I Ran Away after I was Forced into a Love Polygon

Chapter 79


Qin Ge also asked the same question before.

That was a long time ago. At that time, the two had just met, and Du You hadn't recovered his memory yet.

At that time, he categorically rejected the other party, telling the other party that he did not want to go back to the last days.


But this time, Du You did not give an answer immediately.

He has no nostalgia for that world. But Qin Ge was different.

Maybe it's because he lived longer in that world than him, or maybe it's because of other reasons.

Why do you have to take him back

For the past, although he can only recall some fragments, but after all, he is recovering his memory bit by bit. Therefore, Du You couldn't say that kind of thing again.

Du You: "Can't you just stay here?"

That seems a bit ambiguous. He paused and said, "After the black hole disappears, the system will accumulate points and send you back."

He can remain in this world. And if Qin Ge's purpose is to stay by his side, then there will be no conflict between the two sides.

However, when Qin Ge heard this, he did not show any joy, but lowered his head.

Not such a compromise answer.

To him, if Du You could choose to accompany him back to the last days, it would be equivalent to choosing him. On the contrary, if you continue to stay in this world, you don't rule out those cockroach-like suitors sticking to it again, which is annoying.

What he wants is for his brother to go back to the last days with him.

But right now, it seems that the desired answer cannot be obtained.

Du You didn't hear the answer, so he asked again: "Is this okay?"

Qin Ge raised his head and looked into the eyes of the other party. After a long time, he smiled slightly: "Yes."


What does that mean, agreed

In theory, it should be so, but Du You always felt that this response was a bit ambiguous. Just in case, I checked again: "Are you going back to the end of the world?"

Qin Ge: "I will go back."

Answering in the affirmative is easier than you think. It should be the words behind him that played a role.

Du You thought so, and said: "When the time comes, you can also live in my house."

The three people have been dealt with, now as long as you tell You Haoyu about it, you're done.

At this time, his mind was already completely elsewhere, so he didn't notice the subtle expression on Qin Ge's face and the colder eyes.

Contacting You Haoyu was not smooth.

During this period of time, Du You called several times, but no one answered. Until the last time, it was finally connected, but another male voice came from the other end.

"Ah, Mr. Du, hello."

It was Manager Wu's voice.

Du You: "Hello." He paused and asked, "Where's You Haoyu?"

Manager Wu: "I've been busy filming for the past few days, now I'm catching up on sleep."

As he spoke, he glanced at his artist. The other party was lying on the back seat of the nanny's car, with a peaked cap covering his face, breathing steadily.

Although there are specially equipped lounges on the set, they are all public and mainly used for makeup. So if you want to sleep, it is more convenient to return to the car.

The phone is on vibrate, the sound is too low, it can't be heard in a deep sleep. If he hadn't just come up to pick up something, he might have missed Mr. Du's call again.

It stands to reason that he shouldn't answer people casually. But when he saw that the contact person was Mr. Du's name, he subconsciously felt that something serious had happened, so he picked it up.

Manager Wu: "Mr. Du, what's the matter with you? Would you like me to wake him up now?"

Having said that, he trembled a little. You Haoyu's waking up was unusual, he had already foreseen the scene where he would be yelled at.

Hey, I don't think he has ever suffered such a grievance as a gold medal manager.

Du You: "It's okay. Let him call me back when he wakes up."

Manager Wu: "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Du You turned the boss chair and faced the floor-to-ceiling windows. It was dark outside, and the night was hanging in the sky, and there was no starlight.

He looked at it for a while, then sat and turned back, picked up the landline on the desk, and dialed the internal line.

"Assistant Xiao, come to my office."

A few minutes later, Du You got into the car.

Assistant Xiao sat in the driver's seat, looking at his boss from the rearview mirror. Looking at it, he sighed unconsciously.

This is the second time Mr. Du took the initiative to visit the class. She couldn't help but sigh that her CP dream was shattered so quickly.

Thinking of the posts posted on the Diya Forum, now almost half a year has passed, and it has already become a HOT post. Because of the popularity, even a publishing house contacted her to publish a book. But the reality is completely different from the direction of development in the post.

Every time I think about it, I can't help but suddenly feel like a dream, and I feel that everything is fleeting.

The studio is located in a suburban area. The car drove onto the highway.

Since the last car accident, Assistant Xiao had a psychological shadow on the expressway. However, as a secretary, he often needs to accompany the boss on business trips, so he has to face his own fears.

Visibility on roads is lower at night than during the day. Turn on the headlights, and two beams of light shoot out, spreading a layer of light on the asphalt road. She tensed her nerves and drove cautiously.

About an hour later, the car finally got off the highway.

Before getting in the car, she contacted her agent in advance and told her she was going to go there. So as soon as I got to the periphery of the set, I saw the agent waiting outside.

In order to avoid disturbing unrelated people, no matter who they are, outsiders must be guided by the staff inside before they can enter.

Manager Wu recognized the license plate number of the boss, saw the car slowly stop in front of him, and rushed up to meet him.

After opening the car door for Du You, he said: "Du You, Haoyu is in the car now, and I will make up the last scene later. There are about two hours left, so I'll call him over?"

Du You shook his head: "No need."

Assistant Xiao has been with his boss for so long, so he naturally understands what his boss is thinking. Instead of getting out of the car, she rolled down the window and said to the manager, "I'm going to park the car, you can take President Du there first."

Manager Wu nodded hurriedly.

The studio at night was still busy, and the searchlights were on, shining like daytime. Due to problems in the later stages of several scenes, they had to be re-shot, which put a very tight release cycle.

The production company has already started promoting it, and if they can't meet the deadline, they will have to skip the ticket. This is undoubtedly a huge waste of time and money spent on exposure in the early stage.

