I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 82: Slag that big guy in the entertainment industry (25)


The more he thinks about it, the more Qi Yuyang will realize that the current Xue Qing and the past Xue Qing are almost two people.

Although the same does not like to talk, although the same facial paralysis, but now Xue Qing is much more human than before, he can laugh, can be moved, can be sad, and the look in his eyes is also a little warm, not as he recalled In that way, cold, as if looking at an object.

In just six years, Xue Qing has undergone such a huge change. Qi Yuyang has no way of knowing what he has experienced, but he knows that Xue Qing is getting better, healthier and adapted to the world little by little.

Just like him.

Xue Qing knew about the kidnapping case six years ago, but he still chose to come to him. They have been with him for more than half a year. Xue Qing never asked him for anything. He only wanted to be the male lead once. Looking back now, it seems like It was to deliberately dispel his vigilance, just to stay by his side smoothly.

In fact, he doesn't care whether he is the hero or not, nor how his career develops, nor how much money he can make. Then, why did he come to him

To... ease his pain

Silent companionship, hinting him to see a doctor, and even helping him find Xue Xingfan's proud disciple who can quickly unravel the hypnosis, all kinds of clues come together, no matter how stupid Qi Yuyang is, he should understand.

He just wanted to get himself back to normal, that's all.

Even if... he returns to normal, it will only bring him infinite harm.

From the previous conversation with Xue Qing, it was known that Xue Qing did not have a favorable impression of his father, and even thought that he was a person of very poor personal character. I am afraid that such an impression was deliberately left by Xue Xingfan to his son. He did so well that after he kidnapped Qi Yuyang, Xue Qing didn't have any doubts at all, he just thought he was doing it for money. At that time, Xue Qing had an imperfect personality and mental health, and he was still very ignorant of the world. He does not distinguish between good and evil, so he is indifferent to everything that happens around him.

But when Xue Xingfan left him, he groped for his own growth, and suddenly understood that there are good and bad in this world. He felt that it was wrong to hypnotize Qi Yuyang and make him suffer for the rest of his life, so he came back.

Although Xue Qing's psychology and personality have grown a lot, his past personality still has a lot of influence on him now, and he still doesn't care about many things, including his own safety and life.

Very early, in order to protect Xue Qing's personal safety, Qi Yuyang connected to Xue Qing's mobile phone and could locate him at any time, which Xue Qing knew. When he got home, he didn't see Xue Qing there. For a moment, Qi Yuyang's blood flowed back. He suddenly opened the cloakroom and saw that the two trolley cases at home were still there, and Xue Qing's clothes were not too short, so he loosened it. After taking a breath, he drove to Xue Qing's location.

When he realized this was a cemetery, he hit the brakes.

He dared not enter.

He was afraid to blaspheme the dead.

Chi Zhao thought that Qi Yuyang had just arrived, but in fact he had been wandering outside for more than half an hour.

Chi Zhao quickly put away the things in his hand, he straightened his waist, then stood up, and turned his head slightly, pretending to be casual, and seeing Qi Yu's staggering figure, he was still a little puzzled.

He looked at Qi Yuyang, the meaning in his eyes was very clear, that is, let him come.

Now it's even more certain, Xue Qing really didn't know that Xia Lan's death was not an accident.

Qi Yuyang walked slowly to Chi Zhao's side, Chi Zhao pointed to the tombstone: "This is my mother."

Qi Yuyang pursed his lips tightly, unable to utter a single word.

Chi Zhao felt that something was wrong with him now. He looked at Xialan's tombstone... How can I describe it, it seems to be very bitter.

Chi Zhao was silent for a moment. He originally came to take a look, but now he has been there long enough. He put his hands in his pockets, took a step back, and called Qi Yuyang: "Let's go, go back."

Chi Zhao walked in front, Qi Yuyang followed behind him, and when he was about to go around this path, Qi Yuyang looked back again. Xialan's tomb is located at the most corner of the road. Although desolate, it is quiet. Just looking at it from this angle will make people feel sad and lonely.

Qi Yuyang watched for about two seconds, then turned his head back, took two quick steps, and followed Chi Zhao's figure.

