I Ran Away after I was Forced into a Love Polygon

Chapter 65


As usual, even if he is injured, as long as his body can still move, Ryan will eagerly accept this approach.

It's just that now he can't move at all, he is really powerless.

But it was a pity to refuse this opportunity in person, so I could only stammer and ask that question.

I want to accept it psychologically, but I can't physically.

After listening to the question, Du You replied: "No, this is fake."

What a fake.

Lane didn't understand the meaning of this sentence. Then Du You stood up, took the blanket from the sofa, and stretched the blanket over him.

This is the blanket he has been using for the past few days, and it has been stained with his own smell. The fine hairs on the blanket grazed the wound, causing a slight pain.

But after all, it was Du You who covered him himself, and he didn't respond, not even frowning.

"Have a good rest." Du You was about to get up.

Before he could stand up completely, his ankle was lightly touched. Looking down, it was the werewolf's arm that was not completely covered, half of it was exposed outside.

"I want to drink water."

Ryan hid half of his face under the blanket, with an ice pack on his forehead, revealing only a pair of wet eyes. His cheeks were flushed with fever.

I really haven't had a drink just now.

Du You picked up the teacup on the ground, lifted the corner of the blanket, brought the rim of the cup to the other's mouth, and wanted to pour it directly.

But Ryan didn't open his mouth, but turned his head slightly, stuck out his tongue and licked it mouthful.

Humans don't drink water like this. It really looks like a puppy.

The water runs out quickly. Du You helped him cover the quilt again, stood up, and looked down at him: "Good night."

The living room light was off.

Ryan closed his eyes when the figure of the man disappeared in front of his eyes. Soon, he fell into a deep sleep due to exhaustion.

back to the room. It should have just been cleaned today, so it's spotless. The bedding was also replaced with new ones. The window was half-closed, and the night wind came in, bringing a faint fragrance of flowers.

Du You walked over and drew the curtains, and closed the windows. After taking off his coat, he loosened his tie and entered the adjacent bathroom.

Due to tonight's battle, the shirt has a lot of scratches and blood stains, so it can no longer be worn.

Especially the right shoulder, which was bitten by the animalized Ryan, and a large pool of blood seeped out, soaking through the clothes.

Du You took off his shirt and subconsciously threw it into the laundry basket. After thinking about it, I picked it up and stuffed it into the trash can beside me.

Du You, who looks like a human, has an extremely healthy complexion and a body that looks like it has been trained for a long time.

The blood on his right shoulder had already solidified, and when he took off his shirt, the lotus root was broken with sticky liquid.

Du You didn't care about these minor injuries, and didn't even look at them. After taking off all his clothes, he turned on the shower.

Warm water sprayed down from the nozzle and hit the body, washing away the remaining blood.

I don't know when the injury on the right shoulder will heal, leaving only a shallow scar.

A few minutes later, after taking a shower, Du You walked out of the bathroom. Her hair hadn't been dried yet, a white dry towel was placed on her head, and water droplets kept dripping down her black hair.

He sat on the bed and stared blankly for a while. Then he picked up his phone and sent Assistant Xiao a text message, and he was about to fall asleep.

Hair is still wet.

But that's okay, he's not human and doesn't get migraines.

And most importantly, he was really sleepy.


The system suddenly shouted loudly, making Du You suddenly sober.

The system hates iron but not steel: "How many times have I taught you to dry your hair after washing?"

In the past, Du You would blow dry, at least half dry. Instead of lying down wet like this. Even if I don't have migraines, if I just sleep like this, my hair will probably be tangled in the morning.

Du You: "Very sleepy."

System: "That doesn't work either."

Du You: "I sleep on my stomach."

System: "That's not the problem!"

But no matter how much the system tried, it still couldn't defeat Du You's sleepiness.

Du You automatically blocked the system's nagging, got into bed and fell into a deep sleep.

A night without dreams.

Soon the next day came, and the light of the morning sun seeped through the curtains, bit by bit.

Du You opened his eyes and sat up from the bed. His hair was wildly disheveled and curled up in disarray, and a white towel was spread out on the pillow.

Although he woke up, he was still in a daze.

The aunt seems to have come, and a slight sound can be heard outside the house.

He got out of bed and went into the bathroom to freshen up. He didn't change his pajamas either, just as he opened the door, he heard a rush of footsteps downstairs, rushing upstairs at an extremely fast speed.

When did Auntie get so lively

As Du You thought about it, the voice came closer again in an instant. Then, a white shadow rushed over.

It is somewhat similar to Ryan's animal shape, with shiny white fur and majestic majesty, but the size has been reduced by a few sizes.

Du You watched the thing rush to his feet, and slammed on the brakes before barely standing still.

