I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 38: Slag that interstellar admiral (9)


At the same time, all the people who were still alive covered their heads. The splitting headache made them almost unable to straighten their backs. The pain came and went quickly. The chief of the police station who came to save the people was The first to recover, he was stunned for a while, and soon realized that this was a mental riot.

Mental violence is something that everyone will encounter, but low-level mental violence cannot affect anyone, and the one that can make people feel pain must be A-level or above, but there are not only ordinary people present today, but also The policemen of their police station, three of the police officers dispatched today have A-level mental power, and even they were suppressed in abnormal pain. This shows that the mental power of the rioters has reached the S-level, and the people present have reached the S-level mental power. Only West speaks...

The sub-director looked at Louis in disbelief, very afraid that he would be unable to control himself again and have another mental riot.

At the same time, he also felt very strange, how could Admiral West's mental power suddenly get out of control, is there anything here that would strongly stimulate him

The branch chief's gaze shifted from Louis to the boy in his arms.

He seemed to see just now that this man came out of Admiral West's mecha. The two mechas that everyone saw at the beginning, one was driven by Admiral West, and the other was driven by this The boy was driving, and seeing how the admiral was now holding the boy tightly in his arms, there was nothing the sub-commander didn't understand.

His lover was almost attacked, and he couldn't bear it if he was a man. It was not easy for Admiral West to endure it until his emotions erupted.

When Chi Zhao was hugged by Louis, he was shocked, and the mental violence stopped immediately. After two seconds, he raised his head, but when he realized that the person in his arms remembered, Louis again Reluctantly, he pressed his head down.

Chi Zhao: "..." Brother, what are you doing?

Admiral West hugged a strange boy on the street, and Admiral West just caused a mental riot, which shows how worried he is about the comfort of this boy.

Everyone was in an uproar. Someone took the opportunity to record this scene. Louis' face was calm. Only then did I feel a little more relieved, and the arm that was holding Chi Zhao relaxed a lot. Chi Zhao noticed it and immediately broke free. He stared at Louis, who received his puzzled and angry gaze and couldn't help blinking. blink.

Eh, he helped him bear the blame for the mental violence. It's fine if you don't thank him. Why does Shao Ze'an seem so angry

There are not so many requirements in other places, but in the main star, if someone can't control their mental power and riots in the street, no matter if they cause harm to people and property, they will be fined. If there are more serious consequences, you have to go to jail. After all, learning self-control is also a necessary quality for the strong. If you can't even do this, then don't go out.

Chi Zhao didn't know the twists and turns in this place. Until now, no one knew that his mental power had become S-level, so naturally no one came to teach him these things. He thought that Louis was taking advantage of him, but looking at the eyes of the people around him, it seemed that it was not so simple. Thinking of the mental violence the system just said, Chi Zhao seemed to understand a little.

He was helping himself, diverting his attention so he could calm down quickly.

Chi Zhao swallowed his saliva and asked the system nervously: "This mental power riot... B-level mental power, is it possible to achieve what it was just now?"

The system asked faintly.

[What do you think?]

Chi Zhao: "… "

When Chi Zhao was silent, Louis had thoughtfully found a reason for him. The young man in front of him liked him, and he liked someone, but he didn't want the other party to be hurt. He must be distressed.

Thinking of this, Louis felt warm in his heart, and he lowered his voice, "It's okay, they'll just come to me and pay the fine, nothing else will happen."

After he finished speaking, he touched Chi Zhao's cheek, feeling the rough and soft touch on his face, and understanding his voice, Chi Zhao's eyes widened in shock.

"He already knows? How could he know?!"

[You ask me... I don't know either. I don't know what he looks like today. I should have known it long ago. Did you expose it somewhere, or did he never believe what you said?]

Chi Zhao couldn't tell either, he frowned at Louis for a long time, took his hand, turned around and left.

The branch chief came to Louis, "Admiral West, you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Louis had already been pulled away by Chi Zhao. He turned around and nodded apologetically to the sub-director, then turned his head back.

The branch chief was silent, he turned to look at the more and more onlookers around him, and he could already predict what kind of blood and rain there would be on the Star Network tonight.

The direction Chi Zhao took him to was the parking lot. Louis did not wear a bionic mask. The current rate of return is 300%. He got into the hover car. Chi Zhao set an order to go home, and then he looked at him cautiously. louis.

Louis didn't understand why he always showed such vigilant eyes to himself from time to time. He wanted to ask, but Chi Zhao used the method taught him systematically. First, he used his mental power to adjust his physical condition and forced his mood to calm down quickly. Said, "You don't have to worry about me so much."

