I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 117: Slag that Dark Sentinel (8)


The current situation does not have time for Leo to ponder the joints among them. The leader of the terrorist is opposite him, waiting for his reply.

Slightly calm, Leo raised his green eyes and said flatly: "There are a total of 147 hostages in it, you first release 27 people, let me see your sincerity, and then I will consider it. your request."

Hearing Leo's words, the terrorist leader immediately laughed. Standing in front of Leo was a holographic projection. The real leader himself didn't know where he was hiding, but the projection did not prevent him from showing 100%. mockery.

"Mr. Chairman, did you forget to take your brains out? Now, what qualifications do you have to negotiate with me? My words are still the same as the original words. If you release someone a minute later, I will kill a hostage. Anyway, we are already notorious. , not missing a few lives."

There was a soldier behind him who couldn't help but clenched his fists. This man was so arrogant, what did he think of the people!

Leo was still as calm as before, "I will return your words to you as they are, if you kill a hostage, I will also kill a hostage. You have more than 100 people, and I only have 12 here. People, when they are all killed, I will put their bodies and yours together, and let you meet again in the urn."

Leader: "..."

Radical people are often arrested, but this is the first time. After someone was arrested, they made such a big noise, so it is already certain that among those twelve young leaders, there must be someone they absolutely cannot give up. , Leo said these were the seven inches that pinched them. However, in the ears of others, Leo was crazy. He was so arrogant that he thought he could decide the lives of more than 100 people.

What if he pissed off the terrorists and they actually killed all the hostages

The terrorist leader's face was gloomy and frightening. As a hostage inside, Chi Zhao couldn't hear the progress of the negotiations outside. His hand was numb while holding Joey. The two of them are like a sculpture.

After half a minute, suddenly, the man guarding them came over, picked some people at random, and told them to get out quickly, Chi Zhao raised his eyebrows, but did not speak.

It appears that the negotiations are going well.

"I have released twenty-seven hostages as you said. Now, it's your turn to fulfill your promise."

Looking at the terrorist leader's appearance, if there were not so many soldiers around, he would definitely rush out to fight Leo to the death. Leo glanced at the hostages who collapsed to the ground after being picked up by the soldiers, and nodded.

"One hostage is exchanged for ten, and I still have a request to exchange the children and pregnant women first."

The leader on the opposite side snorted contemptuously, but did not refuse.

There are quite a lot of children in the hostages, and most of them are not tall enough for adults. Terrorists with live ammunition are like butchers in a slaughterhouse. Whoever they point to, they will instinctively shake, and wait until the first time. During the third wave, someone walked up to Chi Zhao and pointed to Joey in his arms: "Let him come down, hurry up!"

It can be seen from the front that this is an exchange of hostages. The second wave was all children, and the third wave became a child and a pregnant woman. Chi Zhao changed his mind, put Joey on the ground, and nudged him. He gave him a hand, motioning him to go out with the other children.

At the same time, he shook Joey's hand and stuffed the miniature version of Xiaohong into his hand.

Joey blinked and went out obediently.

Almost at the same time, the black wolf's two ears moved quickly.

However, instead of following Joey, it continued to stay quietly opposite Chi Zhao.

It was so uncomfortable to pretend that there was a giant in front of him, but he had to pretend to be invisible. Chi Zhao forced himself to stare at Joey, and was relieved to see him walking out with the other children.

Well, the child is gone, even if there is an accident, he can let go of his hands and feet to do it.

On this point, Leo and Chi Zhao have the same idea.

Neither Leo nor the leader of the terrorists planned to release all the hostages. As long as the leader saw the people who were ordered to rescue them come out, they would immediately kill all the remaining hostages, and then escape with the rescued people. As for those who were not rescued, they would be considered unlucky.

Leo has been dealing with the radicals for many years. Of course, he knows how crazy they are. Therefore, his idea is to put a few hostages first, and replace the people with no fighting ability and poor psychological endurance, so as to relax the vigilance of terrorists. , and finally, you can catch them all in one go.

In fact, this is a gamble, because Leo doesn't know whether there is the person who the terrorists care about most among the selected hostages. He can only judge by intuition.

When it was the fifth wave, the eyebrows of the leader on the opposite side moved slightly. This change was too subtle. If Leo was just an ordinary sentinel, he would never have noticed it.

But who made him a dark sentinel with first-class sharpness.

The black wolf suddenly stood up, making Chi Zhao's heart skip a beat. Immediately afterwards, he found that the black wolf turned in a different direction, and started to release the black mist that seemed to exist on his body. It took a long time to invade the minds of the terrorists who guarded them, but they still didn't realize it.

That is, the man who threatened Chi Zhao at first, frowned with a bad instinct.

Chi Zhao stood in the crowd, as if he had expected something, he took a step back and stood a little further away from the guards.

Xiaohong stayed in Joey's palm. Joey was very sensible and never let go. He held Xiaohong tightly. Chi Zhao could only see the darkness, so he had to ask the system in his heart, "How is Joey? where?"

