I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 46: Slag that interstellar admiral (17)


Scarlett is named after the late Princess Scarlett. Princess Scarlett liked the beauty of this planet the most during her lifetime. It is surrounded by clouds and mist all the year round. The plants on the planet are dense and tall, and the lush forests make people kind I feel like I have come to the giant country. The rich negative ions that are dozens of times more than other planets are the biggest feature of this planet. Everyone who comes here will relax involuntarily.

This planet was the property of the princess. The princess died young and had no children and no husband. After his death, the ownership of the planet returned to the emperor—that is, her brother, who opened half of the place. When it came out, it was transformed into a tourist area, and the other half was national land, where many schools and research institutes were built.

Blix is one of the military representative planets. It is close to Scarlett. After the meeting, the starship brought a group of generals to the transition point of Scarlett, ready to make the transition back.

Everyone else left, but Louis's starship was still parked in place, with no intention of entering the transition point.

The staff at the jump point asked several times, and the adjutant once again handled the person away. He returned to the cab, and Louis sat in the co-pilot's seat, looking calmly at the vast galaxy ahead.

Adjutant: "Admiral, if you don't want to go back now, you can take a rest or go out to see the scenery of Scarlett."

"I'm waiting for Edmund's reply, and after receiving his reply, I can determine my next destination."

The adjutant listened and replied yes.

Major General Edmund set off a day earlier than Louis. Counting the time, he has been in the Death Star River for more than a day. It stands to reason that the news should have come back. Louis looked at the communicator that was as quiet as a chicken and couldn't help frowning.

About half an hour later, finally, the communicator lit up and let the others go out. Louis picked up the communication. Edmund was wearing a military uniform and said to Louis with a serious face: "Admiral, you really said that. Hit, the rebels know my whereabouts, they ambushed heavy weapons here!"

Louis' heart sank instantly, and after a moment of silence, he asked, "What was the reaction of the rebels when they saw you?"

Edmund was older than Louis, but his mind was still like a hairy boy, he scratched his head, "Reaction... No reaction, they immediately started attacking when they saw me, and it took me a while to get rid of them all. ."

no response.

What does this mean? It means that they already knew who the person who came, so they did not respond to the identity of the person who came.

Louis has a total of seven mechas, named after the seven archangels. He took the most commonly used Michael and Gabriel on his body, the escape type Raphael gave to Shao Zean, and the spare Lemuel, the Handed over to Edmund before leaving.

Edmund's mental power is also S, and he can use his mecha. He asked Edmund to drive Lemuel when he was fighting. Edmund did it. The final result was that the rebels faced Louis' exclusive Mecha, no response.

The conjecture in his heart has been verified, but Louis still doesn't believe it. He raised his eyes and asked reluctantly, "What are the heavy weapons used by the rebels."

Edmund read a bunch of names of heavy weapons, thinking in his heart, the rebels really paid a lot of money, and the weapons they took out were all the most powerful and expensive ones. They used to deal with West. These weapons were only used when the Admiral and the Lieutenant General Shao. I didn't expect that this kind of battle was used against him now. Does this mean that his strength has been recognized by the rebels

The more Edmund thought about it, the more he felt that it was the case. He was cheerful and looked quite happy. When he finally recovered from his happy mood and saw the face of Louis on the opposite side, he couldn't smile.

Edmund looked at him tremblingly, "Admiral, Admiral... Did I say something wrong?"

No, nothing is wrong.

Those heavy weapons are the most powerful weapons, and they are designed to restrain the long-range mecha, that is, Michael.

The target of the rebels' attack this time was very purposeful, and they came for Louis.

The fake news that Louis lied to only told Shao Ze'an alone, but now the rebels know about it, and they are attacking with great fanfare. What this means is self-evident.

Louis had guessed before that information was frequently leaked, and the people in the military always deserted for no reason. They always needed to re-customize their plans, and the rebels were just like the collective mental retardation, always making some concessions. incomprehensible behavior. The military has now begun to pay attention to these situations. After their analysis, they found that the strange behavior of the rebels can always be related to those military plans that have been abandoned. Although they did not succeed, the seriousness of the problems exposed is beyond the point of view. ignore.

The military has a spy of the rebels, and this spy is very powerful and holds a high position, otherwise he would not be able to get so much classified information.

Once such a thing happens, people will immediately check those who have passed the secret through the phone, but forget that some people can easily know these secrets even if they do not directly handle it.

For example, although not working in the military, but can often go out of the general's wife.

Louie's face is really bad now. Edmund has been with him many times. He knows that he is a person who does not change his face even if he is in a dying state, but at this time he shows such an expression, Edmund Immediately stunned, "Admiral, is it Alorin doing anything else? Could it be that this is their tactic, and you let me drive Lemuel, is it to confuse their eyes, hey, soldiers are always deceitful, you move them I also followed suit, it's too complicated, don't be discouraged, I'll go back and join you..."

Before he finished speaking, Louis turned off the communication interface with a blank expression. He was in a bad mood now, and he didn't want to hear Edmund buzzing in his ears.

Edmund, who wants to continue to show his loyalty: "..."

Turning off the communication interface, the entire cab was immediately quiet, and Louis was still sitting in the co-pilot's seat. He lowered his eyes silently, hiding his storm-like emotions.

He looked calm, but his right hand had deformed the passenger's armrest.

Louie is a smart man. He can figure out the ins and outs of everything without taking a second to pull out a thread.

