I Ran Away after I was Forced into a Love Polygon

Chapter 63


On the coffee table, two cups of black tea were bubbling and steaming.

Du You stared at the white smoke in a daze.

Qin Ge went upstairs just now, saying he was going to change his blood-stained shirt, but he hadn't come down yet.

So he is in a daze.

While Du You was in a daze, Qin Ge walked into the bathroom on the second floor.

The bathroom is bright and spacious. Turn on the light, cold light dripped down like running water, reflecting the man's knuckles.

Qin Ge covered the buttons with his hands and unbuttoned them one by one.

The shirt was open, and it was a muscular body. His complexion was still pale, and under the cold light, he looked even more bloodless.

He took off his shirt, took off the black leather gloves, and threw them into the trash can together.

Then turn and look in the mirror, looking down. The abdomen was sporadically stained with red, which was the blood of the corpse.

There was no emotion in his eyes. He took the towel aside, turned on the faucet to wet it, and began to wipe the blood.

Over and over again, almost to scratch the skin.

Then, throw the towels in the trash again. The trash can shook a few times and fell to the ground.

After a while, Du You heard footsteps coming from the direction of the stairs, and followed the prestige to look over.

Qin Ge changed into a black turtleneck sweater. The black sweater made the complexion even colder, like a piece of thin paper.

On the outside of the long sleeves are smooth palms, without gloves.

This was the first time Du You saw the appearance of the opponent's bare hands, and his eyes couldn't help but fall on it.

Qin Ge noticed and didn't evade: "The gloves are thrown away, and there is no replacement for the time being."

As he spoke, he walked up to Du You and stood still, looking down at him with slightly curved eyebrows and eyes:

"However, there is only brother here. So it doesn't matter."

Du You remembered that the reason why the other party wore gloves seemed to be that he didn't want to be in contact with others.

He didn't ask much: "Sit down first."

Qin Ge sat down on the side sofa.

Du You cut to the chase: "This time I came to see you because of Xiao Tiantian."

Although he didn't know why the other party killed Xiao Tiantian, it made him realize one thing - Qin Ge could cooperate.

It is different from You Haoyu and Shen Chen who are ordinary people, or Ryan who is controlled. Qin Ge, like him, is not affected by "plot error correction".

Although Xiao Tiantian died temporarily, he will be resurrected again soon, so he can't take it lightly.

Similar things may happen again in the future. Qin Ge probably just happened to be there this time to avoid the worst outcome.

In order to prevent Xiao Tiantian from making bigger moths in the future, it is necessary to discuss countermeasures in advance to deal with them at any time.

He briefly stated the purpose of the trip, and finally said: "So, you may kill him, but he is not really dead. We still need to find other solutions."

During the conversation, Qin Ge did not interrupt. He didn't show any surprise at Xiao Tiantian's resurrection ability, but just listened quietly.

After Du You finished his last sentence, he said, "I know."

Du You: "What?"

"If you die, you will be resurrected, I know." Qin Ge looked at Du You, "Don't worry. This time, he won't come back to life."

Will not come back to life.

Du You was puzzled.

According to the system, Xiao Tiantian's "resurrection" is unsolvable. What did Qin Ge do to say such things

After hearing that Qin Ge knew that "Xiao Shou can be resurrected", the system launched an emergency search.

After reading "The End of the World..."-in short, the book with a long title, I finally found the reason.

In the setting of this book, in order to attract X's attention, Xiao Shou borrowed the power of resurrection from the beginning.

The system had only skimmed through the profile of the characters before, but didn't read it carefully at all. Now that he found an explanation, he was about to tell the host when he heard Qin Ge say that he had "completely killed Xiao Tiantian".

It was completely dumbfounded.

It was a blessing in disguise to connect to the main system, only to learn that Xiaoshou needs to use points to exchange skills.

Because it is just a rookie system derived from the main system, the only traversal ability is borrowed from the main system, and it will fail after being used twice.

It has a clean relationship with the host, and there is no "point" transaction at all.

So, how does this person know the method.

Qin Ge: "Every time he dies a certain number of times, he will disappear for a while."

Therefore, it can be guessed that, at least within a certain period of time, Xiao Tiantian's resurrection ability has a limit on the number of times.

A total of five times.

At that time, after he killed Xiao Tiantian for the fifth time, the opponent finally stopped healing. Immediately afterwards, the corpse turned into powder and drifted away with the wind.

If it can be resurrected at this point, it will be a creature more terrifying than zombies.

After listening to the explanation, Du You couldn't help being silent.

In other words, Qin Ge not only knew that Xiao Tiantian could be resurrected, but also found a corresponding solution, and quickly took action to solve the biggest trouble.

