I Ran Away after I was Forced into a Love Polygon

Chapter 46


In February, the temperature gradually rises.

The white snow melts, the grass grows, the warblers fly, and the green grass sprouts new buds. The dead winter is about to pass, ready to enter the new year.

Shen's and Du's co-branding project has made great progress. On this day, Shen Chen was going to the Du Group for a meeting as a routine.

Since the meeting time was set at 9:00 am, we left directly from home.

Secretary Dong had been waiting downstairs very early, but after waiting for a long time, Mr. Shen still hadn't come down. This long wait gave him a déjà vu feeling of waiting for his girlfriend to put on makeup before a date.

But he can urge his girlfriend, but he dare not his boss.

After a while, when he couldn't sit still and wanted to get out of the car for a cigarette, Mr. Shen finally arrived late.

Secretary Dong hurriedly said, "Mr. Shen, good morning."

The boss is still dressed normally. The hair is combed meticulously, revealing the deep facial features, and the suit is fitted and low-key.

The other party gave a casual "hmm", then took out the computer and started working.

A true group leader will never waste a second.

Secretary Dong starts the car. Not long after, I suddenly smelled a faint scent of cologne.

Not strong, if you are outdoors, you can hardly smell it if you are not close to the skin. But the space inside the car is limited after all, so he quickly discovered this strangeness.

Wait, did Mr. Shen wear perfume

Secretary Dong's expression froze.

There is nothing wrong with men's perfumes, but Mr. Shen usually never engages in such things. Is today some special day, or is there a date

Thinking of this, Secretary Dong quietly looked into the rearview mirror. It was found that Mr. Shen not only sprayed perfume, but also buckled the tie clip on his tie. The watch on his wrist is not the usual one.

At this moment, Shen Chen suddenly raised his eyes and met the sight in the rearview mirror.

Secretary Dong was startled, and hurriedly turned his head away.

Shen Chen frowned: "Concentrate on driving."

"Ah, yes. I'm sorry!" It's too dangerous to be half-hearted while driving. Secretary Dong reflects on himself.

A minute passed.

"Am I weird?"

Secretary Dong was concentrating on the road conditions, when he suddenly heard his boss questioning, he didn't react for a moment: "Huh?"

Shen Chen frowned again: "I'm dressed strangely today?"

"No, no, absolutely not!"

Shen Chen hummed softly.

Secretary Dong was already sweating profusely. He stopped sneaking eyeballs at his bosses, getting caught would be hell.

So he didn't notice that his boss was frowning and pulling out his tie, thoughtful—should have changed another one just now.

Half an hour later, it was still fifteen minutes before the agreed nine o'clock.

However, if you drive at this speed, you will reach Du's Group in five minutes.

Secretary Dong breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that his speed was just right. It's neither too early nor too late.

The signal lights ahead are flashing, about to change from red to green. Turn over the next intersection and you will arrive at your destination.

So Secretary Dong didn't slow down, but prepared to drive directly there.

And at this moment - a white shadow suddenly flashed in front of the car!

Startled, he slammed on the brakes.

Du Group, conference room.

It was ten past nine, and only the members of the project team came from the Shen Group. The biggest leader hadn't arrived yet, but the president of the Du Group had already sat across from him.

Being late is extremely damaging to the credibility of a company, let alone not being notified in advance.

They started to fidget and stood up: "I'm sorry everyone, let's call and ask."

The project team leader walked out, and within a minute, he came back with an ugly face.

"Holding, sorry everyone. Today's meeting may be temporarily canceled."

Du You: "Is something wrong?"

When asked by the biggest leader of the partner, the team leader was so nervous that he was sweating. But there were so many people at the scene, and I didn't know whether to tell the story or not.

Seeing this, Du You said, "Go out and talk."

"Ah, okay."

Du You and Assistant Xiao followed the team leader out of the meeting room, and the people left behind looked at each other for unknown reasons.

In the corridor, the team leader said falteringly: "Actually... Mr. Shen had a car accident."

Hearing this, Assistant Xiao was taken aback, and turned to look at his boss.

Could it be that the year is unfavorable? Not long after they had a car accident, Mr. Shen also suffered a disaster.

Du You: "Where is it?"

The team leader froze for a moment, and replied, "At, at the nearest intersection."

Du You looked at Assistant Xiao, and before he could speak, the other party understood: "I'll arrange a car right away."

The accident site was about ten minutes away from the group company.

When Du You arrived at the scene, the area was already surrounded by yellow ropes. The fence collapsed, the car crashed into a street tree, its head was dented, and the windows were shattered.

People passing by stopped to watch the tragedy from a distance. The police are responsible for dispersing the crowd and controlling the scene.

"Mr. Du." Assistant Xiao came over, "Mr. Shen and the others have already boarded the ambulance, shall we go there now?"

Du You nodded. But suddenly he saw something and squinted his eyes.

"... white."

When Assistant Xiao heard this, he didn't react: "What?"

"Under the car." Du You pointed at it, "Did you see it?"

Assistant Xiao turned his head. But her eyesight is really bad. Even with glasses, she can only see the gravel under the car.

