I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 112: Slag that Dark Sentinel (3)


In the original plot, Noah put a bionic mask on himself before entering the villa. His hair color did not change, and his facial features became much more ordinary. He was afraid that he would be recognized before doing so. While injecting himself with medicine, he took off the mask, and took off the waiter's clothes by the way, in order to leave a good impression on him and the protagonist's first night.

At this time, Chi Zhao did not inject any medicine, nor did he take off his mask, and the taste of the guide element on his body had changed, so the protagonist Leo did not recognize him.

Chi Zhao wanted to understand this, immediately straightened his body, and began to pretend to be a professional waiter, "Sorry sir, I went to the wrong room, I'll leave now."

Although Chi Zhao didn't give himself an injection, but looking at the protagonist's appearance, it was obvious that he had already been recruited. The potion obtained by the original owner was very powerful. Leo can still stand now, but his spirit is on the verge of collapse. The unfamiliar guide who suddenly came in had a rare taste that he was not disgusted with, and this was a very powerful guide who could see his spiritual body. Leopold didn't even think about it, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the weak guide's wrist. , whispered with the remaining reason: "Wait, please... help me."

If it was someone who knew Leo, they would be so surprised that their eyes would pop out now.

Is this still the abstinent and serious chairman? To make such a request to a single guide so blatantly, please, even if it is a friend, the guide will not casually sort out the spirit of a sentinel!

Saying this sentence is basically equivalent to "please touch me deeply"!

I don't know when it started, the chattering system disappeared, and the surroundings were quiet as if only the two of them were left. Leo has a pair of emerald green eyes, beautiful and mysterious. Just a glance will attract people's attention unconsciously. Chi Zhao is used to seeing beautiful women, and he is almost immune to the protagonist who always stands at the peak of his appearance. Now, he frowned, feeling the tension and urgency of grabbing his wrist, he opened his mouth and made a syllable, "You..."

Hearing him speak, Leo immediately took a step forward, his whole body was covered by a tall shadow, Chi Zhao's eyes widened in an instant, and he forgot what he just wanted to say.

The guide in front of him had a very ordinary face, but for some reason, Leo just thought he was more pleasing to the eye than any other guide. He also has golden hair, which is Leo's most hated color, and even so, Leo can't have the slightest disgust for him.

Seeing that he was still hesitating, he pursed his lips and frowned, as if he felt even more uncomfortable. His spare hand also stretched out and held it on Chi Zhao's shoulder. The arrogant chairman put him down and faced him. The pride and arrogance that he would never let go of when he was a congressman, he said to a man dressed as a waiter, almost pleading, "Please."

Now that I have someone else's face on my face, if I help him, it doesn't seem to have any terrible consequences, right? Isn't it just sorting out the spiritual sea, and it's not...

and many more.

Chi Zhao suddenly remembered a very important question.

Today is his first day as a guide, and he still doesn't know how to sort out his spiritual sea!

Chi Zhao, who was fascinated by sex, woke up in an instant, he firmly rejected the chairman, twisted his wrist vigorously, and tried to take his body back from the opponent's hand.

"Sir, I'm just a waiter and can't help you. In this case, I'll go out and call a doctor for you and let him examine you, so I won't bother you."

After speaking for several seconds, the other party still remained motionless. Chi Zhao even tried to suck at the milk. In the end, apart from sweating on his forehead, he didn't see any substantial effect, and because the sweat also contained a faint guide element. , the eyes of the person opposite him instantly deepened.

He lowered his head, the tip of his nose rested on Chi Zhao's ear, he took a deep sniff, and then murmured in a low voice, "Your smell... so fragrant."

Chi Zhao: "..."

Big brother, you are the protagonist, don't say such perverted words ah ah ah!

Chi Zhao got goosebumps, the robust torso of an adult male was close to him, and the other party's spiritual threads and sentinel pheromones were still constantly stirring up, although the original owner's physical distance was still two months away from the heat of bonding, that was also true. Unable to bear the temptation of such a strong stimulus, Chi Zhao suddenly felt a little hot in his body, his heart trembled, and he hurriedly pushed.


This sound could be called the cry of the soul, and Leo was so shocked that he couldn't stand still, took two steps back with a pale face, and almost fell to the ground.

Most of the guide's spirits are gentle, but Chi Zhao is not a real guide. His mental power itself is quite aggressive. When he just subconsciously counterattacked, he used his own mental power. Now Leo is already fragile, and he is on the verge of collapse. Facing Chi Zhao, he can't establish a strong vigilance like his brain is broken, and he was attacked unexpectedly.

