I Ran Away after I was Forced into a Love Polygon

Chapter 48


The night was dark. In the cold moonlight, on the main road, a commercial vehicle was galloping in the dark.

Outside the car window, the scenery was blurred, and I couldn't help going backwards.

In front of you is Jingshui Lake Park.

The park is surrounded by a fence, and the inside is a dense jungle. Occasionally, you can get a glimpse of the lake in the gaps between the branches and leaves. The surface of the lake is crystal clear, and a clear moon floats on it.

Just when he was about to reach his destination, the phone rang suddenly.

When Du You picked it up, he heard a hurried male voice from the other end of the phone.

"President Du, it's not good!"

Perhaps because of the shock, the always calm informant was also a little incoherent.

The person who had the accident was You Haoyu. The men who arranged the monitoring suddenly heard the sound of broken glass coming from the apartment, and then saw people running out.

And behind that person, followed by a white shadow. The speed is too fast to see exactly what species it is.

All I know is that everywhere I go is a mess.

In front of the building, several large blue trash cans were knocked down, and the garbage rolled all over the floor. The lamp tubes of the street lamps were broken, and the avenue was plunged into darkness.

Even the benches on the side of the street were uprooted out of thin air and lay down in the mud behind them.

The informant reported emotionally: "Then ran to a nearby construction site. The distance is too far, so I can't see clearly. Our people are rushing over..."

While listening, Du You gave instructions to the driver: "Turn around."

"Huh?" The driver looked confused. He was about to find a place to park.

"Turn around and go to Shanren's apartment."

Shanren Apartment is a newly built single apartment in recent years. Although the price is high, but the security is tight, many public figures who value money will choose to buy a property here to facilitate their work in S City.

And these public figures are on business trips all year round, which makes this place extremely deserted.

In short, after all the houses in Shanren Apartment were sold, the developer prepared to develop the second phase and bought a real estate nearby. Currently under construction.

At night, the workers have left, and the construction site is dead silent.

The scale of the building has begun to take shape, with reinforced concrete stacked horizontally and vertically, and a dense green net is hung on the periphery. Like a gigantic monster, it was scrutinizing the visitor in the quiet night.

A black shadow flashed in. After realizing that he had strayed into the construction site, he paused for a second.

But the guy behind him pressed on, he didn't hesitate for too long, and ran towards the half-completed building.

At least there are a lot of bunkers there, maybe you can escape tracking.

You Haoyu didn't see who was chasing him at all. After seeing the eyes clearly on the glass window, before he had time to react, the man attacked him.

The window behind him exploded, and he was pushed out of the window by the oncoming strong wind. The moment I fell, I thought I was going to die.

But fortunately, the floor is not high, and there are a lot of vegetation downstairs as a buffer. So after landing, I didn't feel much pain.

He saw the other party stepped on the window sill with both feet, looking down at him in a squatting position.

In the night, those green eyes seemed to glow.

The man jumped down immediately.


You Haoyu didn't know the identity of this guy and the reason for attacking him, but he knew at least one thing. If caught, he would surely die.

So he stood up immediately and fled outside. In the chaos, I didn't see the direction I was running, but I felt a loud noise behind me.

It was confusing, and the extraordinary scene made him think he was dreaming. It's like being in some bad sci-fi horror movie, with no cause and effect, just running away.

There was another blunt sound—the masonry behind him suddenly exploded!

He didn't have time to turn around, so he sped up and finally hid in the half-completed building.

The man hasn't chased him in yet. Taking advantage of this gap, he hid behind the cylinder, covered his mouth and nose with his hands, and covered his breath.

The adrenaline rush can boost a person's potential, regardless of pain or exhaustion. But the time limit is extremely limited.

You Haoyu only felt that his heart and lungs were about to explode, and he tasted a little blood in his throat.

Even though I usually exercise regularly, there is no scary guy chasing after me at that time.

But now, in order not to make too much noise, he didn't even dare to breathe, so he could only force himself to lower the beating frequency of his heart.

You Haoyu closed his eyes, and the veins on the back of his hands bulged.

The current mood is not so much fear as anger—being attacked for no reason, being chased for no reason.


The sound of rocks turning. The man seemed to have walked in, but because he lost his prey, he didn't rush like he did at the beginning.

Stepping on the gravel, he approached little by little.

You Haoyu opened his eyes and looked into his right pocket. There's a cell phone there.

Maybe call for help. But who to call

Call the police

After hearing his report, the police might think he was crazy.


Even if you call that guy over, it probably won't be of much use.


