I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 40: Slag that interstellar admiral (11)


Now everyone in the academy knows that Shao Ze'an and Admiral West have become fiancés. This man dares to speak like that. Chi Zhao can't help but look at him more. When he receives Chi Zhao's cold and innocent gaze, the other party smiles. Laughing, "When will you and Admiral West hold the engagement banquet, isn't it soon?"

According to the current time tension, they may not even have a wedding, let alone an engagement banquet. Chi Zhao asked the name of this person from the system, and then he remembered that this was the chief student of their major this year, Zheng Qingwu.

Zheng Qingwu and Shao Ze'an have known each other since childhood, but they haven't had much contact. They are ordinary friends at most. Zheng Qingwu is very good, and Shao Ze'an is always too spicy, so Shao Ze'an has never liked him very much. Thinking of this, Chi Zhao just casually said a few words, and then left.

Chi Zhao continued to walk forward. This time, he didn't think about anything, so he walked faster. At the same time, she quickly sensed that someone was watching him intently.

Chi Zhao looked at the source of his gaze, there was a man standing there, his appearance was very ordinary, and he couldn't find that kind of ordinary people thrown into the pile, but the aura around him was more majestic than that of the superiors. Seeing him look over, that The man hooked his lips at him, then stood up straight, waiting for him to walk towards him.

It's Louis.

Chi Zhao was suddenly in a trance. Someone had come to pick him up from school before, but that person would never get out of the car, because there were many people who recognized his face, and he didn't want to cause trouble to Chi Zhao. At that time, Li Yihan said casually that it would be great if he could change his face, so that when Chi Zhao came out of school, he could see himself waiting for him at a glance.

He also wanted to try it once, stood at the door and watched Chi Zhao walk to his side step by step.

Right now, Chi Zhao can indeed walk in front of a person step by step, but that person is not him anymore.

Chi Zhao pursed his lips, and the feeling of emptiness in his heart became more serious. At this moment, he was a little fortunate that the system had filtered his memory, otherwise he might have done something terrible.

[No thanks, we have a relationship, thank you is far away.]

Chi Zhao: "... Who wants to thank you."

When they walked to Louis, neither of them said a word, just a look, and Louis knew that he recognized him. He returned to the hover car and set it to automatic driving mode. Louis asked him how he was doing at school. Chi Zhao Answered one by one, and then asked politely, "Is the military not busy today?"

Louie understood his subtext and smiled slightly, "I'm not busy, there's no war recently, so I'll just take time off."

Chi Zhao was stunned, "What if there is a war?"

Louis paused for a second and replied, "Then I have to get busy. The wars are big and small, some...maybe it will last a long time."

Louis is an admiral. He always takes the safety of the entire empire in his heart, and his sense of urgency is much stronger than others. Chi Zhao blinked, he seemed to have found a quick way to marry Louis.

"If there is a long war, will you be stationed on the front line all the time?"

Louis looked at him, and after a while, he nodded.

Chi Zhao turned his head away, as if he was brewing something. After a while, he turned his head back, as if he had made an important decision, "We will get married at the end of this month."

Louis was stunned, "At the end of this month?"


"But..." Louis also felt that it was too fast. There are only seven days left until the end of the month. Are they going to hold a wedding within seven days

Chi Zhao seemed to know what he was worrying about, and he said, "Don't worry about the wedding, we can hold it later, anyway, I haven't graduated yet. Now, just make me your legal partner."

Louis didn't understand why he was so urgent. Thinking of the question he had just asked himself, Louis thought for a while and immediately understood.

The empire has regulations that if it is a soldier who has been stationed on the front line for a long time, only legal partners can go with the army, and parents and children can only visit, but cannot live together.

Louis' brows and eyes became gentle, "Actually, there is no need for this, we can take it slow, and the war will not start in a day or two."

Chi Zhao raised his eyelids, "I don't know when the war will start, but I know that you are in various dangers every day. I have known you for more than ten days, and I have encountered such dangers twice. , in one of them, you almost got into it with your life. Only by getting married soon, will I feel safe, this feeling, do you understand?"

Louis looked at Chi Zhao's eyes and saw the serious and firm meaning in his eyes. He lowered his eyes slightly, as if he didn't quite understand.

In fact, don't talk about him, even Chi Zhao himself doesn't understand.

Whether they get married or not has nothing to do with whether Louis will encounter danger or not. After he finished speaking, he realized that his words were not only illogical, but also had serious bugs. Chi Zhao was silent, and began to think about what to say to make up for it. Louis stared at him with a slightly annoyed and slightly cramped look, and suddenly became enlightened.