Du You: "Did you see Bai Ying in the car accident that day?"

"Ah, yes."

But a week has passed, and the memory of the scene at that time is a little blurred. She suspected that she might be wrong.

Du You didn't ask any more questions: "Let's go, go to the hospital.".

It was a working day, and the hospital staff came and went, shoulder to shoulder, crowded and noisy.

Crying children, elderly people walking alone, and panic-stricken family members. If you don't turn up the volume, you can hardly hear the people around you.

The department is busy all day. The nurse at the front desk frowned, patiently answering the patient's questions.

Du You and Assistant Xiao came to the auxiliary building and took the elevator to the top floor. There are generally single wards here, which are expensive, but they are also much cleaner.

Assistant Xiao: "It's at 502."

The air is filled with the smell of disinfectant, the floor is smooth and bright, reflecting the flawless white ceiling.

As soon as the two walked to the door of Room 502, they heard a crying male voice coming from inside.


Then, it was Shen Chen's response that suppressed his anger: "You think I'm going to die, don't you, shut up."

Du You knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened. It was Secretary Dong who opened the door, with disheveled hair and a disheveled face.

Seeing Du You, he hurriedly wiped his face: "Ah, Mr. Du, you're here."

Du You nodded to him and walked into the ward.

The single ward is very spacious, and there is an LCD TV embedded in the wall in front of the bed. The floor is covered with thick carpets, and the room is neat and clean, not much different from a hotel.

Shen Chen was lying on the hospital bed, leaning on the pillow behind him. A plaster cast was applied to the right leg, which was raised and fixed.

The suit jacket was taken off and put aside, only the shirt was on. But maybe it was lying on the ground, and the clothes were dirty. Her hair was messy and her bangs hung down.

When he saw Du You coming in, he was surprised.

He didn't even tell his parents about the car accident, so how could Du You know.

Assistant Xiao pushed his glasses aside: "Mr. Du rushed over as soon as he heard about it at the meeting. Besides, the location was informed by Secretary Dong."

Hearing this, Shen Chen glared at Secretary Dong.

He didn't want Du You to see his embarrassed appearance at all.

Secretary Dong trembled in fright. Did I do something wrong again? But isn't the relationship between Mr. Shen and Mr. Du very good? If I am hospitalized, I will definitely hope that my friends will come to see me.

Du You walked to the hospital bed. His eyes fell on the opponent's injured right leg, then moved up, and stopped on Shen Chen's face.

The breeze blows in, bringing in a fallen leaf, and the curtains bulge.

Shen Chen was a little uncomfortable being stared at by that gaze, pretending to be calm: "It's just a broken bone."


Du You looked back at Assistant Xiao.

Assistant Xiao immediately understood, and said to Secretary Dong, "Come out with me."

Secretary Dong was confused: "Huh?"

"Okay, come out with me." Assistant Xiao grabbed the man and left.

The door closed with a bang.

There are two people left in the room. Du You sat on the chair in front of the bed and looked at Shen Chen.

Shen Chen noticed that the other party seemed to have something to say: "What's wrong?"

Du You: "A week ago, we also had a car accident."

Hearing this, Shen Chen was startled.

"The similarity is, the white shadow."

"White shadow?" Shen Chen frowned.

In retrospect, Xiao Dong also said similar things just now. He said that he saw Shirokage, so he wanted to brake. As a result, the car failed to stop and was inexplicably slammed into a tree trunk.

The problem is, there were no other vehicles on the road at that time.

The police are still checking surveillance records to confirm what happened at the time.

Du You said: "I saw Bai Mao under the car, it should be the same person who attacked you and me."

Shen Chen seemed to understand what Du You meant: "You mean..."

Du You continued, "Xiao Tiantian."

In other words, it was a slice of Xiao Gong related to Xiao Tiantian. It was the same as X was at that time—to deal with them for Xiao Tiantian.

Shen Chen didn't expect that the entanglement between himself and Xiao Tiantian was still going on, so he couldn't help falling into silence.

The room was so quiet that even a needle could be heard clearly.

At this time, he heard Du You say: "I will investigate this person. Then catch him."

Shen Chen raised his eyes and looked over, the other party's lacquered eyes were somewhat cold.

"Absolutely, I won't let him do it again."

The tone was different than usual.

The usual Du You always speaks without fluctuations in tone, which makes people feel cold. But after listening to it for a long time, I knew that it was just the speaking habit of the other party, and there was no malice.

But with the words just now, one could hear a little displeasure, and it was rare to express all his emotions.

"I'm leaving first." Du You stood up, "Heal your wounds with peace of mind."

When Shen Chen saw the other party turn around and walk out, a strange feeling suddenly flashed in his heart.

It was as if there was a deep gully between him and Du You.

What is the reason for the other party's anger. Is it because you were injured? Or is it because someone in a parallel world is also facing this crisis

He couldn't help saying: "Wait."

Du You paused and turned around.

But after calling people to stop, Shen Chen didn't know what to say.

In the final analysis, no matter what purpose the other party acts for, it has nothing to do with him.

