I Ran Away after I was Forced into a Love Polygon

Chapter 69


Hearing this, You Haoyu was stunned for a moment, and then his face flushed red.

"Mating" is an odd word. But when Du You said this, it seemed understandable.

He hoped that Du You could touch himself more, but he never thought that the progress would be so fast. It's not that I don't want to, but I hope that I can do it under the condition of mutual affection.

But if he refuses here, Du You may misunderstand that he doesn't have that kind of thought.

He was a bit incoherent: "No, it was a little too fast. I, I don't know, but if you really want to..."

Du You could almost feel that the other party's holding his hand became stiff.

System: [Ah, host, what nonsense are you talking about!]

Du You's thoughts may have been poisoned by Ryan unconsciously, but he himself didn't even notice it, and he didn't feel that he asked any strange questions at all.

After all, for Du You or Ryan, this is not something to be ashamed of.

But for You Haoyu, it doesn't seem to be the case.

After a while, You Haoyu finally calmed down and let go of Du You's hand. Maybe he didn't want to see his expression, so he put on a mask.

"Are you serious?" He hung his head, his fingers still holding the top edge of the mask.

Du You: "..."

Du You: "Sorry."

He just wanted to know You Haoyu's needs.

He is very clear about Ryan's desire, and he also understands that for Ryan, "like" may only stop at flesh/desire.

As for You Haoyu, this person said he likes him because he wants him to do something.

Hearing the reply, You Haoyu sighed unconsciously. Then he raised his head and looked straight into Du You's eyes.

"I want to go to the movies with you."

Du You: "Now."

You Haoyu: "Now."

Du You: "I'm going to turn on the TV."

Just as he was about to turn around, his wrist was grabbed.

"Go out together." You Haoyu clasped Du You's wrist tightly with five fingers, "Go out on a date together."

Just like normal couples.

Du You looked at him without refusing: "Okay."

As You Haoyu, the only way to go out is late at night. Even if he disguised himself during the day, he would probably be recognized immediately.

Du You put on his coat again. Just as he was about to go out, he suddenly remembered something and asked You Haoyu, "Can you drive?"

You Haoyu shook his head.

He made his debut in junior high school and has been active in the entertainment industry since then - neither has the time nor the need to learn this skill.

Du You: "Me neither."

Because he is a domineering president and has his own personal driver, and there are more than one.

"I'll contact the driver." Du You took out his phone.

You Haoyu stood aside and received some blows.

Because he remembered that the other rivals seemed to be able to drive.

As for himself, not only can't cook, but he can't take Du You wherever he wants to go.

He secretly made up his mind that no matter how busy he is in the future, he will take time to learn to drive.

This time is not too late. Du You made a phone call, and the driver rushed over after a while.

The two got into the car.

The surrounding area of the villa is very quiet, as if isolated from the world.

And ten minutes later, you will enter the bustling city. The two places are not far apart, but they are like two worlds.

The car drove very fast, and arrived at the theater in a short time.

This theater was recommended by the driver. Although the price is expensive, the facilities are advanced and the style is high. And because the scale is relatively small, the passenger flow is not too large.

There should be fewer people at night.

This is a good choice for big stars with sensitive identities.

The car slowly drove into the parking lot, and then just took the elevator up.

The two got out of the car. As expected, the number of people here was much smaller, and they didn't meet any other guests until they got into the elevator.

The elevator is relatively spacious, but You Haoyu stood close to Du You, shoulder to shoulder.

The backs of their hands occasionally brushed against each other. You Haoyu raised his eyes, glanced at the monitoring system installed in the elevator, and then lowered his head.

With a "ding", it quickly reached the top floor. Although I didn't see anyone outside, when I entered, I could still see a few people sitting in the movie waiting area waiting to watch the movie.

Fortunately, they were too busy chatting to pay attention to the new arrivals.

Tickets haven't been bought yet. This theater, like other places, has posters of popular movies plastered at the entrance and exit.

And in this time period, there are exactly three movies that still have shows, which happen to be three different types.

The first, pure love movie.

The movie poster shows two young men sitting back to back on the grass. The girl is wearing a dress, and the boy is cross-legged with a guitar in his arms.

The color is beautiful and fresh, just looking at it makes you want to fall in love.

The second, a comedy. Exaggerated and bold coloring, each character has a big head and a small body.