This result came too suddenly and unexpectedly. Du You digested for a while.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about "plot error correction" or "integration" after this. There will no longer be any small Gong slices coming here for Xiao Tiantian's time travel.

He can finally be his domineering president without distractions.

Du You finished digesting. Then he stood up and said to Qin Ge, "That's all right, go to bed early."

Originally, I came here to discuss this issue. Now that the problem is solved, he is ready to go home, wash and sleep.

On the tea table, the black tea cooled quickly, and there was no white smoke in sight.

But before he could move forward, Du You heard the question:

"Brother, do you have anything else to say to me?"

He paused and looked down.

Qin Ge was still sitting on the sofa, looking up at him.

The corner of his mouth was as usual, with a faint smile, but his eyes were dark and inexplicable.

Du house.

In the living room, the orc lying on the ground slowly opened his eyes. In the darkness, the dark green pupils seemed to be soaked in light.

What caught my eye was a familiar yet unfamiliar scene.

His head was in chaos, and his body was heavy. I wanted to get up, but I couldn't lift a finger. And from top to bottom, the bones are falling apart and there is a dull pain, and the muscles are sore.

Very quiet, can not hear a little sound. Only him.

Ryan closed his eyes again. After a while, the mind gradually became clear.

He remembered.

I went out this morning to find a wife, but I was entangled by an inexplicable person. The man said he could take him to find someone, so he followed suit.


There was another dull pain in Ryan's brain, and his brows could not help but frown. After a while, I started to recall.

Then, he did something incomprehensible.

Due to the habits of orcs, the pursuit of a mate has always been decisive.

As long as you fancy someone, you will pursue it desperately; as long as you give up, you will never turn back.

But at that time, he seemed to be under control, and fell in love with Xiao Tiantian again.

Later, when they arrived at the abandoned building, they regarded Du You as an enemy threatening the family and launched a fierce attack.

Recalling the scene a few minutes ago again, it's like dreaming, and I can't control my every move.

Why did it become like this.

It's just that with Ryan's understanding, I'm afraid it won't be possible to sort out this matter in a short time.

Thinking made his headache worse.

He whimpered and closed his eyes again, trying to relieve the pain.

The wind suddenly picked up, blowing up the curtains, and then deflated them.

Hearing Qin Ge's words, Du You fell into deep thought.

Anything else to say

He felt that he had said all that needed to be said, and there was anything else that had to be said about Qin Ge.

Du You really couldn't figure it out.

But the little clever ghost system immediately reacted after hearing the question.

No wonder Qin Ge's mood didn't look right tonight. Did he know about You Haoyu

Although I don't know how to know. But if you think about it in detail, it feels a little scary.

It shook its head, shaking out all those bad thoughts. Seeing that the host is still thinking... or in a daze, in short, in order to break the deadlock as soon as possible, it gives a reminder:

[Host, morning, morning!]


System: [Did you do something with someone!]

After dialing, Du You suddenly realized.

In terms of Qin Ge's presence, who he did and what he did with, that was the only thing.

However, he still asked uncertainly, "What happened in the living room this morning?"

Qin Ge was a little surprised. He didn't expect Du You to hear what he meant.

My brother is always slow, he thought it would take some time.

The issue of surveillance this morning has been tormenting him.

When I first heard it, I thought it was my brother who agreed to date that guy.

After repeated confirmation dozens of times, I finally heard the complete conversation.

It's not official, but...

try to date

What is that.

That kind of ordinary guy is not worthy of brother at all.

Seeing that Qin Ge didn't refute, Du You was convinced of his conjecture just now, and said, "He doesn't know how to use home appliances, so I have to teach him."

Qin Ge: "..."


Du You was still nodding there. After such a long time, he felt that he had understood some ways of the world.

Qin Ge probably didn't like what he did this morning.

After all, he didn't seem to like Lane very much.

In Qin Ge's view, he and he are brothers, so brothers should naturally maintain the same attitude.

But I not only taught Ryan how to use the TV, but also lent out the collection of "Don't Run Overbearing School Grass" series.

This is called jealousy.

Although he wanted to get rid of this brotherly relationship, according to Qin Ge's reaction last time, it seemed impossible to achieve it in a short time.

So, he can understand.

The system covers its eyes.

It never expected that under its own prompt, the host would come to such a conclusion.

Although the emotional judgment is not wrong, the content is completely wrong.

But it's not incomprehensible, after all, Qin Ge wasn't present at the scene where You Haoyu confessed, so the host naturally wouldn't think that Qin Ge was asking about it.

Qin Ge was silent.

Sure enough, you must be straightforward when speaking to your brother.

He wanted to directly ask about the "association" and the reason for agreeing to the association. But once exported, there is a high probability that the existence of monitoring will be exposed.

So, he tried to get his brother to speak out, but failed.

