I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 63: Slag that big guy in the entertainment industry (6)


This sentence floated in the warm and cool air, Chi Zhao didn't react yet, Qi Yuyang first moved himself, and subconsciously, he lowered his head slightly, savoring his current mood carefully.

Hot, warm and full.

This mood occurs when a man has someone he wants to chase, protect, and possess. Half a year ago, Qi Yuyang never hoped that he could live an ordinary life, but now, he has not only lived such a life, but also found someone who can make him tempted.

It just so happens that that person is his cure, or the object of his dreams.

Qi Yuyang laughed stupidly for a while before raising his head again to see Xue Qing who should have responded to him long ago. When he looked up, he realized that Xue Qing's expression was a little weird.

Chi Zhao: "emmmmm..."

system:"… "

[Don't steal my lines, thank you.]

Chi Zhao glanced at Qi Yuyang strangely again, then stood up on his own, and walked towards the house, Qi Yuyang stared at his back blankly, his expression became nervous little by little.

Has he already seen that I like him

Will he... hate me

So, it's not good to think too much. Chi Zhao has no other intentions. He just wanted to go back to his room and chat with the system. He was so anxious that he forgot that he was still short of Qi Yuyang's answer.

The swimming pool is not close to the bedroom. Chi Zhao walked for five minutes before returning to the room. He had been thinking about it for a long time. When he closed the door, he just came to the conclusion: "This is one of the means he wants to keep me, right Bar?"

Chi Zhao has been here for two or three months. According to the plot, Qi Yuyang's mentality has developed to the point where he must keep Xue Qing by his side and treat himself as a humanoid tranquilizer.

In this way, his abnormal behavior today can be explained. The purpose of talking to him is to attack him from a psychological point of view and let him stay willingly, and the slightly subtle words that he said later should also be an alternative rhetoric.

After analyzing for a long time, he didn't see a word from the system. Chi Zhao was puzzled and called out, "System, are you still there?"


Why didn't you make a sound, Chi Zhao asked again, "What are you doing, did you hear what I said just now?"

[I'm downloading the latest version of the ktv must-order song compression package, do you want to sing a paragraph too?]

Chi Zhao: "...Is it time to sing!"

The system was silent for two seconds, and then its voice rang again, but this voice was a little innocent.

[What time is it now? Don't you just want me to tell you that the protagonist doesn't like you? But think about it, whether the protagonist likes you or not is out of our control. The previous two experiences have already told us that the protagonist is a lunatic. No matter what you do, he can fall in love with you with all his heart. .]

… Yes.

"Then what to do, do nothing?"

[It's very simple, just keep your body like jade, don't fall in love with him, let him shave his head and be hot, then he won't be able to hate you if he wants to.]

Chi Zhao nodded as if he had realized something, and halfway through his nod, he felt strange again, "System, why are you so calm today, when you talk about this topic, you turn into a fighting chicken. What's going on today?"

The system let out a long sigh, then went silent, and after another half a minute, a bleak and melodious tune sounded in Chi Zhao's mind.

[I am like a geese mourning in the sky, I am like a dragon swimming on a shallow beach, I am like a fish swallowing a hook, I am like a boat that loses its rudder in the waves. Alas, after thinking about it, my heart is broken, how can I look forward to tomorrow tonight~]

Chi Zhao: "..."

The system is so stimulated that they have already begun to sing Peking Opera.

Hearing Chi Zhao's rather terrifying voice, the system sighed again, it was not stimulated, it just saw the miserable future where the world was about to collapse with a pair of sharp eyes when Chi Zhao didn't know it.

The tune of "Crossing Shaoguan" was still playing, the system grieved and sorted out its own logic library, and after all the data was arranged, it tilted its body, and in the next song on the ktv jukebox, "Prajna Paramita" was on-demand. Many Heart Sutra.

Recently, the system has been addicted to singing, and from time to time there will be a piece of Peking Opera or Peking rhythm drums. Chi Zhao always listened for a while, and then he couldn't bear to ask the system to cut off the connection between the two. He didn't want to listen to the system singing those old-fashioned songs every day.

Time passed by, even if Qi Yuyang didn't want Chi Zhao to go out, he couldn't keep Chi Zhao at home for the rest of his life. Soon, it was time for the filming of "Dream Whisperer". Before the filming started, Chi Zhao was quite confident in his acting skills. After all, he was a man bound to the scumbag acting system, and he had lived for over two hundred years. Now, it's just a play, this is his old job, it's definitely no problem.

When he stood in front of the camera, Chi Zhao realized that his face really hurt.

Xue Qing's acting skills are average, and Chi Zhao's acting skills are more average than Xue Qing's. What is general? It's just barely reasonable, but after reading it, anyone will show the helpless expression of "Forget it, let's just make it up".

There was nothing else to do in the end scene, Chi Zhao walked down in a daze, and squatted aside to think about life.

No wonder the first two worlds failed...

Chi Zhao looked dazed. It turns out that he has no acting skills? !

Chi Zhao was shocked, and the system was even more shocked than him. Dare you, the old man, only know now

Speaking of that year, the system really regretted it. It thought that it had found a treasure, but it turned out that it had found a disaster aggregate. The most irritating thing is that every time Chi Zhao is acting seriously, his dedication is not lost to other hosts, but he just can't succeed, which makes the system even embarrassed to say a few words to him.

