I Ran Away after I was Forced into a Love Polygon

Chapter 60


"Mr. Du" is what other people call their daughter-in-law.

Hearing what Manager Wu said, Ryan was a little moved.

The world here is no different from his hometown, there are many strange smells disturbing his sense of smell. If this person knew where his daughter-in-law was, he would definitely be able to find it much faster than he is doing now.


"What's an audition?" Ryan asked. "Does it take a long time?"

The two looked at each other.

This guy doesn't even know about "auditions". Could it be that he is not familiar enough with Chinese

Manager Wu explained: "It's equivalent to an interview. Let people see if your performance is up to standard. It will be over in ten or twenty minutes."

Mainly because of the long wait.

But this is not a problem, just put people in the front position. They still have this face.

When Manager Wu heard Ryan asking this question, he knew that the other party was shaken, so he struck while the iron was hot: "Don't worry, it won't take too long. Believe me, this is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you."

Since he will be Mr. Du's lover, part of the reason must be lack of money. The entertainment industry is the fastest-growing industry.

Ryan just wanted to find Du You quickly, and didn't care what the man said later. Hearing that it wouldn't take too long, he nodded.

The two were overjoyed.

The man in sunglasses took out his mobile phone: "I'll tell them first."

After all, go aside and talk.

Ryan stared at the man, suddenly realized something, and pointed his finger: "Don't use this to contact your wife."

Manager Wu followed his gaze.

this? Do you mean the mobile phone

"Can't contact." Ryan emphasized again.

No, why. If you don't contact him, how will you know where Mr. Du is.

Manager Wu was very tangled. But if they refuse here, the other party might not leave with them. I had no choice but to agree.

In short, after the audition is completed, send it to Du's head office first.

Ryan probably knew the purpose of that strange machine. If Du You had known in advance, he might have been sent back halfway.

That does not work. He wants to surprise his wife.

After a while, the man in the sunglasses finished the phone call. Turning around, he gave Manager Wu a thumbs up gesture.

He said again: "It used to take more than half an hour. But before that..." His gaze shifted to the side, "Let's change this guy's clothes first."

Ryan: "?"

The two drove to the nearest boutique men's clothing store.

The highlight of Eve's "White Valentine's Day" planning this time is romance and giving back. To put it simply, it is necessary to create a warm male image that attracts female customers.

Then clothing selection also needs to prepare in this direction.

After all, they were in the entertainment circle, and neither of them had too bad a vision. In addition, Ryan has a good foundation, so it is suitable to put on any clothes.

But just when Manager Wu was about to pay, an accident happened.

- With a sound of "hissing", the model tore the clothes on her body.

Manager Wu was shocked: "You, what are you doing."

Lane: "Uncomfortable to wear."

Manager Wu: "Why didn't you just say that!"

The store manager standing behind the cashier murmured: "No, how is this possible. Every piece of clothing in my house is carefully selected by me, and the comfort is also highly praised..."

Manager Wu was speechless for a long time. But after all, he tore his clothes, so he still paid.

When he walked out of the store, the chubby store manager with a good-natured face was still quite shocked, and he didn't know how long it would take to get better.

The man with sunglasses pushed his sunglasses: "Maybe this store is not very good, let's find another one."

There are business districts around here, and we will soon arrive at the second store.

This time I specially found a loose top. Manager Wu wiped off the sweat from his forehead: It should be all right now.

However, just as he was about to pay, he heard that familiar voice again: "Zi La—"

The store manager cried bitterly: "My clothes are of such good quality, how did you tear them?"

Manager Wu: "..."

Then came the third house.

Manager Wu looked at Ryan vigilantly, and the other party finally did not tear up. Just lowered his head and sniffed the smell on his clothes.

He took out his mobile phone and prepared to pay.

—Pretending to pay, he turned around again.

Ryan still didn't move, looking up at him in bewilderment.

Manager Wu breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, "How much..."


Manager Wu froze.

"2333 yuan." The store manager reported the number in amazement, "Thank you for your patronage."