Since the treatment began, Chi Zhao and Qi Yuyang have never been intimate again. Although the two slept in the same bed, they had very clear boundaries between each other, and they were very peaceful. Just like couples who have been married for many years.

Recently, from time to time, Chi Zhao would go to the guest room to sleep for one night, and every time he gave ample excuses, but both of them knew that this was just the beginning of a gradual estrangement. Chi Zhao did this to test whether Qi Yuyang still relied on him, and by the way, the future breakup would not be so abrupt; Qi Yuyang did this because he could not say no to Chi Zhao now, and he was not qualified to ask Chi Zhao to do it. This does that.

It was another respectful evening. Chi Zhao came out of the bathroom with warm air on his body. He lifted the quilt and lay in, closed his eyes and was ready to sleep.

In the middle of the system practice, he took time out to take a look. Qi Yuyang was leaning against the bedside, not knowing what document he was reading, his expression was quite serious, and its host was almost asleep.

... After being really treated like a guest, it feels uncomfortable.

It took ten to twenty minutes for Chi Zhao to fall asleep, and he read the thing in Qi Yuyang's hand for more than an hour in total. It was only two pages, and it was still an electronic manuscript. He could read it at a glance. He actually read it for so long. time.

The content of this document is the various properties that Chi Zhao is sorting out these days. Qi Yuyang stared at the various numbers without temperature in the document, and finally put the phone aside gently.

Sorting out the property, selling the house, visiting the mother who hasn't been there for a long time, these actions are too much to prepare for the long trip that will not come back for a long time, but Chi Zhao has not packed up and has no intention of leaving. , and then contacted what the agent told him during the day, Chi Zhao asked him about several reliable foundations...

Qi Yuyang took a deep breath, looked at the person lying quietly beside him, restrained himself for a long time, and didn't reach out and hold the person in his arms.

Tomorrow is the last day of treatment.

Cheng Ran told him that after tomorrow, all his memories would be recalled, and the hypnosis methods that Xue Xingfan had used on him would be defeated. At that time, he will no longer have headaches, and will no longer be morbidly dependent on Xue Qing.

Endless sadness suddenly flooded into his heart. In fact, when the treatment was in the middle, his mentality had already changed. The authorities are fans, bystanders are clear, Cheng Ran and Xue Qing are right, he is indeed abnormal, he is indeed ill, and his illness has blurred the boundaries between human beings and objects.

Before receiving treatment, he thought arrogantly, no matter what, Xue Qing could not leave him, and he also attributed this thought to his love for Xue Qing, and love was selfish, so he had this kind of thought. normal.

But the fact is, that's not normal, it's just a kind of morbid paranoia that ignores the wishes of others. He selfishly concealed the truth. In this relationship that was never clear and unclear, Xue Qing was never let go by him. In a position comparable to himself, he branded this degenerate possessiveness as love. If this is love, then love is terrible too.

The higher the completion of the treatment, the clearer Qi Yuyang's brain will be, and the more clearly he will be able to see what the right choice is.

Sometimes, the relationship between two people is a dead knot. If you ignore the dead knot, the hard and stubborn knot will stay in your heart forever. No matter when, the feeling of being so tight and painful will not subside. Time can never take away pain, it can only make people get used to it.

The process of untying the dead knot is more painful, and after untying, the blood dripping and completely deformed wounds will also be presented to people, but the wounds can always be healed.

That night, Qi Yuyang looked at Chi Zhao for a long time, and the system was going to be stared at by him. When it was almost dawn, Qi Yuyang got out of bed. After he was neatly dressed, he put a printed document on Chi Zhao's pillow. On the side, and then left the room, and after another three hours, Chi Zhao opened his eyes.

Seeing that Qi Yuyang was not around, Chi Zhao was still stunned, and he asked the system, "Where did Qi Yuyang go?"

The system is no longer able to speak.

Chi Zhao blinked, "Why don't you speak?"

[I am speechless.]

Chi Zhao had a bad premonition in his heart, and he asked nervously, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"


Chi Zhao: "...Speak up!"

[Remember when I first came here, I told you that the world is to win by lying down?]

Chi Zhao replied suspiciously: "Well, remember. What happened?"

The system is very vicissitudes.

