I Ran Away after that Rich Old Man was Pregnant with My Child

Chapter 60


Lu Mingshi had never experienced such pain in his life. He was still working hard in the morning, but in the afternoon he was in so much pain that he was admitted to the hospital.

Fortunately, An Qiao arrived quickly.

The pain was relieved first in the ambulance, and then Lu Mingshi had some strength.

The pale man, drenched in sweat, glanced at An Qiao and said something feebly.

An Qiao didn't hear it.

An Qiao approached worriedly: "Boss, what do you want to say?"

Lu Mingshi gathered his strength for a while before opening his mouth again, but the sound still couldn't come out.

When An Qiao looked at Lu Ming solemnly, the boss couldn't hear the voice at all, so he could only rely on guessing.

When I saw Lu Ming, his face was like gold paper, and his breath was like a gossamer, with a pitiful appearance of not breathing in.

Usually a big boss with a strong aura, suddenly he is so pitiful.

An Qiao couldn't help but sore his nose.

He held Lu Mingshi's hand, and said with tears in his eyes, "Boss, you are a lucky man with a natural face, and you will be fine. You don't need to leave a last word!"

Lu Mingshi closed his mouth, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.

An Qiao felt that he might have guessed wrong, so he thought for a while and said: "Don't worry, when you passed by, Gu Shao had already talked to me on the phone, and now he is on his way back. He will definitely catch up with you to see you at the end—" "

An Qiao looked at the boss sincerely, and was stared at severely. He immediately realized that he had said something wrong, and changed his words:

"Ah bah! There must be time to see Zai Zai's first birth!"

Lu Mingshi gathered his energy for a long time and finally said a word intermittently:

"Didn't you... have you said... completely... won't... hurt?!"

If it doesn't hurt like this now, what would it be like if it really hurt

An Qiao explained: "I mean there will be no pain during the operation, but the prenatal pain and postpartum wound pain are still inevitable. But boss, if I say that, you will definitely feel nervous. It hurts more... ”

Lu Mingshi thought that if his life was really in danger, half of the belief that supported his survival was probably to save his life and beat An Qiao, a funny guy.

Seeing Lu Ming's expression was wrong, An Qiao hurriedly comforted him: "Boss, you should try to talk as little as possible at this time, talking is very exhausting...

Lu Mingshi took a breath and closed his mouth.

When he was waiting for the ambulance to arrive at home, for a moment he really thought he was going to die of pain.

When the pain is extreme, I start to have all kinds of hallucinations.

Lu Mingshi even took the time to think about it. If he becomes the first man to die from prenatal labor pains, he will have a great chance to become the subject of medical research and make outstanding contributions to science after death.

Lu Mingshi stared at the ceiling of the carriage with dead fish eyes.

Fortunately, the analgesic effect took effect quickly, and now he only felt his lower abdomen throbbing, which was a wonderful and indescribable feeling.

After forgetting the pain of the body, this wonderful connection becomes clearer and clearer.

Will he see his little friend in a few hours

After Gu Yixin said that sentence, the stadium was silent for a second, and then entered a frenzied discussion atmosphere!

"My construction site male model is married??"

"The word lover is so old-fashioned, Gu Gu deserves to be a graduate of the Executive Academy!"

"Who is this lover? Is it a man or a woman? Could it be that our wealthy love story has finally come to an end?"

"He is in such a hurry, he must be seriously ill, lying in the hospital, so pitiful."

The audience talked a lot, but the reporters were dumbfounded.

They wanted to make big news, but they didn't expect this direction at all.

Now that the master has left, their material only has one sentence, eight characters.

"My lover is lying in the hospital."

The reporters looked at their cameras one after another. The content of the picture was very simple, it was Gu Yixin who was surrounded by people and looked nervous.

It seems that today I can only go back and look at the pictures to talk, each showing their magical powers

A reporter who looked older slapped his thigh.

"As the saying goes, three cobblers are worth one Zhuge Liang. Since everyone doesn't know what to write, why don't we brainstorm and use our imagination to synthesize all the content that everyone can think of now, and a news will come out .”

This proposal was widely endorsed by everyone.

