I Ran Away after that Rich Old Man was Pregnant with My Child

Chapter 75


When the gambling king heard the news that Gu Yixin was seriously injured and would die soon, he was skeptical at first.

The middleman swore: "I saw with my own eyes that he was first slashed, then hit by a poisoned arrow, and then kicked from top to bottom in the middle of the sky. When he was about to die, he was shot from 500 meters away. A bullet hit his chest, and then an old fist hit him on the chin, hitting the target ten meters away, and landed on the opposite side of the road."

In order to prove the authenticity of what he said, he also took out an ipad and stuffed it into the hands of the gambling king.

The gambler clicked on the photos, the first one was an aerial photo of "Gu Yixin confronting the roof of the killer MZ", and the second one was the back of Gu Yixin who was throwing himself on the side of the road, surrounded by blood.

The gambling king is naturally not that stupid: "It's impossible to tell whether the person in the picture is himself or not."

The middleman smirked: "How dare I fool you! If you don't believe me, you can read the news for yourself. This Young Master Gu is a celebrity after all, so why not report something?"

The gambling king pondered.

The middleman said again: "And their family, you must have a gloomy cloud if you are looking for a chance to have a chat these few days to test it out."

The gambling king thought that Lu Mingshi wouldn't be happy even if it didn't happen, but he's had trouble recently. Why does the gambling king know so clearly? Of course it was because there was a lot of his handwriting involved in that matter.

When Lu Ming was mentioned, the Gambling King's mind became active again.

Lu Mingshi's talent in business is undoubtedly very good, but he is a little indecisive, and there is a little kindness that is too much for a businessman.

The gambling king really wanted to annex the Lu family and use the Lu family's cover to launder his assets, but he didn't want to tear himself apart with the Lu family.

It is best to keep Lu Mingshi in the dark, come out to help him at a critical moment, let Lu Mingshi be grateful to him for "preserving the Lu family's property", and then willingly do things for himself.

Well, when the time comes, let him randomly choose one of his more than twenty children to marry, and the young people will cultivate and cultivate their relationship, so he doesn't have to worry about the children and grandchildren.

So the gambling king paid the money in a pleasant imagination, and threatened the middleman.

"Tomorrow, I will personally confirm the situation with Mr. Lu. If there is any deviation from what you said, you know what will happen."

The man in the middle nodded his head, and as soon as the gambling king left, he immediately relayed his words to Gu Yixin.

Gu Yixin understood very well that the next step was to test his acting skills.

He was thinking about how to package himself, when Lu Mingshi's cell phone rang.

Lu Mingshi took it out to have a look, and did not avoid Gu Yixin's hands-free and connected the phone.

After a long and boring exchange of greetings and chatter, the gambling king finally tentatively asked, "How is Young Master Gu recently?"

Lu Mingshi immediately became alert.

He glanced at Gu Yixin. Gu Yixin took a dozen thick documents and wrote on the back of the document: "It said that I was seriously injured and died in the hospital."

Although Lu Mingshi didn't fully understand what kind of quarrel the two of them had formed without his knowing, he still did it.

"It's not good." Lu Mingshi's tone was a bit subtle, "I'm not sure if I can wake up, the doctor said..."

The gambling king asked eagerly, "What did the doctor say?"

"Said to be… "

Lu Mingshi really didn't want to curse Gu Yixin, but Gu Yixin wrote on the paper: "I can't live for three days."

"... If you don't wake up for three days... you won't be able to wake up."

Lu Ming was confused.

The gambling king felt relieved, and naturally expressed his intention to visit Gu Shaoyun tomorrow, but when Lu Ming saw that Gu Yixin ticked the paper, he agreed.

As soon as the phone was hung up, the gambling king was extremely excited.

One is that he is excited that Gu Yixin is really going to die, and the other is that when Lu Ming is thinking about the deep affection for Gu on his lips, he can't actually hear how sad his tone is. It seems that the infatuation is just a set up by Mr. Lu for his external management. .

Lu Mingshi looked at Gu Yixin in a daze: "What are you planning, baby?"

"I'll let you know later."

Gu Yixin raised the corners of his lips.

