised The Richest Man In The World

Chapter 99: Commercials


Cheng Hao watched Andy's game.

Andy's full name is Andy Maltz. He is a handsome white man who won more than one gold belt in the mid-eighties. Because of this, he was once very popular and had countless fans.

But he has a hobby of abusing people, and he has done some other illegal and criminal things. Later, it can be said that he was jailed. The whole boxing world is ashamed to talk about him, thinking that he is a scum in boxing.

The game between him and Claude is said to be tricky.

Now to shoot commercials with this guy...

Cheng Hao looked at the contract carefully.

The beverage company that invited them was not very famous. The sports drink they produced this time was a new product of their company. Because they planned to advertise on the sports channel, they were planning to find a boxer to shoot.

But expensive boxers couldn't afford it, so they planned to hire special boxers, so they approached Cheng Hao.

There seems to be no problem with the contract, but the partner is OC company, which is problematic.

Old George's brows became tighter and tighter: "Damn it, this company really lingers!"

He kept cursing, and after cursing for a while, he said again: "Cheng, you should behave well when the time comes! You must behave better than that guy named Andy!"

"Okay." Cheng Hao agreed.

The contract company has already accepted the contract, so he will definitely go to shoot. Moreover, he can't even dare to deal with Andy just because he knows that he will be very powerful in the future.

After resting at the company for one night, Cheng Hao and the others took a car to the city where they needed to shoot an advertisement the next day.

When Cheng Hao went, he took old George, his new assistant Galen, and his original assistant Bob. In fact, it is okay to not have so many people, but old George thinks that there should be a few more people to support him.

After they arrived, the beverage company arranged a car to pick them up, and then Galen went to discuss matters such as travel expenses reimbursement with the other party, while Old George checked the process with them.

Cheng Hao was doing nothing beside him, and at this moment, he saw Andy.

Cheng Hao used to watch Andy's boxing match, probably because the video was relatively old, and thought that Andy was very good-looking and handsome, but now when he saw the real person, he found that his appearance was not so outstanding.

The main reason is that he has a lot of acne on his face and his skin is not good.

On camera, these are not so obvious, and with other boxers for comparison, he looks very handsome, but in person, those zits are really unflattering.

Cheng Hao actually had a lot of acne in his adolescence in his previous life, but it was not as serious as this person in front of him.

"Rage boy?" Andy walked towards Cheng Hao, showing a smile: "I like watching your game very much, you are very good, I am so happy to be able to cooperate with you today!"

"Me too." Cheng Hao said calmly, he could feel that the person in front of him said he liked him, but there was actually a slight disdain in his eyes.

"When the commercials are filmed, you have to give me a little bit, I'm just an amateur boxer." Andy said again: "I think if you hit me hard, you will knock me out!"

Someone once said that it is a crime for a professional boxer to fight an amateur boxer, because a professional boxer is much stronger than an amateur boxer.

This is not necessarily true, because many professional boxers, even those who become champions, were amateur boxers at the beginning. Although top amateur boxers are not as good as top professional boxers, they can beat ordinary professional boxers.

But generally speaking, the strength of professional boxers is to crush amateur boxers, so what Andy said is true.

If he hadn't known that Andy would become a blockbuster in professional competitions this year and be the boxing champion next year, Cheng Hao would have believed it.

"I will." Cheng Haoman nodded casually: "Don't worry, I will let you." Since this person said so hypocritically, then he should hypocritically agree.

Andy smiled and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Cheng Hao looked at the junior like a senior.

Andy finally couldn't continue: "Then I'll go to my agent first!"

With that, he left.

When he was facing Cheng Hao, he still had a smile on his face, but when he turned his head away, only coldness remained.

Walking towards him head-on, his assistant couldn't help shivering when he saw his expression.

Cheng Hao didn't know this. He waited for a while, and after Old George handed over the matter, he followed Old George to the shooting location.

The beverage company hired a director who is good at shooting commercials to shoot this commercial, and also rented a stadium as a shooting location.

When Cheng Hao came to the gymnasium, he smelled a smell of paint. He noticed that the area around the ring, which was a bit old, was now painted with some red paint. This way, it should make the shooting effect better.

Cheng Hao and Andy came together. When they came, the director in charge of filming the commercial was already there. He asked people to set up several cameras, all facing the direction of the ring, and asked them to set up the background behind the ring. A huge advertisement for the drink is also added in the background.