Louis looked at him, "We will be partners in the future. Of course I have to worry about you. This situation will not happen in the future. I will not let you see such a bloody scene again."

Louie thought that he was greatly stimulated by suddenly facing such a tragic situation. After speaking, Louie's voice softened, "But you also have to try to learn from..."

Before he could say the word "control", Chi Zhao grabbed his hand tightly. He used a lot of strength, but Louis didn't feel pain, but he felt Chi Zhao's urgency. He swallowed the words back, he frowned and looked at Chi Zhao, who turned his gaze slightly, as if listening to something.

Not hearing Morris's voice, he took a deep breath, then looked into Louie's eyes, "I will, don't mention it again, okay?"

Don't mention it again. If Morris finds out that he has really become an S-level mental power, he may even be more powerful than an S-level. Morris will realize that he is lying to him, and that he can use the loopholes in the sensor to block the reaction of lying. At that time, even if Morris doesn't kill him, he will torture him severely, and he will monitor him 24 hours a day. Maybe he will be asked by Morris to enter the military department or enter the political arena. In short, where is there more information about him? He needs to go where, and a person with S-level spiritual power is indeed qualified to enter those places...

Chi Zhao seemed to have seen his own misery in the future, but Louis didn't appreciate it at all. He looked at Chi Zhao suspiciously: "Why? You seem to be afraid..."

Chi Zhao's eyes widened. If Louis said these words, he would be finished. He reached out to cover Louis' mouth, but Louis had a better physique and moved faster than him. Being dragged by Louis, the doubts on his face became more and more. Chi Zhao was in a hurry, raised his head, leaned over, and kissed Louis.

All right now, Louis can't say a word.

System still on the sidelines: "… "

What a discerning eye it is, the bound host is smart and obedient, kind and progressive, and even has a spirit of sacrifice, that is, every time the task object is... Hey, forget it, I will cry if I talk too much.

Chi Zhao closed his eyes, put his lips on Louis's lips, and made sure that he would not speak again, he withdrew and said in a low voice, "I'm very scared, so don't mention it again in the future. already."

After a moment of silence, Chi Zhao raised his eyes and looked at Louis pleadingly, "Please."

Both Louis and Chi Zhao knew that they were talking about mental power, but from the rebel side, they were talking about the terrorist attack just now, and Chi Zhao was lucky. Morris was called out just now, so there was no Listening to them, and now listening to two subordinates, they are not so smart, they can't hear the hidden meaning behind this sentence.

The kiss just now was Louis's first kiss. When the boy approached, all his senses were magnified in an instant. Louis' super-powerful brain was even stunned for two seconds. His body was too stiff, and the reflex arc also slowed down by half a beat. , It was not until after the boy left, when he heard him say those three words almost imploringly, that Louis regained some reason.

That day, when Shao Ze'an was picked up by his brother, he deliberately followed without a word, just to test his subconscious reaction. Obviously, he succeeded. Shao Ze'an turned back faster than his brother, and his brother's spirit The force level is S.

At that time, Louis was sure that Shao Ze'an had indeed advanced, and the figure he saw that day was indeed Shao Ze'an, not an illusion.

But why does Shao Ze'an hide this matter? He is saving people, not harming them. Is it necessary to cover up

Louis didn't understand very much. He went to Shao's house the next day. First, he wanted to apologize, and second, he wanted to ask Shao Ze'an about this matter, but later he heard something that made him more concerned. Naturally, this matter Couldn't ask for the exit. Next, it's today.

Louis suddenly discovered that what Shao Ze'an wanted to hide was not the fact that he saved him, but the fact that his mental power was very high.

The two looked at each other, Chi Zhao's heart was in his throat, and after a long time, Louis nodded silently.

Almost instantly, the boy's tense back relaxed, and he lowered his head, as if he had just experienced a near-death experience.

Louis looked at him silently, his eyes were serious and condensed, Chi Zhao paused for a while and then raised his head, almost startled by him. At this time, the suspension car had already driven to Shao's house, Chi Zhao paused, and said to him: "I will in the future. I'll explain to you, goodbye, Admiral West."

After speaking, Chi Zhao got out of the suspension car, but Louis did not follow. Chi Zhao walked all the way uneasy, until he opened the door and walked in, Chi Zhao felt that the scorching sight that had been following him disappeared, and Chi Zhao lived the rest of his life after the disaster wiped his forehead.

He has finally fooled him today, and he will not believe it anymore. With his ability to make up things, he can't find a reasonable and reasonable explanation.

In the middle of the night, Chi Zhao was lying on the bed, and suddenly, he opened his eyes.

...he was wrong, he really couldn't come up with a reasonable and reasonable explanation.