Gu Yixin rarely asks Lu Mingshi for help.

So when he asked Lu Mingshi to act with him, Lu Mingshi immediately agreed.

Location: Lu's hospital.

Roles: Patient, Patient's Family, Physician, Visitor.

Cast: Gu Yixin, Lu Mingshi, An Qiao, Gambling King.

Lu Mingshi and An Qiao, under Gu Yixin's repeated urging, vowed to guarantee that the performance will be in place, full of emotion, and complete the task satisfactorily.

An Qiao patted his chest vigorously: "Isn't it just acting? I was a member of the drama club in college, and I almost entered Hollywood after graduation. This role is played in my true colors. It's really not difficult! Don't worry, Young Master Gu!"

However, while he was beating his chest vigorously, a black figure rushed in in a whirlwind, grabbing An Qiao's wrist tearfully.

Hei Che worried: "An'an, don't be like this, hit me if you want to vent your anger, what should you do if you beat yourself up?"

An Qiao: "...the rope on your bed is untied?"

Hei Che smiled innocently and sweetly: "I'm already healed."

An Qiao covered her face and couldn't bear it and said: "If you don't come here, you can be discharged from the hospital, but now it seems... obviously you haven't recovered yet. Hey, head nurse, bring some people over and tie them up for another two days."

Lu Mingshi stared at Hei Che and An Qiao, and asked doubtfully, "Has he not recovered his memory yet?"

An Qiao smiled wryly: "I remember most of them, but the memory in the emotional area is confused, and I must be regarded as his dream lover. There is no way, let's treat it slowly."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to beckon, and several doctors and nurses came in, and they worked together to lift Hei Che out.

The swarthy burly man was lying on his back and was carried out the door by several middle-aged doctors, calling "An'an" and "An'an" heart-piercingly, and stretched his hand in the direction where An Qiao was, just like Erkang.

The doctors carrying him held back their laughter until their shoulders trembled.

An Qiao said seriously: "Don't laugh. As doctors, we must be patient with our patients and not laugh at them. Otherwise, when the patients regain their senses and know that they have been laughed at like this, they will be very sad."

The doctors honestly took Hei Che away.

Lu Mingshi said: "It's not a solution for Hei Che to keep acting like this. Uncle Hei is also very anxious. You can contact the country of Mi to see if there are any experts in this field. I will pay all the expenses, and they will be paid at my home." I must be responsible."

An Qiao sighed: "Mr. Lu, you said this at the beginning. I contacted there very early and asked them to send the most professional team over for consultation. Young Master Hei has already undergone complete treatment, and he Now that he can’t remember it, we finally think it’s because he doesn’t want to remember it. This is not a problem with the brain, but a problem with the heart. There is nothing medical can do about emotional problems.”

Lu Mingshi raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, and just about to say something, Gu Yixin who had been lying on the bed finally took off his mask and sat up, panting.

An Qiao just remembered: "Oh, Young Master Gu's oxygen mask is not connected to oxygen."

Gu Yixin murmured: "I said, how does this oxygen smell like carbon dioxide?"

An Qiao: "Gu Shao was joking, can you still smell oxygen and carbon dioxide... Let me do an electrocardiogram for you. Oh, my heart rate is over 150..."

Just as he was talking, a little nurse who was in charge of calling the police rushed in and screamed, "Here he is! He is here!"

Lu Mingshi quickly put the mask back on Gu Yixin, An Qiao connected him with oxygen, and Gu Yixin lay back on the bed and began to close his eyes and pretend to be dead.

When the gambling king entered the door, he saw a thickly bandaged leg hanging high. A doctor looked solemnly with his arms folded and looked at the equipment monitor screen. Lu Mingshi was sitting on the chair beside the bed, holding Gu Yixin's right hand in one hand, with a melancholy expression .

The gambling king came closer and saw that Gu Yixin was worse than he imagined.

The young man's complexion was pale. You must know that Gu Yixin was already fair enough, so it couldn't be because of the liquid foundation. There is no liquid foundation that can be whiter than him.

Gu Yixin's right leg was raised high, his right hand was held by Lu Mingshi, but the left sleeve and trousers were empty.

