I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 98: Slag that regent (14)


Passing through the imposing high-walled palace, Chi Zhao did not return directly to his bedroom, but came to the empty imperial garden with the fragrance of birds and flowers.

The emperor was still young, the harem was empty, and there were many concubines at first, but when the late emperor died, he named several favorite concubines to be buried with him.

All the concubines with deep family backgrounds were buried, and the few who had no background ended up being good. They were all sent to the royal courtyards in various parts of the Chen country to care for their lives. When the late emperor died, his harem was clearly arranged. In vain, dozens of women left a queen beside the little emperor, in order to make their mother and son have a better life in the future, but unfortunately, the queen failed to appreciate this painstaking effort, and even the little emperor did not see it when he grew up , and died.

The former emperor was a good emperor and a good father. If he did not inherit the throne, but was born into an ordinary family, he might have been a good husband.

Such a good man, unfortunately, died too early.

Chi Zhao didn't let the people behind him follow, so he found a rockery and sat on the big bluestone slab under the rockery to enjoy the shade.

The system was really stunned this time. It looked at Chi Zhao in disbelief, and then quietly eavesdropped on Chi Zhao's current thoughts, and heard that he could still calmly sigh between the late emperor and the harem. story, the system felt that its logic library was about to break.

There are many examples of a good baby suddenly turning black. Each system comes with a variety of files that help the system to understand its own host. The system remembers that there is a type of host that is like this. At first, they were afraid to do anything. , was forced into a hurry, and instantly turned into a demon that cannibalize people without spitting bones, throwing away all conscience and sympathy, and embarked on a terrifying road of 100 consecutive victories.

But the problem is, Chi Zhao was not forced, nor was he incarnated as a demon. His current state... How should I put it? Boldly did it.

The system feels a little uneasy.

[Host, are you okay?]

Chi Zhao raised his eyebrows: "Why am I bad?"

[… Seeing Shen Wumian like this, won’t you feel bad? I took a sneak peek at him just now, and he didn’t move, as if he was hit hard by you.]

Chi Zhao was noncommittal: "Isn't this very good, this is what I want, the worse he is, the more success points I can get in the future."

[Then, this time you won't like him anymore?]

"No." Chi Zhao answered very quickly, as if he had already thought about the answer.

Chi Zhao's line of sight shifted to the other side. There was a small koi pond in the imperial garden. From the angle of the pond, he could not see the koi in the pond, but he could see the koi that occasionally appeared on the water. Small bubbles.

Chi Zhao's tone was calm and calm: "I won't like anyone else until I go home."

Similar words Chi Zhao said many times, "I don't like him, don't worry", "What are you kidding? How could I like him", "I will never be tempted!" Every time, Chi Zhao said these words At that time, the attitude of the system was all scornful, never taking it seriously, and Chi Zhao too, he said these words just casually, after all, no one can control the future.

The system grabbed its fat data link, and it suddenly felt that this time was different from before.


Having been with the system for so many years, Chi Zhao has long known that the system living in his brain seems to be very intelligent, almost indistinguishable from humans, but in fact, it can't handle emotions at all.

In other words, it can deal with emotions, but just like a child, it can only deal with the lowest level, but if it is more advanced, it will be circled.

Talking to the system about this topic, Chi Zhao felt a little awkward, just like teaching a bad child, but even if he didn't say it, the curious system would secretly monitor his voice when he wasn't paying attention. tell him directly.

After changing his sitting position, Chi Zhao replied calmly, "Because, I feel bored."

The system was dazedly licking its increasingly mellow data link. It didn't quite understand why Chi Zhao would be bored with this kind of thing. Judging from the human body structure, love was like a drug to them, and they couldn't quit, I can't escape, how can I get bored? Is there something wrong with Chi Zhao's body

That's impossible, Chi Zhao's body is lying in the hospital, how could such a strange mutation suddenly occur

When the system was thinking frantically about which part of Chi Zhao had gone wrong, Chi Zhao paused for a while, and then continued: "I am the only one who remembers what happened, I am the only one who misses and is sad, it's so unfair. You Saying that these are the real world means that every time I experience the separation of life and death is real, whether it is in my eyes or in their eyes, it is the same. If you die, you will die. , that is, we will never meet again, that is, the separation of heaven and man forever."

