I Ran Away after I was Forced into a Love Polygon

Chapter 54


Don't hate him

Du You was taken aback, but he didn't expect the other party to react like this.

He reflected on the conversation just now, and felt that he should not have conveyed negative emotions.

He just felt that Qin Ge needed his own life. Not to mention that they are not blood brothers, even if they are blood brothers, when both of them are adults, they will no longer cling to each other like they did when they were children.

System: [That's what I said, but you can be a little more tactful!]

Du You: [tactful?]

System: [Just, it's like magnifying the side of you that thinks about him.]

Du You: [That's what I said.]

System: [No!]

No matter how you listen to it, the central idea is "The previous memories are completely unimportant, I hope you don't come to disturb my life again" - that's what it means!

[Then let me say it again.]

[Wait!]The system hurriedly stopped, [Don't make things more complicated.]

It felt that with the expression habits of the host, it would only injure this guy again.

At this time, there was a "click" sound, as if something collided.

But there was no one else around except the two of them.

Qin Ge was still holding his hand.

Du You pulled out his hand and replied, "I don't hate you." After a pause, "However, I'm not going to take back what I just said."

Qin Ge's palm was empty, and he slowly put down his hand.

He was silent for a while: "You suddenly said this because of what happened?"

Raising his eyes, he looked straight into Du You's eyes, "Brother, do you have someone you like?"

Du You didn't react: "What?"


Otherwise, Qin Ge couldn't think of a reason.

He could feel that Du You had always rejected his approach. It wasn't until he gradually recovered his memory that he seemed to acquiesce in his own existence.

Thought everything would be fine—if it wasn't for those guys who got in the way.

Especially yesterday. He saw his brother being hugged by that stinky guy—or rather, being hugged on one side.

But no matter what he said, the elder brother didn't push away the other party.

Obviously, if he took the initiative to contact him, he would be avoided immediately.

What did that guy do to make Du You suddenly say these words to himself

It was like trying to shake him off and make him inaccessible.

But seeing Du You's confused face, Qin Ge shook his head: "It's okay."

The answer is not important.

Because no matter what, he will not change.

Even if my brother has someone he likes, but that person is not him.

… He wasn't ready to give up either.

After the walk was over, the two returned the same way.

This time, Qin Ge didn't force them to live together, but went back to his home.

He watched Du You quietly, and tilted his head: "Good night, brother."

"Good night."

After saying goodbye and watching that person leave, Du You suddenly remembered why the question just now sounded familiar.

For the first time, it seemed that Shen Chen was asking him.

But since then he understood that the meaning of this question should not be to ask him what the paper man likes, but the person he likes in reality.

But... people who like it.

the person I like

He didn't understand why he was being asked such a question.

When walking home, there happened to be a knock on the door in the corridor. It was You Haoyu who came out.

The other party saw him and stopped in his tracks.

Ten minutes ago, Du's guest room.

You Haoyu sat at the table and spread out the books. However, I couldn't see it.

Warm light shone on the words on the white pages, and the black words seemed to be blurred into one piece.

He put down his pen and stood up, wanting to get some fresh air.

Draw the curtains. Outside is a dense green bush, and after opening the window, clear air pours in.

The cold breath woke him up a bit.

Until just now, he had been thinking about what Qin Ge said in his mind, as if he had entered a dead end.

And now, he seems to have finally figured it out. Throw out those messy thoughts.

So what if he understood Du You's attitude. His feelings will not be shaken by it.

If he has been hesitating, maybe he and Du You will stop here.

Just like when I was away from home. What he wants to do he has to do. Even if you hit the south wall, you will never look back.

Green bushes sway in the wind, revealing gaps. You Haoyu stood in front of the window, and suddenly frowned.

There were two familiar figures walking in front of them. Due to the distance between the green bushes, they looked not sober. But from the figure, he still recognized the identities of those two people.

It was Du You, and the younger brother who was pestering him.

They stood in place, not knowing what they were talking about, and the content could not be heard clearly. About ten minutes later, Qin Ge took Du You's hand and held it in front of his eyes.

From a distance, the atmosphere is rather ambiguous.

What is this doing

Unknowingly, You Haoyu's five fingers gripping the window sill became even harder. The amber eyes reflected the intimate figures of the two.

The author has something to say: Second update