I Ran Away after I was Forced into a Love Polygon

Chapter 74


He couldn't speak.

Even if the heart is full, the shouter wants to respond, wants to apologize, and wants to tell the other party what he really thinks.

But in reality, Jean still just watched Du You silently without saying a word.

Then, he saw Du You smiled and said, "Today's meal is delicious."

Shen Chen rarely sees Du You smiling. At least in memory, it doesn't seem to have been. But seeing that smile, he felt like his heart was being pulled, and it hurt a little.

Du You looked out the window.

"It's raining."

Dark clouds enveloped it at some point, blocking the beautiful moonlight, and even the night was dimmed a bit. The pattering raindrops slapped down, pasting the transparent windows. Tears slid down the window.

Du You turned around and said, "Have you finished eating?"

Shen Chen was silent, then got up: "Let's go."

The two took the elevator together and moved downstairs.

After receiving the call, the driver waited outside the elevator early, holding an umbrella in his hand. Seeing the two people coming out, they rushed over to greet them.

"Mr. Shen, I'm sorry, I only have one trunk in the trunk."

There are no shops nearby, and it takes about 20 minutes to buy an umbrella every time. The driver himself doesn't care whether he holds an umbrella or not, the point is not to expose his boss and his clients to the rain.

"Then..." He understood his boss' eyes, and said to Du You, "Mr. Du, I'll take you to the car first."

Du You glanced at Shen Chen.

Shen Chen hugged his chest: "Go."

Du You and the driver returned to the car first. Soon, Shen Chen also came up.

There are two people in front of each other, one sitting in the back row and the other sitting in the co-pilot.

The car drove onto the main road, but the rain was getting heavier and heavier. There was a crackling tap on the roof. It was quiet inside the car, but it was extremely noisy outside.

Shen Chen looked at Du You from the rearview mirror. The other party was looking sideways out of the window with a calm expression.

Shen Chen: "..."

He felt that he should say something.

Something has to be said.

There is still an hour or so left on the return trip, and if something is not done to remedy it, it may be irreparable.

Shen Chen's hands were on his knees, he couldn't stop closing and releasing them, feeling a little restless.

But until the driver drove the car back to the villa area and the car stopped slowly, he still couldn't speak. Even a slight apology was not uttered.

Du You put his hand on the door handle and was about to open it. But I heard people in the front row say: "Wait a minute."

It was the driver who spoke. The other party turned his head and said with a smile, "President Du, please take the umbrella away. It's raining too much."

Although it is only a few tens of meters away from the entrance, it is enough to make people wet. And when sending Mr. Shen home, he can drive directly into the garage without fear of rain.

Du You: "Thank you."

After getting out of the car, the door slammed shut.

Shen Chen never looked back.

The half-hanging heart seemed to relax all of a sudden.

Shen Chen couldn't help looking out the window. At this moment, the car window was tapped lightly.

Du You stood outside.

Although I took an umbrella, my shoulders were inevitably soaked by rain. Because of the humid air, the moussed hair is loose, and the bangs hang down.

Shen Chen immediately pushed down the car window.

The man supported the window sill with one hand, and leaned down: "Thank you for the hospitality, good night."

Du You should have just come to say goodbye to him. After saying this, he straightened up.

Shen Chen: "... good night."

The other party turned around and walked towards the door. His lacquered leather shoes stepped in the stagnant water, and his trousers gradually became wet.

In Shen Chen's eyes, the farther and farther he went.

"and many more!"

Shen Chen suddenly made a sound, and grabbed the window sill with his hand.

Du You stopped, holding the umbrella in his hand, and turned his head to look back.


That's not what I said before.

I just…

Shen Chen wanted to apologize. But when he was watched by those dark eyes, those words were swallowed back.

Shen Chen: "..."

He sat up straight and said, "It's nothing, go back and rest early."

Du You nodded. Then, the figure disappeared behind the door.

The heavy rain was still falling, and Shen Chen felt extremely noisy when he heard the sound of the rain. The car window was closed, and the strength of the five fingers increased, and they clasped the window sill tightly.

