I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 58: Slag that big guy in the entertainment industry (1)


This is an ordinary modern world, and the character Chi Zhao plays is Xue Qing, a little-known actor.

Xue Qing looks very good, and often plays roles such as some domineering presidents and high-cold male gods. His appearance and personality are very in line with these characters, and he is simply acting in his true colors, so people say that he is good at acting, and there are people behind him to support him, Xue Qing's reputation has been getting bigger and bigger in recent years.

And the person who has been supporting Xue Qing behind his back is the protagonist of this world - Qi Yuyang.

Don't get me wrong, Xue Qing and Qi Yuyang are not the relationship between being fostered and being fostered. The two are high school classmates, and there was an accident in the middle. For about six years, the two have not seen each other again. Not long after Xue Qing debuted, he still needed to run various announcements. Once, at an event, Xue Qing and Qi Yuyang met again. After chatting a few more times, they gradually became acquainted with each other.

In the eyes of outsiders, Xue Qing and Qi Yuyang have a very good relationship. They seem to be good buddies. In fact, their relationship is much more complicated than that of good buddies.

Qi Yuyang suffers from severe insomnia and headache. Just like all kinds of danmei novels, he has a disease, and this disease can only be cured by suffering. Xue Qing is the one who can cure Qi Yuyang. After meeting Xue Qing, Qi Yuyang found that his headache and insomnia were cured without medicine. Although he didn't understand, he was also pleasantly surprised, and he was unwilling to let this opportunity go. He approached Xue Qing in every possible way, and finally brought people into his home.

Because he didn't want to have any more headaches, Qi Yuyang stayed by Xue Qing's side almost all the time. As long as he left Xue Qing for more than two hours, he felt the headache was unbearable. Even when he was working, he had to play Xue Qing's TV series. background sound.

They all live under the same roof, so it's not normal for them to go off on fire.

Qi Yuyang has never liked others. He doesn't know what love is. He thinks that he will not feel uncomfortable until he is close to Xue Qing. This is love, and this is fate. It would be nice if it were that simple, but the real truth is far more complicated and cruel than it seems.

It turned out that this was a terrible conspiracy, and it had started many years ago when Qi Yuyang was still in high school.

Xue Qing's father is a psychologist. Xue Qing lived with his father since he was a child, and his mother died long ago. Two men lived together, life was always cold, and because his father liked to do some experiments, the family was always short of money and life was tight.

Xue Qing's father is a very rich man. After hearing that there was Qi Yuyang among Xue Qing's classmates, his father was moved. He asked his son to record Qi Yuyang's usual whereabouts. Then, when he found an opportunity, Xue Qing's father kidnapped Qi Yuyang. Qi Yuyang's parents died. The grandmother was so frightened that she didn't dare to call the police, so she just sent the ransom.

It is reasonable to say that getting the money is over, but the other party is a kidnapper, and he is a kidnapper with high IQ. He has a great opportunity in his hand, how could he not take advantage of it

After getting the ransom, he didn't let him go. Instead, he threw Qi Yuyang at the mouth of an alley after a week. The police found Qi Yuyang and sent him to the hospital. He was in a coma for three whole days before he woke up. After waking up, he became taciturn and no longer had the self-confidence of the original sunshine.

His headaches and insomnia also started at that time.

As I said before, Xue Qing's father is a psychologist. He is proficient in people's psychological defenses and weaknesses. For a whole week, he tortured Qi Yuyang with various terrifying means, torturing him to the point of collapse again and again. These are not for fun, but for his son.

Whenever Qi Yuyang couldn't stand it, he would hypnotize Qi Yuyang, and then let his son stand beside Qi Yuyang and recite some poetry collections and words in a steady tone, laying layers upon layers of spiritual imprints in Qi Yuyang's brain. Until, let Qi Yuyang think that only by getting close to Xue Qing, he can avoid suffering, and only Xue Qing can save him from endless pain and darkness.

This is actually a layer of protection. The person who kidnapped Qi Yuyang was Xue Qing's father, but if something happened, Xue Qing's life would not be easy. As an accomplice, he might also go to prison, but if he added such a hint, Qi Yuyang would not have the heart to hurt Xue Qing, and he would definitely try his best to save Xue Qing. After all, in his consciousness, Xue Qing was His savior, he can achieve salvation and peace only by Xue Qing's side.

There is a hypnotic effect, Qi Yuyang has no memory of what happened to him when he was kidnapped, and he doesn't remember who kidnapped him. The police searched for a long time, but couldn't find the identity of the kidnappers, so they had no choice but to let it go. Qi Yuyang's grandfather and grandmother were scared to death after this incident. They dared not stay in this city any longer, so they took Qi Yuyang back to their hometown in the south. After graduating from high school, they sent Qi Yuyang out of the country again. just came back.

As a result, Qi Yuyang and Xue Qing had no chance to meet for six years, and the backhand left by Xue Qing's father did not work until... the day when the two met again.

Hypnosis is hypnosis, even if it is said to break the sky, it is false. After Qi Yuyang and Xue Qing lived together for two years, one day, Qi Yuyang met a psychiatrist at a reception. His mental state was different from others. His possessiveness towards Xue Qing was almost pathological, and he felt abnormal no matter how he looked at it.

