I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 108: Slag that regent (24)


The heavy eyelids were raised again, and the world in front of him was dark. After a long time, Shen Wumian gradually adapted to the dark environment.

Opposite him, a figure stood in a trance.

The damp and rotten smell that has not seen the sun all the year round fills the nose, the familiar environment instantly arouses the memory in Shen Wumian's mind, he still doesn't give up, and tries to move his arm, but his arm is hung in the air, even behind him. With two heavy chains, even if he could still move, the area for him to move was no more than an inch.

The same scene as the previous life, the same treatment, the only difference is that this time he is not terminally ill, he can still stand up and talk to the person in front of him.

Following his movements, ding ding bells echoed in this cramped and airtight small room. Ever since he opened his eyes, Chen Yi's expression had not changed. He was very calm and could not tell if he was happy angry.

After Shen Wumian stood up, the chains that hung his arms hung down. There were also two chains on his feet. The length of the chains was short enough for him to move around this wall. In this way, he was stronger than the previous life. After all, in the last life, he didn't even have this space to move, and he could only be paralyzed under the wall like a bereaved dog.

When Shen Wumian raised his hand to look at the chains, Chen Yi, who was opposite him, suddenly spoke.

"I sent Shen Shiliu away."

Shen Wumian's figure paused, he raised his head, and the expression on his face was gloomy.

Chi Zhao didn't care what his reaction was. He lowered his eyes and looked at the gray-black stone bricks on the ground. In fact, he didn't know what color the bricks were, because it was so dark here that he couldn't see anything. Qing, even Shen Wumian, who was close to him, became a little blurry.

This is just right, and it is convenient for him to say the next thing.

"Yu Yu told him to return to his hometown, so I let him go with Yu Yu. He said that he saw Shen Shiliu as a good young man to study medicine, so he would take him to a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters to teach him well, for the sake of convenience. Teach him, he will prick him with needles and seal up the memories of the past. Stop being the shadow of others, and he should have a good life in the future."

In the plot, after the doctor Xun Yu told the old man to return home, Shen Wumian never found anyone, which shows how tricky he was hiding. It was based on this that Chi Zhao handed Shen Shiliu to him, and Chi Zhao said to the Xun Yuyi that as long as he took Shen Shiliu away, he would agree to Xun Yuyi's return to his hometown.

It stands to reason that due to the personality of the imperial physician Xun, it is not easy to be pinched by Chi Zhao, but he does not know what the imperial physician Xun thought. After listening to the transaction that the emperor made to him, he only thought for a moment before agreeing to this. thing.

No one knows whether Shen Shiliu is a true medical genius, as long as he can be an ordinary person in the future.

In the past life and present life, the most innocent person was Shen Shiliu. To let him go is not only to fulfill his desire for compensation, but also to cut off Shen Wumian's revenge.

After a long time, Shen Wumian's voice finally came from the quiet room. His voice sounded a bit strange, "Why let him go."

Why let him go

Don't you like him? Haven't you been able to forget him all the time? You finally got it, why should you let him go

Chi Zhao frowned, "Anyway, he is a savior, I can't watch him be a prisoner all the time, and he looks very similar to you, so he won't end well if he stays."

These words were impartial, indeed very much like the words of a person who repays gratitude, Shen Wumian froze for a while, "...Is that all?"

Otherwise what else can be done

Chi Zhao almost blurted out this rhetorical question, but later he remembered that in the previous life he had never experienced, the original owner had always loved Shen Shiliu, and Shen Wumian believed in this, so there was such a question.

After a moment of silence, Chi Zhao replied in a low voice, "My liking is not so cheap and casual. I will not fall in love with others just because of the grace of saving my life."

The life-saving grace is just an introduction. Whether it is the current Chi Zhao or Chen Yi from the previous life, what they like is the person in their hearts, not the life-saving grace.

Chen Yi doesn't like Shen Wumian. In fact, it can be seen from many details that Shen Wumian feels that Chen Yi, who doesn't know the truth, treats him very well, but in fact, after he knows the truth, he treats Shen Sixteen better. It was like he thought that he liked Shen Wumian for several years, and he never thought of marrying him, but after Shen Shiliu got out, what he wanted to do most was to marry Shen Shiliu.

The authorities are fascinated, and bystanders are clear, Shen Wumian didn't see this clearly, but Chi Zhao saw it clearly.

Chi Zhao's thoughts diverged to the previous life, but Shen Wumian was still staring at him blankly.

He didn't understand what Chi Zhao just said, what did he mean, could he be saying that he didn't like Shen Shiliu

So... who does he like

Before Shen Wumian asked this question, Chi Zhao in front of him had already pulled back his thoughts, he took a deep breath, and continued: "Your men are all locked in Dali Temple, and I sent all the staff from Dali Temple last night. , the guards are very weak, and it is estimated that it will not take long for your subordinates to escape and come to rescue you."