There's an "I'm funny" vibe inside and out. Usually, though, this kind of movie isn't too funny.

The last one is a thriller. Judging by the names of the actors, they are all newcomers. The pictorial is also very simple, there is not even an actor's face, only a giant face of a ghost.

The ratings of these three films are not too high, and it can be said that they are rookies. But as usual, You Haoyu would never take the initiative to watch these movies.

But for dating, the quality of the movie is not important, what is important is that two people do something together.

He glanced at Du You, and found that the man was holding his chin with his hand, as if he was carefully choosing.

Du You pointed to the leftmost poster: "How about this one?"

It's a thriller.

You Haoyu's face changed slightly, but he did not refuse: "Okay."

Du You saw it: "Are you afraid of ghosts?"

"No." You Haoyu hesitated, "I'm just not very good at things that make people have nightmares."

"Then, let's see this." Du You chose the poster on the far right again. It was that pure love movie.

"Because it's a date, it's better to watch a romance movie." Du You looked at You Haoyu, "Isn't that right?"

You Haoyu was silent and nodded.

Very tacky. It seems that the purpose is to fall in love.

But he did.

The latest session starts ten minutes later. After buying the tickets, Du You went to buy some drinks.

I originally planned to buy popcorn, but unfortunately it was sold out.

In order to avoid bumping into other guests, the two waited for five minutes after the movie started before entering the No. 2 cinema hall.

At this time, the hall was already dark, and the light from the screen reflected the dark blue seats. At a glance, there was no one, only a few figures in the last two rows.

The location they bought was in the middle, with no one in front, back, left, or right.

Du You sat on the left side. After You Haoyu also sat down, he handed the Coke to the other party.

The movie has already started.

The pace of the story is relatively slow, it is a story about two young people falling in love, the tone is fresh, and there are not many strange supporting roles.

Compared with the excitement of "The Domineering School Grass, Don't Run", it's not enough to watch at all.

At least the system saw that it was yawning again and again, and the saliva flowed out.

About twenty minutes later, You Haoyu looked sideways at Du You. The other party leaned back on the soft chair, with his arms resting on the armrests. The stern face reflected the warm light of the picture, as if he was looking at it seriously.

On the screen, the young hero and heroine finally pierced the last layer of window paper and began to talk to each other. The faces are getting closer and closer, and they are about to slap each other.

In addition to the sound from the big screen in front, occasional murmurs could be heard from the back row. Several other viewers who entered the venue didn't care about the content, but "communicated" with each other.

Finally, the hero and heroine kissed in the heavy rain.

At this time, Du You felt the temperature passing from his arm. Then, the palm was grabbed.

He looked down and saw that You Haoyu's arm was on the armrest. And the palm was on the back of his hand at the same time.

He looked at You Haoyu. Even in the pitch darkness, the young man's ears can still be found to be very red. The mask covered half of his face, revealing his amber eyes, glistening with water.

However, did not look over.

The armrests of the movie seats have holes for drinks.

Du You thought he wanted to get a drink, so he picked up the Coke and stuffed it into the opponent's hand.

"it's here."

There were ice cubes shaking in the coke.

You Haoyu silently looked at the drink in his hand and put it aside.

Looking down, Du You's hands were not on the armrests, but on his knees. He raised his hand, tried to reach out again, and gently held the other's wrist.

Du You looked sideways.

The other party was bowing his head, the brim of his hat covering his eyes. As if feeling the line of sight, he raised his eyes, and the lacquer eyes met the amber pupils.

In front of him, the male and female protagonists kissing in the movie finally let go of each other, looked at each other affectionately, and smiled at each other.

"I want to hold your hand." You Haoyu said softly.

His voice was originally rather hoarse, but now that he lowered his voice, it seemed even more magnetic. If a girl was whispered into his ear like this, she would probably blush immediately.

Du You pulled out his hand.

You Haoyu felt that his hand was empty, and in the next second, he felt a wave of temperature covering him.

With the palm facing up, Du You held You Haoyu's palm. Then, as if learning without a teacher, the five fingers penetrated into the gap between the opponent's fingers, and the index fingers clasped together.

There is no difficulty in this. Because they were in a relationship, Du You felt that it was necessary for him to be a "boyfriend".

You Haoyu's heartbeat seemed to slow down by half a beat, he was stunned for a few seconds, and then slowly closed his fingers.