The psychiatrist thought it was strange, so he deliberately approached Qi Yuyang several times. In the end, the hard work paid off. He successfully released Qi Yuyang's hypnosis and reminded him of the past.

For seven days of inhuman torture, Qi Yuyang only slept for a few hours for a short period of time. Every time, when he was tortured to the point of going crazy, Xue Qing would stand by his side and whisper a few words to him. , and he can then be allowed to sleep for an hour.

Xue Qing was not always in that dark and cramped room. He went back to school during the day. After school, he dropped his schoolbag and walked slowly to Qi Yuyang, looking at him with no expression on his face. Not to mention sympathy, Qi Yuyang had never seen Xue Qing's face even the slightest emotion that would appear when he saw others being tortured.

The way he looked at himself was the same as looking at a stone. Would people feel pity for a stone? Of course not.

And such an indifferent and cold Xue Qing is the Xue Qing who lay beside him every day.

The hypnosis was revealed and the illusion was shattered. You can imagine how furious Qi Yuyang was. The perpetrator pretended to regard himself as a savior, and lived in his house with a shy face. Ask for all kinds of things. After Qi Yuyang knew everything, Xue Qing's heart was cut alive.

Qi Yuyang is also a ruthless person. Even if he knew everything, he didn't startle the snake, but continued to collect evidence with Xue Qingxu and Wei Snake slowly. On Xue Qing's 24th birthday, his birthday party was held by a brokerage company. Qi Yuyang specially gave a lot of money and asked them to make a big deal. After saying hello, most of the stars in the entertainment industry came, and many fans of Xue Qing were also invited to the birthday party. Naturally, reporters were also essential.

One second, Xue Qing was still blowing candles among the stars and the moon. The next second, he was taken away by the police in full view of the public. Overnight, the public opinion on the Internet changed. The scolding continued, but Xue Qing had no time to pay attention, because he was still in the detention center.

With Qi Yuyang behind the back, Xue Qing was sentenced to life imprisonment soon, and he was punished for several crimes. He could never come out in his life.

Within a few years, Xue Qing died silently in prison, and no one knew how he died.

As for Qi Yuyang, he was deceived so much, and he was more gloomy than before. He wanted to find Xue Qing's father, but it took a long time to find out that Xue Qing's father died a long time ago.

The revenge had to be terminated, Qi Yuyang was disappointed, he remembered the psychiatrist who saved him from the fire and water, so he went to another psychological consultation. This time, Qi Yuyang found his true savior.

The psychiatrist likes Qi Yuyang, but Qi Yuyang has a shadow on liking a person. After more than ten years, when he reached middle age, he slowly let down his guard and finally came together with the psychiatrist and lived a peaceful life belonging to ordinary people. .

However, the irony is that this psychiatrist used to be Xue Qing's father's proud student, and it was because of this that he could easily see that Qi Yuyang had been hypnotized, and he could treat Qi Yuyang with the right medicine.

After going around for decades, Qi Yuyang still couldn't get rid of the shadow of the kidnapping case completely. Whether it was Xue Qing or the psychiatrist, they all had something to do with the kidnapping case.

In this regard, Chi Zhao expressed deep sympathy for the protagonist Qi Yuyang.

However, if you want to be the protagonist, you have to live a little worse than others, and Chi Zhao already knows this. He was more concerned about something else.

The kidnapping happened six years ago, and now it is six years later, that is, not long after Xue Qing and Qi Yuyang met again. The damage has been done, the lies have been buried, Chi Zhao really doesn't need to do anything, he doesn't need to hurt people, he doesn't need to deliberately pursue plot points, he doesn't need to do things that are ashamed of his conscience, he just needs to live well and wait until Qi Yuyang gets to know the psychiatrist , the plot will automatically end.

This is not a lie to win, then what else is a lie to win? !

Chi Zhao burst into tears: "I'm so touched. I failed two worlds in a row. Not only did you not dislike me, but you also helped me find such a good world. System, I..."

The system interrupted him calmly.

[I know that you love me, but please restrain your emotions, there is no result for people to love me.]

Chi Zhao: "… "

This is Qi Yuyang's home. After the two met, Qi Yuyang gradually discovered the advantages of being close to Xue Qing. When he couldn't relieve the pain before, he could endure it silently. Now that he knows how to relieve the pain, he doesn't want to endure it at all. But he didn't know how to invite Xue Qing to live in his home, so he asked the company to temporarily take back the house that was assigned to Xue Qing, saying that it would be renovated and then returned to him. During this period, he would live first Come to Qi Yuyang's house.

This kind of reason is really lame, but Xue Qing knew that this was the reason why Qi Yuyang deliberately approached him, so he agreed without asking anything.

It's eight o'clock in the morning, and in a little while, Xue Qing is going to attend a new movie release conference. Chi Zhao goes to the closet, wanting to see what he looks like now.

Seeing this, he was stunned.

Chi Zhao blushed and covered his face shyly, "I-I'm so handsome..."

[So handsome that you want to be fucked by yourself?]

Chi Zhao: "With such a handsome face, can't I go to someone else!"

The system chuckled and didn't say anything, but coldly threw a folder over.

Chi Zhao opened it without knowing it, and found that there were only six bold and bold characters in it - the slag shou system, in which the two characters of slag had a slanted effect, and the word shou was also drawn with a red circle.

Chi Zhao: "… "