I Ran Away after I was Forced into a Love Polygon

Chapter 53


For orcs, strength is naturally very important. But they also value appearance.

Of course not something as frivolous as a face. It refers to what is built on the overall temperament-smooth and beautiful muscles, kingly demeanor, and shiny fur.

Ryan can become the leader of the tribe not only because of his superior strength, but also because his hair is the most beautiful in the whole tribe.

Du You was still under the blow and didn't recover. Seeing that head approaching, he subconsciously raised his hand.

But before he could move, his wrist was grabbed.

"Brother, this guy's ears only have viruses." Qin Ge said with a smile, "Why don't you cut them off."

Hearing this, Ryan glared at the man beside him.

It's that nasty guy again.

Whenever he tried to get his way, this man stepped out and got in the way.

Ryan narrowed his dark green eyes, pricked up his ears, and let out a low growl from his throat.

Qin Ge looked at the werewolf with cold eyes.

At this time, the auntie came out of the kitchen wearing an apron and wiping her hands: "Sir, it's time to eat!"

It came out too suddenly. Du You held Ryan's head with his free hand, and pressed it down on the sofa. The palm of the hand crushed the two pricked ears of the werewolf.

Then, he looked at his aunt nonchalantly: "Go right away."

Auntie smiled, turned around and went into the kitchen to serve the dishes.

But I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, although Mr. Du is in charge of such a big company, when getting along with friends, he is still not much different from his three-year-old nephew.

They even fought on the ground.

When Du You saw the woman leave, he let go of his hand. Ryan's head popped out, his hair was messed up, and his ears stood up tremblingly: "Daughter-in-law, don't be so rough. It hurts."

"Don't call me that." Du You patted his head expressionlessly, "Put your ears back."

Worried about being ravaged/ravaged again, Ryan had to obediently put away his ears and tail.

The dishes are ready and the kitchen door is open. A more intense aroma overflowed and filled the entire living room.

Ryan moved his nose, stood up uncontrollably, and rushed directly to the eating place.

When I came to the restaurant, the long table was already filled with dozens of dishes. Perhaps it is due to the large number of people today, and the volume is larger than before.

Lane hopped on one of the chairs and couldn't wait to move. But in the bottom of his heart, he was still thinking about his daughter-in-law, and he was eagerly looking at the door, waiting for Du You to come in.

When Du You walked into the restaurant, he saw Ryan squatting on a stool.

Although the tail has been retracted, for some reason, it still gives people the illusion that there is an invisible tail shaking behind them.

Qin Ge also walked in afterward, but You Haoyu was not there.

Du You looked out and saw that the other party was still sitting on the single sofa with one leg crossed, and the script was placed on it.

As early as when Ryan was taking a bath, You Haoyu kept this posture and didn't move.

"It's time to eat." Du You called out.

But You Haoyu seemed to be completely immersed in the script, and still didn't respond.

Du You walked over, put his hand on the book, and pulled it out: "Eat."

You Haoyu suddenly woke up as if waking up from a dream, and happened to meet the man's bottomless lacquer eyes.

As if frightened, the pupils of amber eyes shrank suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Du You was puzzled.

"No, it's okay." You Haoyu looked away and stood up, "Eat, right, I understand."

Then he walked towards the restaurant, his steps slightly unsteady.

Du You glanced at the script in his hand, and found that the content was still the page he saw when he just woke up, and the notes had not increased at all.

Does studying the script take so much time

He closed the book and put it on the coffee table.

You Haoyu walked into the restaurant, and there were already two people sitting inside.

On one side was a young man with long silver hair, his bare feet stepped on the chair, his nails on the edge of the table, and he was looking at the door. Seeing that it was him who came in, the invisible ears seemed to droop.

On the other side is a man with light chestnut curly hair. Sitting upright and elegant, his hands in black leather gloves were folded on his knees.

Hearing footsteps, he glanced at the door. Then he looked back in disinterest.

You Haoyu didn't want to sit next to any of them, so he stood there.

