I Ran Away after that Rich Old Man was Pregnant with My Child

Chapter 84


Gu Yixin took Jiujin through a full set of examinations and was about to leave the department.

Suddenly, the violent quarrel in the house attracted his attention.

"You're kidding me!"

This familiar roar clearly came from Wei Junshan.

Gu Yixin stopped, and when Wei Junshan strangled the doctor's neck, he quickly opened the door to stop him.

"President Wei, what's the matter?"

Wei Junshan blushed, his neck was thick, and he was wheezing like a bull with a head injury and couldn't hold it down. Gu Yixin almost couldn't hold it with one hand.

After stabilizing the situation, the doctor pointed to the test results fearlessly in front of Young Master Wei who had been brought under control: "I understand that you cannot accept it at the moment, but in fact, the proposition that men have children will definitely become more serious as time goes by. Known to the general public…”

"It's nonsense!" Wei Junshan was furious, jumping on the chair, but unfortunately Gu Yixin grabbed him and couldn't jump up, "I don't have this function!"

His voice was too loud, and Comrade Lu Jiujin in Gu Yixin's arms was so frightened that he cried out with a "wow".

Gu Yixin hurriedly withdrew his hands to coax the child, and shook the little baby in his arms.

Lu Jiujin was hugged in his arms, and hiccupped uncomfortably with his little head shrunk.

Wei Junshan broke free and stood up immediately. Facing Mr. Wei's chilling eyes at this time, the doctor who was calm just now immediately ran away with his head in his arms.

Wei Junshan picked up the checklist that was thrown on the table, and tore it into pieces without even looking at it.

"President Wei." Gu Yixin called Wei Junshan who was about to leave in a huff, "Do you want to go with me to see a more authoritative doctor?"

Just as Wei Junshan was about to say something, Lu Jiujin tilted his head and looked at Wei Junshan again, and then started crying again.


While comforting the child, Gu Yixin dragged Wei Junshan directly to An Qiao's office.

Just as An Qiao and Lu Mingshi agreed on the development of drugs, Gu Yixin rushed in with Wei Junshan.

You know, Lu Mingshi has always regarded Wei Junshan as the number one rival in love, and once he sees the two of them in the same frame, he will have a lot of opinions.

Gu Yixin looked at Lu Mingshi's eyes, and immediately pushed Wei Junshan towards An Qiao.

"Doctor, I'm looking for you."

An Qiao received the patient in a daze. Although Wei Junshan tore up the checklist, those data were archived in the hospital's system. An Qiao called them out and looked at them carefully for five minutes.

"That's right." An Qiao's expression was mixed with excitement and curiosity, "Congratulations, Mr. Wei, you are lucky!

Wei Junshan twitched the corners of his mouth: "Hehe."

I grabbed my thigh and it hurt.

"I'm in a dream." Wei Junshan said to himself, he stood up on the table, took a few steps mechanically, and bumped into another table with his hands and feet.

Lu Mingshi quickly helped him up.

Regarding the situation An Qiao announced, Lu Ming was momentarily stunned, scratched his head, and got up to make a cup of tea for Wei Junshan.

Lu Mingshi served Wei Junshan for the first time, and Wei Junshan also said thank you for the first time.

Boss Wei lowered his head in a daze, trembling slightly while holding the paper cup, all the tea spilled out.

When he looked at Lu Ming, he looked at Lu Jiujin.

More than a month ago, at Comrade Lu Jiujin's full moon wine, Lu Mingshi personally said that Lu Jiujin was born by himself, not anyone else.

With Lu Mingshi's boring personality and poor imagination, he can't make such a joke, okay

Therefore, when the doctor announced that he was pregnant, Wei Junshan's first reaction was not "How can a man get pregnant", but "Damn it, how the hell am I pregnant?"

Does it make a difference

Of course there are.

For thirty years, he has never had sex with anyone.

Has technology advanced to the point where even intracranial orgasms can give birth to offspring

This is not a CEO article, this is science fiction.

An Qiao felt that he had to shoulder the burden of explaining the condition of a deeply affected patient, so he took out the PPT very patiently and conveyed the connotation of his scientific paper to Wei Junshan.

Wei Junshan felt like falling into the clouds, and felt so ignorant for the first time.

"Stop!" Wei Junshan stopped An Qiao from continuing to talk, after all, in Mr. Wei's world, only he can talk.

An Qiao showed a willingness to hear more on his face.

It was a look that only belonged to angels in white clothes. If Hei Che saw it, he would definitely hope that the pregnant person was his own.

Wei Junshan said: "You don't need to explain other principles, I just want to ask a question."

An Qiao said solemnly, "Say it."

Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin cast eyes full of curiosity.