"Then let me talk about it first." The reporter said, "First of all, we have to start with the past of the focus person. We can arouse the curiosity of the public in the form of questions first, so that the unlearned young master Gu who first appeared in the public's eyes From the image of an incompetent dandy, to the first male lead in the 300 episodes of love, hatred, hatred, polygamy, to the model worker who talked about harmony and fostering a new style, and now to the talented track and field athlete who rides thousands of miles alone for love , we can write a series of columns around Young Master Gu... "

When the reporters heard that it was reasonable, they all nodded in agreement, and then quickly recorded inspiration in their notebooks.

"Episode 1: The wealthy dude has become an outcast."

"Episode 2: The counterattack starts with moving bricks."

"Episode 3: The role model of contemporary teenagers who act bravely becomes a new generation of Internet celebrities."

"Episode 4: Wu Mao is really not your brother?"

"Episode 5: The construction site male model crossing the border again, the future pride of the track and field class?"

"Episode 6: Surprised! The new generation of high-quality idols revealed that they are married, but did not reveal the identity of their lovers, only revealing that they are lingering and sick!"

"Episode 7: What is the identity of the lover? Is the disease under control? Why did the two fall in love with each other?"

The reporters stopped writing in satisfaction.

Then they start to think deeply.

Who is Gu Yixin's target

Could it be one of his many gossip targets

Gu Yixin's exposure on a larger scale is related to his heroic deeds, but in Yan City, the situation is different.

The people of Yan City know about his past and present life, the ins and outs, and all kinds of gossip about him.

Ever since Lu Mingshi wantonly put Gu Yixin's photo on the billboard, the names of Gu Yixin and several bigwigs have been closely linked.

Therefore, when the people of Yan City saw the news that Gu Yixin had a lover, their first reaction was to search for the current movements of the big shots.

Because they are all key suspects!

Then people found out—

Wei Junshan honestly works in his own company, and just held a general staff meeting for the employees.

He is in good health, with a ruddy complexion, and it is unlikely that he has been in bed for a long time. He has a pimple on his neck, and at most he may be a little angry.

Lin Rui was photographed at a fashion brand's new product launch, shopping for clothes with his new lover.

Young Master Lin seemed to be alive and well, apparently he had completely recovered from his emotional trauma, but when the people beside him tentatively asked about Young Master Gu's latest movements, he showed a very complicated expression.

Hei Che is also trying to collect protection fees today.

All the bosses of the chess and card room in Erdao Alley saw him, and he was in good health as usual, and he was determined not to be lying in the ward or anything.

So people turned their attention to the last one.

Where is Lu Mingshi today

What happened to Mr. Lu recently

This concern.

Obediently, it's amazing.

People discovered that their CEO Lu Da, the richest man in the country under the age of 30, the king of the province, the man with supreme wealth, and the idol of millions of boys and girls, has actually faded out of the public view for more than half a year!

This is really shocking news.

Eliminate the impossible, and whatever remains, however implausible, must be the truth.

Combine all conditions known so far.

The truth is that Lu Mingshi is Gu Yixin's lover, and he is seriously ill, terminally ill, bedridden for half a year, and he is about to die.

The people of Yan City fell into grief.

You know, it's none other than Lu Mingshi, who builds roads and bridges for the people of this city for free, builds buildings for the provincial university, sends books to Hope Primary School, and has been the material for the compositions of countless elementary school students in Yan City!

Moreover, he is also the lover of Gu Yixin, who is extremely popular and acts bravely!

The people of Yan City developed such an idea.

Lu Mingshi fell ill.

According to common sense, if the big boss of a large group is diagnosed with a serious illness, the stock price of the company will definitely plummet if their family has no more powerful management talents than him.

So many bankrupt families are precedents.

Therefore, after the news of Lu Mingshi's illness spread, the Lu Group would encounter more than ten consecutive daily limit downs, and then suspend trading for rectification. After the re-opening, the company would continue to drop down until it went bankrupt and restructured.

The people of Yan City have already pictured in their minds the tragic scene of Lu Mingshi lying on the sickbed dying, while Gu Yixin wiped his tears and asked him how to fill out the bankruptcy information registration form.

Do not!

We must not let this happen!

Watching Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin grow up and being deeply moved by their deeds, the folks made up their minds.