Everyone was busy and no one noticed anyone coming in. There were only a few female field assistants, and since they usually paid a lot of attention to You Haoyu, they soon noticed that Manager Wu had brought in an outsider. Later, they got into the nanny car together.

Seeing this, they couldn't help but look at each other.

Suddenly, one of them called out: "Ah, I remembered!"

After a busy day, everyone else was exhausted physically and mentally. Hearing this call, they all trembled at the same time and looked over together.

"Sorry." The girl hurriedly covered her mouth, "I was thinking of the person brought in by Angkor, and it seems that he was here last time."

"Last time?"

"Yes, last time I brought milk tea for us. Although I only stayed for a while and then left."

The little girl on the set racked her brains to recall: "It seems to be the boss of Haoyu Company."

I see. Everyone suddenly realized.

It seemed strange that the boss of the company came to visit a star under his banner.

If the media followed, it could be regarded as propaganda, but now it seems that it is not the case.

And the last time I came here was during the day, this time I came here at night, so quietly, I have to think about it.

Everyone showed a thoughtful expression.

Not knowing what other people were thinking, Manager Wu opened the car door.

Seeing that the artist still showed no signs of waking up, and he didn't want the boss to wait any longer, he said, "Why don't you wake him up? Don't waste your time."

You Haoyu was lying in the last row, with a cap on his face and a thin coat on his body.

Although it is now spring, the temperature drops quickly after falling asleep.

Xu felt a little cold, and the young man folded his arms on his chest. Since the back seat was not spacious enough, he couldn't put his legs down, so he curled up and leaned sideways.

Du You shook his head: "It's okay, wait for a while."

Manager Wu no longer insisted: "Okay, then call me if you have anything to do."

After speaking, he closed the car door.

The sound insulation effect of the nanny car is very good. After the door is closed, all outside noises are isolated.

But even if this is not the case, with You Haoyu's exhaustion level. I'm afraid I can't hear anything.

He slept so deeply that he didn't even dream. It's just a long-term posture, and the body will inevitably become stiff.

He turned over, and because of this action, the brim of his hat slipped down and hung on his ears.

It seems that someone is here, a broker

You Haoyu frowned, trying to open his eyes.

Because I don't want outsiders to see me sleeping.

However, the eyelids are like a heavy weight, too heavy to lift.

Du You heard You Haoyu murmured, his brows furrowed tighter and tighter, but he couldn't hear what he was saying.

Are you talking in your sleep

You Haoyu fell into a drowsy sleep, feeling that someone was watching him. Subconsciously, he wanted to make a sound to tell that person to go away, but he couldn't open his mouth. It's like a ghost has pressed the bed.

However, under his perseverance, he finally opened his eyes. He raised his eyelids and looked at the man in front of him.

There were no lights in the car, and no outside light could penetrate. So at first only a vague outline can be seen.

But You Haoyu was very familiar with that outline, and immediately realized that this was not a manager.

You Haoyu: "..."

You Haoyu: "Du You?"

His voice was low and hoarse because he had just woken up.

I am still half asleep and half awake, and I don't even know if I saw reality or was dreaming.

You Haoyu closed his eyes, then opened them again. That shadow still hasn't disappeared.

I'm dreaming.

How could that person be here.

These days are like a spinning top, and I have been very busy. Or maybe it's just because he wanted to escape reality, so he was so absorbed in his work that he didn't even look at his phone.

Because it was over, it was impossible for that person to contact him.

The nanny car is divided into three rows of seats: front, middle and rear. As for the two seats in the middle, the armrests can be raised and lowered.

When I came up, the middle two rows of chairs had no armrests. So Du You sat sideways, with his hands hanging on his knees, very close to the back row.

When he heard the other party's voice, he thought he had woken up: "Would you like some water?"

This dream was so real that he could even talk.

You Haoyu thought in confusion.

Du You looked around, but didn't see any water on the car, so he was about to get out of the car and ask his manager. But before he could open the car door, his wrist was hooked.

Not much strength, just gently put his hand on it.

Even so, the other party still didn't get up, but lay sideways on the rear seat.

Then, she smiled lightly: "It's so true."

"And the temperature."

Du You: "?"

Du You: "I have always set my body temperature."

Although it can't reflect the subtle changes like human beings. But it is still feasible to maintain at least 36°C.

However, You Haoyu grabbed his wrist even harder as if he didn't hear his response.

"Du You."

Du You: "What."

You Haoyu closed his eyes: "... I really want to see you."

Although for that person, the "lovers game" with himself is over. And that morning, too, he said his last goodbyes.

But even so, it is not so easy to completely cut off this emotion.

In order not to make himself so uncomfortable, he kept his head buried in his work. Because once he stopped, he would think of Du You's face.

Even the chief director saw the anomaly and forced him to stop shooting.

He had to go back to the car to rest. It's just that I didn't expect to fall asleep, and I still dreamed of this person.

You Haoyu's palm is very warm. This is something Du You already knew.

His eyes slid down from the opponent's face, along the arm, until the hand that grabbed him did not stop.

After being silent for a while, he gently pulled out his wrist and held the other party with his backhand.

Although, Du You didn't quite know what his actions meant. But he wants to.

It seemed that he didn't expect that the shadow in the dream would not only respond, but also respond to his actions. You Haoyu was stunned for a moment, then opened his eyes wide.

After a while, the chaotic consciousness gradually became clear. The dark clouds hovering in his mind dissipated, and he finally realized that this was not a dream.

As if waking up from a dream, the young man suddenly turned over and sat up, his peaked cap and thin coat fell off and fell to the ground.

But he didn't look at it, he just stared blankly at the face of the visitor.