Wei Junshan stood up and vigilantly checked the doors and windows, and carefully checked whether there was a camera. After making sure that everything was fine, he finally revealed the biggest secret of his life.

"I'm still a virgin."

When he said this, his expression was very serious, and his eyes showed deep tiredness.

The other three people present fell into silence following these words.

Lu Ming thought to himself, what the fuck, I've been single longer than me, how did you do that

Gu Yixin thought to himself, damn it, the author is still ruthless, even if he is rich and beautiful until he is thirty, if he is good at attacking, he must guard his body like jade.

An Qiao thought, what the fuck.

"Damn it." An Qiao couldn't help but said, "Mr. Wei, I have to say that your appearance may be the biggest turning point in my life."

An Qiao paced back and forth in the large office with bright sunlight and clean windows, and the faces of countless medical sages appeared in his mind in confusion.

"I should call my supervisor..." An Qiao said confusedly, "My thesis direction may have to be changed..."

"No!" Wei Junshan said categorically, "This is my **, and this matter is not allowed to be publicized."

After discussing, An Qiao decided to start a new direction by himself.

"Asexual reproduction? Mitosis? Self-destructive?"

An Qiao grabbed a pen and began to write randomly on the paper.

Wei Junshan sat stiffly on the sofa, facing the equally bewildered eyes of the couple.

"Boss Wei, you..."

"I don't know." Wei Junshan looked listlessly at the electronic version of the test results on the screen, and a bright red "six weeks pregnant" stencil was stamped on his head, making him sleepless again.

"Six weeks." Lu Mingshi read to the result, "It's counted from the day when Jiujin was full moon? Mr. Wei, I remember that day, there was a little dispute between us, and then we broke up..."

Gu Yixin wondered when you two had a good time and parted ways.

The day of the full moon wine.

"What makes me better than you." Lu Mingshi smiled and said, "I can have children, will you?"

Wei Junshan finally said without hesitation: "You...you wait."

Ancho's office.

An Qiao: "Mr. Wei, think about it again, have you really never had sex?"

Wei Junshan said with a dark face, "No."

An Qiao: "Did you get drunk?"

Wei Junshan: "I don't drink."

An Qiao: "In the past few weeks, have you often suffered from nausea and vomiting and lack of energy?"

Wei Junshan shook his head affirmatively: "Not at all, I just came to the hospital to take out the stuck fishbone! Then your doctor asked for a full-body examination! Then you told me that I was pregnant! Could your hospital tell me first? …”

When Wei Junshan turned to Lu Ming, he glared at him and said, "Why do you arrange pregnancy tests for male patients???"

This, of course, is because of the existence of our boss' pioneer... An Qiao didn't dare to say this, he comforted:

"Mr. Wei, in fact, if it is really self-inflicted, it is a very good situation. Think about it, most people's offspring can only inherit 50% of their genes, but you can inherit 100% , What an exciting result this is!"

Wei Junshan: "..."

An Qiao said again: "Also, when a man is pregnant, he needs another father to accompany the child. You can ask Lu always to get a lot of experience about this... But you don't need to do it yourself! So Mr. Wei, you The pregnancy process will definitely be easier and more enjoyable than any pregnant woman!"

Lu Mingshi: "..."

For some reason, An Qiao listed many benefits, but no one present was happy.

Lu Jiujin wrinkled his white and handsome bun face, Gu Yixin took out the changing mat, put the cub on the sofa, and changed the diaper skillfully.

"In any case, I will study your question carefully."

An Qiao sincerely sent away Wei Junshan, who was in a bad mood. Too many new ideas made him even have time to consider that he had a difficult boss standing beside him. He quickly took out his laptop to record calculations, as if he was back in college.

It is said that when Wei Junshan returned to his home, dozens of workers from top to bottom in his home were worried about the state of the boss.

But Wei Junshan just weakly refused to care, and locked himself in the house and could not come out.

first day.

He had been starving all day and couldn't accept the horrible thought of being pregnant.

the next day.

He was dizzy and began to vomit. Thinking of the depiction of the early pregnancy in TV dramas, Wei Junshan became more and more wrong. Could it be that he was really pregnant

On the third day, he was hungry and started to eat like crazy. While eating, he hugged his stomach, imagining that unborn life, hating and fearing at the same time, and feeling faintly guilty.

On the fourth day, he began to search the Internet for precautions for pregnancy preparation and watch childbirth videos.

Then he spit out his dinner with a pale face.

On the fifth day, he proceeded to purchase five boxes of baby products—so much so that after the items arrived one after another, the housekeeper tentatively asked if he needed to prepare to welcome a Mrs. Wei immediately.

