I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 22: Black guard


Situ He stood on the top of the mountain, his eyes staring at the collapsed villa below the mountain.

"Situ, do you see anything?" Xia Ping in black asked.

Situ He shook his head, his aggressive eyes like a liger flashed with a little melancholy.

"Such a thing happened..." he said, "The governor is very angry!"

Xia Ping immediately shouted: "This official is guilty!"

The Commander-in-Chief of the Black Guards has a high status among the Black Guards.

In a sense, he is the spiritual mentor and strength of the entire Black Guard.

"It doesn't have to be like this!" Situ He raised his hand: "Zhang Yu hides it so deeply, not to mention you, even I... didn't expect it!"

The tiger demon is actually dressed in black!

Who among the Black Guards could have predicted such a thing

You know, the selection of the black guards must pass the review.

Three generations of ancestors will be picked apart by the investigation agency.

They also need to draw blood and keep samples to ensure that every newcomer who enters the Black Guard is safe.

Therefore, Zhang Yu must have become a tiger demon after joining the Black Guards.

And this is an unprecedented challenge for the black guards.

Because before this, there has never been a case of reverse demonization of human beings!

"Get ready..." Situ He said to Xia Ping, "I'm going to go and see for myself..."

"Especially the place where Zhang Yu conducts his daily activities..."

"Road sections that are passed frequently or irregularly..."

"What do you mean?" Xia Ping became nervous.

"Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the worst!" Situ He said seriously: "It's no better than overseas!"

"What if..."

"Once it causes disaster..."

"That is!"

The Federation mainland has not encountered any external attacks or attacks for at least a hundred years.

Powerful, defending local order and stability.

But overseas, the campaign is being suppressed without stopping.

Countless tragedies were caused by those people.

Outside the federal empire, there are even more demons dancing around.

Madmen, perverts and butchers are constantly bred among hungry, poor and desperate people.

There are several big news stories every year.

Therefore, Situ He actually supported the ideas of the Datong faction.

It is impossible for the federal empire to remain gloriously isolated and immune to the current situation.

If the outside world is not cleaned up, the people of the empire will never be safe.

And Zhang Yu's incident confirmed Situ He's view.

The reason is simple - the dignified guard in black has transformed into a demon.

This kind of thing is definitely not something that a chance encounter or a single individual can do.

Behind this.

This is definitely here.

It must be uprooted and wiped out!

"Understood!" Xia Ping nodded: "I will ask someone to bring Zhang Yu's previous activity route and schedule immediately!"

An hour later, Situ He received a trajectory report on Zhang Yu's daily activities.

Looking at the report, Situ He fell silent.

Because purely from the perspective of Zhang Yu's daily activities, the deputy director of the Guangnan Branch of the Black Guards is simply a federal model.

He has no bad habits.

Never participate in those messy banquets.

There is no evidence that he has frequent contact with so and so in private.

There was no sign of bribery or corruption.

All the evidence seems to show that this person comes to work on time, leaves work at a fixed time, and occasionally works overtime.

Outside of working hours, I read, sleep, and exercise in my private apartment.

All testimonies indicate that this man was an easy-going man and had a generous personality.

The trajectories recorded by all the instruments proved that this person never stayed for too long outside the apartment and the black guard's office.

He even rarely uses the salary on his bank card.

If it weren't for this person's body, it would be in the collapsed basement.

A large amount of evidence was extracted from the body that had been transformed into a tiger demon.

In particular, his deformed tiger claws exactly match the claw marks left at the scene of the tiger demon case.

Otherwise, just looking at the report, this black-clad guard may be more in line with the federal definition of a gentleman than the most conservative scholar.

Don't be greedy for money, don't like sex, be quick with actions and accept words.

This made Situ He more and more angry.

He threw the report away and told Xia Ping beside him: "Prepare a car. I want to follow Zhang Yu's path myself!"

"I don't believe it, there is no flaw!"

In the afternoon, the temperature began to rise.

You can almost boil eggs on the road outside the store.

But it's still cool inside the bookstore.

Lingpingan immersed himself in the battle in the canyon.

Although, it is still a crushing game.

Opponents are always shown off.

And teammates are always hugging his thighs.

But it’s really fun when I play it, and the gaming experience is particularly good.

Who doesn't like to win

That is, when I put down my phone, Lingpingan felt a little empty.

"How about coding a chapter of the novel?" He considered.

At this time, a car drove slowly by outside the door.

Lingpingan heard the sound and looked outside: "Federal official vehicle?"

"It's quite high-end! Is there any big shot here?" Lingpingan sighed as he saw the unique car passing by outside the store.

Sitting in the back seat, Situ He looked at the shops and public facilities outside the car window.

“It’s time for facilities in Dongcheng District to be renovated!” he said.

"Yes!" Xia Ping, who was driving for him, smiled and said: "We have already made plans... In the next three years, 20 billion will be invested in reconstruction. The Jianshe Road where Black Guards is located is the first batch of streets to be included in the reconstruction... This The area is ranked behind..."

"Oh!" Situ He just nodded and said nothing.

Suddenly, his eyes caught sight of an old shop on the side of the street.

The worn plaque made him a little distracted.

By the time he reacted, the car had already traveled several hundred meters.

"Stop!" Situ He immediately ordered.

Xia Ping then parked the car on the side of the road, then turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Situ He turned his head and looked behind him.

He gently stroked a ring he wore on his left hand. With a click, the jade ring broke into pieces and fell into the palm of his hand.

Situ He's expression became serious.

"..." Xia Ping also noticed: "Is there something wrong?"

Situ He pondered for a long time, and finally said to Xia Ping: "Keep driving!"

But his eyes were always staring at the shop behind him.

Although, I don't feel anything unusual.

But the ring on your hand doesn't lie.

Because it is a special ring made by the Governor and is only issued to general-level members of the Black Guard.

This finger has only one function - to detect abnormal psychic reactions.

But now, it fell apart.

If it hadn't collapsed, Situ He knew that he would have been completely unaware that there was abnormal spiritual energy in the place he just passed by.

Xia Ping didn't know why and continued to drive forward.

"Interesting!" Situ He said.

"What did you find?" Xia Ping asked.

"Just keep driving!" Situ He said, "Don't ask about other things!"

Situ He knew that there must be some powerful person or thing in this street.

The other person is going out of his way to cover himself up.

It was only because he was wearing the Governor's special ring, otherwise he would have fooled him.

"Tonight, I'll come and see you for a while!" Situ He said in his heart.

Situ He was confident enough to eliminate and eliminate all monsters or aliens that might threaten the federation.

Of course, if the other party has no ill intentions towards the Federation.

He won't kill them all.