[Hey, people are not as good as the sky, the sky is not as good as the total, and the total is not as good as the people. Logic, it's just a circle.]

Before Chi Zhao was about to get angry, the system finally stopped selling it. It asked Chi Zhao to look at the document beside the pillow. Before Chi Zhao was awake, it had already scanned it in advance.

[Anyway, you must keep your mind calm when you watch it. In fact, this is nothing. Although the plot failed, we still have other channels to obtain success points! You have tortured Qi Yuyang to death before, what's the matter, this world can also get a few success points!]

He just slept for a while, why did his plot fail again when he woke up? ! Wasn't it a sure thing yesterday!

Chi Zhao hit a carp upright, and after sitting up, he quickly took the document beside the pillow, opened it, and read the contents in ten lines at a glance.

This document is the document about Xia Lan that Qi Yuyang had read.

After picking up the weathered dime in the cemetery that day, Chi Zhao also wondered if there was something in the plot that they didn't know about, but Chi Zhao's imagination was not that strong. It's in the plot of a golden drama at 8 o'clock in the evening.

Chi Zhao was stunned for a long time, "Is this what Qi Yuyang put?"

The sound of the system is painful.

[Well, my condolences.]

Chi Zhao: "… "

As long as you know one key piece of information, the rest of the details can be easily linked together, for example, why did Qi Yuyang suddenly lose his temper that day; why Xue Xingfan had so many targets to start with, but finally chose Qi Yuyang; why Xia Lan The remaining real money will be burned in front of his tomb; why did Xue Xingfan suddenly disappear and never appear in people's field of vision again.

The system didn't dare to breathe. It just stared at Chi Zhao in a daze. After a long time, Chi Zhao made a sound again, "How did Xue Xingfan die?"

This system really doesn't know, all it knows is about the plot, and the plot revolves around the protagonist. Each world is actually a continuous cycle of time. Everything that happened here once happened in a real world. The staff in charge of the collection collected this period of time and reproduced the portraits and plots. There is a system that brings the host in to complete the task.

This world has been cycled countless times, and each host who enters is different, and they have played all kinds of people. The system checked and found that Chi Zhao was the second person to play Xue Qing. The first one died as soon as he came in, and he had no chance to touch the hidden plot.

The system didn't directly say that it didn't know, it asked Chi Zhao to wait, and then ran into the main system's database and began to rummage through the rest of the world's plots.

After more than an hour, the system finally found clues about Xue Xingfan.

[After he let Qi Yuyang go, he left with the ransom. That night, he burned all the ransom to ashes in front of his wife's tomb, and then put most of the ashes in a sack. In the early morning, he I got on a ship and went to country D by smuggling, and the ashes were thrown into the sea. In country D, he found the truck driver hired by Qi Yuyang's father. After setting the truck driver and his new girlfriend on fire, he committed suicide.]

As expected by Chi Zhao, he took a long breath, "If you commit suicide, there will be a corpse. What about the corpse?"

[Already cremated, he had no documents, his clothes were tattered when he died, and he was found in a slum again. The personnel of country D took him for granted as a homeless man, and stayed for fifteen days according to the procedure. When people came to claim it, it was cremated.]

Chi Zhao tightened his palms, "Then there will also be ashes, what about the ashes?"

The system heard Chi Zhao's implication. It seemed that he wanted to bring Xue Xingfan's ashes back for burial. Indeed, after knowing that there were so many hidden secrets behind it, even if Xue Xingfan was an out-and-out murderer, he also killed Xue Xingfan. Qi Yuyang has suffered for so many years, and the system can't easily define him as a bad person.

The system was silent, and his voice sounded a little embarrassed.

[The ashes... The ashes are gone. The unclaimed ashes will only be kept for five years. Two months before you came, they just disposed of Xue Xingfan's ashes.]

Chi Zhao was a little stunned. He could not have imagined that in a world where surveillance is everywhere and records accompany a lifetime in modern society, it turns out that it is so easy for a person to disappear completely.

The system didn't speak any more, Chi Zhao lowered his head and glanced at the document in his hand again.

This was given to him by Qi Yuyang.

he is…

The sound of the door opening suddenly came, and Chi Zhao's thoughts were interrupted, and he looked at the door subconsciously.