Du You closed the umbrella and put it in the corner of the entrance. Water dripped from the surface of the umbrella, converging into a stream and spreading across the ground.

The room was very dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. Du You didn't turn on the light, but went straight to the second floor.

The air in the room was a little cold, and he entered the bathroom.

There was the sound of splashing water in the bathroom. Warm air passed through the crack of the door, overflowed into the room, and floated in the still air.

Dry your hair, put on your pajamas, go to bed, and put on a quilt.

business as usual.

The rain is fading.

The rain fell on the ground and flowed into the sewer. The windows were half open, and the sound of the rain was clear. It doesn't feel noisy, but like a lullaby before going to bed.

Du You closed his eyes.

I went to bed early today.

The minute hand rotates around and around, and the time gradually passes. The wind blew the curtains up and down again.

About two hours passed.

Du You opened his eyes again, his eyes were clear, and there was no sign of falling asleep at all.

can't sleep.


When watching cartoons or TV dramas before, the characters in them usually couldn't sleep at night after encountering some problems. He thought it was just an exaggeration, but he didn't expect that one day, the same situation would happen to him.

Although it appeared, I couldn't understand why I couldn't sleep.

There was a dull stone in his chest, pressing down heavily. The eyelids are heavy, but the brain is very active.

But what he was thinking, he didn't understand.

He felt that he hadn't thought about anything.

No, that's not quite accurate either. What Shen Chen said during dinner, You Haoyu's inexplicable expression before leaving, and Qin Ge's confession.

Those scenes are like a revolving lantern, repeatedly replaying in the brain. Sometimes organized, sometimes messy.

Not only the picture, but also the sound, beating gongs and drums, making a lot of noise.

Du You sat up.

Du You: "The system."

He needs someone to answer this doubt for himself, to quiet the noise in his head. Anyone can do it, even if it's a noisy, useless system.

However, no response. The room was still quiet except for the clock ticking.

Are you sleeping again? Du You thought to himself.

The system's recent hibernation time seems to be much longer than before.

At this time, there was a sound outside the window.

The rain stopped at some point. The stagnant water clings to the eaves, drips down, and falls to the ground little by little.

But that sound was not the sound of raindrops falling.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared outside the window. But because the curtains blocked the figure, I couldn't see clearly.

Then with a "swish", the half-opened window was completely pushed open. The black shadow stepped on the window sill and jumped in directly. With amazing jumping ability, he jumped onto Du You's bed in no time.

The mattress sank and bounced back.

What came into view was a white wolf with beautiful fur, and the white fur glistened in the dark. It held several paper bags in its mouth, raised its head and opened its mouth to tear it off—in an instant, hundreds of macarons fell out of it.

It was buried in front of Du You like rain, and completely submerged the white wolf.

Du You leaned forward, and before he could take away the snacks that had drowned Ryan, he saw a fluffy white head popping out.

First the ears, then the messy long hair, and then, a pair of dark green eyes. Even in the dark, there is a faint light.

Ryan regained his human form, emerged from the sea of colorful macarons, and rushed to Du You.

The handsome face grinned, showing sharp canine teeth: "I'm back!"

Du You was silent for a while, and said, "Why are you here?"

It stands to reason that Ryan should be following the broker's notice now.

"It's over, I'll be back first." Ryan replied.

Added to the announcement is the shooting of several magazines. The producers had seen the advertisement for White Day, and they all unanimously asked Ryan to be their model.

After the last announcement, it was already very late. Manager Wu originally proposed to stay in a nearby hotel and send Ryan back the next day. But it was denied by Ryan.

"I wanted to see my wife as soon as possible, so I ran back by myself."

As he spoke, he leaned over and sniffed Du You's shoulder: "Don't worry, no one will see you at night. I'm paying attention this time. Besides, I have completely remembered your smell."

The flow of people at night is always less than that during the day, and there are not so many disturbing factors. What's more, Ryan is more familiar with Du You than before.

He is confident that even if he runs again in the daytime now, he will be able to find the location of his wife without any mistakes.

"This time, I also bought a lot of snacks."

