I Ran Away after I was Forced into a Love Polygon

Chapter 18


Inside the Crown Entertainment office.

Broker Chen explained the results of the company's handling, and put the contract on the table: "According to the previous agreement, this is the amount you need to compensate. After subtracting the share of running the notice in the past few years, there is still half of it."

You Haoyu was silent, and was about to take the contract, but the paper was pressed down.

Manager Chen had a smile on his lips: "You are a small idol and you don't have any other source of income. After all, I have been with you for so many years, and I got to know you once, so I can introduce you to some contacts."

No matter how you look at it, that smile is not malicious.

He took out a business card and pressed it heavily on the contract: "This person is very interested in you, please please, maybe he can help you pay off your debts. You can also withdraw from the troubled waters of the entertainment industry and become a Pleasure boy."

When he said this, there was a sneer in his tone.

The air conditioner in the office was turned on fiercely, hula-la-la-la-la, and the air was freezing cold.

You Haoyu looked down, and there was an unknown name on the business card. But judging from the name with the taste of the last century, it should be quite young.

Manager Chen lay down on the boss's chair leisurely: "You must pay off the debt within one year, otherwise we will take legal means to claim compensation. At that time, not only the entertainment industry, but your life will also end. "

You Haoyu didn't respond all the time.

Manager Chen thought he had finally broken this guy's bones, but in the next second, he saw him crumpling his business card into a ball and throwing it over, hitting his head directly.


The manager was stunned by the beating, and before he had time to get angry, his collar was lifted up. The movements are so rough that even the glasses are crooked.

"Go and accompany me by yourself." You Haoyu's eyes were like a ferocious wild wolf, wanting to bite off the neck of its prey, "It's best not to meet me outside, otherwise you will wait to be admitted to the hospital."

Manager Chen was thin and thin. He was suppressed at this time and thought he would be beaten, so he was too scared to speak.

You Haoyu let go of his collar, and the man's legs gave way and he fell back on the seat. He picked up the contract and walked out the door without looking back.

The inside is a bitingly cold air-conditioned room, but the outside is humid and hot in the scorching heat. This is probably the hottest day since September, and every breath is scalding hot air.

The phone vibrated, and You Haoyu glanced at the caller above, clenched his fists tightly, almost rubbing the contract paper to pieces.

In the evening, the heat finally dissipated, but the water vapor was increasing. The sky went from blue as washed to full of dark clouds, and it looked like it was going to rain heavily.

Du You asked Assistant Xiao to contact Crown Entertainment.

Manager Chen's usual dog-licking tone, when he mentioned You Haoyu's name, he gritted his teeth, as if there was some conflict.

However, with the efforts of Assistant Xiao, Du You still managed to get You Haoyu's phone number. However, when I called, the phone was turned off.

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening when I left the company. It was raining heavily outside, and the rainwater slanted down and hit the ground with a crackling sound.

The car slowly drove out of the underground parking lot and onto the highway.

The rain was so heavy that even if it was not too late, there were no pedestrians in the street. Because of the black material, You Haoyu was almost hidden by the snow, and there was no one to be found at all.

Du You had no choice but to give up temporarily. After all, his system is completely useless. Now because of his betrayal, he refuses to even talk about the development of the plot.

However, since You Haoyu is one of the small attack slices, then "exploding black material and falling to the bottom" may also be a necessary plot point.

Xiao Tiantian should take action in the future, let's follow the clues at that time.

At this time, a figure swayed outside the car window.

As I said earlier, Du You has very good eyesight. Even in the heavy rain, in the dark at this speed, the identity of that person was caught at a glance.

For some reason, the young man squatted in front of a certain store, with his head buried in his knees, as if waiting for the rain to stop.

The door behind him was closed tightly, no lights were on, and the whole body was shrouded in darkness.

For You Haoyu, the heavy rain came very suddenly.

He didn't answer the call after all. Since debut, the number has been changed basically every month.

Every time he changes, in addition to the business contacts, he will only notify one person.

As for how the other person knew the number and called, after thinking about it, only the person who was notified of the number by him would say it.

The current predicament may be solved simply by telling the caller.

But once it does, it amounts to a compromise. He will have to follow the path that person has arranged for himself.


The more he thought about it, the more unhappy he became. Depressed, he found a bar to drink.

Halfway through drinking, it seemed that he was recognized, and the surroundings became more and more noisy. He was already a little dazed, paid the money and walked out of the bar.

Then what greeted him was a downpour.

This reminded him of that night in a trance, and it was also this heavy rain. Tricked into going to a bar by a "friend", someone helps him.

It was only later that I found out that the other party was the boss of the Du Group, and he was a strange person.

You Haoyu put on his hat and walked into the rain. Because of the drunkenness, the body is staggering.

The cold raindrops hit the skin, and the road ahead was long, and he didn't know where to go for a while.

The ground was muddy, and he didn't pay attention to the stones on the road, so he staggered and fell down. When I got up again, most of the clothes were dirty.

He always liked to be clean, but he didn't care at this time. He staggered to a shop and sat down.

There was a sublet sign posted on the door of the store, perhaps because no one came for a long time, the door was covered with a layer of dust.

The wine is coming up. You Haoyu felt his stomach churning, but couldn't vomit. He took off his peaked cap, revealing a head of silver hair, with his forehead on top of his knees.

At the age of 16, he made his debut in the draft and became famous instantly.

He didn't like the entertainment industry, but once he thought of getting rid of that cold, cage-like home, he didn't hesitate. Just signed the contract and never went back.

Five years passed in a blink of an eye. He seems to have finally made his way to the top. But those fame are like bubbles, which will burst if you are not careful.

Brokers are annoying, but there is one thing I have to admit.

With his character, he is not suitable for mixing in the entertainment industry. Even if there is a big fire, it will definitely not last long.

All I could hear was the sound of rain. The wet clothes were not very comfortable against the skin. The alcohol was still fermenting, and he was drowsy, as if he was about to fall asleep.

Not even the sound of approaching footsteps was heard.

It wasn't until he saw a pair of black leather shoes that he raised his head belatedly.

Looking up, there are slim suit trouser legs, followed by a neat lacquered tie.

The man held an umbrella in his hand, and looked at him expressionlessly with his cold eyes.

As soon as he got close, Du You could smell the strong smell of alcohol on the young man's nostrils. He squatted down on one knee, and the umbrella covered the two of them together.

"How are you?"