I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 119: Strange dream


Lingpingan fell into a sweet dream.

In the dream, there is a magnificent and wonderful ocean world.

The countless light-emitting organs of the king squid illuminate the originally dark seabed like daylight.

A huge underwater city sleeps quietly in the deep sea.

"The legendary Atlantis of the ancient Qin Dynasty?" Lingpingan thought in his dream.

As soon as he had this thought, the sleeping underwater city came to life.

A snake-shaped monster with only nine heads performed prayers and sacrifices in a temple surrounding the center of the city.

"We call for your power!" said an old voice: "Merciful savior, creator of all things, the incarnation and representative of Buddha!"

Its nine heads hung down one by one, praying to the statue enshrined in the temple in the deep sea.

"We look forward to your arrival!" On the nine heads of this old monster, pairs of cloudy eyes recited ancient prayers in the sea water: "For this reason, humble believers, offer sacrifices to you! "

One by one, huge creatures slowly crawled through the underwater city.

They carried a mermaid imprisoned by something like a bubble to the statue of the temple.

The mermaid screamed in horror.

But the monsters turned a deaf ear and carried the bubble to the statue in the temple.

Lingpingan looked at the blisters curiously.

He found that the mermaid bound by it was almost exactly the same as the mermaid in the Qin Lu movie he saw when he was a child.

It has fair skin, long blond hair, and a plump body. The snow-white skin is looming between the hair, and a flexible fish tail hangs down behind it.

The mermaid's face was filled with horror, and tears fell in large drops.

Because it saw the nine-headed monsters around it and took out a handful of blades forged from shells.

Obviously, these monsters intend to sacrifice blood.

"This is really a bad custom!" Lingpingan complained: "How can intelligent creatures be used as sacrifices?!"

As soon as he had this thought, the old nine-headed monster seemed to notice something.

It raised its nine heads and said with great joy: "The great God and the great savior have arrived!"

It looked at the mermaid who was about to faint with fear.

The eyes on the nine heads seemed to be seeing treasures.

"It has been chosen by God!"

"It's the Holy Maiden of God!"

Therefore, the nine-headed monsters who originally planned to slaughter the mermaid immediately hurriedly released the mermaid, then carried it and sent it to the interior of the temple, in front of the statue of their god.

The mermaid finally got a little frightened.

But when it saw the statue, it seemed to understand something.

Its blond hair began to flow back automatically, and the seawater surged onto it, and pieces of coral turned into armor, automatically wrapping it up.

Dots of luster fell on the statue, gathering into a weapon.

The mermaid took the weapon, which was like a Zen staff.

"My Buddha is compassionate!" the mermaid chanted the mantra.

"My Buddha is merciful!" The entire underwater city echoed the mantra.

At this time, Lingpingan saw the statue enshrined in the temple.

A burly monk, wearing cassocks, with a sinewy face, holding a Zen staff.

Who else could it be if it wasn't his character, 'The Poor Monk Fahai'

This reminded Lingpingan of the tips he had received in the game: you converted the 'enslaved Hydra', you obtained 2,000 nightmare points, and you gained the worship of the Hydra clan. From then on, all In any world where Hydra exists, there will be a certain probability of your icons and legends appearing.


"I've played too many games, and I'm thinking about it every day and dreaming about it at night?!" He laughed at himself.

Thinking of this, he woke up.

When I opened my eyes, it was already dawn outside, and the sun was reaching my buttocks.

He took out his mobile phone and took a look. It was ten o'clock!

He jumped up quickly.

"Sleeping harms people! Snoozing harms people!" Lingpingan said: "I shouldn't have played games yesterday!"

"If this continues, when will I be able to write the beginning of my new book!"

In the world.

One dream world after another is deposited in the depths of this world.

Tall and burly monks walk among the edges and gaps of these dream worlds.

The Zen staff in his hand glowed slightly, illuminating these worlds.

Suddenly, he turned around and saw, across countless time and worlds, an ocean world where the entire planet was covered by sea water.

This is the world of Hydra and mermaids.

It is also where Dagon and Hydra sleep.

Ghroth visited this world approximately five million years ago.

The joy of the celestial body awakens the lower-level Old Ones who sleep in the deepest part of this world.

They set off huge tsunamis that swallowed every piece of land in the world.

Let all the lives in this world, after witnessing the true appearance of Dagon and Hydra, become distorted and move toward crazy deformation.

Five million years later, two groups of mermaids and Hydras evolved.

"The master's consciousness once briefly came here..." the monk thought, and then appeared in the temple in this world. He looked at the statue of his own image and smiled.

"So that's it!"

He returned to the dreamland again. He raised the Zen staff in his hand and tapped it lightly in the dreamland.

Countless ripples spread out.

He raised his head and looked through the fog and clouds of the dream to the being sleeping in the Pleiades star cluster in the deepest part of the starry sky.

"Hasta!" The monk called to the sleeping being inside: "Don't you take care of it?"

The wind began to echo deep in the starry sky.

The yellow figure woke up deep in the star cluster.

Under the yellow clothes, shadowy tentacles stretched out one by one, surrounding this supreme being, and a gorgeous crown was placed on his head.

The next moment, He disappeared into the star cluster.

As soon as Lingpingan walked down the stairs, the kitten Best jumped on his shoulder and shouted in fear: Meow!

"What's wrong, little darling?" Lingpingan comforted his pet: "Don't be afraid, brother will protect you!"

The kitten calmed down.

Lingpingan held the kitten, walked to the door, opened the store door, and heard the sound of fire trucks in the distance.

"What's going on?" He walked to the door and asked Aunt Cai next door: "What happened on the other side of the river?!"

"I don't know..." Aunt Cai shook her head: "It seems that a late-night snack shop has recently opened on the other side of the river. It's called 'Xiao Ke Seafood'. It seems to have caught fire..."

"Probably because someone was jealous of other people's business, so they sent people to cause trouble!"

As Lingpingan listened, he remembered the supper he ordered last night.

Their squid tentacles and beef bone marrow are indeed delicious!

"I hope he's fine!" Lingpingan sighed: "I will eat their squid tentacles and beef bone marrow in the future!"

“In addition, his cod liver is also delicious!”