The young man put his strong arms on Du You's sides, with a troubled expression on his face: "I've thought about it for a long time, and I think you need something, but I just can't think of it. I had to buy the same thing."

As he said that, he looked up at Du You again: "You can tell me directly, okay?"

"Whatever you need, I will get it back for you."

Du You thought for a while: "What do I need?"

He repeated the second half of Ryan's sentence. It seems to be asking, and it seems to be talking to himself.

His eyes shifted from Ryan's face to the dim sum under him. Ryan noticed and immediately picked up a light green macaron and handed it over.

The packaging of these desserts is extremely exquisite, each one is packed in a transparent plastic box, showing the shape of the dessert from all directions.

Because this kind of Western-style dessert looks really pretty. Like an exquisite ornament, the color is pure. The outer shell is hard, but the inner is soft and delicate.

Du You took it, and opened the outer box under Ryan's gaze.

Then he took a bite and clicked. The sound is especially obvious in this quiet night.

Ryan: "Is it delicious?"

This is not the first time the two have eaten this kind of dim sum. But he still asked the question, as if seeking affirmation.

Du You: "It's delicious."

Ryan: "Hey."

As if being praised, the werewolf raised his tail, "In the future, I will bring you more delicious things."

He kept staring at Du You.

Although the dessert was extremely delicious, it was also very tempting to him. But for a werewolf, he prefers looking at his wife rather than eating.

Just like that makes my heart warm. That warm, hot emotion is about to overflow like this.

After Du You finished eating one, Ryan picked up another one and handed it over: "Here."

So Du You ate another one.

But when the other party handed the third snack to him, Du You took it without opening the box.

Ryan glanced at Dim Sum, then at Du You: "Are you tired?"

Du You shook his head.

All food is not boring to him. But the strange thing is that now he is not eating very happily. It seems to be just repeating the action of chewing mechanically.

If the person present was not Ryan, I am afraid someone could tell him that this is called "no appetite".

It's a pity that both of them don't understand very well.

However, Ryan noticed something.

"you're not feeling OK?"

Hearing this, Du You turned his head and looked to the side, puzzled: "I'm not in a bad mood."

Ryan: "But you don't want to eat."

Du You touched his stomach: "I should be full."

Hearing this, Ryan bent down and looked at Du You's stomach. But it was separated by a quilt, and nothing could be seen.

He raised his head again: "Is it because I woke you up?"

Du You shook his head: "I didn't sleep."

What's more, he didn't have such a thing as getting angry. Even if he was awakened in his sleep, he probably wouldn't have any reaction.

Ryan couldn't see what was going on. After thinking for a while, he lowered himself onto Du You's lap.

Even in normal conditions, the body temperature of orcs is higher than that of ordinary humans. So when the werewolf lay down, even through the quilt and clothes, Du You still felt a sense of warmth.

Ryan: "I turned into a beast. If you touch me, you will feel better."

Du You: "I'm not in a bad mood."

After saying this, he frowned. I don't know if it's for Ryan, or if I don't understand my emotions.

Ryan didn't care, grinned, and his figure gradually changed.

Then, it returned to its animal form again.

Different from the form of the usual big white dog, this is the original form of the white wolf. Even if it is on all fours, it can reach the waist of an average man, and its weight is not light.

If it is pressed on an ordinary person like this, it is estimated that the person will be crushed immediately.

But at least for Du You, who is also non-human, there is no need to worry about such things.

Then Ryan stood up and jumped off the bed. Instead of leaving, she stood in front of the bed and rubbed the tip of her nose against Du You's palm.

The white wolf buried his head down, letting the opponent follow his face and touch the top of his head. Rather than saying that Du You was touching him, it was better to say that he was rubbing against Du You's palm.

The white hair is soft, long and soft, almost covering Du You's five fingers. And the bottom is the warm flesh, you can feel the blood flow.

Humans in this world seem to like furry things very much. Be it a dog or a cat.

Du You was not very interested in this at first. Even though Ryan asked him to touch himself many times before, he just coped with it.

But now, it seems to understand a little bit. Why do humans like fur so much.