It only took one afternoon for Lu Mingshi to accept the fact that he was pregnant, but it took Wei Junshan five days. From this perspective, Wei Junshan can be said to be a very conservative president.

On the sixth day, Wei Junshan was frowning and trying to listen to the mother and baby channel when a phone call came.

"President Wei? I'm An Qiao."

For some reason, the young doctor's tone was full of anxiety and shame.

Wei Junshan's nerve strings tensed.

An Qiao's voice even sounded deeply apologetic: "There is something I have to tell you, actually..."

Actually what

"Actually, you're not pregnant at all."

An Qiao said it in one breath with his eyes closed, while Hei Che tried his best to please him.

"Mr. Wei, I'm sorry that our inspection results were mixed up, that's not your inspection report!"

Wei Junshan's hand trembled slightly.

"What did you say?"

An Qiao took a deep breath and tremblingly said: "We are willing to provide you with compensation. The boss doesn't know about this yet. I want to ask for your forgiveness first, and then I will go to the boss to plead guilty...!"

Wei Junshan let out a long "hiss".

That represents liberation, and there are other inexplicable things.

"Be careful next time, this situation is very serious." Wei Junshan said indifferently, "But if you often make this kind of mistake, I will be very happy-your boss and I are competitors."

After mocking An Qiao, Wei Junshan heaved a sigh of relief and felt relaxed.

After he regained his senses, he looked at the mountain of baby products on the floor in surprise, and asked in confusion, "Who the hell brought these things that take up space back?"

The butler stood aside, not daring to answer, nor did he dare not answer.

After a while, I choked out a sentence:

"It's Shunfeng's little brother, the boss."

Wei Junshan was impatient: "What little brother, little brother, tell him to move away quickly."

So SF Express came here in the morning and again in the afternoon.

During this period of time, Wei Junshan continued to be his president, Gu Yixin threw all the money he won to his wife, and continued to happily move bricks and watch his children, and Lu Mingshi took this opportunity to become the richest man in the country regardless of age.

After solving the company's financial crisis, the unlucky Chen Zhiang has also gone home to sell sweet potatoes, and the lives of Lu and Gu can be described as peaceful.

Apart from company matters and raising a baby, Lu Mingshi only cared about one thing.

Because of this incident, it also caused some small misunderstandings.

One day, Gu Yixin got off work and came home, but he didn't see Zaizai and Lu Mingshi.

What about my wife and children

If I want to stay in an ordinary family, I am afraid that I will worry about my wife getting into trouble, and I will take the child back to my mother's house.

But this situation does not exist here, because they live in their natal family.

Gu Yixin asked Chen Ma, saying that the young master took the young master to find Dr. An.

Ah, this is normal.

Physical examination.


Under the large chandelier in the restaurant, Gu Yixin was holding a bowl by himself, eating his meal alone.

"Mother Chen, don't you think that Mr. Lu often visits Dr. An recently?"

Chen Ma held a piece of pickled radish and thought about it carefully: "It seems to be a little bit."

It's been two weeks.

I went to the hospital to report to work almost every day, and I came back later and later.

Chen's mother suggested: "Either make a phone call."

Gu Yixin refused: "I never check the post, because I firmly believe that Lu is always a good boy."

Then he put down the bowl, picked up the receiver, and dialed Lu Mingshi's number.

"Beep beep... the user you dialed is busy, please..."

Dial every five minutes, and after fifteen minutes, Gu Yixin called the hospital duty room instead.

Gu Yixin's voice was quickly recognized by the lady on duty at the wiring.

The young lady replied with a smile on her face: "Yes, yes, Dr. An has gone home. Yes, yes, Mr. Lu went back with him. Yes, Mr. Lu often went home with Dr. An in the past two weeks... "

Gu Yixin put down the microphone and fell into deep thought.

He walked around the living room, carrying the baby's cradle from the living room to the third floor, and then from the third floor to the living room.

Then do this on the diaper table, desk, shoe cabinet, TV, refrigerator, trying to burn off energy.

In the end, Gu Yixin picked up the five-person-tall stone statue in Lu's garden, and performed a circular simple harmonic movement around Lu's house, spending three hours like this.

He finally saw the car parked at the door.

The driver opened the door, and Lu Mingshi came down humming while holding the cub, looking very happy.

Lu Mingshi coaxed the cub: "Yeah, I'll see daddy soon. I can't do anything about you. I cry when I don't see daddy. I'm also daddy. Why can't I hug you? You have to be hugged by him? "

When Lu Mingshi raised his head, he saw a huge black shadow standing at the door of the house. At first glance, he thought it was an alien invasion, but after a closer look, it was his husband carrying the rockery in the yard for a walk after dinner.