I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 53: Slag that interstellar admiral (24)


Chi Zhao always felt that some things were getting out of his control, and things were getting more and more wrong around him.

What's not right: He hasn't seen Mrs. Shao for a long time. Mrs. Shao, who used to see him once a week, is still eating, drinking and having fun in the tourist resort, as if she has forgotten that she has a home in the main star.

The second thing is wrong: Louis suddenly becomes very busy, he is not at home almost every day, and only comes back when he sleeps at night. Even at home occasionally, he stayed in his study and never went out. If ordinary office workers are so busy, Chi Zhao can barely understand, but Louis is an admiral, and the only thing that can keep him busy is war, and war will not happen in the study.

Sometimes Chi Zhao thinks, maybe he is hiding from himself.

Guess about it. But Louis didn't want to hide from him, he just wanted to create more opportunities for Chi Zhao to be alone, so that he could live a little more at ease, and by the way, he could also learn what kind of tasks Morris gave him.

Finally, the third wrong point: This is also the most wrong point. In the last month, Chi Zhao clearly felt that stealing information was much easier than before. In the past, he still needed to work hard to find information and avoid other people. No need for it now, he can get the information just by looking at it casually. Moreover, Louis didn't know when he started to have the habit of taking the military documents home. In this way, Chi Zhao didn't even need to go to the military department, he just suffered the adjutant.

After he didn't go to the military, there were not many lower-level officers that Chi Zhao could contact. If he wanted to do something, he could only do it through his adjutant.

The adjutant's face was light and cloudy, but behind his back he was crying every day.

As one of Louis's most trusted subordinates, the adjutant already knew that his wife was kidnapped by the rebels. He also knew that the stupid things he did unconsciously in the past were all done by his powerful wife. The adjutant was very moved. Madam could make so many sacrifices for the sake of the empire. What would he have sacrificed a little face for

So, recently, when he had nothing to do, he ran to Louis's house to check his presence, in order to provide Shao Ze'an with a chance to throw the blame.

Chi Zhao was still vigilant at first, because he was afraid that the adjutant would notice the abnormality of his body. But who knows, the adjutant is really so stupid. He has used it several times and never found it. He even found a reason for himself, saying that he has some rare disease. The symptoms of this disease are that he often has some symptoms. Unconventional things.

When Chi Zhao heard it, he was immediately happy.

Very good, this is what you asked for.

The current adjutant has become a stupid professional, and the military wants to dismiss him.

Louis went to work today. Chi Zhao didn't start school long ago. There were not many courses in the academy. He came back early. As usual, Morris's voice sounded, and this time he was also asked to steal information. Chi Zhao listened boredly, and suddenly, a strange and magnetic voice came in.

Chi Zhao frowned and couldn't help asking, "Who is that?"

The voice in his ears stopped, and after a few seconds, the unfamiliar voice sounded again. He sounded dignified, "Good day, the son of the Shao family. I am Alorin."

Chi Zhao was quite surprised, this is a super villain! He couldn't help but confirm, "You are Alorin?!"

At the same time, Louis stood up abruptly, and the drink that the adjutant had just brought over was knocked to the ground immediately. The adjutant was startled, "Admiral, what happened?"

Louis looked at the adjutant, with a layer of shock that was not easily detectable in his eyes, "Morris and Alorin are in the same place."

In one place... what's so surprising? They're both rebels, and they're both management, and it's not normal for them to be in the same place at the same time

Louis didn't want to explain too much to the adjutant. The dean said that although the monitor is small, the machine controlling it is so huge that it is almost impossible to carry it with you. Therefore, Morris must have stayed in the same place without moving during these days when he was monitoring Shao Ze'an. Pass. He is just a scientist, and Alorin is the leader of the rebels. That is to say, it is impossible for Alorin to condescend to find Morris. There is a high probability that they both stay in the same place, That place is Alorin's base camp.

The above are all speculations. No one can say what the real situation is. However, it is better to have clues than nothing.

Many generals sat together for a temporary military meeting. Most of the people here were Louis' cronies. Louis told everyone the information he had just received. They looked at each other for a long time, not knowing where to start.

The meeting between the soldiers was like a fight. There would always be a quarrel when they talked, and after the quarrel, they would have to force each other, although no one dared to fight in the presence of Louis.