Like white clouds, warm and soft. It seemed that an electric current passed through the fingertips, spread upwards, and hit the heart directly.

Du You was silent for a while, with his hands in mid-air. Didn't retract right away like normal.

Because of this feeling, it seems to be pretty good.

"Thank you," he said.

The white wolf turned his head, stuck out his tongue and licked his palm, as if responding. Then he raised his chin and pressed it on Du You's thigh. The eyes indicate that you are welcome.

Du You put his arm on the white wolf's neck and sat there for a while.

Neither the wolf nor the others spoke again.

The windows were wide open, letting in cool air. The minute hand kept moving, but compared to a few minutes ago, the sound seemed a little brighter.

Cats and dogs are creatures that can heal humans. Although Du You is not human, he has emotions similar to human beings.

Those lingering images and sounds gradually subsided.

Even if only temporarily.

Then, Du You felt that he was hungry.

He looked up at the bed of colorful macarons.

Because of Ryan's actions just now, a lot of snacks spilled out of the bed and landed on the thick carpet

Du You: "Set a small goal."

Ryan tilted his head.

Du You: "Eat all tonight." He lowered his head and looked at the white wolf, "It's a macaron feast."

As if to agree, the white wolf raised his head and let out a happy wolf moo.

As a Western-style dessert, Macaron is usually used as an embellishment for afternoon tea.

The ladies drank black tea and chatted with each other. For an hour of tea drinking, it is estimated that I can only eat half a snack and a pot of tea.

Du You also made tea. It's an instant tea bag.

But those snacks are just too much. At least to Lane, it was a lot, and it was boring.

After eating ten snacks with similar flavors, his stomach swelled up, and he lay on his back, feeling like he would never want to eat this stuff for the rest of his life.

Then Du You ate up the rest of the dim sum.

The hour hand has passed zero, and it is the next day.

Ryan followed closely behind Du You while he was disposing of the garbage. After a long circle, the two returned to the room again.

Eat and drink enough, and then it's time to sleep.

Du You turned around and said to the werewolf standing at the door: "Good night."

Ryan stared at him silently.

Du You: "What's wrong?"

Ryan: "I want to sleep with you."

Previous invitations were rejected. Although he made the same request this time, Ryan was not too hopeful.

Sure enough, Du You just looked at him without replying.

Ryan watched and felt that he must have been rejected again. Her ears drooped, her tail flicked, but she lost her energy.

Du You seemed to be thinking about something. His eyes moved away from Ryan's face and fell to the ground. After a while, he raised his head again.

"Would it be better to do this?"

Ryan: "?"

"I seem to have been doing wrong things recently." Du You said.

I want everything to be the best, but it always backfires.

Before, he could reject Ryan without scruple. But now, I started to feel a little confused again.

He turned sideways and took a step back to the side.

Seeing the other party's actions, Ryan seemed to agree to go in. But he didn't quite understand what he said just now: "You promised to sleep with me?"

Du You asked back, "Will you be happy in this way?"

Ryan: "…"

If you say that eating macarons with your daughter-in-law just now, your mood soars to the clouds. So now, it has fallen to the bottom.

But he didn't quite understand why there was such a change.

Ryan: "I'll be happy."

After a pause, he said again, "But it doesn't seem very happy."

Du You: "?"

Du You didn't understand, and Ryan actually didn't understand either. All he could do was express his feelings.

The language is not enough, but the momentum must be enough.

Ryan took a step forward and held Du You's wrist tightly: "I just hope you are happy. Because I like you, I hope you like me too. But it's definitely not... I want to annoy you."

He paused, trying to find the right words, "Don't show this expression, I want you to keep smiling at me."

Du You bowed his head and thought for a while.

Du You: "I..."

Du You: "I often laugh."

Hearing this, Ryan laughed out loud: "It's not obvious."

He raised his head slightly, and pressed his forehead against Du You's, "I will be very sad if you reject me. But it's okay."

"Daughter-in-law, just be yourself."

Ryan's dark green eyes were slightly bent, and his white tail passed through his waist, wrapping around Du You's thigh.

"Because I love you no matter what."