Without looking into Shen Wumian's eyes, Chi Zhao said in one breath, "The Imperial Jade Seal and the Imperial Decree are placed in the Qinzheng Hall. After you go out, you can take it yourself. I don't like being an emperor, and I don't like making decisions. The king of his life and death, you have always wanted this throne, then I will give it to you, just one point, I hope you can do better than me."

"In the past few days when I was in power, there were countless casualties and bloodshed in the capital. The emperor was supposed to bring blessings to the people, but I, the emperor, brought only life and death. Shen Wumian, after you become the emperor, Don't be like me, okay?"

After Chi Zhao finished speaking, he finally raised his eyes. In an instant, he slammed into Shen Wumian's deep and cold eyes. Chi Zhao stiffened instinctively. There was no other reason. Now Shen Wumian looks terrible. , Although he stood still, Chi Zhao had the feeling that he was about to rush over and kill him.

Shen Wumian really wanted to kill him. He had this kind of thought almost every day, but every time, he couldn't do it. Sometimes he forced himself so hard that he wanted to kill himself.

What the little emperor said was straightforward and calm, and could be understood by everyone, but Shen Wumian couldn't believe his ears, and he couldn't believe that these words came from Chen Yi's mouth.

He didn't feel the joy of winning the throne in his heart, and he didn't secretly rejoice that Chen Yi didn't want to kill him, or that he might even like him. He felt as if he was suffocated by a python tightly wrapped around his chest. Chills.

Shen Wumian took a step forward, and the chain was immediately stretched. He did not let go of any emotional changes on the little emperor's face, stared at him, gritted his teeth and asked, "What about you?"

The little emperor turned his eyes away, rubbed his fingers, and said naturally: "You don't have to worry about me, the world is big, there is always a place for me, as long as you don't become an emperor, wherever you go, I will feel very happy.”

Ever since he woke up, the little emperor's body has always been slanted to the left, even more so now, almost blocking half of his body, Shen Wumian frowned and looked at the left arm that was blocked by him, Aware of his sight, Chi Zhao immediately put down his right hand holding his left hand, trying to divert Shen Wumian's attention.

"Before your subordinates come, I should leave," Chi Zhao looked at Shen Wumian, he wanted to say more, but after thinking for a long time, it seemed that he had nothing to say, "... That's it, I'm leaving. "

With the help of the main system, Chi Zhao gained a huge amount of abuse in just 15 days. According to the meaning of the main system, Chi Zhao should continue to abuse until the end, shape himself into a failed emperor, and wait. Shen Wumian counterattacked the Jedi, and when the situation was over, he quickly committed suicide and made the gesture that a king of a subjugated country should have.

But from the beginning, Chi Zhao didn't plan to listen to the main system.

At this stage of abuse, he has done everything that should be done, and also done everything that shouldn't be done, isn't it just abuse? He was abused, and the damage was also caused, but in order for Shen Wumian to not have such a miserable life in the future, and for his own peace of mind, he still wanted to restore some of the damage he caused.

He wanted Shen Wumian to know that he was not that bad, nor hated him so much. The sincerity he paid was not without the slightest return. In some inconspicuous corners, he also hid a bit of his sincerity. If Shen Wumian is enough If you look carefully, you should be able to see it.

Chi Zhao couldn't tell what state of mind he was in right now. He didn't like Shen Wumian, but he couldn't let it go. The main system is right, leaving early is good for him and his body.

Chi Zhao turned around, and Shen Wumian, who was still motionless just now, moved his wrist slightly, and the sound of metal colliding came, mixed with an extremely mocking sneer.

Chi Zhao's footsteps stopped, this time the room became quiet, and the voice behind him clearly reached his ears.

"what about me?"

"You feel happy wherever you go, so do you think I'll be happy with me, the one left behind by you?"

Chi Zhao didn't go any further, but he didn't turn around either. Shen Wumian looked at his back, and what he said almost contained his own blood and tears, "Can you have one time! - Think about me?! Why? You are always so self-righteous, even if you take into account a little bit of my thoughts and my mood before doing this, you will not say these words to me!"

The seemingly obedient little emperor actually never opened his heart to Shen Wumian once. He silently endured, treated and planned silently, and in his eyes, only his own future, in those illusory places , There has never been a shadow of Shen Wusian.

He was right, Chi Zhao thought about it, he was indeed like this. In this world, he should be a well-deserved "scumbag".

Closing his eyes, Chi Zhao took a step. Seeing that he was going to continue to walk out, Shen Wumian's eyes were splitting, "Chen Yi!"

This shout didn't help at all, but after hearing the words that followed, Chi Zhao stopped abruptly, and then turned around in panic.

"If you take one step further, I will die with you. I never care what happens to Chen Guohui."

Compared to the previous roar, the tone of this sentence was calm, but after Chi Zhao turned around, he saw red eyes, and even the blue veins on his temples were tense and sleepless. Chi Zhao couldn't keep his calm appearance any longer. He opened his mouth indiscriminately, and after a long time he held back a sentence: "I didn't want to die! Are you sick? Haven't you always wanted to be emperor, now? You got what you wanted, why are you unhappy?"