The man's stern face appeared in his mind. You Haoyu's breathing gradually calmed down, and he reached for the phone in his pocket with his right hand.

The other party may know something. Let him go home suddenly, probably because he anticipated the danger. Unexpectedly, the murderer was waiting at home.

But immediately, he denied this approach.

No, you can't call Du You over. He cannot be implicated in such a dangerous matter.

You Haoyu clenched the phone tightly with five fingers.

The surrounding area seemed to be quiet, only the sound of the wind could be heard. The footsteps died away.

Have you left yet

He frowned and turned his head to look to the right. A big hole was opened in the wall, underneath was piled sand and gravel, and the green net protecting the outer wall swayed in the wind.

No one was there.

Then he looked to the left again. The inner wall is bare gray, and there are graffiti left on it by workers in their spare time.

Also empty.

At this time, the tip of the nose suddenly felt itchy. You Haoyu lowered his eyes, only to see a wisp of white hair drifting down and landed at his feet.

Suddenly it went dark.

His heart beat quickened. When he raised his head again, what appeared in front of him was not a human face, but a white wolf with soft, white fur and glinting eyes.

When he met those dark green eyes, You Haoyu immediately realized that even though his body was different, this was the guy who attacked him in the first place.

It opened its mouth, showing sharp teeth.

Du You didn't even have time to close the car door, so he rushed to Shanren's apartment after getting out of the car.

"Mr. Du!" The informant was waiting at the destination early, and when he saw the person coming down, he immediately walked over, "The construction site is here, follow me!"

The two came to the construction site. It was very quiet inside, no sound of people was heard.

Although it was empty, the lights for lighting were still on. The pale light reflected on the ruined walls, looking ghostly and deserted.

Seeing the silence at the scene, the informant couldn't help but startled: "Huh? They really came in..."

As if sensing something, Du You's nose moved slightly, blocking the informant who wanted to go in.

"Stay here."

"Ah, yes." The informant stopped walking.

Compared to the two of them, the system was trembling with nervousness. It is just a poor and weak system that teaches the host to talk about love, and it has never seen such a horrible scene.

It means that from the time of the car accident, something seems wrong.

First, the host encountered a car accident and escaped unharmed. Then there was Shen Chen, who unfortunately suffered a broken bone. Now even You Haoyu has suffered.

In the original book, although these small attack slices do not fight each other, at least they will not hurt each other for the sake of small suffering. What is going on now

There is a huge footprint in the sand and gravel, not human-like. The sharp claws pierced deeply, leaving five deep pits.

White hair, animal shape.

Seeing the footprints, the system suddenly realized something, and immediately launched a frantic search.

Du You glanced over the traces on the ground, and then walked into the building under repair.

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped.

The walls are dark gray, and under the bare eaves, a huge white wolf catches the eye, its fur seems to be glimmering.

Under the sharp claws, he was holding You Haoyu's shoulder, opening his bloody mouth and preparing to bite it down.

You Haoyu didn't look away, staring directly at the monster in front of him. It just feels like the bones are almost splitting.

But the opponent was too strong, and he couldn't resist.

Those teeth are extremely sharp, just a light scrape can break his blood vessels. Blood splattered everywhere, staining the gravel in the ground red.


What kind of monster is this.

You Haoyu couldn't understand the current situation at all. I can't understand why I am being suppressed by a wild beast now, and I am on the verge of death.


Suddenly there was a deafening blunt sound, and the body suddenly lightened. A gust of wind blew across his face, ruffling his hair.

He was short of breath, leaning against the column behind him, unable to react to what happened.

The beast flew out in an instant and slammed into the inner wall. The whole building shook.

You Haoyu looked over with a stiff neck, but saw that the white wolf fell to the ground and did not stand up immediately. There was a whimpering sound in his throat, as if he was seriously injured.

And standing in front of the beast was a familiar figure.

Lacquered suit with a straight waist. A gust of wind blew in, brushing the man's jet-black hair.

The man walked up to the white wolf and knelt down on one knee: "..."

Nothing was said.

The white wolf finally came to his senses, turned over and jumped up. Attention shifted to the person who attacked him, with all four feet on the ground, full of vigilance and hostility.

The wolf and the wolf just looked at each other quietly, and neither of them moved.

In the end, the white wolf couldn't hold back at first. He opened his mouth wide open and rushed over.

But before he could act in the future, his mouth was caught as soon as he moved up and down, and he pressed down hard—dust was everywhere. The figures of both sides were covered by soot.