The people of Yan City began to collectively buy shares in the Lu Corporation.

Thus, from the next day onwards, the Lu family's stock had a twelve daily limit!

Of course, this is all for later.

Our client is ignorant of the huge chain reaction caused by his own words.

Gu Yixin gave five hundred yuan to the reporter who lent him his car, left his mobile phone number, took the mobile phone to navigate, and began to live and die at the speed of death.

The road was very bumpy.

He first staged the speed and passion on National Highway 106, and then crashed into a bullock cart in the passion.

Fortunately, the owners on both sides were not damaged.

But cattle are worse.

The owner of the bullock cart refused to let Gu Yixin go, so Gu Yixin took out all the money in his wallet and gave it to him.

"Old man, I will not rely on your account, but I really have something very important now. You let me leave first. If the money is not enough, you will contact me tomorrow."

The owner of the bullock cart: "Young man, what are you so anxious about?"

"To be honest, my wife is about to give birth in the hospital. I have to go back to see him, otherwise he will be sad alone."

Gu Yixin's eyes were red.

Seeing this, the owner of the bullock cart returned half of the money to Gu Yixin.

"Go, young man, we will discuss the matter of losing money later. I think you may have to use money on the way, so be careful on the way so that no more accidents happen. Does your wife know that you are so reckless?"

Thanks a lot, Gu Yixin continued to drive the small broken car that hit a pit and got on the highway. The speed and passion were staged on the high speed again, and then he got off the high speed safely in the passion.

At this time, two and a half hours had passed, and there was another section of national road below.

There are two ways to go, one is the national road and the other is a small road.

The sun has set, and the sky has darkened.

Sparse street lamps were lit on the national road, and the small road was completely dark, and you couldn't see your fingers.

Gu Yixin looked at the national road indicated by the navigation, and Xin Yiheng drove the car onto the small road.

The sky was clear on the road, Gu Yixin turned on the headlights and went wild.

According to this speed, he took a shortcut, and he can enter the city directly from the south entrance, which is the closest to An Qiao's hospital, and can avoid the evening rush hour in the urban area.

He knew it was unsafe to drive like this, but at this moment he could only trust his own good luck.

Ten minutes passed without incident, except for the unevenness and ups and downs of the road, it was considered to be very smooth.

But Gu Yixin forgot one thing.

It's out of gas.

When there were 20 kilometers left to the exit of the small road and only half an hour's drive from the hospital, the car completely sprawled.

Gu Yixin looked at the fuel gauge pointing to zero, grabbed his phone and got out of the car.

Standing by the car, he looked up at the night sky today.

The sky is full of stars.

The moon was dim.

The air on the outskirts of the city, with a faint smell of grass and earth.

Gu Yixin took a deep breath, looked at the bright lights of the city in the distance, turned his head and kicked the front wheel hard as if to vent his anger.

And then turned to the direction of the light—

Run wildly!

Yes, this is a very exciting and beautiful scene, and it is easy to remind people of many classic scenes of an island country TV series that everyone will run together.

But the one who ran was none other than Gu Yixin.

So the speed he runs out is not the speed of ordinary people, but the speed of human limit.

When he no longer thinks about how to slow down, when he concentrates on running on the road, no one in this world can be his opponent.

So Gu Yixin ran faster and faster, and the silent acceleration was his footsteps.

There was even an afterimage behind him.

Faster, faster, faster.

So in the end, he surpassed wild dogs, wildebeests, and cheetahs.

Successfully exceeded the speed of the car, and also successfully flung off the sneakers.

The quality of these shoes is not good, Gu Yixin thought angrily.

In short, when Gu Yixin finally reached the hospital on foot, everyone was stunned by his sudden appearance.

Gu Yi lost his new shoes, his socks were worn out, and his bare feet stepped on the ground.

His head and body were covered with straw and mud from the suburbs, his white sportswear was dirty and gray, and he looked like he had brought it back from the set of fighting devils.

Not to mention how miserable it was.

Fortunately, An Qiao had already greeted everyone beforehand, and when he saw Gu Yixin, he took him to the door of the ward on the 12th floor.

So at this moment, Gu Yixin, who seemed to be in urgent need of cleaning, was led by the head nurse, and went upstairs in an orderly manner.