Then, the eyes of the two returned to the big screen again. The only difference is that they hold each other's hands tightly, just like ordinary couples.

The system is not interested in the love affairs in the movies. It still finds the fast-paced and weird plots like "Don't Run Away" more interesting, so after watching it for a while, it feels drowsy.

At this time, he noticed the interaction between the host and You Haoyu, and felt soured.

You Haoyu's body temperature is very high. In other words, this is the normal temperature for normal human beings when they feel excited.

Du You's body has no body temperature, and even though he is disguised as a human, his body temperature is only simulating the body temperature that ordinary people would have, 36°C.

But You Haoyu's palm was very warm, as if it was wrapped in warm water.

Du You looked down. Both hands were on the armrest at the same time. Five fingers clasped, and his arm was pressed on top of the opponent.

Perhaps because of the fighting scene in the filming just finished, You Haoyu had some small scratches on his hands, which formed scabs. It is also because of the existence of these wounds that the hands feel a little rough to the touch.

Although the human body also has the ability to heal itself, the healing speed is far slower than that of non-humans.

Fragile and vulnerable.

You Haoyu only felt that he was being stared at intently, his eyes were anxious, and he didn't know what Du You was looking at. The heart beats rapidly.

He felt a little thirsty, and stretched out his empty right hand to the drink aside, just as he was about to pick it up and take a sip, he felt his fingers being gently rubbed.

You Haoyu froze, and the drink almost fell down.

He didn't dare to move, and lowered his eyes to look over. Seeing Du You stroking the scab on the wound as if he had discovered something novel.

You Haoyu: "Why, why did you touch there?"

Du You: "Touch and have a look."

What is touch and see.

You Haoyu unconsciously strengthened his hand, and clasped Du You's palm with his backhand.

"It feels weird," he whispered. "Don't do that."

The mood is like flying to the sky. If he was touched like this again, he might not be satisfied with just holding hands.

Du You heard the words and did not move.

So until five minutes before the movie, the two kept holding hands.

Originally, maintaining one posture all the time would make the body stiff and reduce blood flow, but You Haoyu's body was always hot.

The final plot of the movie is that the male and female protagonists who have entered the workplace return to school. Just like in the past, you play the piano and I sing, and the frame is fixed in a small and fresh picture that is exactly the same as the movie poster.

A few minutes before the end, You Haoyu lightly tugged Du You's arm, signaling to leave.

When the headlights come on and the audience in the back row walks forward, they might notice his identity.

The two got up and walked out shortly.

A two-hour movie, when it came out, it was close to midnight. The staff at the ticket gate looked a little sleepy, but when the two left, they politely said "welcome again next time".

Standing in front of the elevator, You Haoyu stuffed his hands into his pockets, his palms were dripping with sweat, and there was still warmth in his palms. He glanced at Du You, but the other's expression didn't change.

"Holding hands" may only be of great significance to unrequited love.

Is the other party just completing the task

This cognition made You Haoyu feel a little down.

The elevator quickly ascended to the top floor. The door opened to both sides, and a couple stood inside.

The boys didn't pay attention to them, but the little girl noticed You Haoyu first.

Even if a star is disguised, her temperament and figure are quite different from those of ordinary people.

But the girl didn't rush forward to talk to her, she just kept glancing at You Haoyu. Until the two of them got into the elevator, they didn't look back, looking thoughtfully at the jumping numbers above the elevator.

She tugged at her boyfriend's clothes: "Do you think that person looks familiar?"

The boyfriend disdains: "Isn't it just a better figure. He also wears a mask. You know what he looks like and he looks familiar."

"No." Girls usually follow stars, and they were once crazy about a certain first-line traffic. Although now, that traffic has fallen into the ground, and no one mentions it anymore.

"I think...he looks a bit like You Haoyu." The girl hesitated to make this guess.

"That's so possible! Big stars come to watch movies in this kind of place?"

The girl was anxious: "Why can't big stars go to the movies?"

Boyfriend questioned: "With a man?"

Thinking of another young man's appearance, the girl couldn't help but blushed a little: "Maybe it's his brother."

Anyway, they are so handsome.

The elevator descended extremely quickly and reached the underground parking lot.

You Haoyu has always been sensitive to sight, and at this moment he also guessed that the girl might have noticed his identity just now. But he doesn't care.

If one day, Du You can date him. I am afraid that he will announce this news to the outside world by himself as soon as possible.