Shen Wumian didn't answer him, his eyes turned to Chi Marsh's left sleeve again, Chi Zhao covered his sleeve subconsciously, and then, the person opposite showed a mocking look as expected, Chi Zhao pursed his lips, and his face changed. Hard to look.

In the sleeve is the poison he asked for from the guard. It is said that after taking it for a second, one can ascend to the sky. Yesterday's Mongolian sweat medicine was also given by the guard. After Chi Zhao originally planned to go out, he would find a hidden place to wait for the system. When the system came back, the pain shield was turned on, and he could die happily. Who knew that Shen Wumian would see it at a glance.

"What do I want, don't you know?"

Shen Wumian's red eyes were red, and he asked this sentence word by word. Chi Zhao pursed his lips and did not answer. He was still frantically thinking about countermeasures in his heart. What Shen Wumian said just now was absolutely serious. If he died, he would Immediately, he would take revenge on himself by committing suicide. Shen Wumian is such a ruthless person, ruthless to others and ruthless to himself.

Chi Zhao not thinking about dying with him means how much Shen Wumian cares about him. He just wants to solve this matter quickly. He can't watch Shen Wumian die. He grabbed his seven inches.

Chi Zhao was still battered, when suddenly, he heard a strange sound, it sounded like the wall was cracking, Chi Zhao raised his head in confusion, and then his eyes widened suddenly.

I don't know when Shen Wumian started to exert his strength. In short, when he looked over, the wall was already cracked. As long as there was a gap, it would be much easier to do next, so Chi Zhao watched Shen. Wu Miansheng pulled the chain out of the wall, and a dark red bruise was pressed on his wrist. Chi Zhao stared at him in astonishment, even forgetting to escape.

After breaking away from the arm, the one on the foot was simpler. It was broken by Shen Wumian himself. Chi Zhao finally saw the so-called super high force value in this world, but he didn't have the heart to applaud.

In his eyes, Shen Wumian's figure enlarged little by little, Chi Zhao suddenly reacted and wanted to escape, but Shen Wumian grabbed him, and despite his objection, tore his left sleeve.

A small porcelain bottle fell out and shattered instantly when it hit the ground. Immediately afterwards, a round thing fell out. The material was not ceramic, and the sound of falling to the ground was more crisp.

Shen Wumian frowned and looked at the ground, Chi Zhao's body froze, and he suddenly struggled with greater strength than before. something, and then silently looked at the jade pendant whose corner was broken.

Chi Zhao squatted on the ground, Shen Wumian couldn't see his expression clearly, all he could see was that his fingers holding the jade pendant had turned white.

Chi Zhao was very angry, very, very angry. He had lived for so many years and experienced so many things. Even when he learned that he had died in an innocent disaster, he was not like now, and felt that his heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney were about to explode.

"What are you pulling!"

Chi Zhao stood up abruptly, looking like he was going to eat people, "I think it's none of your business! What do I want to do, can you control it? If I don't kill you, you should be grateful. Why do you have to be grateful? Interfere with me, what right do you have to interfere with me!!"

These words are very heavy, and they are completely indiscriminate when they are in a hurry. Chi Zhao usually has a good temper, but because of his good temper, he will become very terrifying when he loses his temper once in a while. The most terrifying one, because taking this opportunity, he vented all the anger that he had held back for a long time, for hundreds of years.

On the other hand, Shen Wumian, who was opposite Chi Zhao, was stunned at first, and then calmed down.

He let Chi Zhao scolded him and stabbed a knife in his heart regardless, as if he didn't hear anything, his eyes stayed on the jade pendant that he was holding tightly.

When Chi Zhao roared until his voice became hoarse, he raised the hand that was chained to the chain, and the heavy chain fell on his wrist, making his movements seem a bit clumsy. Chi Zhao maintained the expression just now, frowning at Shen. Sleepless put his hand on the back of his neck. He froze, then kicked out.

"Let go of me! You're lucky, it's fortunate that I can't scold people, or you'll have been scolded by me for a long time! Don't touch me, you can't understand people's language! I fucking—"

The following words were blocked by Shen Wumian's storm-like strong kiss. Chi Zhao's anger had not subsided, but at this time he was even more angry, punching and kicking were not a problem, even the tip of Shen Wumian's tongue was bitten by Chi Zhao. The smell of blood spreads in the mouth, and at the same time, there is a little salty feeling.

Chi Zhao suddenly opened his eyes, and in front of him, Shen Wumian closed his eyes, and an inconspicuous water stain slipped across his face.

I fuck-

I fuck-

I fucking... why is this not a thing...

Suddenly, Chi Zhao's throat let out a whimper like a cub, and then he stopped struggling. Shen Wumian noticed this and hugged him even tighter.

On the other hand, the system that successfully passed the preliminary round and the main system have already completed the handover procedures. I heard that Chi Zhao has already done everything, and the tasks in this world have also been completed. Just waiting for it to come back to pick up Chi Zhao, the system It rushed back in a hurry, and then it saw the scene that was about to be staged as a restricted level.

system:"… … "