Gu Yixin's heart was pounding, but he felt that it had nothing to do with the speed of life and death just now. When he was running, his heartbeat was very steady.

Gu Yixin quietly asked the head nurse: "Hi, may I ask Mr. Lu how he is?"

The head nurse reassured: "Don't worry, Mr. Lu is in good condition and stable."

The older lady led Gu Yixin to the door.

"You can't go in yet, but you can look here... Also, there's a toilet and bathroom next door, if you need it..."

Gu Yixin didn't hear her words, his mind was completely attracted by the people in the room.

In the hospital bed.

Lu Mingshi lay quietly, and he couldn't see his lower body under the cover. He didn't feel any pain under the action of the anesthetic, but the fear engraved in the bone marrow still swept him in a certain moment.

A figure flashed by outside the door, Lu Mingshi glanced over, and instinctively told him that it was the person he was waiting for.

Sure enough, after a while, Gu Yixin's dirty face with a few straws horizontally stuck to the glass.

They looked at each other from a distance.

When Gu Yixin looked at Lu Ming, he was wearing a hospital gown and lying on the hospital bed.

What do you need me to do

What can I do for you

Gu Yixin held his breath, raised his arms above his head, and gave Lu Mingshiyao a big heart through the glass.

The corner of Lu Mingshi's mouth couldn't help but slightly twitched.

at this time…

Just when Gu Yixin was making foolish gestures,


A loud cry pierced everyone's eardrums.

Lu Ming was stunned, turned his head silly, and stared at the little man in the palm of the doctor's palm without daring to blink.

A mass of heart, liver, and flesh that had been stripped from his body.

The little red monkey-like ugly villain struggled and screamed fiercely, and the extremely vigorous howling sound resounded throughout the space, crying so hard and unwillingly, as if complaining about the force that forced him out of the mother's womb. Planed out the bad guys.

Such a comfortable and warm place, I don’t want to come out!

Lu Mingshi stared at him almost like a dream, his eyes were dry and painful, and he didn't remember to blink.

Ancho happily cleaned the cub and weighed it on a tray.

"9 catties, boss! You are really good at giving birth!"

An Qiao praised from the heart.

The corner of Lu Mingshi's mouth twitched.

The compliment was as weird as ever.

Gu Yixin, who was watching through the glass door, was almost as dumb as Lu Mingshi.

He saw that group of newborn little guys, how vigorously they waved their hands and feet!

It's just ugly, it's okay, just be healthy...

The sound of crying came out indistinctly, hitting Gu Yixin's heart one by one.

Gu Yixin's heart was beating violently, and his mouth was dry.

A strange feeling of happiness hit him like falling from the sky.

Fresh, soft and sweet.

Since then, there has been a little baby in the world who is connected with him by blood, his family.

I never expected to have it, but suddenly I have it.

He doesn't know what to do

He can't go in now... What about after the surgery

Ah, he has to get himself clean before he can get near them...

Gu Yixin knew that Lu Ming would not notice him at all right now, and it was useless to say hello.

Reluctantly looking at it again, he turned and went into the bathroom.

When Gu Yixin cleaned himself up and came out, the words "under operation" were already dimmed, the lights were on in the ward, and only Lu Mingshi and An Qiao were inside.

Gu Yixin knocked on the door.

An Qiao motioned for him to come in.

"Zai Zai went for an examination, and will be back in about two hours, don't worry."

An Qiao explained to Gu Yixin.

Lu Mingshi was wearing a hospital gown, lying there quietly, and the hospital bed had to be made the longest to accommodate him.

But strangely, the scene still looks very harmonious.

The cold light from the ward hit Lu Mingshi's face, coating him with silver.

Gu Yixin looked at him seriously, and when he saw that Lu Ming's face did not suddenly sink into two spots, nor was he as pale as a piece of paper, he was slightly relieved.

But thinking of his mood on the phone, I still feel very distressed.

Lu Mingshi kept his eyes closed and didn't speak since he came in, as if he was thinking about something.

It's rare for him to look like that, at least in the past six months, Gu Yixin has never seen Lu Mingshi, but he didn't give him a look when he knew he was there.

Gu Yixin approached and sat down on the edge of the bed.