Get in the car and quickly return to the villa.

Du You closed the car door with his hands, and was about to get out of the car, he turned to You Haoyu and said, "The driver will take you back later." After a pause, he asked again, "Still staying at my house?"

You Haoyu hardly hesitated: "Live here."

Du You didn't react too much: "Let's go."

The two got out of the car together.

The night was dark, and the villa area with few people was even quieter. The car behind him started its engine, turned around and left.

There are a few dark stars scattered in the night, and occasionally thin clouds pass by, covering the dim starlight like a gauze.

There are lamps standing on the street. The black street lamps in classical European style emit a warm light, laying a circle of bright colors on the ground.

The two walked towards the door, and for a while, they could only hear the rustling of their feet on the ground.

At this time, You Haoyu quickened his pace, walked to Du You's side, and held Du You's hand again.

Du You glanced at him: "Do you like shaking hands?"

You Haoyu didn't reply, but lowered his head and lowered the brim of his hat.

Standing in front of the door, Du You took out the key and opened the door.

He asked again: "Is shaking hands enough?"

You Haoyu froze.

Then the blush spread from the tip of the ear and gradually covered the entire cheek.

He was a little thankful that he was wearing a mask. Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing for Du You to see such a humble appearance.

Just "shaking hands" is certainly not enough. He also wanted more physical contact.

But if the reason is just a nominal "association", then no matter how close the two are, it can only be satisfied for a while. Afterwards, it will be very empty.

What's more, for Du You, it's just to fulfill the agreement and try his best to be a "lover".

What You Haoyu wants is not a short-term approach.

"I… "

Just as he was about to say something, there was the sound of tires scraping the ground behind him. Then, a beam of light shone over.

The two looked back and found that it was a white nanny car driving over.

The license plates are different, but the models are similar. You Haoyu immediately realized who was inside.

He frowned, as if to swear an oath of sovereignty, he took a step forward and blocked Du You behind him.

The door slammed open, and a white shadow jumped down.

His white hair was tied into a bunch and tied high behind his head. Accompanied by the action of jumping out of the car, he jumped up all of a sudden, and then fell down urgently.

The lights in the car were on, and the young man's handsome appearance could be seen at a glance. He was wearing a loose white T, a red plaid shirt around his waist, his arms were wide open, and he had a cheerful smile on his face: "I'm back!"

After the young man said this, he rushed straight over.

Ignoring the man standing in front of him, he slipped under the man's arm and appeared in front of Du You, ready to hug him.

However as usual. He still couldn't succeed, his head was pinned down, and he was pressed to the ground.

"Wait for Ryan, you haven't got your snack yet..." Manager Wu poked his head out holding a few paper bags, and saw his artists at first glance.

"Oh, Haoyu, you're here too."

However, You Haoyu just glanced at him, and looked away disinterestedly.

Manager Wu: "..."

Don't ignore him like that. After all, he is a gold broker.

Manager Wu got out of the car with a paper bag: "I have been busy with Ryan these days. But he is a newcomer and needs to be watched over. You are different. You have debuted for so many years. I believe you can handle many aspects by yourself. "

You Haoyu finally looked over, with a disgusted expression on his face: "What stupid things are you talking about?"

Manager Wu's heart shattered into glass shards.

But he also understood that the reason why the other party treated him with that attitude was probably because he brought Ryan back.

These two are also Mr. Du's lovers. So in a sense, it is a rival in love.

You Haoyu was really upset.

The real reason is also consistent with the agent's guess.

Even though the werewolf was rejected by Du You, he didn't show any disappointment at all. Instead, he ran back, took the dim sum from the manager's hand, ran towards Du You, and passed the dim sum over.

Du You refused the hug, but did not refuse the dim sum. Received: "Thank you."

Hearing the thanks, Ryan was even happier. The joy of not seeing his daughter-in-law for a long time couldn't help bursting out, and his ears almost stood up, but he still held back.

He lowered his body and put his head in front of Du You: "Touch my head."

In the next second, the top of the head was pressed. Rather than touching it, it would be better to say it is pressing down like venting anger. The touch and smell were obviously different from Du You. Ryan immediately sensed the difference and jumped back.

This time, he finally looked at the "extra" man.

Lane never took this man seriously. Weak human beings with pale eyes. Under his own attack, he could only run away in embarrassment.