"… it is good."

The three returned to the car, silent for a long time.

Ryan sat in the back row, with his feet on the sofa, looking up at the roof of the car. Seeing that the two hadn't spoken for a long time this time, they asked, "Is this an audition?"

Broker Wu: No!

The man in sunglasses pointed to the time on the watch: "It's our turn in twenty minutes."

I thought it would be done soon, so I specially added people to the front position.

If you are late, it will be a serious discredit to both of them.

Manager Wu wiped his face: "Let's go to the next one."

The car starts.

Before arriving at another clothing store. Ryan was about to get out of the car, but was stopped.

"We'll go buy it for you." Manager Wu said, "You wait here."

Then, the door closes. The werewolf was left alone in the car.

He was bored, seeing no one around, popped out his ears and tail, stuck to the window and looked out.

Fashionably dressed passers-by come and go. Compared with other places, people with black hair and black eyes are rare, and most people have dyed their hair brown.

It reminded him of his tribe.

In that world, mostly brown hair and eyes. Generally speaking, the rarer the color, the more powerful the ability.

The only exception is Xiao Tiantian, who has a mysterious background.

The man is weak. If it wasn't for his protection, he would have died in that dangerous world in three to five days.

Compared with Xiao Tiantian, Du You is more in line with Ryan's common sense so far - the color of the eyes and hair are beautiful, so the strength is strong. He was even stronger than him, and easily put him down.

Ryan felt that he would travel to this world just to meet Du You.

Even in order to breed powerful offspring, he must bring his wife back to the tribe.

[The target is twenty meters ahead.]

Xiao Tiantian stopped when he heard the system's words.

Ryan is very conspicuous, if you are outside, you will notice it immediately. But now, as far as I can see, there are only ordinary-looking passers-by.

A black commercial vehicle leaned against the side of the road and turned off the engine. The windows are covered with privacy film so you can't see inside.

Xiao Tiantian looked around and after confirming that there was no sign of Ryan, his eyes fell on the vehicle outside the clothing store.

Xiao Tiantian: [Where is he?]

Main system: [Yes.]

Xiao Tiantian: [Is there anyone else in the car?]

Main system: [No.]

The judgment of the main system will not go wrong.

Xiao Tiantian immediately stepped forward.

The next thing to do may make Ryan hate him. But he doesn't care anymore.

If because of his gentleness, he kept the little Gong slices in the dark—and caused irreversible consequences, then he would never forgive himself.

The werewolf moves very fast, and the coordinates are constantly changing.

However, twenty minutes ago, the rate of change slowed down and finally stopped.

Therefore, he did not miss this opportunity. He didn't even have a few mouthfuls of lunch, so he rushed over by car immediately.

It is now established that Ryan was in that car.

Since the werewolf can be obedient, maybe the so-called "daughter-in-law" is also here.

With heavy legs, Xiao Tiantian walked over step by step.

He wanted to see what the little sluts who dared to snatch his men away and even fascinated them looked like.

At this time, the door of the clothing store opened, and there was a crisp bell.

Xiao Tiantian saw two unremarkable men walking out with large and small bags.

Originally he didn't care. Passers-by who looked like these two passers-by didn't care at all.

But in the next second, these two guys got into the commercial vehicle.

Wait, what's going on here

Xiao Tiantian was stunned.

Could it be that one of those two men was the culprit who took everyone away from him

how can that be.

After a while, the car emitted a tail of white smoke and rushed towards the boy who happened to be standing at the rear of the car.

Because he was too surprised, Xiao Tiantian didn't even have time to order the system to use his skills, and was choked by the exhaust fumes and coughed.

He watched the car go away bitterly, feeling uneasy.

In the car, Manager Wu, who didn't notice anyone behind the car at all, passed two paper bags to the back row.

"The clothes and shoes are all inside. Please, don't tear it up this time."

Lane: "Uncomfortable to wear."

How do you know if you haven't worn it yet.

Manager Wu really wanted to shout that. He always felt that this guy was trying to trick him on purpose. Because he didn't take anyone to see Mr. Du directly, but took a long way around.