You Haoyu stood up straight with the support of the column, squinted his eyes, and couldn't see clearly.

After a while, the dust dissipated, revealing two figures. Du You grabbed the giant wolf's neck with one hand, and forcefully dragged him up from the ground.

The white wolf seemed to be in pain. After a while, it retreated from the animal shape and showed its original shape.

Muscles tensed, both hands held Du You's arm tightly, trying to push it away, but he didn't move at all. Half-length silver hair shawls, ears vibrate from time to time.

Because of the lack of oxygen, his handsome face was flushed red.

Du You finally let go of his hand. The opponent fell to the ground all of a sudden, with his tail drooping and his body curled up into a ball.

Ryan looked at the man in front of him, fear flickered in his dark green pupils.

It was the first time he met such a powerful human being. Even in the original world, almost no orcs were his opponents.

Not to mention the people here, they are too delicate to be vulnerable. But what is going on with this guy.

Not only did he defeat him, but it was so easy

In Ryan's eyes, this man looked terrifying. The skin is blue, the pupils are light white, and the dark red pattern spreads from the collar up to the chin.

This is not a normal human face.

Will he be killed.

Du You squatted down again, staring at the other party expressionlessly. From those frightened pupils, he saw his own figure reflected in them.

Not human, incomparably ugly.

He hated the image of himself, so he always showed a human face. But to defeat the white wolf as soon as possible, there is no time to distract and make a disguise.

The system was also stunned.

It was a host found in a human concentration camp. When it saw the face that was exactly the same as the protagonist of "The Domineering President Falls in Love with Me", it immediately kidnapped him.

But never knew that the host had another face.

Although faintly aware of the other party's unusualness, is this the truth

The host... is not human.

Du You mentioned the white wolf again: "Your body is very strong."

Ryan heard the question. First he nodded hesitantly, then shook his head frantically.

No matter how strong he was, if he was beaten up with such force by this person, he would probably burp soon.

Then, his jaw was pulled.

"Do not move."

Du You fixed the young man's head, and his eyes fell on the other's neck. There are still red marks on it.

His eyes darkened, and he opened his mouth. The teeth in the mouth were unusually sharp - bit it down!

The pain hit instantly. Ryan's pupils shrank suddenly, but soon lost focus. The tensed muscles relax and the arms drop.

The system is trembling: [Location, host?]

Du You let go of Ryan and put him on the ground. The man passed out and closed his eyes.

Du You: [Nothing, just in case.]

He stood up, turned around, and met You Haoyu's eyes.

The young man had some dust on his face, holding his injured left arm with his right hand, and looked at him in disbelief.

Du You walked over, and every time he took a step, his appearance recovered a bit. The color of the eyes turned black, and the pattern gradually shrank back, and finally disappeared. Skin tone returned to normal.

When he finally stood in front of You Haoyu, he looked like Du You again.

In other words, it was the way he always presented himself in front of everyone.

"Are you injured?" Du You looked at You Haoyu's left arm, "The car is outside, let's go to the hospital first."

You Haoyu didn't respond, and the two looked at each other speechlessly.

In the end, it was Du You who took the lead to look away.

Even the human beings in the last days will not accept their own identities, let alone a peaceful world.

Therefore, he originally did not intend to let people see his real body.

"It's okay, let the driver take you." Du You said, "I will stay and deal with this guy."

But just as he was about to turn around, his arm was grabbed.

You Haoyu's hands could be felt trembling, and his amber eyes were staring at him intently.

Du You: "?"

He was about to ask what's the matter when the other party suddenly hugged him.

You Haoyu's left arm seemed to be unable to lift, and he just grabbed his back with his right hand. His forehead was buried in the crest of his neck, and the hot air from his nostrils sprayed on his neck.

It made Du You feel a little itchy.

You Haoyu didn't say a word, hugging Du You tightly as if grasping at a straw. It's as if you want to rub your own flesh and blood into it.

He had many questions and puzzles, but for a while, he didn't know what to say.

He only subconsciously thought that if he separated from Du You like this, he might never have the chance to be with him again.

He didn't mind what Du You looked like, even if he wasn't human.

All he knew was that he liked Du You.

Outside the building, residual leaves fell on the sand. A patent leather shoe stepped on it, making the sound of paper being torn.

A young man stood outside the window with his back against the wall. The light chestnut eyes reflected the two people embracing in the building.

The lights used for construction site lighting hit his face, making his face even paler.

The five fingers in black leather gloves clenched tightly, making a crackling sound.