Thunder, rain, and dew are all graces. If there is a god in this world, then life is a gift from God, and death is also a gift from God. Everyone's life has a beginning and an end, and they may feel unwilling when they leave, but at least they know You are not alone where you are going. Lovers, relatives, and friends will all be there waiting for them, and in the same way, they can also sit down in peace and wait for the day they look forward to their reunion.

But... Chi Zhao didn't have such a chance.

He jumped out of the rules of the world and out of the control of God. From then on, there was only a beginning, no end in his world. No matter which world he went to in the future, he would always be loaded with the memories of the past, day after day and year after year. Years of ups and downs in the painstaking thoughts, maybe one day he will get used to it, but it must be a long and difficult process.

So, it's really unfair.

The system has concealed a lot of things from him. This Chi Zhao knows, and he probably understands that these worlds are probably not real. What if these worlds are just some fake scripts written by others? What if it's not even a script, but a string of self-improving and self-healing data

Then what is he, and what are the people who are entrusted by him with their sincerity

The more you think about it, the more irritable you become, the more irritable you become angry, the more irritable you become embarrassed.

Simply, he didn't want to, anyway, his goal is to go home, he wants to be resurrected, he was only twenty years old when he died, there is still a great life and an infinite bright future waiting for him, that is his retreat, Also his home.

Chi Zhao felt that his thoughts were firm and rational, but the system looked at his too cold expression and didn't dare to say a word for a long time.

The system retracted back into Chi Zhao's mind, flipped through its own database for a long time, and finally found the "Host Behavior Research Encyclopedia" that was shipped from the factory from a pile of junk files.

Ku Daqiu watched it for a long time, and finally, the system finally determined what Chi Zhao's current mood was called.

The Daquan said that Chi Zhao's behavior and mentality were sullen.

Daquan can only help the system analyze the host's behavior, but it can't tell it why the host behaves like this, but as long as it is sure that Chi Zhao is not, that it is not stimulated.

After all, there was a case before. The host fell in love with the task object in the task world, but the task object did not like him. In the end, the host was angry and let himself go, and took the task object of that world to jump from the eighty-eighth-floor high-rise building. And down, it brought a huge psychological shadow to the task objects and systems at that time.

Think about it too, Chi Zhao is so good and kind, how could he do such a thing, if he is sullen... After a while, it should be fine when his anger subsides, right

With this thought in mind, the system felt relieved and continued to devote himself to his singing career.

And Chi Zhao stayed in the Imperial Garden for a while, and then went back.

No one knows how lethal what he said to Shen Wumian in the morning, because in the afternoon, Shen Wumian continued to appear beside Chi Zhao with a normal expression.

No matter what Chi Zhao said, he was still the same. His focus of life now has completely shifted to Chi Zhao. After going to court every day, he would go to Qinzheng Hall to deal with the memorials. No matter how many memorials there were that day, he would be on time before lunch. Appeared in the emperor's bedroom, and then accompany Chi Zhao to dinner.

The afternoon is a special time for teaching, literature and martial arts, the six arts of a gentleman, and Shen Wumian is all covered by himself. After he really became his student, Chi Zhao discovered how defiant this person was. There was almost nothing in this world that he couldn't, and he was good at every item. I can't help but become more serious.

Time passed by like this, Shen Wumian no longer mentioned the matter of letting him learn to govern the country, and he would not take some imperial schoolwork to test him in his daily life, but after a few months, Chi Zhao accidentally saw Shen Wumian left a memorial, after reading it at a glance and ten lines, he naturally came up with several strategies to deal with the problem of this memorial.

Still holding the memorial in his hand, Chi Zhao fell silent.

Did he boil a frog in warm water...

Staring at the scribbled minister's handwriting, Chi Zhao calmly put the memorial back.

Whatever, since he wants to be pro-government, then he will learn to be pro-government, anyway, now he is no longer involved in the plot.

Lowering his eyes, Chi Zhao thought of a new wave of mind-abuse Dafa, and immediately felt in a good mood. He turned around and left with a smile on his face. Hong Lei hurriedly followed him and walked out quickly.

