I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 77: Slag that big guy in the entertainment industry (20)


Chi Zhao turned his head and pretended that he didn't hear Qi Yuyang's words.

The last time he was impulsive, this time he couldn't continue to be impulsive. Chi Zhao stood up and looked at Qi Yuyang condescendingly, his face returned to his usual indifference, "It doesn't matter if you don't say it, I didn't want to hear it anyway."

After speaking, Chi Zhao turned around and left, looking at the back of Chi Zhao leaving, Qi Yuyang did not do anything else, but the temperature in his eyes was cooling down little by little.

When I went to bed at night, as I said before, Qi Yuyang also slept in the master bedroom. The bed in the master bedroom was the largest bed, more than enough for two people. Chi Zhao brought Qi Yuyang a new quilt, and then He gave him another one of his own pillows. Almost everything was ready. Chi Zhao turned off the main light, leaving only the two vertical lights on the head of the bed.

When he was lying in bed, Qi Yuyang was still in the bathroom and didn't know what he was dawdling on. Chi Zhao was really sleepy, so he didn't wait for him and went straight to sleep. In a daze, Chi Zhao felt that there was someone lying next to him.

He exudes a touch of cool air, and it is summer now, so this feeling is like having a personal-shaped air conditioner around him. It will not make people feel cold, but it is quite comfortable.

Chi Zhao didn't open his eyes, he continued to pretend to sleep with his eyes closed, Qi Yuyang was quiet for a while, and then began to rub against him dishonestly.

When Qi Yuyang was already in the middle of the bed, Chi Zhao said, "Did you take a cold bath?"

Chi Zhao's voice was clear and abrupt, without the slightest drowsiness, Qi Yuyang silently stopped in place, and then hummed.

If Chi Zhao's next question is why do you want to take a cold shower, then it is Qi Yuyang's embrace, and he can play straight balls without any scruples, but Chi Zhao didn't say anything, just turned over and faced the back of his head with the back of his head. he.

Qi Yuyang was quite good. After receiving Chi Zhao's euphemistic refusal and warning signal, he didn't do anything. The room became quiet, and even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard. After more than ten minutes, Chi Zhao's breathing became long and long, and he seemed to be asleep.

Qi Yuyang sat up from the bed, he turned around and got out of bed, and then quietly came to Chi Zhao's side.

Kneeling on the ground, Qi Yuyang's eyes just met Chi Zhao's face. After looking at him for a long time, Qi Yuyang leaned out slightly and placed a careful and restrained kiss under the corner of Chi Zhao's lips.

"If you want me to do something..."

Qi Yuyang spoke in a low voice, with a sigh in his voice, "Just tell me directly, no matter what your request is, I will do it, there is no need to tell me through others."

Qi Yuyang stretched out his hand, his fingers lingered from Chi Zhao's chin, to Chi Zhao's cheek, to his temples, until he gently held the back of his neck, his movements were too gentle, like the silent breeze and the sun , if you don't see it with your own eyes, you basically don't feel it.

The system watched in awe as the protagonist lashed out at its host, while the host pretended to be asleep, not waking up to give him a big ear scratching at all.

Hey, so disappointed.

Chi Zhao didn't know what Qi Yuyang meant by these words. He thought that Cheng Ran had already called Qi Yuyang, so he would say such a thing. Lying on his side on the bed, Chi Zhao was also under a lot of pressure. He was afraid that Qi Yuyang would find out that he was pretending to be asleep. Qi Yuyang kept his hand on his body, but his movements were still very light, which made him feel particularly itchy. Resisting the thought of wanting to move, Chi Zhao closed his eyes tightly, hoping that Qi Yuyang would leave soon.

Chi Zhao's eyeballs moved quickly twice, and his eyelashes trembled slightly, just like the wings of a butterfly. Qi Yuyang looked at the flaws exposed by Chi Zhao with no expression, and at the same time, his hand was still pressing neither light nor heavy. on.

After half a minute, Qi Yuyang lowered his head again. This time, it was no longer a kiss like a little bit of water, but a kiss that could be tortured to the point of being in pain. Qi Yuyang didn't close his eyes, he could clearly see Chi Zhao's eyelashes trembled even more, and a deep dark light flashed in Qi Yuyang's eyes. Then, he forced Chi Zhao to open his mouth, taking away his chance to breathe.

It would be stupid for Chi Zhao to pretend again. He suddenly opened his eyes and put his hands on Qi Yuyang's shoulders, trying to push him away, and at the same time he wanted to sit up. But Qi Yuyang didn't give him this chance, he stood up and got into bed soon, his two legs pressed down on Chi Zhao, and kissed harder at the same time, making Chi Zhao feel that he was an oxygen-deficient fish, and Qi Yuyang , is the only savior that can provide him with oxygen.

Qi Yuyang's kiss contained too many strong emotions, and Chi Zhao couldn't resist it at all. After the kiss was over, Chi Zhao leaned on the bedside, and his figure was shrouded in Qi Yuyang. He breathed heavily, and his lips became attractive. The dark red, even the eyes are full of water after being bullied. With several symbols full of lust and charm, coupled with Xue Qing's beautiful and abstinent face, Qi Yuyang lightly wiped the corner of Chi Zhao's eyes with his thumb, wiping away a bit of physiological tears that oozed out for him.

