I Ran Away after that Rich Old Man was Pregnant with My Child

Chapter 3


Gu Yixin found himself on the construction site.

Ordinary workers can earn 1,000 yuan by moving bricks a day.

His strength is inexhaustible, from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon, he can earn twice the wages of others.

Earn two thousand a day, enough to buy two hundred meat buns.

Gu Yixin was no longer afraid of going hungry.

When Gu Yixin received his first week's salary of 10,000 yuan and put warm money in his pocket, he decided to go to a restaurant outside the construction site to have a good meal.

The price is very affordable, the food is a big bowl, and it would be even better if there is no burning gaze staring at him all the time while eating.

The proprietress looked eagerly at this handsome guy who ate a braised chicken and added it to the eighth bowl of rice, and felt for the first time that his existence was worthwhile.

For so many years, Gu Yixin was the first person who would add rice to her braised chicken and rice.

Also added eight bowls!

What kind of spirit is this!

When Gu Yixin walked out of the restaurant, he had already eaten fourteen bowls of rice.

The proprietress was so happy that she not only confiscated his money, but also warmly welcomed him to come back next time.

Gu Yixin thanked the proprietress politely, but insisted on paying.

He reached into his back pocket for his wallet, but it was empty.


A shadow flickered behind Gu Yixin.


Before the proprietress finished speaking, Gu Yixin had already chased her out.

"Still haven't found anyone else?"

Lu Mingshi's face was sullen, and several men in black stood in front of him respectfully with their heads bowed, quite uneasy.

"It was not found."

"Have you searched for his old house, the residence of his former classmates, and all the Internet cafes in the city?"


That's weird.

Lu Mingshi's expression was gloomy, his statue-like handsome features were hidden in the darkness, and no one knew what he was thinking.

When Gu Yixin left, he only took his coat with him. There was a wallet in it that could be exchanged for some money, but he asked all over the flea market in the city, and no one had seen it.

Credit card but no consumption records.

There is no cash in the wallet.

Lu Mingshi personally searched his usual residence, and found nothing but a pack of aphrodisiacs.

Although Gu Yixin is a nanny in name, he doesn't get paid, and usually stays at Lu's house for food and lodging.

He doesn't have any ability to make a living, and he has no money. Where can he go if he doesn't go back to Lu's house

There is only one face to see.

Could it be...

Thinking of a possibility, Lu Mingshi's face became even more ugly.

Gu Yixin chased the thief for six streets.

The thief can run away too much, and it's already dark, so it's really not easy to catch.

The thief almost lost his mind when he ran away, and finally got into a nightclub with rustic decoration.

The name of this nightclub is Nightclub.

Gu Yixin was finally caught as a thief in the women's restroom.

The thief struggled to climb out of the window, but Gu Yixin grabbed him back by the collar.

The thief begged for mercy with eyes full of snot and tears: "Big brother! Don't dare again, big brother!"

"Who the hell is your elder brother?"

Gu Yixin snatched back his wallet and took the thief with him to the police station.

But when he walked to the door of the women's toilet, he figured it out. He couldn't go to the police station in person, or he might leave traces and be caught by Lu Mingshi and frustrate.

So Gu Yixin handed him over to the nightclub security.

Amid the awe-inspiring eyes of the security guard and the praise from the small nightclub owner who patted his shoulders vigorously for "removing harm for the people", Gu Yixin strode out of the nightclub door with his head held high.

"Wait a minute, strong man!"

The boss has something to say.

"We still lack a security guard here. I think the strong man looks handsome and has extraordinary abilities. Why don't we just stay here?"

The boss's invitation is very sincere.

Gu Yixin was very moved.

So he began to move bricks at the construction site during the day and guard the nightclub at night.

Earn two wages a day and eat two lunch boxes, so happy.