Chi Zhao was startled, how did he expect that the protagonist, as a dark sentinel, could almost fall to the ground by his mouth cannon attack, he subconsciously took two steps forward, hesitated for a while, but reached out to support him , Leo closed his eyes tightly and didn't say a word. His bloodless lips were almost bitten by him. This scene accidentally overlapped with the third world. At that time, when Qi Yuyang was not well, It's always so painful.

Chi Zhao stiffened for a moment, and finally sighed resignedly.

Forget it, he didn't think about going into the plot anyway.

Although he didn't know how to groom the sentinel's spiritual sea, Chi Zhao knew that he had to use his own spiritual power. He tried to release some relatively soft spiritual threads and slowly let them enter the surface of Leo's skin. Where he was combing, he noticed the clumsy and green tactics of the other party, and Leo immediately understood.

This is a novice, and it is very likely that he is still a wild guide who has not registered, so he has not learned how to sort out the spiritual sea.

Opening his deep eyes, Leo turned his back on the guest. He embraced Chi Zhao with an irresistible strength, and then lowered his head. The two pressed their foreheads together, their breaths intertwined, and a natural heart formed between their bent necks. shape.

Chi Zhao was frightened by his sudden action, and opened his eyes, but when he opened his eyes, the other party had already closed his eyes, and he was patiently leading his spiritual thread toward his most secret and vulnerable spirit. Swimming in the depths of the sea.

Leo is twenty-nine years old this year, and it is less than a year before the dark sentinel's most painful backlash period. At this time, his spiritual sea can be described as riddled with holes, because he does not care for his body at all, and he has long been He has not entered the political world for several years, and has been in the military world all the time. He has always completed the most dangerous type of tasks, because he dared to fight and was cruel to himself, so he became the chairman of the committee at a young age.

Chi Zhao was surprised for a moment, and his heart was still aching slightly. He didn't say much. He also closed his eyes and focused on combing his spiritual sea for him. The feeling of spiritual integration is comfortable and peaceful, a beautiful feeling that cannot be described in words. Not only the person being groomed will feel comfortable, but as the grooming party, Chi Zhao also feels that his mood is slowly improving.

It's an instinctive reaction of the body, so after getting old, sentinels and guides always bond with each other, and unless there is true love, they won't marry ordinary people.

At the moment of contact, Leo was amazed at the huge power contained in this weak guide, and at the same time understood why the other party would rather be a wild guide.

Because he is too strong, if he is discovered by the state, the old guys will immediately monitor him. In the future, his career and mate selection cannot be decided by himself.

However, it doesn't matter, he is strong enough, and he can protect him in the future.

The chairman, who is loved by all the people, unilaterally decided the future relationship between the two within three minutes of meeting each other, and he had no intention of asking each other. In his opinion, since the other party is already willing to sort out his spiritual sea for him, isn't it? Do you also have a crush on him, what else is there to ask

As the old saying goes, I'm afraid that hooligans have culture.

Chi Zhao can sort out Leo's spiritual sea, but he can't remove the medicinal effects in his body. Therefore, Leo's own feeling is that his mind has become more awake, but his body has become more and more uncomfortable, and his mind has become chaotic. Chaos, the lower body also reacted, making him uncontrollably want to kiss the lips of the person in his arms and taste his taste.

There is a part of the aphrodisiac in the medicine under the original owner. He used to have a good idea, but now it's better, and it's all in vain.

Chi Zhao was focused on combing, but he didn't notice that the person holding him released his spiritual body again. One person and one wolf all have eyes of the same color, and even the things in the eyes are the same.

It's all about undisguised, deep lust, and a desire to win as if looking at the prey.

When Chi Zhao finally finished his work and withdrew his mental power with satisfaction, he realized that he couldn't withdraw.

Looking up again, after seeing the other party's current appearance, Chi Zhao was silent for a long time, and finally asked without giving up: "Can you see that I just finished sorting it out for you... will you let me go this time?"

Squinting, Leo lightly rubbed the pool with his thumb on the edge of his cheek, and seemed to be looking for a bionic mask. At the same time, he kicked the question back with a calm voice, "What do you think?"

Chi Zhao wanted to cry. Physically, he would definitely not be able to beat Commissioner Leo, who used to serve in the military. Mentally, the two of them were half a pound. It could be seen from the fact that Leo could hold his spiritual thread tightly. In other words, he can't run.

Chi Zhao was not surprised that the protagonist liked him as soon as he came, because he was used to it. Holding his trembling little heart, Chi Zhao raised a cautious paw and held Li Ao kept rubbing his palms.

He wanted to cry without tears, fighting for a way out for himself, "Then, can you stop touching my face?"

The little guide raised his face and begged himself with a trembling voice, which made the sentinel's blood boil. In fact, Leo didn't even hear what he said, but it didn't prevent him from acting according to his heart.

He lowered his head and kissed the pale pink lips that had been seducing him, and he swallowed the syllable he just said.

"it is good."