Louis listened to their quarrel, his face gradually gloomy.

What time is it, there is still time for pointless quarrels.

Sitting in the third position on the right of Louis is a young officer who has just joined in. He seems to be a little difficult to get along with. He always keeps his head down. Very arrogant and disrespectful.

The young officer thought for a while, and then looked at Louis slowly, "Admiral, did you cause the mental riot of Star Scarlett last time?"

As soon as these words came out, the quarrel in the room was immediately silenced. Some of the people present knew that Louis did it, some didn't, but whether they knew it or not, they all stared at the young officer, this year's newly promoted officer. There are a total of two assigned to Louis's command, one treats people like a spring breeze, and the other will take the dead fish eye away, this one is naturally the dead fish eye.

For a while, everyone's heart was a little complicated. It turned out that Dead Fisheye didn't just don't give himself face, he didn't even give Louis' face, so he treated him equally.

Dead Fisheye's name is Ciel. He is a tactical information researcher of the Imperial Army. Even though he is just a researcher, his military rank is equivalent to a major general, and his status can be ranked in the top five in the entire conference room. Louie looked at him for a while, then hummed calmly.

Hearing this, Ciel was about to say something, but his arm was suddenly pulled, and Ciel turned his head to look, and next to him was another newly promoted officer, Major Jiang Shupei. The military rank between the two is three grades apart, but the relationship between the two is unexpectedly good.

Jiang Shupei wanted to remind Xie Er not to make rude words again, and the province would make Admiral West unhappy. Ciel glanced at him slowly, he turned his head again, and said casually: "Ah, as I expected. I was also on Scarlett at that time, collecting the geological information needed by the military, as a personal Those who have experienced it, I felt at the time that this riot should be caused by you."

Others: "..." Well, I know you have a keen observation, but can you stop talking nonsense? I didn't like the admiral's face, didn't he look so bad? He's going to run out of patience!

Fortunately, before Louis ran out of patience, Ciel still talked about the main point, "Before the psychic riot, I didn't find anything unusual about Scarlett, but after the psychic riot, I found that the collected data appeared. unreasonable fluctuations.”

Saying that, Ciel made a high gesture, "I won't go into specifics, and you won't understand. For example, if the distance from the center of the earth to the surface is so far, then the position below the surface should be something else."

Everyone stared blankly at the distance that Ciel was gesturing. ! Sleeping beast? ?

Ciel knew what they were thinking when he saw their faces, "It can't be a living thing, because this thing is too big. Judging from the scale, it looks a bit like an underground building, or an inverted triangle."

Edmund was also in the conference room. He scratched his head and asked inexplicably, "Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

This is a special case and must be taken seriously.

Ciel shrugged, "I don't know what this is, if it was built by Your Majesty, if I leak out His Majesty's little secret, I will not be sent to the Death Star River."

other people:"… "

So don't you also leak it now...

Louis pondered for a moment, and then made a decision. He asked Charles to take someone to test again, and by the way, bring Edmund. The latter has a very high mental power. If it is only possible to detect what is underground when a huge mental wave occurs, then let Edmund come on.

When he got home, it was already dark, and Louis was sitting in the suspension car, seemingly thinking about something. The adjutant didn't dare to disturb him, so he sat quietly in the driver's seat, even though the car was self-driving.

After a long time, the adjutant heard a voice behind him and asked, "...Does Alorin know Princess Scarlett?"

The adjutant thought about it carefully, "It should be. Alorin is His Majesty's classmate and friend, and he has known each other since he was young. As His Majesty's sister, the princess should also have contact with Alorin."

Louis mused, "I remember that what really made Alorin a household name was the Battle of the Seven Days of Vengeance. He took seven days to conquer the Stryker Federation. After that, the Stryker Federation was incorporated into the empire, and since then , the strength of the empire has greatly increased, and our majesty has been praised for it."

The adjutant blinked, and he turned his head, "Admiral, what exactly do you want to say?"

This was all decades ago. When the Seven Days of Revenge took place, not even the adjutant was born. They haven't experienced it, so I don't know why the old man is so excited when he mentions that war, and someone like Mrs. Shao, because he was too excited, even gave his child a name similar to that of the main general, Alorin.

Louis shook his head, "It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered these things."