Lane felt that even the weakest female could beat him if he were thrown into his tribe.

In his eyes, only the light maroon guy can compete with him.

And it was such a weak human being who dared to stand in front of him and hinder him from loving each other with his wife.

Ryan opened his mouth, revealing sharp canine teeth.

You Haoyu still remembers how he looked when he was attacked by this guy's beast form, but he never felt fear.

And from a certain point of view, he felt that he should thank this guy. Otherwise, he might never know Du You's true face.

Facing the threatening growl of a werewolf, You Haoyu didn't retreat, but just looked at this man with a frown.

Manager Wu sensed that the atmosphere was not right.

This seems to be different from the general jealousy when rivals meet each other.

He always felt that if he tried to stop him, he might only become bloody cannon fodder.

That Ryan usually looks silly. But at this time, it was inexplicably scary.

Manager Wu always believed in his instincts, so he took a step back unconsciously: "Well, Mr. Du. I'll leave as soon as I deliver the person."

Du You looked at him and nodded.

The nanny car drove away quickly. Ryan finally couldn't restrain himself, and his ears and tail popped out together.

Du You also felt the murderous intent, although it wasn't directed towards him. He grabbed You Haoyu and pulled him behind him.

Du You: "What to do."

Seeing Du You, Ryan suppressed his anger: "I want you to touch my head!"

What is the head to touch.

Du You didn't quite understand. But this request is not unacceptable, and the other party also helped him bring back macarons.

He raised his hand, and Ryan immediately leaned over obediently. Rather than saying that Du You was touching his head, it would be better to say that he took the initiative to rub Du You's palm with the top of his head.

Fingers occasionally pinch ears. The hair on the ears is short and soft. Whenever the fingertips accidentally touch it, it will tremble slightly.

You Haoyu stood behind Du You, witnessing all this.

Not a big deal to touch. It is not unacceptable to think of this werewolf as an animal.

But he clearly knew that this werewolf had something wrong with Du You. And only because of "face" - such a frivolous reason.

He unconsciously tightened his fists.

After touching it, Du You was about to withdraw his hand. The wrist was grabbed by Ryan.

Ryan held Du You tightly with both hands, and put it on himself: "Touch your stomach again."

Flicking his tail behind him, "There's still a tail."

Du You is not an orc, so he doesn't know about it. The abdomen is a fatal point for orcs, and only those who trust it will take the initiative to expose it.

The tail is a sensitive part of the orc, especially the root connected to the tailbone.

Even the most indifferent orc, if he is grabbed by the tail and touched along it, he will become aroused.

Besides, Ryan is not indifferent.

Du You's palm was squeezed and placed on Ryan's abdomen. Even through a layer of clothes, you can feel the muscles are clearly defined, and the blood flows continuously with the breath.

Just as Ryan was about to take his hand behind his back, that hand was grabbed by another person.

"don't want."

You Haoyu stuck behind Du You, his eyes drooped, "No."

Five fingers trembled slightly.

You Haoyu can see it.

Du You was not surprised by Ryan's actions.

Either because they are used to this kind of behavior, or the other party has already done something more extreme.

But he has no position to criticize.

Even if he is a tentative boyfriend now, he is still in a very passive situation.

Du You glanced at You Haoyu. The other party didn't look at him, but landed on the arms of the three of them.

Du You thought for a while, then gently pulled out his hand.

Du You: "You can't touch it."

Ryan: "Why." His ears collapsed, "Can't you give me a reward?"

"Will it feel comfortable to touch you?" Du You asked, "I can ask Auntie."

Lane was startled. After being stunned for a while, he retorted loudly: "I'm not such a casual person!"

He pointed at You Haoyu: "Why can he touch you casually, but I can't."

Du You looked sideways at the young man. The other party seemed to be stunned, and looked up at him.

Du You turned to look at Ryan: "Because he is my boyfriend now."

On the second floor of the villa, a dark shadow could be vaguely seen. The light-colored curtains were gently lifted by the wind. Then, he was grabbed by a hand wearing a black leather glove.

There were no lights on in the room, and it was pitch black. The man leaned against the window, looked down from the second floor, and looked coldly at the three people downstairs.

His expression didn't change, his left hand clasped the window sill tightly. The force is so great that it almost leaves a crack on it.

"… elder brother."

The light chestnut eyes completely lost their brilliance.

The wind passed and the curtains closed with it.