He didn't read the script just now, the densely packed words were crowded together in front of his eyes, and he felt as if he had lost his ability to understand. Just staring at that page, I was stunned for half an hour.

Qin Ge's words were not without reason.

On the contrary, he has always been aware of this fact—what Du You did to him was not because of any special feelings.

But when this matter was nakedly dissected by a third party and hung bloody in front of his eyes, he still couldn't help being shaken.

When Du You came over, seeing You Haoyu didn't sit down, he pulled the other's arm and asked what's wrong with his eyes.

When he came into contact with that line of sight, You Haoyu couldn't help but come back to his senses. Then he scratched his hair impatiently: "It's okay."

He picked a seat at random and sat down.

All the dishes are served.

Chicken, duck and fish stew soup, all kinds of dishes are available.

As soon as Du You picked up the long chopsticks, Ryan couldn't wait to grab the rice with his hands, making his hands full of oil.

When the other three saw it, they were all silent.

This person can't even use chopsticks.

And Ryan didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him, so he stuffed the meat into his mouth and ate it happily.

Although he eats happily, it affects other people's appetite after all. Du You asked his aunt to bring a spoon and handed it to the werewolf.

"Eat with this."

Ryan took it, not knowing why.

"Use this to eat." Du You emphasized again, "Don't directly use it."

Although I don't know the reason, but the daughter-in-law has ordered so, Ryan will naturally not refuse.

Although the spoon is small, it is not enjoyable to eat, but he will endure it.

Seeing Du You teaching the werewolves, the system shed tears like an old father again:

[Host, you have really grown up. When you first came to this world, I tried my best to teach you common sense as a human being, and your head was bald.]

Du You wanted to refute, saying that he was not as out of line as Ryan. But recalling the situation a year ago, he couldn't help swallowing the words.

You Haoyu really didn't have any appetite, so he stopped eating after a few mouthfuls.

Qin Ge kept looking at Du You and didn't eat much.

For Lane, each dish opens the door to a new world. After taking a bite, his eyes lit up, and then he scooped it up to Du You with a spoon: "Daughter-in-law, eat this, it's delicious!"

After eating another dish, he scooped it up to Du You: "This one is delicious too!"

"and this!"

Basically, he took a bite by himself, and then gave Du You a pinch.

Until the fifth time, just as he was about to pass the dish to his wife, the handle of the spoon was caught by a pair of long chopsticks.

Lane picked up his strength and wanted to move forward. But the opponent was also very strong, and he firmly fixed his spoon.

The two sides are secretly working hard, you push and pull.

Ryan became impatient and looked up at the man: "What are you doing?"

Qin Ge had a cold smile on his face: "This is full of your saliva. It will make my brother sick, stupid dog."

Pulling out the hand holding the long chopsticks, the spoon immediately fell out of the opponent's hand, drawing a silver parabola. After a crisp sound, he fell to the ground.

Ryan was furious when the eating tools were confiscated. He clapped his hands on the table and stood up directly on the stool.

"I won't be sick, you sissy!"

Qin Ge's light chestnut eyes darkened a little, with a murderous coldness: "What?"

Qin Ge looked more feminine since he was a child. Since the laboratory collapsed and wandered outside alone, many disgusting guys got close to him because of his appearance.

However, they were all killed by him.

Ryan didn't notice that he stepped on the opponent's landmine, and continued to jump on it.

"In our tribe, even the females are not as white as you. Did you maintain yourself by applying fragrant milk secretly at home without sunbathing?"

Fragrance is a skin care product unique to the orc tribe, and generally only wealthy females can use it.

With a "click", the long chopsticks in Qin Ge's hand broke in two.

He stood up and smiled: "Today's dishes may not be enough, there are just ready-made ingredients available."

Suddenly, murderous aura struck violently.

Ryan tensed up, and his ears and tail popped out with a pop. The pupils of the eyes stood upside down, emitting a menacing green light.

The system was extremely nervous, seeing that the host was still eating there, and shouted: [Why are you still eating, I don't care! If these two fight, they will tear down the house!]