He wanted to accompany him and use his strength to continue to protect himself.

Although his physique is very poor, his super-strong mental power can already make up for the youth's physical shortcomings. If the young man can save him once, he can save him a second time. He wants to be his own guardian.

Ever since he came to the Royal Military Academy and became a soldier who defended his family and his country, Louis has never been protected by others. As a soldier of the Empire, he has always regarded protecting the citizens of the Empire as his supreme responsibility. When a dangerous situation occurs, people will run away in panic, and his companions who fight side by side with him always fall faster than him because of their poor strength. At that time, what he has to do is to fight against one hundred and cut off the future for them. .

Many times, he fought alone, fighting with the enemy mechanically and ruthlessly. When the blood just flowed out of the blood vessels, it was still warm to the touch, but he could not feel the temperature of the blood, and his heart was on the same level as those around him. The environment is the same, cold, numb, and lonely. People say that Admiral West is a born general, the patron saint of the empire. After returning from the battlefield like a meat grinder, he always keeps his face unchanged, as simple as an ordinary person going to the vegetable market.

That's because people haven't seen him before. After the fight, he leaned on the meteorite with his back tired, and was slightly absent-minded when facing the blood and blood on the ground.

The battlefield is ruthless. Maybe one day, when the roles are reversed, he will become one of the corpses lying on the ground, and the person who killed him will also look at himself in confusion and quiet.

Louis is neither a pessimistic person nor an optimistic person. He is always rational, treats life rationally, and makes every choice rationally, but when facing Shao Ze'an, his rationality will always desert, such as Now, he doesn't want to continue making choices rationally and calmly.

Although life has been extended, the old saying has not changed. Tomorrow and the future, you never know which will come first, and being in a high position will not change this reality. In the time he can plan, Louis wants to follow his heart and be selfish for a while.

Chi Zhao was still thinking frantically about how to plug the loopholes in his words. Suddenly, he heard a gentle dripping sound coming from above his head.

"When you graduate, how about we hold the wedding again?"

The eyeballs that were still rolling stopped instantly, and Chi Zhao raised his head suddenly and looked at him in amazement, "You agree?"

Louis' expression was calm, "Yeah."

He looked calm, but in fact, all kinds of emotions were brewing in his heart. Compared with a teenager who has a stable life, his life is full of too many uncertainties. The most uncertain point is how long he can live. Everyone gets married to help each other and grow old. Giving it to him means that you have to meet less and leave more every day, and you will be afraid. Maybe you will be in danger as before, even going out the door.

It stands to reason that Louis is a righteous person. If one day he is going to get married, he will tell his future partner all these, and let the partner weigh the pros and cons. If he wants to marry him after weighing, then he will have next action.

But looking into Chi Zhao's eyes, Louis didn't say a word, just hummed indifferently.

Louis also felt despicable, but even if he was given another chance to come back, he would still say nothing.

For some reason, he didn't want to let the young man leave him, even if marrying him would face the risk of being a living widow or even a real widow, he didn't want to let go. He will use all his strength to ensure the safety of the young man, so that he can live without food and clothing, and he can't guarantee anything other than that, he can only do it as much as possible.

This kind of practice is very selfish, and it can even be said to be immoral. Before Louis, he didn't know that he was a person who could do such a thing. When he did it, he still wanted to laugh.

wry smile.

After all, the boy in front of him is still young. Having suffered a life-and-death catastrophe, seeing the picture after peeling off the coat of peace, and falling in love with the imperial general who fought bravely to kill the enemy and came to rescue, it is really easy.

A man broke into the dangerous rebel starship. Louis himself couldn't see the picture, but he could imagine that if his identities were changed, as Shao Ze'an raised in the greenhouse, even if he didn't like Louis, he would still love Louis. produce a great feeling.

There is an old saying of the Huaxia people, the grace of dripping water should be reciprocated by the spring, and the grace of saving life should be promised by the body. Now that the development of civilization is getting higher and higher, there is still love at first sight, but it is very rare. Most people are in love with time. I don't know how long the boy's love for him can last, and whether it will be quickly exhausted in a bland time.

But that's okay.

Louis curled his lips slightly, he stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Chi Zhao's hair, his big hand slowly fell to the back of Chi Zhao's neck along the soft hair, a warm and rough touch came, but Chi Zhao didn't Uncomfortable, but a familiar and reassuring feeling.

Seeing his obedient drooping eyes, even his expression became softer and more reliant, and the smile in Louis's eyes deepened, he leaned over and said in a low voice, "I will be very good to you."

Good enough to make you fall in love with me completely.

Until, can't leave me again.

In the end, the whole thing belongs to me alone.