Anesthesia was applied to the right leg, which has not completely faded away, and there should be no sensation there. But for some reason, it felt like a pinprick, a faint tingling pain.

"...It's okay." Shen Chen raised his chin, "Although I can't walk now. But if you need help, just ask."

Du You nodded: "Well, thank you."

When the man left the ward, Shen Chen's tense body suddenly relaxed, and he leaned back. He put his hand over his eyes, and closed his eyes as if he was a little tired.

... What on earth are you doing

Assistant Xiao and Secretary Dong are waiting in the corridor. Seeing Du You coming out, they all greeted him.

Du You looked at Assistant Xiao: "Contact You Haoyu's manager, adjust the shooting schedule for the next few days, and try not to go out."

Assistant Xiao didn't ask the reason, but nodded cautiously.

Secretary Dong felt that the atmosphere was not right, and his eyes wandered between the two. Then, I heard Mr. Du say to himself:

"I'm counting on you here. If there is anything unusual, please contact me as soon as possible."

"Huh?" Secretary Dong was stunned for a moment, and agreed, "Okay, I see."

He was still a middle school boy at heart, seeing the attitude of the two of them as if facing a formidable enemy, he couldn't help but have a guess.

Could it be that the car accident was actually man-made? Hidden a shocking secret that no one knows

Saying goodbye to Secretary Dong, who had a battle between heaven and man in his mind, the two walked out of the hospital.

The afternoon sun was still shining brightly, and the young leaves of the bushes swayed in the breeze.

After a while, a figure walked out from behind the auxiliary building, looking at them from a distance, his eyes were dark and inexplicable.

Back in the car, Du You called the eyeliner again.

After connecting, a familiar male voice came from the other end: "Mr. Du."

Du You: "What's Xiao Tiantian doing recently?"

"There is nothing too strange about me." The man hesitated for a moment, "However, the glass in the living room suddenly exploded a few days ago, and the reason is unknown."

"Send me the address." Du You paused, and then said, "Also, send someone to monitor these people."

He announced the names of Shen Chen, You Haoyu and Qin Ge in turn.

"Don't come near. If they are in danger, let me know at once."


After hanging up the phone, the car slowly drove out of the parking lot and drove out. The scenery outside the window was blurred into a ball, and it passed by quickly.

Du You: [System.]

The system didn't make a sound for a long time.

It can sense the host's current mood swings. It's the same emotion I felt when I heard Xiao Tiantian had the ability of "plot error correction".

No, even stronger than then. It was worried that if it opened its mouth, it would annoy the host again.

So when I heard the other party call me suddenly, I didn't react all of a sudden.

Du You: [This small attack slice, can I find relevant information.]

[Whoa whoa!]

The system regained consciousness, and said to the finger: [There is too little information, and only non-human beings can be judged.]

After all, Xiao Tiantian has traveled through tens of thousands of worlds, and he has talked a lot about both human and non-human beings, and the information base is too huge. Confirming the identity with just such a few clues is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Du You didn't force it.

At this time, the mobile phone vibrated, and the informant sent Xiao Tiantian's address and answered a sentence.

[The target object is currently attending class at S University.]

S University belongs to the top universities in China and is divided into several campuses. But no matter which campus it is, it has a beauty comparable to a scenic spot.

Xiao Tiantian finished his last class in the afternoon and walked out of the classroom with his books in his arms.

He doesn't want to go home now.

It has been several days since Ryan left, and the warm and happy memories of the past are like a dream.

The current home has returned to the cold state at the beginning. Even if he went back, no one was waiting for him.

Walking through the boulevard, occasionally a couple laughing and arguing pass by.

At the end of winter and the beginning of spring, the sun hangs in the sky, shining warmly. But Xiao Tiantian's heart was as cold as three feet of ice.

Lane moves too fast. Even if the system was able to locate the coordinates, by the time he arrived at the scene, the man had long since disappeared.

If he can't catch that person, it's like he can't catch his own happiness.

Thinking of this, Xiao Tiantian's slender shoulders couldn't help trembling. Because of the pain, her palm-sized face turned pale.


At this time, someone poked his shoulder. He didn't want to be seen as humble, so he wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Looking back, I found that it was the unattractive male classmate that day again.

The other party handed over a pack of tissues: "Why are you shaking again? Don't hold back when you say you want to take a shit. The toilet is over there. Let me lend you some tissues."

Xiao Tiantian: "..."

When we got home, the sun had already set.

He was exhausted physically and mentally, and his steps were heavy. He took out the key and wanted to open the door, but found that the door was ajar.

Xiao Tiantian remembered that when he went out, he would definitely lock it. So, did someone come looking for him

The lifeless inner world revived. He couldn't help but hold his breath and pushed the door open.

The lights were not turned on in the room, and a slender figure was sitting on the sofa, with his left hand in a black leather glove resting on the armrest of the sofa.

The cold light from street lamps spilled in through the window and fell on the man's light chestnut hair. Half of the handsome face is hidden in the darkness, and the other half is dissolved in the light, making it somewhat unpredictable.

Seeing Xiao Tiantian, the young man bent his eyes, looking extremely gentle.

"You're back."