Du You took a mouthful of rice.

System: [Host!]

Du You really didn't want to care about the quarrel, he felt as if he had turned into an aunt of the neighborhood committee.

But indeed, if you don't care, I'm afraid this table will suffer.

Du You: "Anyway, can you sit down first?"

Although Qin Ge and Ryan had the momentum of not giving up regardless of the outcome, they both calmed down after hearing Du You's words, and sat down slowly.

Seeing this, Du You was about to say the next word of persuasion. Before he could speak, he heard an apology.

"Sorry, brother." Qin Ge bowed his head, "I'm too impatient."

Perhaps because of what happened last night, all the people who approached Du You were more intrusive than ever.

Ryan wagged his tail and stared at Du You: "I'm sorry."

The lines that were about to be spoken were swallowed abruptly.

Du You folded his hands and pressed his forehead: "...it's okay."

Originally, he was already mentally prepared to say the lines of the new TV series he was chasing before.

—If you want to fight, go to the dance studio to fight.

Couldn't say it, unfortunately.

System: [Is there the point!?].

Afterwards, the meal ended without incident.

Auntie didn't live at home, so she packed up the dishes and made preparations for tomorrow's breakfast in advance, so she bid farewell to Du You.

Although I got up very late today, I will go to the company as usual tomorrow. In order to avoid confusion in work and rest, Du You is still going to sleep according to the usual time.

The windows of the guest rooms are still broken, so we can only call the workers over tomorrow. Tonight, Ryan can only make it through the night in the living room.

Ryan listened, downcast: "But the living room is so cold."

Du You: "Turn on the air conditioner."

Ryan is certainly not afraid of the cold. What's more, after running around for so many days, he even slept in a tree. Saying this excuse is nothing more than to elicit the following sentence.

"I want to sleep in your room! It must be warm when you hug me."

Du You: "I'm not cold."

Ryan saw that he refused to eat, and began to play tricks: "If you don't want me, I will sleep with my daughter-in-law!"

The other party called this title several times, but Du You was too lazy to correct it.

"Sleeping in the living room."

Ryan took a step back: "Sleeping on the floor in your room?"

"Sleeping in the living room."

Ryan completely wilted, wagging his tail, and reluctantly accepted the arrangement.

Du You looked at Qin Ge and You Haoyu again.

The two don't know why, and they don't look at each other. And after they finished eating, they all fell into an eerie silence.

However, You Haoyu seemed to start before eating.

not in a good mood

Du You thought for a while, and suggested: "Playing games?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of both of them changed. Probably recalling the tragedy of Christmas Eve that night.

You Haoyu looked at Du You, as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end, he sighed and said, "I can't go to the set for a few days, I have to practice by myself."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the script on the coffee table, paused, "Sorry." Then he walked into the guest room.

Du You looked at Qin Ge again.

The man smiled: "If you want, I can accompany you." Although the smile was a bit forced no matter how you looked at it.

Du You: "You don't like it?"

"No." Qin Ge denied, "I like everything my brother likes."

Du You looked at him, speechless for a moment, then turned around.

Qin Ge thought he was going to turn on the TV, but instead he walked towards the door.

Du You put on his coat, put on his shoes, and turned his head: "Let's go for a walk."

Hearing this, Qin Ge was taken aback for a moment.

"It is necessary to have a chat." Du You said, and turned the handle.

However, before all the doors were opened, Ryan rushed over: "I'm going too!"

Du You closed the door again with a "bang": "You can't go out."


Du You looked at the handsome face of the other party, and honestly said what was in his heart: "It feels very troublesome."

Being, being rejected! Ryan was struck by lightning.

If words can be turned into sharp blades, then his heart is like a thousand arrows piercing through his heart at this moment.

He doesn't care what other people think. But all the daughter-in-laws he liked said that he was "very troublesome", which made Ryan dejected all of a sudden, and returned to the living room wearily.