His weight caused Lu Mingshi to move slightly. Lu Mingshi opened his eyes and was taken aback when he saw Gu Yixin who was close at hand.

Gu Yixin wiped the sweat from his forehead with his fingers.

"Didn't you already see me coming just now, why did you seem surprised?"

Lu Mingshi smiled, and said tiredly, "I thought you would go downstairs to see your son first..."

"So you know you're wrong?" Gu Yixin said.

"Of course I came to see you first. I was scared to death when I dropped the phone..."

An Qiao raised his legs knowingly to leave.


Lu Mingshi called him to stop.

"Boss, I'm going to see the test results, and I'll come up with your cub later!"

Lu Mingshi just looked up at the smiling An Qiao and spoke quietly.


An Qiao rubbed his head in embarrassment: "It should, it should..."

He quickly flew out of the door.

He really doesn't want to eat dog food or anything!

In the past, Mr. Lu unilaterally radiated love, but he could barely hold it.

Now these two people, tsk tsk, they are so eye-catching!

With his hands behind his back, An Qiao walked to the inspection floor sadly.

I hope the boss doesn't want to have a second child, otherwise, his little heart would not know how many inhuman tortures he would have to endure.

The room became quiet, Lu Mingshi had a drip tube inserted in his right hand, it was a little cold, he subconsciously covered it with his hand and then let go, then Gu Yixin grabbed his hand.


Lu Mingshi's hands were big, and Gu Yixin covered them tightly with both hands.

Lu Mingshi was helpless: "I'm not so fragile after giving birth to a child..."

Gu Yixin clicked his tongue, jokingly said: "Mr. Lu is very capable, and having a child is nothing. It seems that he has more ambitions? For example?"

Gu Yixin lowered his head and kissed Lu Mingshi's forehead. Feeling that his body temperature was a little low, he touched the place where he kissed.

The two were very close, and while Gu Yixin was testing his body temperature, he continued casually, "For example, have twins? Twins? Then Mr. Lu will be very powerful."

Lu Mingshi suddenly stopped talking.

Gu Yixin was still feeling his pulse with his left hand, and felt that his heart was beating two beats slower.

Gu Yixin was startled, he held Lu Mingshi's face with both hands, lifted up the thin layer of flesh on his face, and squeezed it into the shape of a cartoon character.

He said nervously: "Are you okay? Why is your face so ugly all of a sudden? I'll call the doctor—"

Lu Mingshi exhaled slowly in one breath.

"No, no need."

He couldn't believe it.


He was simply terrified by the fear of imagining having another child and experiencing pain all over again.

Imagining it is one thing, actually feeling it is another.

Just as Gu Yixin said that casually, Lu Mingshi immediately regretted it.

Why do you want to be brave and say that having a baby is nothing...

Gu Yixin asked nervously, "Are you really all right?"

Lu Mingshi remained calm: "It's okay."

He paused, feeling that his heartbeat had finally returned to normal, then tried to look into Gu Yixin's eyes, and asked anxiously:

"Do you really want twins, twins?"

Gu Yixin was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "No, it's a small probability event, and it's too harmful to pregnant people."

Speaking of this, he realized something belatedly: "Are you afraid?"

Lu Mingshi denied it flatly: "No."

After thinking about it, he said, "It's just a little painful."

In fact, the anesthetic hadn't passed yet, and what he was talking about was the pain before childbirth.

"However, if I have to endure it, I still think it's worth it."

Lu Mingshi said suddenly.

The moment you see your child, everything is worth it.

Gu Yixin grabbed his hand and said with emotion: "Yes."

He also thought it was worth it.

Today is a long, tortuous, beautiful day.

In order to see the birth of the cub, and also for the silly president lying on the bed, he drove 400 kilometers and ran 25 kilometers on foot.

When he was running, he looked at the stars in the sky and felt that the eyes of their cub must be brighter and more beautiful than the stars.

He looked at the endless dark blue night, at the thousands of lights in the city, at the light sign on the roof of the hospital, at the cold glass door of the operating room, and finally saw him.

And he was just born.

"You see, everything will be perfect."

Gu Yixin whispered.

When he said this, the door of the delivery room opened again, and a small cart pushed their baby in.