I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 42: Slag that interstellar admiral (13)


Chi Zhao asked, "What?"

Louis looked at Chi Zhao, his deep eyes seemed to penetrate his body and fall into his heart, "Do you like me?"

Chi Zhao didn't think about it, just nodded.

Louis smiled, "Don't just nod, I want to hear what you say."

Just a word, no big deal.

Chi Zhao opened his mouth fluently, "Well, I like it."

Although he got the answer he wanted to hear, the uneasiness in Louis's heart still did not dissipate. He tightened the strength in his hand, leaned down slightly, and his face was getting closer and closer to Chi Zhao. After realizing his intention, Chi Zhao Zhao didn't dodge or resist, but his body stiffened subconsciously for a moment.

Because of the previous things to buffer, this time Chi Zhao was stiff for a short time, he quickly reacted, relaxed his body, and got ready for the next episode of devotion. This time Chi Zhao also thought very calmly, It's just a kiss, it's not that he hasn't kissed before, once he was born twice, he endured it for the sake of the plot.

He could bear it, but Louis couldn't.

If the last time can be attributed to the teenager's physical discomfort and normal feeling nervous, this time, Louis can't deceive himself. He clearly felt the boy's resistance. He didn't like touching him, and even felt a little disgusted. .

If so, why not run away

Shao Ze'an is sometimes very domineering and sometimes very forbearing. This kind of character is simply two extremes, and Louis can't help but frown.

Tonight is their wedding night. Louis doesn't want to spend the wedding night alone, but he is more worried that Shao Ze'an will feel uncomfortable around him, so he pursed his lips, put down his hands, and took a step back.

"Do you still want to take your time?"

Although they got married, they haven't even talked about a serious relationship until now, and they would get married so soon because the teenagers had no sense of security. If you do the last step as soon as you come up, it is really not appropriate. It is normal for teenagers to feel fear and resistance.

This idea appeared in Louis's heart, and even Louis himself had no confidence, but after thinking about it, only this reason was more logical.

People have been kidnapped by him. Louis is not in a hurry. In fact, he is very happy to talk about a relationship in marriage. After he has done all the stages and things that lovers will go through, he will develop naturally with the teenager. To the last step, so that they will not miss the most beautiful moments in love.

Chi Zhao doesn't care what Louis thinks, he just wants to thank God now, so he handed him a pillow when he was really dozing off, Louis Louis, he's considerate!

On the wedding night, Chi Zhao and Louis did not sleep in separate rooms, but they slept on opposite ends of the same big bed with a distance of about three people in the middle. This distance gave Chi Zhao a very sense of security. He had a good impression of Louis. It reached its peak almost at this moment. Chi Zhao took care of the scar and forgot the pain. In his mind, he excitedly said to the system, "No wonder he can be the protagonist, look, what a good person!"

system:"… "

It has a shadow on the word good person now. Every time Chi Zhao praises the protagonist as a good person, it won't take long for the protagonist to repay Chi Zhao's compliment by performing a show.

The whole house is controlled by a smart computer. As soon as the two of them lay down, the lights in the room dimmed. Chi Zhao's physique was so poor that he was blind in the first few seconds after the room became dark, and he couldn't see anything. , It takes a while to get used to seeing things normally. This house is for Louis, and he has not considered the physiological situation of the lower physique. Louis noticed this and was slightly annoyed.

He should remember that.

After remembering that he would share the highest authority of the house with Shao Ze'an tomorrow, Louis turned his head and looked at the boy who was lying beside him, blinking blankly.

"Good night, Mrs. West."

Louie's voice was melodious and clear. Chi Zhao followed the source of the sound. After a few seconds, he could see the outline a little, but it was only the outline. Louis didn't have his troubles, he could clearly see Seeing the expression on Chi Zhao's face, he could even see his slightly trembling eyelashes.

The original owner's room was specially designed for the original main body, and there would be no such situation. For the first time in such a long time, Chi Zhao was blind with his eyes open. , Burying almost all of his body into the quilt, he turned over and lay down facing Louis's direction, knowing that there was someone in front of him, which would make him feel more at ease.

Chi Zhao's voice was soft and hazy, "Good night to you too, Mr. West."

After speaking, Chi Zhao smacking the words he just said, and suddenly felt a little funny, he couldn't help hooking his lips, and then slowly closed his eyes, Louis saw all his reactions, and then he There was no other action, so he quietly watched Chi Zhao fall asleep until Chi Zhao's breathing became long, and Louis propped himself up and sat up. After a pause, he moved to Chi Zhao's side.

He dug the boy out of the quilt as usual, and took it into his arms. He released his mental power and used a very gentle and aggressive force to soothe the brain and mental domain that was disturbing Chi Zhao. Zhao's mental strength is stronger than his, but he fell asleep, and fell asleep completely without defense, and didn't even mean to be alert to the people around him, so Louis did it without difficulty, and soon, let Chi Zhao Falling into a deeper sleep, no matter what he did, Chi Zhao couldn't feel it.

Taking the person back to the side where he was lying, maintaining the posture of hugging and sleeping, Louis lowered his head and kissed the eyebrow of the person in his arms. He raised the corners of his lips and looked in a good mood.

There is no need to sleep, so the system that surrounds the whole process: "… "

Look! Appeared, the legendary Sao operation!

From today, please call it Tong Banxian.