One person and one system all began to squat in the corner depressed to grow mushrooms. Qi Yuyang went to the company to hold a regular meeting today, but he didn't come, otherwise he would have come forward to comfort Chi Zhao.

Today is the second day of filming, the screenwriter came over to take a look, and got to know these actors by the way.

The screenwriter is a famous writer with tens of millions of fans. He specializes in writing suspense novels. "The Dream Whisperer" is one he wrote in his early years. When they first came in the morning, the screenwriter had already greeted Chi Zhao. The two had no friendship, so naturally they could not talk about how warm they were. They just shook hands with each other and exchanged a few words. Later, the screenwriter couldn't stand Chi Zhao's indifference, so he went to the side to greet the female lead.

It's after two o'clock in the afternoon, the weather is very hot, and the screenwriter is about to go home. There is a man standing beside him. The air pressure pool is on the body.

The man tilted his head slightly, then walked towards Chi Zhao.

A dark shadow suddenly came in front of him, Chi Zhao raised his head and looked at the person who came.

The man didn't mind his indifference and indifference, he smiled slightly, and the warm temperament on his body became more prominent. This man looks twenty-five or six years old, handsome and humble. At first glance, he is very friendly, but after a closer look, he will find that his eyes are very sharp, as if he can see the deepest part of a person's heart.

He opened his mouth, his voice was outrageous, "Is your name Xue Qing?"

Chi Zhao slowly turned his head to one side, not only to conform to the original owner's character, but also because he really didn't want to pay attention to this man.

Nonsense, the entire crew posted the shooting rhythm table and photos of the leading actors. This person even came to ask him if he was Xue Qing. Isn't this a knowing question

Seeing that he didn't want to talk to him, the man found it even more interesting. He had seen Xue Qing on TV before, but he didn't realize that he was such a lovely person in private. Thinking of making friends, the other party took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Chi Zhao, "You can call me Louis, this is my business card. If we have time, we can have a cup of coffee together."

Chi Zhao turned his head abruptly, his eyes shining brightly at the person opposite him, "You said just now, what's your name?"

The man was also slightly taken aback, the other party seemed to be more interested in his English name. After a brief stupor, the man smiled softly again, "Louis, this is my name when I was studying abroad. It's been called for many years, and I'm used to it, so even when I return to China, everyone still calls me that."

It's just the same name. This person has nothing in common with his Louis, but it's just a name that instantly evokes many good memories in Chi Zhao's heart. Although it feels faded, the memories are still there, and it's worth remembering.

There was a moment of warmth in Chi Zhao's eyes, an expression he would never show when facing other people. Qi Yuyang settled the company's affairs and immediately came to the crew, but what he saw was such a scene.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, in the sultry air, the sloping sunlight shone lazily on the two of them. Xue Qing was a few centimeters shorter than the other, which caused him to look up at each other. His eyes were very focused. In the dancing sunlight, although Xue Qing did not smile, everyone could see that he had a good impression of this man.

I miss Xue Qing so much, I have seen Xue Qing, and I have already stood by his side, but Qi Yuyang felt that the pain caused by the nerves was more obvious and serious. smell.

Chi Zhao was about to take the business card, but a hand suddenly stretched out, slapped his hand roughly, and then snatched the white and brand-new business card. a piece of waste paper.

The man looked at Qi Yuyang in astonishment. The anger and dominance in Qi Yuyang's eyes were so intense that he was shocked. The man was very strange. I never heard that Xue Qing was gay. Is this his boyfriend or his suitor

Chi Zhao was also surprised, but he didn't show it. Moreover, after a moment of surprise, his mood was quickly replaced by displeasure. He hadn't yet seen what was written on the business card. Qi Yuyang was so It's too disrespectful to steal him violently, right

In the corner of the light, Qi Yuyang saw a trace of dissatisfaction expressed by Xue Qing. In an instant, his temples swelled as if they were about to explode. He glanced at the man gloomily, and then threw the business card on the ground mercilessly. He turned and grabbed Chi. Zhao's wrist, took him away from the set.

What else the man wanted to say, he stretched out his hand to stop him, but Qi Yuyang was walking too fast, and he could only watch the two leave. He sighed, squatted down on the ground, and picked up the nearly crushed business card.

This is how much hand strength it takes to squeeze a piece of cardboard to this extent. Didn't he just hand Xue Qing a business card, and he didn't want to molest him on the spot, so was it necessary to be so excited

Excessive possessiveness will lead to psychological deformities, the boundaries between people and objects gradually blur, and finally to the brink of danger. This is not a good thing, and I don't know if Xue Qing can stand it.

The man shook his head slightly and sighed in his heart.

At this time, the screenwriter walked up to him and asked out of nowhere, "Cheng Ran, why did you provoke President Qi?"

Cheng Ran is a man's Chinese name. He is the screenwriter's cousin. He was also the scriptwriting consultant before. He specializes in psychology and provides the screenwriter with a lot of psychological knowledge that can be used. Hearing the screenwriter's question, Cheng Ran raised his eyebrows, "You said, that jealous god is Qi Yuyang?"