Qin Ge didn't expect his brother to offer to take a walk with him. Until they went out together, they were still in a state of disbelief.

The villa area is full of green trees and lush grass. Everything is well organized.

But despite this, you don't usually see anyone here. Residents travel by car.

Walking on the road, it seemed like they were the only two left in the world.

The clear brilliance of the crescent moon shrouded the green leaves, and the air seemed to be dotted with bright lights. Birdsong can be heard occasionally, but nowhere to be seen.

Qin Ge followed behind Du You, about a step away, his eyes kept on Du You.

Du You paused and turned around: "Why are you walking behind?"

There seemed to be starlight in Qin Ge's eyes: "This is how I can see you all the time."

Du You was silent for a moment, then turned around.

He opened the mouth and said, "I recently remembered something about our childhood. But why I lost my memory, I can't remember it."

Since Du You was conscious, he discovered that he was unusual. He wandered among monsters that would attack humans but bow down to him.

Therefore, he thought he was like this from the beginning, and he never doubted his identity as a "monster".

Until Qin Ge's appearance awakened the memory of his life.

When Qin Ge heard Du You talking about the past, his eyes flickered slightly: "It's enough for brother to remember me."

What's more, he didn't want Du You to remember the reason for his amnesia at all. It was too painful, and it was just another torture for nothing.

Du You didn't reply.

To be honest, it doesn't matter to him whether he can recall the past memory or not.

He has died once. Even if there was a fetter in life, it was a matter of the previous life.

Therefore, he didn't want Qin Ge to be bound by the past all the time.

Don't pester him, don't regard him as the leader, and don't get angry for nothing because of these things.

Du You is not very good at empathy, and has always spoken straightforwardly. So he told Qin Ge these thoughts without any concealment.

The system panicked and tried to stop: [Wait, host!]

Qin Ge is like a ticking time/bomb. Although it seems to be obedient now... no, maybe not so obedient.

But in any case, when listening to these words, the situation will definitely become worse than it is now.

It's a pity that it's just an intangible system, and it can't cover the mouth of the host.

Of course, there are entities that can't do it either.

Looking at Qin Ge again, he became more and more silent, and even the light in his eyes dimmed.

After listening to the host's last sentence, the system covered its eyes in despair.

dare not look.

Qin Ge didn't interrupt, but he didn't respond either. Lowering his head, a few strands of light chestnut hair fell down.

Du You stretched out his hand: "We can have a new relationship, let him pass the past."

Hands hang in mid-air.

Qin Ge raised his eyes and looked at his brother's knuckle-boned fingers.

After a long time, he said: "You said before that my brother should listen to my brother. I will listen to you. Why do you say that."

Du You froze for a moment: "... sorry."

That was just a stopgap measure. When he was in a car accident, although he was not actually injured, it caused Qin Ge's great mood swings. Because he was worried that the other party would do something irreversible, he spoke to appease him.

There was no explanation, only such a light apology was heard.

Qin Ge slowly raised his hand and held the palm.

Du You bowed his head. The cold and hard touch of leather gloves came from the palm.

At first, just hold it lightly. But then, the other party's strength became stronger and stronger, almost wanting to crush the bones. The gloves made a tearing sound as they were stretched tight.

Du You didn't even blink.

What Cai said just now might be hurtful, but he didn't want Qin Ge to waste any more time on him.

Not to mention whether he can recall all the memories. Even if I remembered, as an experimental subject, I was taking care of another experimental subject, but it was an order from the scientific researcher.

Finally, Qin Ge let go of his strength.

Traces of bruises appeared on Du You's skin. But Qin Ge didn't let go, but held up that hand: "I'm sorry, did it hurt you?"

"No pain."

Because he is not human, even if an arm is cut off directly, it will not hurt or itch.

At this time, Du You could feel the opponent's body trembling slightly. Then, his fingertips touched Qin Ge's eyebrows.

Qin Ge lowered his head and held Du You's hand tightly, as if it was the only salvation.

"Don't say that, don't hate me."

"elder brother."