Not surprisingly, Chi Zhao woke up the next day and found in horror that he had rolled into Louis's arms.

When he first opened his eyes, Chi Zhao was still half asleep, and when he saw the handsome face magnified in front of him, Chi Zhao woke up instantly. He looked at his paws in disbelief. On Louis's chest, the other was wrapped around his lean waist.

Chi Zhao: "..." So I am such a person? !

Because Louis is too upright, Chi Zhao didn't even think that he did it. He immediately thought it was his masterpiece. He must have slept in a daze in the middle of the night, so he ran to Louis's side, and said He stretched out his sinful hand.

As for the reason...

Everyone has a love for beauty. Men are all animals who think with their lower bodies. Usually, Chi Zhao is very rational. When he falls asleep, his brain doesn't work. If the next three ways successfully usurp the throne, he has control over his body.

Chi Zhao secretly spurned himself, and then stared silently at the large wheat-colored pectoral muscles in front of him.

Really big.

… want to touch it.

Chi Zhao stared at him for a long time, he quietly raised his eyelids, Louis still closed his eyes, and seemed to be sleeping soundly, Chi Zhao swallowed silently, then gently straightened his fingers, and quickly snorted on his large pectoral muscles, his wish was fulfilled. After touching her, Chi Zhao felt guilty, and immediately closed his eyes, making a false impression that I was sleeping soundly and that I didn't do anything.

Louis woke up when Chi Zhao opened his eyes. He is different from Chi Zhao. Even if he sleeps in his own home, he will always be vigilant. First, he can sense the dangers of the outside world at any time, and second, he will not let anyone Opportunity to invade your own spiritual realm.

Therefore, he felt all what Chi Zhao had just done, and he also vaguely guessed Chi Zhao's thoughts.

After half a minute, Chi Zhao, who was covering his ears and stealing the bell, finally opened his eyes. As soon as he lifted his eyelids, he ran into Louis' smiling eyes.

Chi Zhao: "… "

After a moment of silence, he casually opened his eyes, "I don't sleep well, it's unintentional." So you can't blame me.

After understanding his subtext, the smile in Louis' eyes deepened, and he whispered, "I don't mind, if it's intentional, I don't mind even more."

Chi Zhao quickly moved his eyes back, glanced at him, and immediately got out of Louis's arms. He rolled over and got out of bed, looking calm, but in fact he was about to run, and walked quickly into the bathroom, the enclosed space isolated Chi Zhao and Admiral West, who was half-naked and smelled of hormones, Chi Zhao. I feel that the air is much fresher, not as sticky and hot as before.

Chi Zhao sat on the toilet and reflected on his behavior. The system watched two good shows in succession, he said quietly.

[Host, I suddenly discovered that I may have done something wrong about filtering your memory.]

Isn't this story already turned over, Chi Zhao waved his hand indifferently, "It's okay, I forgive you."

Who wants you to forgive!

[I mean! You can't love this protagonist any more!]

The last world failed because Chi Zhao was inexperienced and too kind, but the main reason was that he fell in love with Li Yihan. He was not willing to hurt Li Yihan's heart, let alone leave Li Yihan. Completely failed. This world doesn't need to think about the pain, if it repeats the same mistakes, then it... it will fight with Chi Zhao!

The system is inorganic, Chi Zhao is organic, the two are completely unrelated, and it is impossible to fight if you want to. The cruel words of the system are completely nonsense.

After I figured this out, the system's mood dropped a lot. It's too bad. The system has no control. If the host really wants to be passive, it can't do anything, and can only work on the side in a hurry.

Chi Zhao asked it strangely: "Who told you that I like Louis?"

[You don't like him, why touch his chest muscles.]

"... I was just looking at it, not liking it, thank you."

Although the feelings are filtered, Chi Zhao remembers what it feels like to like someone, so Chi Zhao can tell the system for sure that he doesn't like Louis. It is true that he has a bit of a crush on Louis, and when he is around him, he is more It's more secure in other environments, but that doesn't mean he likes Louie.

What kind of person Chi Zhao is, Chi Zhao knows best himself. It may be a bit embarrassing to say that, but he is very affectionate, very affectionate. After he likes something or a person, if his lifespan allows, he will probably be able to stay forever. Liked for hundreds of years.

It's hard to get emotional for someone who is in a long-term relationship, so in his twenty years of life, he has never met a person who has feelings. He finally met him, but he met him in another world.

It can be seen from this that the chance of Chi Zhao liking a person is particularly low.

Probabilistic analysis has shown that the chance of a person's first jackpot in his life is billions of times the probability of two jackpots in his life, and winning the jackpot once is hard enough.

Until now, Chi Zhao has never even won the last prize, so he knows in his heart that he will probably never meet another person who can make him like so much.

After listening to Chi Zhao's words, the system was dubious.

[Really? Isn't it easy for you humans to fall in love with someone?]

"That's someone else. If it's so easy to fall in love with someone, think about it, in the last world, would I give up my mission so easily? If I could fall in love with someone easily, why would I need Li Yihan? Why don't you find another one?"

Seems to make sense.

But the system always felt that it was being fooled. It was quickly calculating the loopholes in Chi Zhao's words. At this moment, Morris's voice rang again. Finally, he gave Chi Zhao the task of stealing intelligence.

Chi Zhao listened, thoughtfully, "Minutes of today's military meeting..."