I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 62: Slag that big guy in the entertainment industry (5)


Chi Zhao slept until dawn, completely unaware that just last night, the plot of this world once again became precarious.

In order to keep him from going out, Qi Yuyang basically pushed all the activities that he could push. Before, he was not so arbitrary, but since they had a barbecue, Qi Yuyang became more and more aggressive.

If you ask him, he will explain plausibly, keep a low profile, and avoid such messy activities, which will reduce the chance of encountering satyrs.

How can there be so many perverts, there are indeed many men who like men, but not so many that they can be found all over the street like heterosexuals. The agent was quite critical of this situation, but he didn't dare to raise his opinion with Qi Yuyang, so he could only hint to Chi Lighting and ask him to go to Qi Yuyang to solve it. But Chi Zhao is not interested in whether or not there is exposure. He has passed his addiction to being an actor, and now he is not interested in acting or appearing in front of the public.

Let's put it this way, if Qi Yuyang pushed him all the activities and let him stay at home as a homeless person every day, he would not say a word, but would accept it calmly.

In this way, he not only made the agent feel inexplicable, but also made Qi Yuyang feel very unhappy.

Because Qi Yuyang found that he couldn't see what Xue Qing wanted.

People live forever, and the word desire is the word. Only when there is desire can one have the motivation to live. Qi Yuyang is deeply touched by this. But Xue Qing was not interested in anything, and he always looked like he had no desires, which made Qi Yuyang feel uneasy and even a little panicked.

Because he always had a feeling that he couldn't catch Xue Qing, as if he didn't know when, Xue Qing would leave.

Sitting in the office, Qi Yuyang looked at a document with a gloomy expression, and the employee who sent the document broke down in cold sweat. Recently, Mr. Qi rarely came to the company. He basically worked from home, or chased around an artist named Xue Qing in the company. It was rare to come to the company today, and he thought he was in a good mood. But this is not a good mood, it is clearly cloudy.

The employee complained bitterly, and waited hard for the coming anger. As a result, he waited for a long time, but Mr. Qi didn't speak. He quietly raised his head and found that Mr. Qi was still the same, but his eyes were not focused, and he seemed to be thinking of saying goodbye. matter.

The employee breathed a sigh of relief. He was about to rush out to find an excuse when he heard Qi Yuyang ask him, "I remember, you have been married for nine years, and your daughter is in elementary school?"

The employee was stunned, "Yes, Mr. Qi, why did you suddenly ask this?"

Qi Yuyang stared at the head that was about to bald for a while, and then asked deeply: "With your appearance, you can still let someone else give birth to a daughter for you, it seems that your methods must be very clever, how did you chase after him? to your wife?"

Staff:"… … "

Ask about experience, ask about experience, why even attack yourself!

With a sullen face, the employee silently scolded Yitongguo back, and then laughed: "It's very simple, be good to her, and be good to her in every possible way."

Qi Yuyang frowned, "I know I'm good to him, but how can I be good to him?"

Qi Yuyang is only a young man in his twenties now, and he must have no experience in love. The high-ranking general manager suddenly asked himself how to chase girls. The employee straightened his back in an instant, and a very secret sense of satisfaction arose in his heart.

"Pay attention to her inner world, meet her material needs, and most importantly, make her realize that you are talking to her as a man. There are these three points, plus your general manager's Conditions, no matter how difficult a woman is, you can win it immediately."

Qi Yuyang did not correct the gender perception error of the employees. He thought about these three suggestions, and they seemed to be quite reliable. However, what does it mean to make him realize that he is talking to him as a man

Qi Yuyang asked when he didn't understand, and the employee smiled mysteriously, "Because your ultimate goal is to become her boyfriend, not her friend. If you don't correct your identity, even if you take the moon off for her, it won't work. If you use it, in the end it will only become her hard-working male best friend."


Qi Yuyang understood, just to let him understand that he was interested in him.

Facing Qi Yuyang who suddenly wanted to talk to him, Chi Zhao still couldn't react.

There is a swimming pool in Qi Yuyang's house. At eight o'clock in the evening, two big men were sitting on the edge of the swimming pool, each wearing a loose version of big pants and holding a bottle of beer.

Chi Zhao can swim, but Xue Qing can't, so he can only watch the pool in a daze, Qi Yuyang can, but in order to accompany Xue Qing, he can only stay on the shore like Xue Qing.

"I remember when you were in high school, as soon as there was a swimming class, you would ask for leave. I thought you had learned it after so many years."

Chi Zhao shook his head, "I didn't study."

There are basically no actors who can't swim, because they don't know when they will be filming scenes related to water. Qi Yuyang looked at the pool photos and said, "Are you afraid of water?"