After a while, the animal shape gradually became taller and bigger, and returned to the human shape.

Ryan squatted on the ground, his long silver tail swaying uncontrollably. Xu Shi just took a shower, different from yesterday's disheveled face, very neat and clean.

It's just that the silver hair is as messy as Du You's.

Still only wearing trousers, his naked upper body was covered with scars. But compared with yesterday, it is no longer so shocking. In just one night, a lot has been recovered.

"Good morning!"

Even the voice became as clear as before.

Du You: "Morning."

He smelled the aroma of breakfast, "Is Auntie here?"

"Here we come!" Ryan grinned, "But don't worry, I didn't let her see the ears and tail, I changed back to the beast shape."

Du You recalled the other party's appearance just now: "Have you shrunk?"

Ryan: "The animals here are very small. I was afraid of scaring her, so I shrunk down."

This is a unique ability of orcs, and they can freely control their body shape in animal form. Of course, there are limits to this.

They cannot grow as big as a house or shrink to the size of a grain of rice.

"Are you going out today?" Ryan asked, "I will stay at home obediently."

Du You: "It's okay." He paused, "You can go out now."

Ryan's eyes lit up: "You want to take me out?"

"No." Du You was going to the company, and there was no need to bring Ryan with him.

Ryan's ears drooped and he looked downcast.

Du You ignored the other party's reaction and said, "Let's go eat."

He left a sentence and walked around the werewolf to go downstairs, but the corner of his clothes was gently pulled.

Looking back, I saw Ryan still squatting on the ground, looking up at him: "I will wait for you at home, you have to come back."

The last time Du You was away from You Haoyu, he was indeed away for three days.

But under normal circumstances, unless he is on a business trip, he basically doesn't sleep out.

This is not a difficult request, Du You nodded.

Ryan grinned, two canine teeth looming. He changed his body shape again and returned to the appearance of a smaller white wolf. He rubbed his head against Du You's calf again.

Du You walked downstairs, and the white wolf followed immediately.

In the dining room, the auntie had just sat down and brought her breakfast, when she saw Du You, she couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Du, haven't you combed your hair yet?"

Usually, Du You's hair was a little messy when he first got up, but it has never been as messy as it is today.

Du You scratched his hair and sat down: "Comb it later."

"Okay." The aunt replied, and turned her gaze to the white dog beside her.

She was startled when she first entered the room this morning. When she came in, she saw a blanket spread out on the floor of the living room, and it seemed that something was wrapped inside. Covered from head to toe, the real body cannot be seen.

Just as she approached cautiously and was about to lift the blanket, she saw a beautiful big white dog jumping out. Wagging his tail, he circled her enthusiastically.

Such a big dog is obviously an adult.

Rich and noble people keep dogs for the sake of being close to each other. They have raised dogs since they were young. Is this a friend of Mr. Du who borrowed it here

With that in mind, she rolled up her sleeves.

Been busy this morning. In addition to Mr. Du's breakfast, he also needs to make dog food.

But it doesn't matter, she has been in the industry for so many years, and she is also a master at making dog food.

Du You took a sip of his coffee, and saw his aunt turn around and enter the kitchen, brought out a dish, and put it in front of the white dog.

In the bowl and dish is her special dog food, which is delicious in color, fragrance and taste, and it is also arranged on the plate. Both the appearance and the nutrition are very good.

"Come on, let's eat."

Du You looked at the bowl of dog food, and felt that his eating speed slowed down.

System: [Host, what are you looking at? That's dog food.]

Du You: [But Ryan is not a dog.]

Moreover, it is obviously made of human food, why is it turned into dog food because it is for dogs.

The aunt didn't notice the employer's sight, and after finishing everything, she went back to the kitchen and started to clean up.

Ryan lowered his head, sniffed the food, stretched out his tongue, rolled it up, and swallowed.

Du You left his seat and squatted next to Ryan with a spoon.

"Is it tasty."

The animal-shaped Ryan couldn't speak human words, so he could only wag his tail to express his liking.

Seeing this, Du You stretched out a spoon and gouged out a corner, and put it in his mouth.

Food for dogs is actually very bland. Don't put too much spices, basically keep the original taste of the food. So for normal people, it doesn't feel delicious.

Du You swallowed it and nodded: "It's delicious."

In order to show his agreement, Ryan whimpered happily.

System: Forget it, forget it, it didn't see anything.

Breakfast time passed quickly.

After a meal, Du You walked back to the room. Put on a suit and tie.

Facing the mirror, everything is as usual, except for the disheveled hair that can't settle down.

System: "So I told you all, I need to blow dry."

Du You twisted his hair with his fingers and thought for a while.

Forget it, just go out like this.

System: "You gave up too quickly."

