I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 39: Slag that interstellar admiral (10)


Louis found out that he was an S-level mental power, which meant that he already knew that Chi Zhao was his savior. It was no wonder that he agreed to the marriage so happily because he wanted to repay his gratitude.

Chi Zhao turned over, never thinking that Louis could fall in love with him in such a short period of time, and soon, he began to think about another thing.

After today, Chi Zhao discovered that he might not be able to provide information to the rebels.

As soon as this idea came out, Chi Zhao didn't do much, and the system quit.

[How about that! Don't provide them with information, let alone plot points, you will be killed soon, host!]

Hearing the excited voice of the system, Chi Zhao was very speechless, "Look at the world you found for me, we have lived together for decades, don't you know me? The last world was just a Li Yihan, I can't do it anymore, the world needs me to kill tens of millions of people, what makes you think I can do it here?"

[I didn't choose the world... It's random. Besides, you don't give up on Li Yihan because you love him, and you don't love the people here...]

This has nothing to do with love or not, a normal person can't do such a crazy thing. However, speaking of Li Yihan...

Chi Zhao touched his chest, and always felt empty in his heart. When he thought of Li Yihan before, he would still feel a little sad, but now that he mentions him again, his sadness is gone, just a piece of heart is missing. It doesn't feel painful or uncomfortable, it just feels awkward.

After the pond, he asked: "System, did you do something to me?"

It's only been a few days, and it's not even a month. No matter how strong Chi Zhao's psychological quality is, it is impossible to forget Li Yihan so quickly, and this can no longer be described as strong psychological quality. This is clearly unintentional No lungs.

For a long time, Chi Zhao didn't hear the system's voice, his face darkened, "Speak! I know you're here, do you think it's useful to pretend to be dead!"


Chi Zhao: "... No maintenance is allowed!"

The system froze, and it struggled for a long time between shameless maintenance and confession, and finally chose the latter.

[I am afraid that you will be affected by the emotions left over from the previous world, and this world will not be able to complete the task properly, so... I filtered your memory.]

Chi Zhao frowned, "What do you mean by filtering memory?"

[I just screened the memories of your last world, took away the emotions, and kept the memories, but don’t worry, I will take good care of the filtered things. After you experience a few more worlds, your psychological quality will be strong enough. When I can bear these emotions, I will give them back to you, and I will ensure that they are exactly the same as when I took them away, and there will be no difference!]

It turned out to be so. Chi Zhao felt relieved when he heard that it would be returned to him in the future, but he was still a little unhappy, "You don't trust me so much, maybe if you don't filter, I can complete the task well."

The system mercilessly pierced his hide.

[I still have the video of you crying with Li Yihan's tombstone, do you want to watch it?]

Chi Zhao: "...No need."

The topic came to an end, and the system asked him what he was going to do if he really couldn't do it.

Chi Zhao lay on the bed, squinting, "The requirement of the plot point is that I play the role successfully, and the plot trend does not collapse, and this plot trend should specifically refer to my ending and the ending of the protagonist."

Combining the experience of the previous world, Chi Zhao found that the system doesn't pay much attention to people other than the protagonist, as if only the protagonist is important in the whole world. He was also trying to ask this question. Hearing the system hum, Chi Zhao Don't worry.

"That's easy, I'm still a spy, and I'll still provide information to the rebels, but when I provide information, I do a little trick to prevent the rebels from succeeding. Wait until Louis leads the troops to attack the rebels. When I was in the army, I leaked the location of Louis, let the rebels kill him half to death, and then told Louis that I was a spy, so that the plot coincided with the original ending."

It sounds really simple...

[However, how do you do your tricks, and how do you control them so precisely that they will only beat Louis to death, not really beat him to death?]

Chi Zhao pulled up the quilt and closed his eyes sleepily, "I'll talk about it later, isn't there an old saying that there must be a way to the front of the mountain, so let's go to the front of the mountain to find the way."

"I'm so sleepy, I'm going to bed first, see you tomorrow."

System: "..." After talking for a long time, he didn't know what to do.

Spicy chicken host, eat jujube pills!

Tonight is a sleepless night, Chi Zhao slept fast, but many people are still insomnia.

There has been a lot of trouble on the star network. Photos of Admiral West and a teenager hugging each other are everywhere. There are also news that Admiral West was too worried about the safety of this young man, and it caused a fire on the street of the main star. There was a mental riot, and the fans, brothers and sisters, said that they didn't believe it was true, and then they were slapped in the face by Admiral West himself.

Admiral West's personal account is managed by himself, and the way he manages it is... not at all. The account that has been registered for more than ten years now has no news, but just half an hour ago, a new news suddenly popped up on this clean and abnormal page.