Not only did Louis think of these things, but Chi Zhao couldn't help but search for Alorin on the star network after hearing the voice of Alorin today. Then, he also saw the famous Seven Days of Revenge.

Chi Zhao read it at a glance and ten lines. Everything else was the same as what Louis said. Alorin was very brave. He completely defeated the regime of that country in just seven days, without even causing civilian casualties, without the regime and the army. Support, the remaining civilians don't know what to do even if they want revenge.

Alorin killed the leader of the federation, captured several top federations, and then left a pile of messes and walked away. After he left, the emperor dispatched several generals, who easily suppressed the civilian resistance. After that, the empire was successfully annexed. Stricker Commonwealth.

And the reason why such a war broke out was Princess Scarlett.

Princess Scarlett went to visit the Stricker Federation. She concealed her identity, but she was recognized by the people of the Federation. There was always friction between the two countries. The people of the Federation held grudges and brutally killed the princess. The news came back The empire, the emperor was furious, which led to the following series of things.

Chi Zhao looked at Xingwang silently, he was frightened and asked the system for comfort, "System, why do I think this matter is a little scary."

[Actually, I think so too...]

When the princess died, the two countries began to fight. It was obvious that they were two countries that neither would accept the other, and neither could beat the other, but it took Alorin only seven days to smash the other's regime, even if they were abnormal because of the death of the princess. Angry, that's not to the extent that everyone explodes into a Hulk, right

Moreover, the princess died too... It was a coincidence. If it was from the perspective of the country and had no personal emotions and sympathy at all, Chi Zhao would even think that Princess Scarlett's death was really worth it. What a huge benefit it brought to the empire once he died.

Both Chi Zhao and the system have mixed feelings. They are both outsiders, they have no feelings for the empire, and they have not been educated by the empire. They are purely from the perspective of outsiders, so they quickly doubt the authenticity of this matter. . In fact, the people of the empire are not without suspicion, but such remarks have been suppressed. In addition, compared with a dead princess, people value the benefits at their fingertips, so until now, there has been no storm.

In the evening, when Louis came back, Chi Zhao sat on the bed and watched him walking around, changing his clothes and washing up, and Louis lay on the bed, but he didn't lie down immediately, but half-lying, Looking at Chi Zhao, "Is there something you want to tell me?"

Chi Zhao was silent for a while, then nodded.

Louis had never seen him so entangled, he couldn't help but smile, "Speak, what?"

Chi Zhao opened his mouth, and after a while, he asked what he had been thinking about for a long time, "I want to know what your allegiance is."

"Is it the emperor, or..."

Louis was startled, and after a second, he slowly shook his head, "It's the Empire."

Chi Zhao breathed a sigh of relief. Before, he knew that the emperor of this world was not a good person, otherwise he would not be overthrown by his younger brother in the end, but today Chi Zhao found out that this emperor is not only not a good person, but also very likely to be a super-great person. Bad guy, he didn't want Louis's allegiance to be him, otherwise how sad he would be when he finally found out the truth.

Hearing this, the unwilling system spoke again.

[That, host, I think compared with the emperor...]

Chi Zhao's face darkened: "I know, I know, no matter who I am compared with, I am the one who makes Louis the most sad, do you need to remind me every time?"

system:"… "

If you are conscious enough, do I still need to remind you every day! Spicy chicken host!

Although he didn't know why Shao Ze'an suddenly asked him this question, Louis still answered truthfully. After answering, he looked at the obedient boy with his eyelids closed, "How about you?"

Chi Zhao raised his head and reacted for a few seconds before he realized what Louis was asking. He paused, lay back in the bed, closed his eyes, and answered insincerely, "I'm not a soldier, not so High sense of responsibility. If you have to answer... Then my allegiance is life."

In a word, listening to other people's ears has three meanings.

In Morris' ears, he thought Chi Zhao was talking about his own life, so he chose to treason.

In Louis' ears, he thought that Chi Zhao was talking about the lives of the people of the empire. After all, he had always done this, taking immeasurable risks and protecting the lives of the people and soldiers.

Only the system, only it truly understands Chi Zhao, and understands what Chi Zhao means.

His allegiance and respect are all life, his own and that of others.

Because he has died, he knows how cold and helpless death is. Even if he can't save others, he is determined not to harm others. This is the principle he is loyal to and adheres to, and is engraved in his soul.