He turned and walked out of the bathroom. As soon as he left the room, he heard conversations coming from downstairs.

Ryan changed back to the animal form, so he should not be able to make a sound. Is Assistant Xiao here

Du You walked downstairs, and there was a figure sitting in the living room. Seeing him, he smiled slightly: "Good morning."

Compared with last night, Qin Ge looked very calm today. As seen before.

Ryan is also in the living room, but he is far away, and seems to be very wary of the man.


Du You thought that when the other party came, they should go to the company together, "Wait a while, Assistant Xiao should be here soon."

Qin Ge: "The school has classes today, I just came to see my brother."

No matter what his real identity was, at least on the surface, Qin Ge was still an international student at S University.

Du You had never been to school, so he was actually a little curious.

Hearing this, he asked, "Is the class fun?"

For Qin Ge, it was just to maintain the minimum social relationship. It doesn't make any sense to him to go to class.

"If brother is interested, you can go to listen with me."

Du You nodded, then shook his head again: "Next time."

I have to go to work today.

He sat on the sofa: "What else can you do in college besides classes."

"Don't Run Overbearing School Grass" has been serialized for so many episodes, and the real people have graduated from high school for countless times, but the hero and heroine are still high school students.

Therefore, Du You's sporadic knowledge of "going to school" can only be learned from there.

Du You: "Will there be a dance?"

Qin Ge kept smiling: "Yes."

Although probably not the same thing as my brother thought.

Du You let out a "wow": "The school girl and school beauty selection competition."

Qin Ge: "..."

what is that.

Du You: "The people in the student union have a lot of power, do they treat other students like domestic animals?"

Qin Ge couldn't answer anymore. His gaze moved aside and landed on the TV cabinet. Inside is Du You's "treasure" DVD.

Du You wanted to ask more questions, but the phone vibrated. I took it out and saw that it was a text message from Assistant Xiao, saying that it was almost here.

Du You put away the phone: "Take me to your school next time."

Then he stood up and prepared to leave.

But at this time, Qin Ge suddenly called out to him: "Brother."

Du You: "?"

Qin Ge: "Your hair is very messy."

Although in his opinion, his elder brother is cute no matter what he looks like. He stood up, smiled and said, "Let me help you."

After a while, Du You returned to the bedroom.

He sat on a stool with a mirror in front of him.

In the mirror, my hair was indeed messier than usual. But he felt that it should not affect his domineering president's temperament.

Qin Ge stood behind him, holding a comb in his right hand. The left hand gently pressed the top of his head, and the comb was gently combed down.

The movement is gentle, and the strength is almost imperceptible.

Du You thought it might be useless.

But after a while, as if by magic, those disobedient hairs were suppressed one after another.

Then just fix it with mousse and you're done.

At this time, I heard someone behind me ask, "Can I take off my gloves?"

Du You nodded.

Qin Ge took off his gloves and put them on the table. He lied to Du You yesterday that he didn't have any spare gloves, but the other party seemed to have forgotten and didn't have any doubts about it.

Being so close, he could easily feel Du You's breath.

Qin Ge stretched out his hand, inserted five fingers into the opponent's black hair, and gently pushed down. Then, it's the ends of the hair. He paused, and his fingertips continued downward, touching his neck.

There is a depression at the junction. Can feel the blood flowing under the skin, and the warm body temperature.

The neck is one of the sexiest parts of a human being.

Qin Ge's eyes darkened, he put his hands on Du You's shoulders, and lowered his head.

Du You felt his shoulders being tightly grasped. He couldn't understand why he combed and started to touch his neck.

Let the acupuncture points relax to help comb the hair neatly

System: [No way!]

"elder brother."

Du You heard Qin Ge's voice. The volume is extremely low, as if with forbearance, whispering in the ear.

Du You looked at the man in the mirror. But the other party buried his head, his light chestnut hair blocked his face, and he couldn't see his current expression clearly.

"Is it over?" Du You felt that the current hairstyle was very neat.

But he heard no response.

The hand holding the shoulder suddenly loosened and closed inward. Then, she hugged his shoulders tightly.

Qin Ge squatted down, hugged Du You from the back, and buried his head in the other's neck. Between the nostrils, it is full of brother's breath.

He has great strength. He didn't know whether he was embracing or venting his anger, but he kept close to Du You's body.

Qin Ge's body temperature was very low, and Du You felt as if there was a piece of ice sticking to his back. He wanted to drag Qin Ge away. But just as he put his hand on it, he heard the man murmur in his ear again.

"elder brother."

Du You paused.

Qin Ge raised his head slightly and looked at the two people in the mirror. Half of his face was blocked by his arms, only showing a pair of slightly cold eyes.

"Last time, he hugged you like this."