It is not the first time for Cheng Hao to shoot, he has adapted well to such a scene, and immediately walked towards the director: "Hello, my name is Cheng Hao."

"Hello!" The director looked at Cheng Hao with a satisfied expression: "Your image is good...boy, go undress and get ready to shoot!"

Cheng Hao: "..." It's obviously a change of clothes, so what about undressing.

The director of the commercial was a white man, about sixty years old, with long hair and a beard.

His gray hair was braided behind his head, his beard was neatly combed, and he looked very artistic. After Cheng Hao and Andy finished changing their clothes, he called them over.

"You all have great figures! Especially you, Cheng, your muscle lines are very beautiful." The director looked at Cheng Hao and the others with admiration for a while, praised Cheng Hao a few more words, and then began to explain how to shoot this commercial.

Wait a minute, Cheng Hao and Andy are going to shoot the drink first, and then they will be full of energy, and then they will shoot the scene where they are both injured in the ring.

The whole advertisement is about two boxers fighting in the ring until both sides are injured, and at the end they shake hands and drink a drink together.

This idea is not new, but to be honest, the audience still eats it.

Both Cheng Hao and Andy are not professional actors. They had to shoot the scene where they drank drinks several times and suddenly became energetic after drinking, and the director was satisfied. Next, they will shoot the scene of the competition.

The director said: "You guys will fight here later and ask for some beautiful moves. I will take pictures of all your match scenes and then edit them."

"You have to play beautifully, you know?"

"By the way, you guys rub a little oil on your skin first, it will look better in this way! It will be great when there is sweat on it... Don't worry about sweat, if you don't sweat, I will get someone to give it to you Sprinkle!"

"Come on, you can start!"

After the director talked a lot, Cheng Hao and Andy officially started the competition.

Cheng Hao and Andy stood on the ring, bumping each other's fists, waiting for the assistant next to them to blow their whistle, and then they started fighting.

They only need to play a friendly match, and they don't need to go all out, so they played very easily at the beginning, and the strength that Andy showed was even a little weaker.

However, with his appearance, Cheng Hao was more vigilant.

Sure enough, while hitting, Andy suddenly punched Cheng Hao in the neck.

Weaknesses like the neck are not allowed to be played in regular games, and Andy hit Cheng Hao's part, which is a sneaky heavy hand.

If Cheng Hao has been dealing with this game with a relaxed attitude of "shooting commercials", even if nothing happens after being hit, it will be miserable.

Fortunately, Cheng Hao has been prepared for a long time. Not only that, but he fights with Claude day after day, and makes him especially good at dodging his fists. uncomfortable.

Moreover, Cheng Hao not only dodged, but also punched Andy in the stomach with all his strength.

Andy was beaten back a few times. He had been pretending to be good before and finally stopped pretending. He looked at Cheng Hao with a particularly fierce expression. At the same time, his punches were not as soft as they were at the beginning, but he tried his best.

When Cheng Hao arrived at this time, he would not hold back. The two sides fought more and more fiercely, and they were evenly matched.

"Good! Very good!" The director who shot the advertisement said excitedly, and kept capturing the punching scene: "This part is very good, it's great!"

"That's it!"

"It's a beautiful fight!"

"Give a close-up of their expressions!"

"Oh! That drop of sweat on your nose is really cute!"

The director and the surrounding staff didn't notice anything unusual at all, but Old George and Galen already realized something was wrong.

The two people on the stage were not acting at all, but fighting for real!

Moreover, their actions were not excessive at the beginning, but as time went by, the two men's attacks became more and more serious.

This is no longer required for normal shooting, and they should be stopped logically.

But old George didn't want to stop in his own heart.

He hates the people of OC company, and he hopes Cheng Hao can beat his opponent of OC company to the ground.

As for Andy's agent on the other side, he has no intention of stopping it at all.

As a result, the two sides fought more and more fiercely.

In the end, it was the same director who said: "The editing material is enough, come on, baby, you fall together, let's shoot a scene where both losers."

Cheng Hao and Andy were fighting vigorously at this time, and no one paid any attention to the director's words.

"Enough punching material, my dear..." the director said again, and then he saw Andy punch Cheng Hao in the face, which swollen Cheng Hao's face.

Cheng Hao followed closely and also punched Andy in the stomach.

Director: "..."

If the director didn't understand the situation at first, at this moment he already knew what happened: "What are you doing?! God! You even hurt your face, that's the face!"