After raising it for one summer and another for autumn, Hong Lei finally healed her wounds and can go back to work. She knows why she was punished, so when she came back this time, she changed her attitude towards the little emperor 180 times. Bend, the one who serves is called diligently, and no one can fault it.

The role of Hong Lei at the beginning was to monitor the little emperor. Later, Shen Wumian found out that the little emperor knew Hong Lei's identity for a long time, but he did not transfer her away, or let her be a palace maid in peace. He still let Hong Lei go. Report to yourself Chi Zhao's diet, daily life, words and deeds, and do this without avoiding Chi Zhao.

Chi Zhao took advantage of the existence of red tears and secretly inserted several knives into Shen Wumian. He heard a lot of heart-piercing words, and Shen Wumian slowly got used to it. The four seasons have gone through a cycle of reincarnation. Shen Wumian was originally very smart. During this period of time, he faintly discovered that his majesty was actually not as obedient as he seemed on the surface. Most of the people's words are intentional.

It's just that Shen Wumian couldn't understand why he did this, to hurt him

Then why didn't he respond when he delivered poison that could kill him.

In revenge for his ruthlessness and cold-bloodedness

It is possible.

Chen Yi's character is unique. He is obedient and rebellious on the surface. He is sensitive at the same time, but also has extreme thoughts. Love wants to live, and hate wants to die. In his eyes, he is probably the one who loves and hates. class.

Looking at the young emperor who opened his arms and let the eunuch put on luxurious imperial clothes for him, Shen Wumian smiled slightly and slowly concealed the deep emotions in his eyes.

It doesn't matter if you have love and hate, it doesn't matter if you want him to die, as long as... the person in his eyes is always himself, that's fine.

After changing his clothes, Chen Yi walked slowly to Shen Wumian, who smiled gently, "Your Majesty wears this, it looks very good."

Today is Chen Yi's fifteenth birthday. The emperor's birthday is celebrated all over the world. Now he puts on new clothes to attend his own birthday banquet.

A year has passed, and Chi Zhao has grown two inches, but he still has to look up at Shen Wumian. What Shen Wumian has done to him this year, anyone with eyes can see it, and Chi Zhao, who is a party, naturally sees it even more. Clear, so at this time, he tilted his head slightly, and looked at Shen Wumian's genuine smile, and felt that this person was really strange.

If the two exchanged, Chi Zhao listened to the person he liked stab after stab at his heart every day, and would have been violently beating people long ago, but Shen Wumian would be the same as not hearing it, and it would reveal a little real emotion at the beginning. After that, he didn't respond at all, and even once, he just looked at Chi Zhao quietly and said, and when he finished speaking, he handed him a cup of tea to moisten his throat.

Thinking back now, Chi Zhao still felt very angry, as if he had been looked down upon.

The young man tilted his head and looked at himself, full of temptation, but Shen Wumian was very calm, adding a bit of obedience to his gentle smile, he took a step back and lowered his head humbly: "I will send your majesty over. ."

After speaking, Shen Wumian stood up straight, he walked out, Chi Zhao hesitated for a second, and then raised his footsteps, although Shen Wumian was cultivating him to be a real emperor, but in daily life, Shen Wumian did not respect him that much , just like now, he and Chi Zhao walked side by side, instead of clearly distinguishing between the ruler and the minister.

After all, the regent's mind has changed. Before, he wanted to be the emperor. Now, he wants to be the emperor's man.

After being pricked so many times, he still maintains such an idea. He really deserves to be a masochist.

It seems that every protagonist has a trembling physique. No matter how the person he likes tortures him, he will not be angry, let alone hurt each other. Outsiders may think they are very affectionate, but as the one who is liked, Chi Zhao Every time I encounter such a situation, I have only one feeling.

Very upset.

I don't know if all the protagonists are like this, or only the protagonists he meets are like this.

This idea naturally appeared in his mind, Chi Zhao's footsteps paused slightly, Shen Wumian seemed to feel something, but before he turned his head, Chi Zhao had already continued to move forward, as if it was his illusion just now.