I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 21: Scary kitten


Since the newly downloaded game couldn't be played, Lingpingan had no choice but to turn on the TV and spend some time.

As soon as the TV was turned on, news reports appeared.

Lingpingan was about to change the channel and picked up the remote control, but stopped.

Because the news being broadcast is from Jiangcheng City.

"According to the news we just received... half an hour ago, a building collapse occurred in the northern suburbs of Jiangcheng City... "

"A private apartment completely collapsed due to unknown reasons..."

"Currently, officers and soldiers from the Jiangcheng City Fire Department are providing emergency rescue at the scene!"

The female announcer in formal attire sweetly announced: "According to sources from the Congjiang City Federal Rescue Center, this collapsed apartment belongs to Zhang Yu, deputy director of the Jiangcheng City Federal Bureau of Natural Disaster Affairs..."

"And Zhang Yu has also been confirmed to have died in this accident..."

A picture of a young and somewhat over-the-top man appeared on the screen.

Lingpingan couldn't help but complain: "This Zhang Yu is at most one or two years older than me, and he actually became the deputy director of Jiangcheng City!"

But the next moment, he stopped complaining.

Because the life and resume of Deputy Director Zhang appeared on TV.

The title of natural disaster and rescue expert in bold and bold is particularly eye-catching.

The federal empire values knowledge and especially respects experts.

Taizu of the Federation has a famous saying: Let those who know how to do things!

So this sentence became the basic national policy of the Federal Empire for three hundred years.

The entire society, from top to bottom, has a consensus of respecting professions and experts.

Therefore, Lingpingan's complaints naturally turned into regrets: "What a pity for such a young elite!"

However, this matter did not occupy Lingpingan's thoughts too much.

Because his stomach started growling.

Picking up the phone, opening the takeout app, Lingpingan ordered a beef rice bowl as usual.

Half an hour later, a beautiful girl riding a small electric donkey and wearing traditional Fuso costumes came to the store again.

"Lingsang, your beef rice bowl is ready!" Michiko Chiba bowed politely as usual as soon as she entered the door, and then placed the takeaway lunch box in a plastic bag on the counter.

"Yeah!" Lingpingan nodded, and then he discovered that this Fuso girl seemed to still be addicted to role-playing!

That tail behind the buttocks is a bit cute!

"She is so courageous!" Lingpingan praised in his heart.

Anyway, he felt that if it were him, no matter how much he liked it, he would not dare to openly show his hobbies against the judgment of outsiders.

Michiko Chiba put away the takeout lunch box and saw the black kitten lying in the corner of the counter.

Little cats have fatal lust for all girls.

What's more, this kitten is still so petite and cute.

Michiko Chiba fell in love with this kitten instantly.

"Lingsang!" She asked with her big curious eyes open: "Is this your new pet?"

"Yeah!" Lingpingan took the lunch box to the counter and opened it. The fragrant smell of beef immediately filled his mouth and nose, making him unable to help but pick up his chopsticks and start to eat: "This little guy is so pitiful..."

He briefly talked about what happened last night, which made Michiko Chiba's eyes turn red.

She walked carefully to the counter, looked at the kitten sleeping next to the computer, and couldn't help but reach out to touch its fur.

But before she could take action, the kitten suddenly raised its head.

The amber eyes reflected incomparably magnificent colors.

Chiba Michiko immediately stopped her hand and backed away as if she had been electrocuted. There was even a look of fear and fear on her face.

She seemed to hesitate again and again, and finally plucked up the courage and asked: "Lingsang, you little kitten..."

She looked at the kitten that lay its head down again, and boldly asked: "Is it... obedient?"

"Very obedient!" Lingpingan immersed himself in eating his beef rice bowl and replied vaguely: "I even gave it a name!"


"How's it going? Does it sound good?" Lingpingan asked.

"Okay..." Chiba Michiko's voice seemed to be trembling a little, because at this moment, the kitten that had just laid its head down raised its head again, with black hair standing up one by one, and its small mouth opened slightly. , the pink tongue stuck out, revealing a mouth full of slender sharp teeth.

Michiko Chiba was trembling all over as if she had encountered a natural enemy.

She used all her strength and nodded heavily: "It sounds good, it sounds very good!"

She didn't dare say no.

Because she knew that as long as she dared, then... she would die!

"Lingsang..." Chiba Michiko did not dare to stay here any longer. She bowed and said, "You can use it with ease!"

After saying that, he walked out of the bookstore as if running for his life.

Lingpingan was busy destroying the beef rice bowl in front of him, so he didn't look up and just nodded: "Thank you Chiba-chan for your hard work! I will remember to give you a five-star review!"

After escaping from the bookstore, Michiko Chiba quickly patted her chest.

"It scared me to death... It scared me to death..." she couldn't help but keep saying.

Looking back at the bookstore.

At the counter behind the glass door, the young owner of the bookstore seemed to be engrossed in eating without knowing anything.

On the counter, a pair of amber cat eyes were looking over.

In a daze, Michiko Chiba seemed to see the shadow of a pyramid reflected behind the kitten.

Chiba Michiko suddenly shuddered.

That's an obvious warning.


Lingsang is a good person!

Thinking about the contact with this young man from the Federation in the past two years or so, Chiba Michiko couldn't bear it.

She took out her cell phone and was about to dial the emergency number left by the federal black guard.

But the next second, she stopped this action.

Because when she saw the kitten, she lowered her head again and huddled behind the counter.

"He doesn't seem to have any ill intentions towards Lingsang..." Michiko Chiba thought: "Maybe he is just like the White Lady on TV, and he is here to repay his kindness?"

This is the only explanation that can probably explain it.

Michiko Chiba doesn’t want to be Fahai.

And she cannot be regarded as Fahai.

She is just a little fox demon, a pitiful little fox demon who came to the Federation from Fuso to seek a living.

She understood that the kitten was very, very strong.

So strong that no one in Jiangcheng City can be his opponent.

At least someone from the Imperial Capital would come.

And if He is angered, Jiangcheng City will be flooded with water before the people from Dijing come.

Thinking of the scene on TV of the White Lady flooding the golden mountain, the Fuso girl started to tremble again.

She didn't want this familiar warm city to turn into what Fuso Osaka was a few years ago.

The earth cracked, cities burned, and people fled in terror.