"Well, you guys are boxers and don't care about faces..."

"Actually, it works pretty well."

The director filmed for a while, and finally felt that it was time to stop. He looked at Old George and the others: "Should you tell them to stop? We should end the filming!"

"They are boxing." Andy's manager said: "Boxers must have a competitive spirit. After entering the ring, they must deal with the competition well and strive to win."

"Yes." Old George followed closely: "My boxer, he will knock his opponent down!"

"A man of yellow race?" Andy's manager sneered, "George, you are really getting worse, and now you can only find such a boxer to fight for you."

"My boxer is the most powerful, you should remind your boxer to be careful!" Old George said, "You still want to play dirty tricks... Be careful of being broken!"

"Andy is the strongest, your boxer, go to the hospital and lie down!" Andy's manager said.

The two sides quarreled more and more, and finally Old George couldn't bear it anymore, and he went up and punched the manager in the face.

"Shit!" the agent yelled, and also started beating Old George.

The shooting scene was chaotic, the director: "..."

Sure enough, he has little knowledge, so all boxers are like this? It doesn't matter if it's really a fight to shoot an advertisement, their agent can do it.

In fact, it's nothing to fight, just... the director shouted: "Quick! Come and stop them, don't let them touch my camera!"

"Don't stop filming...keep filming the game!"

"Hey! Those two agents! You better stop! If you break my video camera, you will have to pay for it!"

Probably because the word "losing money" has enough deterrent force, the "competition" between the two managers really avoided the camera. Of course, this may also be due to their poor fighting skills-they are no longer fighting , but he was wrestling, and there were assistants to persuade him.

Just persuading and persuading, the assistants also became angry and started to do the same.

The director touched his braid, and asked the people from the beverage company who followed: "In this situation...do I need to call the police?"

People from the beverage company: "... the security guards are coming soon, and they should be able to persuade them."

"That's good!" the director said, and after finishing speaking, he devoted himself to continuing to shoot Cheng Hao and Andy.

Cheng Hao was under a lot of pressure at this time.

Andy is not well-known now, but he should be the trump card hidden by OC company. In fact, he is very strong. If Cheng Hao is not careful, he will be unable to resist.

Because the opponent's fists were too dense and he was always playing dirty tricks, he didn't even have a chance to enter a special state.

However, he is not weak.

He has never slackened in training. During the Chinese New Year, Claude took many days off, but he did not take a day off. Even on Christmas Day, he did two hours of training.

He is in very good shape now.

But Andy is worthy of being the champion of boxing. His fists are very powerful. Many places on Cheng Hao's body have turned purple, and his face is also very painful. Many times, Cheng Hao has to find ways to avoid the opponent's fists.

Fortunately, although he is not as strong as Andy and not explosive enough, he has good endurance.

Hitting and hitting, Andy's face was covered with sweat, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

That's right, they usually stop for two or three minutes and take a one-minute break when playing games, but now, they have been playing for more than 20 minutes.

Andy's speed inevitably slowed down, but Cheng Hao played steadily and gradually gained the upper hand.

With a punch, Cheng Hao hit Andy on the nose.

With another punch, Cheng Hao hit Andy in the stomach.

Andy was able to hold on at first, but finally couldn't hold on at this time, and fell down suddenly.

"Awesome!" The director couldn't help but said, "It doesn't have to hurt both, it's not bad for one to defeat the other..."

He never watched boxing before, but now... he's suddenly interested in boxing!

Such a fierce collision made his inspiration keep coming out!

Especially the oriental man made him feel different! Simply his muse!

Even though his nose is bruised and his face is swollen, his posture of victory is also very good-looking!

By the way, he is not watching the game now, he is shooting commercials.

But now this scene...

The director didn't know what to do.

He wanted to tell the two people how to shoot next, but he was a little afraid of the two people, afraid of being beaten by them.

The director squinted his eyes and raised his long beard, a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Cheng Hao saved him.

After winning, Cheng Hao raised his hands high in a victory gesture, then picked up the drink next to him and opened it, and pulled Andy from the ground and gave him a can.

Andy was so dizzy from the beating that he didn't take Cheng Hao's drink at all. Cheng Hao poured him a little, and then picked up another can of drink to drink. When drinking, the drink flowed out from his mouth. It was still flowing down from his body, and fell to the ground mixed with sweat.

After drinking, Cheng Hao raised his hand holding the drink and smiled.

He has done a lot, the director... should be able to edit commercials