The tone of business is official, with a few simple words, which is very in line with Louis' external image characteristics. The content said that he and his lover will get married soon, thank you for your support, and hope that the public will not disturb his lover's life.

Seeing this news, all the fans, brothers and sisters, had a first-hand experience of what is called a thunderbolt. They turned their anger on Shao Ze'an and began to unleash all their powers. This young man completely forgot what their idol Louis had just said. It didn't take long for people to pick it up. This young man's name is Shao Ze'an. He is still a student. He is only 23 years old this year, ten years younger than the general.

Fan brothers and sisters looked at Shao Ze'an's profile and sneered at him. Isn't this just a little kid, and they don't know where the admiral likes him.

While complaining and looking down, they fell silent after seeing that Shao Ze'an was the second son of His Excellency the Justice.

After seeing that he was Lieutenant General Shao Zelin's younger brother, they were stunned.

After seeing the photo Shao Ze'an took at his bar mitzvah, they were numb.

He is beautiful, has a high family background, and is also the younger brother of one of the twin stars of the empire. The fans of younger brothers and sisters want to cry without tears. Sure enough, good-looking people will only be with better-looking people. One, you can get rid of them a whole street.

Shao Ze'an is indeed very beautiful, and has the beauty of a medieval nobleman. Although he is a descendant of the Huaxia race, the ethnic differences between people have long since disappeared after so many years of racial integration. Shao Ze'an's face is just that Standard mulatto face. At the coming-of-age ceremony, he wore the college-style attire tailored for him by Mrs. Shao. The Shao family is a military and political family, both civil and military. With a gentle smile, as if to thank the person who took the photo of him, Louie sat in his room and stared at the photo for a long time.

It is true that the Shao Ze'an in this photo is very beautiful, but Louis still thinks that the Shao Ze'an he usually sees is more beautiful. Although the person in the photo is very polite and friendly, he doesn't know why, but just gives him a kind of feeling. Empty, indifferent feeling.

In the photo, Shao Ze'an looks very enthusiastic, but he is actually cold inside, while in reality Shao Ze'an looks cold and warm at heart.

Anyway, no matter what, this person is always unwilling to show his character well. Thinking like this, Louis's hand passed through the light screen in the void. He wanted to touch the boy's face, and also wanted to ask him why he didn't want others to know that he was an S-level spiritual force.

If it is said that he is trying to hide his clumsiness, it is completely unnecessary. His family is not complicated at all, and there will be no conflicts that other large families will have. He has become excellent, and every family member of his will be sincerely happy for him.

If it's not being clumsy, what else could it be for

Thinking of the boy's reaction during the day, Louis couldn't help but frown.

There must be something he hasn't discovered yet, what is it

Although Chi Zhao said that he would explain to Louis in the future, Louis didn't believe him at all. He had a very strong intuition. Even if he could explain it in the future, the explanation must be false.

Glancing at the boy on the screen again, Louis thought for a moment, turned off the screen, got up and went to the bathroom.

Chi Zhao went out with Louis for a day, but almost lost his life again. Madam Shao was frightened and detained Chi Zhao at home for a few days. After confirming that the main star had no other terrorist attacks, she let him go back to the academy.

People in this world study all kinds of majors, and Chi Zhao can't understand any of them. Fortunately, the original owner's grades are very poor. No matter how badly he learns, he will not make others suspicious.

When the parents of the two sides met that day, they discussed the wedding date for the two of them, but the day they discussed was next year or the year after, in short, they would have to wait a year or two before getting married. But Morris gave him a month, and he wanted him to live in West's house within a month.

Louis doesn't live with his parents. He owns a house near the military headquarters. Chi Zhao used to think about forcing the marriage to the end, and very strongly demanded that Louis must marry him, but now Louis doesn't need him to force it, it's natural The land promised him that he would do it with himself. In this case, there is no need for him to be in a hurry. If he says that he must get married within a few days, he will probably be regarded as a lunatic.

A neuropathy is a neuropathy, as long as you can marry it, no matter what.

When he came out of the classroom, Chi Zhao thought about how to tell his parents about it when he went back. He was so focused that he didn't notice there was someone in front of him, and that person was strange. Chi Zhao walked with his head down and couldn't see it It's normal, the man didn't lower his head, he could see Chi Zhao was walking in his direction, and he would collide soon, even so, he didn't give in.

When he was about to collide, Chi Zhao was reminded by the system and raised his head. When the other party saw that he had found him, he suddenly laughed, "I thought you were going to slam into my arms."