"Thirty minutes." He discussed, "Thirty minutes is fine. After the audition is over, you can tear it up as you like."

Ryan looked at the paper bag in the opponent's hand.

Arrive at the audition location. Barely arrived ten minutes before the time limit.

Manager Wu was exhausted and out of breath. But with his three-inch tongue, Ryan finally agreed to put on the clothes.

Or maybe he thought he was too loud.

The audition took place at a rented hotel. Different from auditions for amateurs, only artists who have signed a brokerage company can enter. So there are not many people.

When he walked in with Ryan, Manager Wu felt that everyone's eyes were on him.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that all the tiredness and bitterness were like clouds in the past.

After all, for him, the most valuable thing is to dig out a rough stone, and then polish it into colorful diamonds.

A person in charge of "Eve" came over. When I saw Ryan, I was amazed: "No wonder you insisted on vacating a spot for me, that's why."

Manager Wu stretched out his hand: "Hello, I'm sorry to trouble you this time."

"No. Our original intention is to find a suitable model." The person in charge shook hands and said with a smile, "I also wish you success."

Soon it was Ryan's turn.

Almost everyone felt that the model for this Valentine's Day project was him the moment they saw him.

This White Day, Eve launched a new white chocolate. The other party's hair color just complements the product color.

Although I already have a bias in my heart, the process still has to go.

Interviewer: "Do you understand our products?"

Lane shook his head.

Interviewer: "Have you ever eaten?"

Ryan still shook his head.

The interviewer pondered for a while: "What do you think is an adjective for this new product?"

Ryan tilted his head puzzled.

The air in the room fell silent, as if time had stood still.

Same as before. This time, the same sentence was on everyone's mind.

This person... can't do it.

The question-and-answer session ends. The interviewer asked someone to bring a new product and hand it over to the contestant who didn't know anything about it.

"Now simulate the scene. Eat this piece of chocolate and reflect the deliciousness of the product."

There is a lot of freedom in this test. It is not limited to the artist's use of language, movements or expressions, and is also the item with the greatest weight in the final evaluation.

Ryan took the chocolate from the staff, glanced at it, and tore open the package.

Under the light white wrapper is pure white chocolate, delicate and smooth.

The interviewers pay attention.

In the past, most artists would look at it first, and then take a bite. Make an expression of enjoyment and taste the mellow, sweet and long aftertaste.

Come on, what kind of show will you bring us.

Lane put the chocolate under the tip of his nose and sniffed it.

The interviewers nodded: In addition to the taste, remember to reflect the smell, a good entry point.

Ryan threw the whole piece of chocolate into his mouth.


Although it is amazing to be able to eat such a large chocolate in one bite, this is not what we want to see!

Ryan chewed a few times and swallowed. It was the first time he had a snack, and the impact was obviously huge.

Because of the excitement, the ears involuntarily pricked up, and then retracted immediately.

His tongue licked his lower lip, as if reminiscing.

"good to eat!"

The interviewers all fell silent.

They seem to have seen ears just now, is it a hallucination


Everyone thought in unison.

It seems a little cute.

The interview is over. Manager Wu is waiting outside the house.

The person in charge also participated in the interview just now, walked out and patted the manager on the shoulder, and said meaningfully: "You can look forward to it."

This is obviously good news. At least among the candidates that have already been interviewed, Ryan has great hopes.

Before Manager Wu could be happy, when he saw Ryan, he was about to tear his clothes, so he rushed up to stop him.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work today. Let's take our leave first."

Manager Wu said goodbye to the person in charge, and pushed Ryan out of the hotel.

The man in the sunglasses had already returned to the car ahead of schedule, opened his notebook and began to write the manuscript. When Manager Wu got into the car, he saw the words on it, which were all rainbow farts to "Lian".

"Look at this." Seeing his friend coming up, the man in sunglasses took out his phone and handed it over.

Manager Wu saw that it was a Weibo.

The blogger appears to be a high school girl.