Questions that are too vague are still not acceptable.


Qin Ge unconsciously raised his hand.

Du You didn't pay attention to the other party's actions. After explaining what happened this morning, I thought I should be able to leave.

As a result, the wrist was grabbed. He looked down.

The opponent's fingertips were extremely cold, and the five fingers tightened. The force was so great that it almost left a blue mark on it.

And still sitting, bowed his head, did not speak.

Du You looked up: "Is there anything else?"

There was no response, only the sound of the wind blowing the leaves outside the house could be heard. Clouds passed by, blocking the shadow of the moon.

From Du You's perspective, he couldn't see Qin Ge's expression, so he didn't know what the other party was thinking, so he planned to withdraw his hand.

"do not go."

This time, it was rare that Qin Ge didn't look at him when he spoke.

"Brother, can you stay tonight?"

He has to do something.

If you don't do something, the dark emotions that have settled in your heart will no longer be suppressed.

He hoped that Du You could stay.

Only when I look at my brother and touch my brother more, can the incomparably heavy, complicated, and muddy feelings not overflow and drown me overwhelmingly.

Upon hearing this, Du You replied, "My house is just across the street."

[Wait, that's not the question!]

Even the system noticed that Qin Ge was unusual: [It's okay to just stay for a day. Harmony makes money, and harmony makes money.]

Du You: [But I want to go home.]

System: [Host!]

But even though he was rejected, Qin Ge still didn't let go of his hand, and instead became stronger and stronger. Pull your elbows back.

Du You was pulled over abruptly, staggered a step forward, and bumped into the opponent's knee with his knee.

But the other party didn't seem to realize it, and just held him stubbornly, refusing to let go.

The wind rushed in from outside the house, lifting Qin Ge's light chestnut hair. The curly hair swayed slightly.

Du You saw it, and unknowingly stretched out his hand to hold down the opponent's hair.

Under his command, the young man froze and raised his eyes to look over, his eyes full of surprise.

Du You: "..."

He was also a little puzzled by his actions, and touched it almost subconsciously.

And this action does not seem to be the first time.

Is it something he forgot

Did something similar happen when he was considered a human being and still lived in the laboratory

Surrounded by dazzling white, it is still a room without decoration.

As usual, the teenager sat on the bed and meditated. It was rare for his younger brother not to come over and quarrel with him today, so that he could fully dream about the outside world.

Suddenly, there was a familiar sound of tumbling footsteps outside the room, and the door was slammed open.

"Brother!" It was my younger brother's voice.

The young man sighed in his heart, opened his eyes to look, but couldn't help being stunned.

The other holds a hen in his hand.

The hen is huge, with beautiful feathers and black and round eyes. Lying in his brother's arms very obediently.

The two have been living in the laboratory and have never seen other creatures except humans.

If it wasn't for the young man peeping through the book collection, he probably wouldn't have recognized this creature with two legs standing upright and long feathers.

"Where did you get it?"

The younger brother didn't answer the question, but just handed over the chicken: "Here, can I make a roast chicken?"

Hearing this, the young man suddenly remembered that he mentioned this to the other party not long ago, saying that he wanted to meditate on roast chicken. But I didn't expect to bring it to him.

The boy reached out to take it, and the chicken's body temperature was very high. Unlike human beings, his skin feels a little prickly, and he is completely unaware of the fate of being slaughtered.

The ingredients are there. But what to do.

They only eat one meal a day, which is provided by the teacher on a fixed-point basis.

A bowl of pasty liquid mixed with white, and a hard black solid.

Therefore, the teenager can only rack his brains to think about how to deal with the chicken from the books he has read.

If you want to roast chicken, you must first have a fire.

But the chicken was still alive, even feathered, and it didn't quite look like a roast chicken. So, the first thing they do is...

Boy: "Pluck the hair first."

Brother: "OK."

However, before he could act, there were hurried footsteps outside the house, and several men in white coats ran over.

The door was not closed when my younger brother came in just now, the door was wide open.

The teachers ran to the door and stopped in their tracks when they saw the hen in the boy's hand.

He seemed to want to come over, but he hesitated when he found his younger brother standing in front of the bed.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally the leading male spoke. He took a step forward: "Du You, give that to me."

As soon as the words fell, he felt a chill on his neck, as if he was being stared at by some penetrating gaze. Then his shoulders were pulled back by his companion.

"Be careful!"

However, the expected attack did not strike. Because Du You got out of bed before the little boy.

He walked up to the teacher and handed the chicken over: "Is this it?"

The man breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes."

Since the end of the world, those mutated monsters will hardly let go of any living creature, whether it is human beings or livestock, they are all eaten up by them.

The difference is that humans would be assimilated into monsters. After the livestock is eaten, it is truly dead with nowhere to hide.