There is no doubt that Shao Ze'an is stealing information for the rebels. At that time, the adjutant suddenly threw the document out of the window. He suspected that Shao Ze'an was naughty and willful, so he deliberately made fun of the adjutant. Now he wants to understand, he is not naughty and willful, he has no way, the contents of the document have been known by the rebels, if If you want to stop the loss in time, you can only artificially destroy the above plan, so as not to cause losses to the empire.

Stealing information on the one hand, and trying to destroy it on the other hand, such a contradictory approach, you can come to a conclusion with just a little thought.

Shao Ze'an was held hostage.

The rebels used some method to make Shao Ze'an have to work for them, and because of that unknown method, he couldn't ask for help, he could only be threatened every day and night, and he was forced to become a traitor.

And all this should have started from the time of returning to the main star, or even earlier.

After realizing this, the handrail that had been pinched and deformed was directly broken by Louis.

The adjutant stood quietly outside the cab, waiting for Louis to call him before he would go in again. Suddenly, an unusual vibration appeared in the air, the adjutant paused, and he subconsciously looked at the two soldiers beside him. The soldiers are Louis' personal soldiers, and their strength is also very high. The three of them looked at each other and showed shocked expressions invariably.

One soldier and the adjutant rushed in, and the other soldier immediately ran to the power room. It is good to say that there are no people below A-level physique on this starship. If Admiral West causes a mental riot, everyone will be at most. It hurts for a while, and then there is no internal injury or bleeding from the seven orifices. Now this kind of injury is a small injury, and it will be fine if I lie down in the treatment cabin for a while.

But the power room can't stand this toss! An S-class mental riot can destroy a skyscraper with a protection level of 7. If the admiral can't control himself and destroys the power room, then they can only buy a commercial star ship ticket and go home, and after going back , and many, many more reports on how the Starship broke down.

Chi Zhao's mental power is higher than that of Louis, but his lethality is much lower than that of Louis, because at that time he hadn't learned how to use mental power, and the mental domain he developed was only a little bit. Even if there was a riot, it would only affect the a small area. Louis is different. He has been training for decades and is in a state of strict self-control every day. Now, when the embankment is broken, almost half of Scarlett can be affected.

The transition point was the worst. There were two starships in the process of transition. The transition signal was attacked by a torrent of mental power, and it was twisted in an instant. Originally they wanted to go to the west. .

When Scarlett was in a mess, Chi Zhao was ready to go to sleep, and in another room of the Shao family, Mrs. Shao and Mr. Shao looked in disbelief after hearing the eldest son's inference.

"...Xiao An was kidnapped? But, how is this possible? He has been staying at home. He has classmates in the college and Louis at home. If someone kidnaps him, everyone should be able to see it!"

Shao Zelin knew that it was hard to believe, but he didn't just make this guess, but felt something was wrong a long time ago. After observing for several months, he didn't dare to make a judgment until tonight.

West's whereabouts are known to the top military officials. He is on behalf of the main star to have a military meeting with the border general, but Shao Ze'an told him just now that Louis said he was going to do something related to Alorin.

What kind of person West is, Shao Zelin can't say, but he can see that West really likes his brother. If it is a military secret, West lied to his brother, that's excusable , but there is no need to lie about this kind of thing, he still lied to Shao Ze'an, why

There are only two possibilities. One, West has done something wrong to his brother, and two, he wants to take this opportunity to test his brother.

Louis will cheat, and it will rain red that day. There is no other possibility now. Louis is just like him, testing Shao Ze'an.

It should have been seamless, but no one expected that the workaholic Shao Zelin suddenly asked for leave and came home, so his lies were discovered by others.

Shao Zelin explained all of Shao Ze'an's flaws one by one, and combined with what happened in the military department and the various reactions made by Louis, there were no clues that were related, so they were connected in series, and the logic was rigorous. People can't find loopholes.

Mr. Shao frowned tightly, but Mrs. Shao still couldn't accept it, because she couldn't understand, "Xiao An can't betray the country! Even if someone kidnaps him, he... Why didn't he tell us? Why didn't he ask us for help?"

In the front, Mrs. Shao's tone was still very tough, but when it came to the back, she was discouraged and looked at her eldest son blankly and helplessly.

"Because he can't tell us, Mom, think about it, if he had the opportunity and ability to ask for help, would he still be threatened by others?"

Shao Zelin didn't make it clear, but Mrs. Shao already understood what he meant.

The younger son was threatened, and the threat could be anything, maybe his own life, maybe his family, maybe his lover. In short, he couldn't act rashly. The army will immediately take his most important things, and maybe kill him immediately.

Mrs. Shao's face turned pale instantly, she couldn't say a word, the atmosphere became quiet for a while, Mr. Shao slowly raised his head, he looked a lot older.

"Xiao An said that he was in a coma for a while in the Death Galaxy, and woke up to find that he was in Morris's laboratory. Is it possible that Morris did something to Xiao An?"

Shao Zelin shook his head silently, "I don't know, anything is possible, but every possibility is just a guess, unless Xiao An can tell us what happened to him."

Mrs. Shao was stunned, she stood up suddenly, "I'll go to him, I'm his mother, he will tell me."

Shao Zelin frowned slightly. He was about to walk over when he saw that his father was faster than him. Mr. Shao grabbed Mrs. Shao and shouted, "Calm down! Xiao An was kidnapped, but we never found out, and He never goes outside the college or home. What does this mean? It means that the people watching him are around, maybe people we know, people we didn't expect, maybe... They didn't send people at all, but Xiao An has done tricks on his body, monitoring him all the time. If you go now, not only will you be shocked by the grass, but your son's life may be lost!"

Listening to her husband's words, Mrs. Shao collapsed and sat down.