[Going shopping with friends today, I met a peerless handsome guy! Searched online and found no relevant information. So handsome, why didn't he make his debut, woo woo woo.]

The accompanying picture is a group photo.

The girl compared the scissors hands with a silver-haired young man standing beside her.

The young man didn't look at the camera, but looked down at the girl, revealing a three-dimensional silhouette. It looks affectionate.

Posting time is in the morning. It's just that the blogger doesn't have many fans, so the number of comments and reposts are very low.

The man in the sunglasses put away his phone: "In addition to this Weibo, there are many other sneaky photos, all of which are right-clicked. When the time comes to match my manuscript and buy a hot search, it will definitely spark a wave of popularity."

When the time comes, Eve's endorsement will be even more secure.

But for Manager Wu, the meaning is not only that.

At present, Xinwen Entertainment has no reputation at all. Even if there is, it is mostly negative. For signing a tainted artist.

And when there is the first relatively well-known artist, the market's positive attention to Xinwen Entertainment will increase, and more outstanding potential stocks will join the company.

It's a virtuous circle.

The only uncertainty is that Manager Wu doesn't know whether Mr. Du will agree.

What I said this morning was still too general. He is going to send an email next, telling Mr. Du what happened today and his outlook for the future, to express his determination.

Just when he was about to open his portable notebook and prepare to edit his emails, he felt the car body shaking violently.

Looking back, I saw Ryan jumping on the window sill. On the seat behind is the shirt and shoes that have been taken off.

The other party squatted on the window sill, but he didn't feel unsteady. It seemed to him that it was an all-too-familiar posture.

Manager Wu was startled: "Wait, where are you going?"

He wanted to go to Mr. Du after sending the email. Can't wait

"Don't worry, I'll drive you there now."

Lane, however, didn't respond, just glanced back at him.

When meeting those eyes, Manager Wu couldn't help being taken aback.

I don't know if I read it wrong, but the originally beautiful emerald eyes were dyed with a ray of bright red. When I looked over, there seemed to be a red light flickering.

Then, the young man turned his head and jumped out of the car window.


Manager Wu hurriedly got out of the car. But the opponent was so fast that he couldn't catch up at all. After a few steps, he was out of breath, and watched the other party get into an alley.

Then, he made eye contact with another person.

It was a very young boy, staring at him with a trace of resentment in his eyes.

Looking at the man's expression, it seemed that he had done something heinous to him.

Then, the boy turned around and walked into the alley where Ryan disappeared.

The man in the sunglasses also got out of the car. Seeing his friend standing still, he asked, "Why did he leave suddenly?"

Manager Wu suddenly came back to his senses and grabbed the man in the sunglasses by the shoulder: "Did you see that! Just now his eyes turned red!"

"What did you say?" The man in sunglasses was surprised, "Don't he have black eyes?"

Manager Wu: "..."

"It's green." He took off his friend's sunglasses, "Could you stop wearing these pretense?"

After finishing this, Manager Wu took out his mobile phone.

He always felt that something was wrong, and he had to notify Mr. Du as soon as possible.

It was already afternoon, and the sun was setting in the west. At this time, a cloud drifted past, blocking the sun.

Xiao Tiantian led Ryan to an empty space with no one there before stopping.

He looked at the werewolf. The other party squatted on the ground, revealing the familiar infatuated look again. The tail was born, and it couldn't help shaking.

Xiao Tiantian hooked his vermilion lips, raised his hand, and gave the werewolf the grace of touching his head.

Ryan groaned and came over.

Those eyes should be dark green, like emerald agate. It is like a mixture of countless kinds of green, which have different colors under different lights.

But it will never be like this. Inadvertently, a red light flashed.

Plot correction.

This skill has to see the target with your own eyes to work.

Originally, Xiao Tiantian tried his best not to use it on the target of the attack. Because relying on their own charm and their love, they have a more sense of accomplishment.

But now, Xiao Tiantian, who has been blackened, doesn't want to think about these trifles anymore.

The more principles you confine yourself, the more cramped you will be in doing things. That's why he ended up in such a lonely situation today.