This hen was found by a hunting group by accident. Whether by cloning or otherwise, they need it to reproduce.

Just as the man was about to take it, he heard a childish voice: "Let go."

His hands stiffened, and he couldn't help looking over.

The experimental subject they named "Qin Ge" stared at them expressionlessly.

Naming the experimental subject is also following the opinion of an expert. If you keep calling people by numbers, it will make the experimental subjects feel a huge sense of isolation and have no empathy for humans.

And the "name" is full of bonds and emotions, which can make the experimental subjects more willing to be used by them.

This point has been fulfilled in "Du You". But when they treated "Qin Ge" in the same way, it had no effect at all.

After all, the teacher who named it himself died at the hands of this terrifying experimental subject.

"Let go."

The little boy repeated.

Stared at by those unemotional eyes, the man's legs felt weak, and he really wanted to directly refuse this job.

When they found that the animals brought back after so much painstaking efforts disappeared, they immediately thought that it was "Du You" who did a good job. This experimental subject has an unparalleled longing for the outside world.

So before they rushed over, they didn't expect to face this situation.

Just when the man was in a panic, Du You turned his head to look over and said, "Come here."

The little boy finally took his eyes off them and walked over.

Every time the other party took a step closer, the man's heart seemed to be squeezed, and he held his breath.

In the end, the little boy stood still and clung to Du You. Du You put his hand on the opponent's shoulder, as if suppressing it, and then handed the hen over again.

In any case, Du You's actions gave the man a peace of mind.

Without looking at the little boy, he bent over to take it and left.

Several teachers came and went in a hurry, and they didn't want to stay here any longer.

Seeing those people go away, the younger brother was a little unwilling: "Why?"

He wants to make his brother happy. In the end, the thing was still taken away, and even my brother returned it with his own hands.

At this time, the head was touched.

He raised his head and happened to meet Du You's gaze.

"When we grow up, there will definitely be a chance to go out." Du You said, "When the time comes, I'll catch it for you to eat."

younger brother:"… "

His obsession with eating is not as big as his brother's, and it doesn't even matter if he can't go out.

But at this moment, being touched on the head and promised, he felt better immediately.

"it is good."

It was the first time Du You touched his younger brother's head. Different from my own hair, my brother's hair is soft, and because of the natural curls, it is very comfortable to touch.

He couldn't help rubbing it a few times.

"Brother, brother?"

Hearing the slightly puzzled question, Du You came back to his senses. Let go of your hand and silently look at the other person's messy hair.

The younger brother saw that his elder brother was so interested in his hair, so he raised his elder brother's hand and placed it on his head: "Touch it if you want."

Du You remembered what he had read in the book before, and understood his current mood.

He probably wanted to perm his hair.

Memories flashed in my mind.

Du You looked at Qin Ge, and the other party's expression became complicated after being surprised.

Just as Du You was about to withdraw his hand, he was grabbed.

Qin Ge looked at him, and his voice was rarely steady: "... Brother?"

Du You: "Sorry, I put it up subconsciously."

Qin Ge was silent for a while, then let go of his hand: "It's okay." He lowered his eyes, "You can do whatever you want."

Du You thought for a while and squatted down. Sitting on the sofa, Qin Ge was a little taller than him. As soon as he squatted down, he could only look up at the other party.

Du You: "When I was in the laboratory before, did I promise you anything?"

Hearing this, Qin Ge was taken aback.

"I have forgotten many things, and I can only remember a little bit." Du You said, "Although we are not brothers, but as a friend, I can achieve those things with you."

"Xiao Tiantian is also resolved, we can continue to live here."

In Du You's view, everything is beautiful.

There is unpolluted air, endless blue sky, and endless delicious food here. People's faces are filled with happiness, and everyone is so amiable.

They will not fight over a bottle of water or turn against each other over a biscuit. Humans are social animals and cannot survive without their companions. But always beware of being betrayed by your companions.

— This is everything Du You saw with his own eyes.

So, he wants to live here.

Qin Ge stared at Du You's lacquered eyes, which were as pure and transparent as obsidian. Those eyes reflected his own bloodless face, as pale as a corpse.

He is out of tune with the rules of society.

Even though the last days were ugly, it was the place where he and his elder brother established a bond. What's more, there is no group of people who covet my brother.

If only the status quo is maintained.

But if one day, Du You really fell in love with someone—he would definitely not be able to control himself, and thus do things that would make his brother angry.


Qin Ge asked, "Can you accompany me to fulfill the agreement?"

Du You nodded.

He knows himself. Trapped in the laboratory at that time, I am afraid that the most promised is to take people to eat.

Qin Ge was silent for a while, then smiled: "Then, let's start with what brother remembers."