The gambling king said in shock: "Young Master Gu's left hand and left leg..."

"No more, sir."

An Qiao replied when he replaced Lu Ming.

The gambler sighed endlessly: "How did Young Master Gu suffer such an accident? Who is it that is so ruthless and ruthless?"

Lu Mingshi shook his head tiredly and said, "Still investigating."

An Qiao introduced Gu Yixin's injuries: "It's very serious, he was shot in the chest, Tianling Gai was hit hard, he suffered intracranial hemorrhage, his jaw was broken, and his body was broken in 23 places. His life was in danger... The attack was too harsh."

The gambling king was relieved, and comforted Lu Mingshi with the words that Gu Shaoji had his own astronomy. Lu Mingshi listened in a low voice, and finally sent the gambling king away smoothly.

Lu Mingshi accompanied the bed in the ward, and An Qiao sent the gambling king out instead of the boss.

Walking to the corridor outside the door, the gambling king made sure that Lu Mingshi couldn't hear him, and took out a business card to An Qiao.

"Dr. Jiu Yang'an is very skilled in medicine. Being a director in the Lu family's hospital really wronged Dr. An. Why don't you come to my place and start directly as the dean, and the salary is up to you, how about it?"

An Qiao froze for a moment, and just about to speak, Hei Che, who was escorted to the bathroom by two male doctors at the end of the corridor, looked this way, and could clearly see the picture of the gambling king approaching An Qiao with something.

Fuck, what's so old and ugly, it's still here to hook up with our family An'an!

Didn't you see his face full of reluctance, so anxious that he was about to cry? !

Hei Che broke free from the shackles suddenly, and rushed over as if flying, biu~ pushed the gambling king to the ground, and he slapped ten slaps in the face left and right!

An Qiao: "..."

Hospital passerby: "..."

The gambling king was so angry that he couldn't see what Hei Che looked like in hospital gown, his face was beaten into a pig's head, and his eyes were swollen.

He yelled to call the police, and just halfway through his vulgar insults to greet the female relatives of Hei Che's family, Hei Che had another slap in the face, this time causing the gambling king to lose four of his gold teeth.

The gambling king still wanted to struggle, but Hei Che simply punched him on the chin, and the world was quiet.

People in various departments and wards kept opening the doors to check for movement, and with the crowds coming and going in the corridor, everyone began to guess what happened.

"Probably some villains failed to confess, became angry and tried to violate Dr. An, and then the patient was cured and rescued the director bravely."

"Ah, isn't that the most famous 66-bed patient who had a crush on Dr. An for eighteen years? I thought he was too dark and earthy to be worthy of Dr. An, but he is really handsome when he beats up..."

Seeing that the gambling king passed out, Hei Che stood up and clapped his hands in satisfaction, and looked at An Qiao affectionately: "An An, I got him done!"

An Qiao held his forehead weakly, feeling that he was about to die.

Hei Che rushed over immediately, first rubbing the hand that had beaten the gambling king on the hospital gown, and then carefully supported An Qiao.

An Qiao asked weakly: "Look carefully at this man, do you know him?"

Hei Che took a closer look and turned pale with shock: "An'an, is this person very powerful? Did I cause trouble?"

Hei Che trembled.

An Qiao sighed, and hooked his fingers to the two male doctors from the psychiatry department who were blaming themselves for not keeping an eye on Hei Che.

"Don't be afraid." An Qiao kindly said to Hei Che who was at a loss, "The doctor will always have a solution. Come on, let us work hard now and issue a short-term mental abnormality certificate for you."

When the gambling king woke up, he felt his whole body falling apart. He was dazed for ten minutes before he remembered what happened. He gritted his teeth and wanted to settle accounts with that blind guy.

"I want revenge on his whole family!"

The subordinate tremblingly said: "Boss, that is Mr. Hei's son."

The gambling king calmed down.

"Don't buy it for now, find a lawyer and send him in to learn a lesson."

The subordinate hesitated and said: "Boss, I have reported to the police. The police said that he has some problems here now, and he is not criminally responsible..."

Gambler:? ?