[Joey and the other children have been sent away, and I can't scan where they went, but it must be safe.]

The terrorist leader on this mission is a dark sentinel. His strength is very powerful. Except for Leo, there is no one who can compete with him, but even so, he can't see Leo's spiritual body.

But he didn't care about this kind of thing. He could see the spirits of other sentinels. They would definitely not dare to come in rashly. What if Leo's spirits came in? It's just a spirit. They have here. So many brave Sentinels.

So, ah, you just can't speak too slowly, this time they were defeated by only one mental body.

The battle was about to break out, almost in an instant, all the sentries guarding them let out terrifying screams, others could not see it, but Chi Zhao could see that the spiritual sea of those sentinels was polluted, and the pollutants were like It is like living, constantly wandering, and wherever you go, that place will explode like an explosion.

The spiritual sea is also composed of various elements. Now that those elements have been destroyed, these sentinels will also be abolished.

From the beginning to the end, Chi Zhao didn't have a chance to make a move. It was just right, and he didn't want to make a move, so he stood behind him quietly like a chicken, carefully observing the black fog.

Looking at the endless black mist, Chi Zhao suddenly remembered a highly toxic substance. That substance exists in the bodies of several special creatures. Other creatures will die if they encounter it, because within a minute, the toxin will It will quickly spread to the whole body of the creature. When the blood cells that maintain their livelihoods encounter the toxin, they will be stimulated to explode, and this damage is irreversible, and there is no cure at all.

The weapon on the black wolf is similar to that toxin.

Some Sentinels have a chance to gain mutated abilities, but the odds are too small, and not all abilities are useful. Just like ordinary people, some people are born with a particularly good nose, and some people are born with thick hair.

The Dark Sentinel is rare, and the mutant Dark Sentinel is even more difficult to find, plus Leo's mutant ability is still such a terrifying attack ability...

This man is simply a natural killing machine.

Chi Zhao felt a little complicated in his heart, and he couldn't help lowering his head.

When the dust settled, Chi Zhao walked out with the other hostages. He wanted to find Joey, but he didn't have to, Joey was standing outside waiting for him.

At the same time, beside him stood the unsmiling chairman.

Chi Zhao: "… "

Chi Zhao took a quick look around the two of them and found that they had no physical contact, and Joey's eyes kept sticking to himself. He didn't have much strange feeling about the chairman who met for the first time, so Chi Zhao let go of his heart and calmed down. walked over.

"Lord Chairman, long time no see, thank you for saving us."

Noah knew Leo from the beginning. It is understandable to say this at this time. Chi Zhao took Xiaohong back after he was sure that his son was all right. Now he is sure that he has no flaws in his body. Leo never thought that he was the one before that waiter.

Chi Zhao was confident, and Leo was silent.

After two seconds, his eyes turned to Joey, and his voice was a little strange, "Who is this kid from you."

In fact, he had heard Chi Zhao claiming to be his father before, but now, he still wanted to hear him say it himself.

Chi Zhao replied naturally, "This is my son."

Leo's mind was blank, and he couldn't connect the man back then to Noah's face, but now the soldiers have checked it out and found no senior guide among the rest of the hostages, and if they don't look at the face, they just look at the figure. , Noah is indeed very similar to that person. The most important thing for him to ignore is that this child looks so much like his mother!

"… your child?"

For a moment, Leo even suspected that the child was stolen by Noah.

Chi Zhao glanced at him strangely, and replied naturally again, "Yes, my husband and I had it. Mr. Chairman, it's been so many years since our affairs, it's time for me to start a family and start a business, isn't it?"

There are so many people in this world, and it is inevitable that there will be examples of people who look very similar. Some people have no blood relationship but look like twins. If this is just a coincidence, it seems to make sense, but I don’t know why, Leo is I don't think it's that simple.

And once he began to doubt, Leo discovered that the Noah in front of him seemed very different from before.


Chi Zhao put his arms around the child, "What's the matter?"

Leo smiled lightly, "You wait here, I will send someone to take you back. If something like this happens, your family must be very worried, especially your sister. I heard that she was pregnant a few months ago. , I wonder if she is giving birth now?"

Pregnancy and childbirth

Chi Zhao immediately narrowed his eyes, Leo wouldn't talk to him so familiarly, this must be a test!

Chi Zhao pursed his lips and replied coldly, "I don't know, I haven't been in touch with my family for a long time."

In an instant, Leo's eyes sank.

Someone around was peeking at them, they didn't know Chi Zhao's identity, they thought he was also one of the nobles, and he could let Leo talk to him for so long, which shows that this person must be not low. Chi Zhao didn't like being surrounded by people, so he wanted to leave. He held Joey's hand, and before he turned around, he saw Leo take a step forward, showing a more gentleman's smile.

"Wait, I'll take you back."

Chi Zhao: "...?"

Didn't you send someone to take them back