Looking down at the well-behaved werewolf, Xiao Tiantian smiled, but was very indifferent in his heart.

Because he would never forget the insult Ryan had done to him this morning.

Come to think of it, the person who chased Ryan out of the car just now was that white lotus. Such a precise attack on his own small attack must also be a traverser. The greater possibility is to have the same system.

He had already let the other party clearly see his appearance.

Although there were no pedestrians on the road just now, there was still a danger of being bumped into. So he needs to move location.

If that person is really worried about Ryan, he should find himself soon.

The day of the decisive battle is today. After today, he will let all the traversers know what will happen to those who dare to steal him! .

Inside the hospital.

Contrary to what Shen Chen guessed, Du You was not chatting, he was checking Weibo.

There are no major events on the trending searches recently, and the plot related to Xiao Tiantian has not appeared, and everything is peaceful.

After several hours of browsing, I finally waited for Father Shen. After eating, I was ready to say goodbye.

Before he walked out of the hospital gate, he received a call from a stranger.

Except for a few frequently used contacts, Du You did not have the habit of saving numbers.

He presses the call button.

A hurried male voice came from over there: "Excuse me, Mr. Du, I'm Xiao Wu."

Because we just met each other this morning, Du You still remembers the voice: "Hello."

"Is it convenient for you now?"

Du You: "What's the matter?"

Manager Wu paused: "It's like this. I met your lover when I was eating at noon today."

Du You: Huh? who

Manager Wu explained the matter concisely and to the point.

Finally said: "He suddenly jumped out of the car and left without saying anything. I'm not sure if I went to find you, but I feel that the situation is a bit strange."

After listening to this passage, Du You probably also knew that the "lover" in the other party's mouth was referring to Ryan.

Although I don't know why this misunderstanding occurs. But compared to this, the description in the other party's mouth is more interesting.

"Red light?"

"Ah, yes." Manager Wu knew that this matter was a bit ridiculous, but he still said truthfully, "The eyes seemed to turn red suddenly."

"Later I also saw a boy. He was shorter and had short black hair."

He described his appearance, "The man gave me a look, and then went in the same direction as Ryan. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with it."

System: [House, host, that person is... ]

It's Xiao Tiantian.

When I checked Weibo just now, I was still thinking that it was very peaceful recently, but I was immediately slapped in the face.

However, will Ryan take the initiative to find Xiao Tiantian

Du You recalled what happened to Shen's mother before.

If Xiao Tiantian used "plot error correction" just to get Ryan back by his side, that's all.

But if Ryan is allowed to act aggressively again, or if Ryan is used as an entry point to use "plot error correction" on other people, it must be resolved as soon as possible.

"I see, thank you."

He was about to hang up the phone, but he listened to the other end of the phone:

"I'm sorry Mr. Du, I took him to the audition without authorization. You may be angry, but I really want the company to develop."

Du You thought for a while and asked, "Did he do anything strange?"

Manager Wu thought he would be scolded, but instead heard this kind of question.

To put it strangely, it is to keep tearing clothes. Nothing else.

He hesitated to answer: "No, no. The audition performance is also very good."

Du You: "That's okay."

Stop Ryan from going out, just don't want the other party to cause noise.

If it is light, it will reveal its animal shape, and if it is heavy, it will destroy it everywhere.

Since Ryan didn't do anything out of the ordinary, it didn't matter to him.

What's more, Xiao Tiantian is the one who needs urgent treatment the most.

Manager Wu couldn't help being stunned when he heard Mr. Du lightly exposed this issue. There was no response until the phone hung up.

After a while, he wiped away tears, looked up at the sky, and clenched his fists.

Leave it to him, Mr. Du, he will definitely make Xinwen Entertainment grow stronger. Let the company's name resound throughout the entertainment industry! .

Du You quickened his pace and walked out of the hospital gate.

As the sun sets, it is the time when day and night alternate. Du You dialed another number and called the informant.

"Tell me, Xiao Tiantian's current location."