Qi Yuyang didn't speak, but his movements were slow and heavy, with strong hints, Chi Zhao raised his head, the two looked at each other, and struggled for a while, in the end, Chi Zhao chose to respect his inner decision, he took a long breath , and then closed his eyes tremblingly.

The tossing time last night was too long, so that Chi Zhao has not woken up until now. Qi Yuyang eats the marrow and knows the taste, and has never done it with others before, so I don’t know how addicting it is. It was all explained in the evening.

Chi Zhao was still in a deep sleep. There were many traces of cyan or red on his body. Qi Yuyang kissed two of them lovingly. Chi Zhao was disturbed in his sleep. He moved impatiently. Seeing this, Qi Yuyang With a slight smile, he took the man into his arms, then accompanied him and closed his eyes together.

After sleeping for a while, Qi Yuyang really felt sleepy. He tightened his arms, and just as he was about to fall asleep again, he heard his phone vibrate twice again. Qi Yuyang closed his eyes, frowned slightly, and did not intend to ignore it.

But who knows, after these two vibrations, the other party saw that there was no response, so they called him directly. Qi Yuyang sat up gloomily, took the mobile phone and saw that it was the subordinate he sent to investigate Xue Xingfan's whereabouts.

Qi Yuyang looked slightly stunned, he pursed his lips, turned to look at Chi Zhao, who was still sleeping soundly, and left the room silently.

The room farthest from the master bedroom is the storage room. Qi Yuyang closed the door before picking up the phone: "What, have you found someone?"

What his subordinates were going to say was blocked, he choked, then shook his head, "No, we haven't found any clues about Xue Xingfan's trace, and there is still no progress."

In an instant, Qi Yuyang's face darkened, "Then why are you calling me? Just to disturb my sleep?!"

Subordinate: "… "

Isn't it past ten o'clock...

The subordinates were silent for a moment, and then quickly replied: "Although we have not found any trace of Xue Xingfan, we have found the intersection between Xue Xingfan and your father."

Qi Yuyang's face changed: "What's the relationship between them?"

I couldn't explain this matter in a few words. My subordinates just gave an overview, and then sent the information that he had integrated. Qi Yuyang sat in the cramped and chaotic space of the storage room, and read the content page by page.

His father was not directly related to Xue Qing's father. They were the kind of people who couldn't fight anything. The one who was really related to his father was Xue Qing's mother Xia Lan.

Xia Lan is a reporter. She and Xue Xingfan graduated from a university. The two met in university, then fell in love, and finally got married. After marriage, they had Xue Qing. Xialan's reports are all about social aspects, most of which are related to women. She wants to expose the injustices suffered by women and draw society's attention to disadvantaged women. This is a good thing. Originally, Xialan would not have any intersection with his father.

But 20 years ago, the Internet and the media were far less developed than they are now. There were only a few celebrities that people knew. If they wanted to expose something, they could only find reporters who had the right to speak. A female star heard that Xialan was famous. , went to her and told her that Qi Yuyang's father forced the actress into prostitution.

The female star is one of the victims, and there are more victims, but they are unwilling to stand up. Xialan has been running for this matter for more than half a year, but because the other party has power and power, and this matter is too involved Many, all the reports were suppressed, Xialan didn't give up, she was going to find a tougher relationship, and let other big people support this matter, and when Xialan drove to another big person's house, she went out. had a car accident.

At that time, surveillance was not widespread, and if no one witnessed the incident, it could only be said by the driver's red mouth and white teeth. As for the authenticity, no one could judge.

When he saw this, Qi Yuyang could barely comfort himself. Maybe it was an accident. When he turned to the last page and saw the part about the actress who committed suicide by jumping off a building two months after Xialan's death, he couldn't deceive himself. .

Qi Yuyang stared at the black square characters on the phone, but in the hot summer, he realized what was the bone-hardening cold that counted in the middle of winter.

Like falling into an ice cave, this is probably the feeling.

When Chi Zhao woke up, Qi Yuyang was not by his side, he slowly put on his clothes and left the bedroom.

I looked around in the living room, kitchen, and bathroom, and there was no sign of Qi Yuyang.

Chi Zhao was puzzled, he took out his mobile phone and called Qi Yuyang, only to find that a vibration sound came from the storage room. The storage room was full of all kinds of useless things. It had not been cleaned for a long time. It was full of dust. Chi Zhao frowned and opened the storage room, only to find Qi Yuyang's mobile phone lying quietly on the floor.

Picking up the phone, Chi Zhao thought for a while, then asked Xiang Xiang, "When did Qi Yuyang leave?"

[do not know.]

"Then did he contact anyone in the morning?"

[do not know.]

"what do you know?"

[I don’t know anything, it was your mood swing just now that I came out to take a look. I had been practicing hard and preparing for the game before.]

Chi Zhao was stunned, "What game?"

The system didn't speak, just swiped, it pulled out a banner in Chi Zhao's mind, and the huge and eye-catching line instantly occupied all of Chi Zhao's field of vision.

"The 18th Golden Chrysanthemum Cup Virtual Singer Competition - Preliminary Competition in the High Intelligence System Area is hotly registered!!"

Chi Zhao: "… "