How could Chi Zhao know about this question? Not all of Xue Qing's character traits will be written out in the plot. Chi Zhao could only continue to shake his head and answer vaguely, "I just don't want to learn."

Isn't that what it means to be afraid of water

Qi Yuyang got a characteristic of Xue Qing and felt very happy. He lay down on the beach chair, looking at the dark and gloomy sky. The air in this city is so bad that at night, not to mention the stars, even the clouds in the sky can't be seen, and the moon can still appear firmly in people's field of vision, which is quite difficult.

"My dad taught me how to swim. He said swimming is a skill that everyone should know, and then he threw me into the pool regardless of whether I wanted it or not."

Qi Yuyang showed a nostalgic look, "I almost choked to death at that time. At that time, I thought that my father just wanted to murder me. I threw in the water for a long time, screaming for help, but I found out later that my father's hand was actually holding me. Me, I didn't sink at all."

"When he was young, he rarely accompanied me. He was very busy. My mother divorced him again, and no one at home took care of me. In a month, I didn't see him a few times. But in these few times, he It still left me with some good memories. So now, when I think of him again, it's not just complaining."

Qi Yuyang turned on the talk mode. He slowly finished these words, but he didn't hear anyone responding. He turned his head to look, but found that Chi Zhao was looking at him in a daze.

Shu Chi Zhao said bluntly, he can resonate with the topic of childhood. After all, everyone grew up with their parents when they were young, but Xue Qing is not!

His mother died when he was four years old, and his father was that character again, and was raised by his father since he was a child. He is selfish, numb, indifferent, doesn't like anything in this world, doesn't hate anything in this world, and lives like a stone. It can be seen from the plot that Xue Qing has almost no feelings for his father, why do you say almost? Because he still has a little bit of affection for his father, and the only little bit left is unmixed hatred.

He felt that it was his father's responsibility for him to become such a character. His father never cared about him when he was a child, he never enjoyed love, and naturally he didn't know how to love others.

This makes a lot of sense. It's a pity that when people convict criminals, they don't wonder how the criminals became like this. They only investigate what the criminals did.

When Qi Yuyang was talking, Chi Zhao was in a daze all the time. All he thought about was Xue Qing's past, but in Qi Yuyang's eyes, he was caught in his own memories. At this time, Qi Yuyang pulled it out from the corner of his memory. Xue Qing seemed to be a single-parent family, and his family background was not very good.

Qi Yuyang was a little annoyed, he pursed his lips, but he was still a little curious, because Xue Qing never said about his family, "Is your father okay now?"

Chi Zhao was stunned, "Do you remember my father?"

Qi Yuyang touched his nose, "I don't remember, I just heard someone say it, like a professor or a doctor?"

He used to be a doctor and a professor, but when Xue Qing started high school, he quit his job and hid in the house every day not knowing what bad things he did.

Xue Qing's impression of his father was only two words, indifference and hatred of the rich. However, Chi Zhao felt that this impression was not very reliable.

Because from the perspective of the plot, his father has many students, and many of these students have children who are richer than Qi Yuyang, but he did nothing to them, but also served as their teacher, imparting knowledge impartially. Maybe he hated the rich, but certainly not the extreme hatred of the rich as Xue Qing thought.

Alas, it's useless to say anything, people are already dead.

After kidnapping Qi Yuyang, Xue Qing's father disappeared, and no one knew where he went or what he was doing. Xue Qing thought he was going to squander the extorted money. Qi Yuyang's grandfather and grandmother gave a ransom of 60 million. The 60 million six years ago was twice the current value. With so much money, it was enough for him to spend a lot. for a long time.

Before his father left, he didn't leave any ransom for Xue Qing, but he didn't take away the house, as well as the family's savings and cash. Xue Qing has lived on these things until now. Otherwise, he wouldn't even be able to go to college.

Chi Zhao was silent for a moment, "I used to be a doctor, now, I don't know."

Qi Yuyang was stunned, "I don't know... what do you mean?"

Qi Yuyang can find out with a little check, so Chi Zhao doesn't need to lie, just tell the truth, "He's been gone for many years, and I don't know how he's doing now."

After saying this, Chi Zhao lowered his eyes and played the poor little boy who was abandoned by his father. Qi Yuyang looked at him silently. After the silence, he lay back again, looking at the still dark sky, he slowly closed his eyes.

"There are many passers-by in life. Among those who leave you, he is not the first, nor will he be the last."

Chi Zhao frowned and looked at Qi Yuyang, not understanding what he was trying to say.

"If someone leaves, someone stays." Qi Yuyang opened his eyes without warning, he turned to look at Chi Zhao, the two looked at each other, and Chi Zhao was slightly startled.

Blinking his eyes, Qi Yuyang gave him a slightly shy smile, "And I want to stay."