I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 26: old empire


Han Li carefully pushed open the glass door and walked in timidly.


As soon as she walked in, a black kitten poked its head out from the corner of the counter.

Amber cat eyes looked at her maliciously.

Han Li felt like he was standing on his head with chills all over his body.

"Best!" He heard the weird man call softly.

The black kitten obediently landed on the weirdo's shoulder.

In the mist, the fire in his eyes gradually became brighter.

Han Li raised his head cautiously and met the kitten's eyes head on.

In a daze, Han Li seemed to see the shadow of a pyramid reflected behind the kitten.

A little bit of starlight lingers around the pyramid. In the starlight, it seems that countless mortals are praying, praying, and pleading. These kinds of wishes interweave a sacred epic around the pyramid.

That is an extremely ancient hymn.

It is also the accumulation of countless years.

Han Li quickly lowered his head, not daring to look any further.

Lingpingan looked at the girl in front of him.

She seemed a little shy.

He was very reserved as soon as he entered the door, and seemed a little timid or scared.

"Is it because of the book I bought last time?" Lingpingan guessed in his heart.

When he thought about it, after not seeing her for the past few days, the girl must be trying to digest the knowledge in the book and study the techniques in it seriously.

This can be seen from the girl's outfit.

Today she was still wearing that strange black tights and a thin black veil.

But his temperament and image are completely different from last time.

Not only is it less jerky, it's more mature, and it even has a charming flavor all over the body.

This shows that she has seen the book.

The essence of the character has been obtained!

This makes Lingpingan feel somewhat relieved.

But I am afraid that it is precisely because of this that there is probably some conflict between this girl and her family? So, she had to visit late at night again

Lingpingan could imagine that the family that could raise the girl in front of him must be a typical old empire.

The Old Empire is the most conservative group of people in the Federation.

They firmly believed in ancient morals and values, and wished they could write loyalty, filial piety, etiquette and justice into the Magna Carta of the Federation.

Therefore, his children and future generations, let alone role-playing.

I am afraid that if their children dare not grow up according to the path they have set, they will be made things difficult for them in every possible way.

Don’t we often see parents like this on TV

Domineering, arrogant, conservative, and unreasonable.

Fortunately, these people were hung up and beaten for decades by the emperors, generals and ministers who founded the Federation.

Taizong and Gaozong also followed up.

Finally, they were convinced and allowed to accept the ethical values of modern industrial society.

They were forced to recognize and obey the federal Magna Carta and the spirit of women's emancipation.

Otherwise, maybe these guys will still treat women as human beings just like they did hundreds of years ago, and maybe even their sons will be their tools.

Of course, the old empire was not entirely useless.

These people believe in the power of the collective and are the strongest supporters of the unified system of the federal empire.

In the Federation's foreign wars and domestic development and construction, they are the group of people who have made the most sacrifices and sacrifices.

Moreover, because they are extraordinarily united and capable of action, both the Datong faction and the Republican faction have to cater to the preferences of these people to prevent them from voting for the opposite party.

Thinking of this, Lingpingan felt somewhat sympathetic.

He knew how painful it was for the children of the old empire family.

When he was in school, several of his classmates came from old imperial families.

In Lingpingan's impression, they are almost all crazy fully automatic humanoid learning machines, terrible reading and workaholics.

Even if their lives are boring, they can be used as firewood to burn.

Their lives are almost spent learning, learning, learning and learning.

What’s even more terrifying is that when these people grow up, they will impose their former lifestyle on their children arrogantly and domineeringly.


Anyway, Lingpingan felt that if he lived in such a family, he would probably suffocate in a second.

What’s the point of a life where you can’t fish, play games, and write novels

Therefore, Lingpingan greatly appreciated the girl's rebellious spirit.

Of course, he also understood that it was difficult for an upright official to deal with household affairs.

What's more, he's not even an official.

After thinking about the words, Lingpingan asked: "Would the book from last time be helpful to the guests?"

Han Li was trembling when he heard the strange man's question.

"Would that book from last time be helpful to our guests?"

The "Inspection Report on the Lower Abyss" in my arms, which had been quiet since entering the fog, began to get excited after hearing this sentence.

Han Li could feel that the pages of the book were burning hot, and the worm-like things were twisting crazily.

Then, she knew how to answer.

She bowed deeply and thanked: "Thank you for your generosity... for allowing me to read such a profound and mysterious scripture!"

The book on her body was very satisfied with her answer.

So, it immediately became quiet.

Even the temperature suddenly became calmer.

This made Han Li feel relieved but also a little uneasy.

She raised her head cautiously and said, "I am taking the liberty to come here this time because I want to buy another book from you..."

"I hope you can agree!"

Lingpingan frowned slightly as he listened to the other party's words. He felt that this little girl had gone too far. It was just a book, and it was a holy book!

However, he can understand.

On the forum, a group of big men are still calling the paper person "wife" all day long!

It's just... role-playing is a new thing.

To be honest, there are not many related books in his bookstore.

In addition to the introductory book "Secrets of Role Playing", there are several relatively heavy tomes.

Not only are those big books much more expensive, but they may not be very friendly to newcomers either.

He thought for a while, and out of good intentions, reminded: "Guest, in my opinion, you don't need to get into more advanced content for the time being..."

He carefully reminded implicitly: "There are some things that are harmful if you come into contact with them too early..."

"What do you think?"

"Guest, in my opinion, you probably don't need to get into more advanced content for the time being..."

"There are some things that are harmful if exposed to them too early..."

"What do you think?"

The weirdo's voice was gentle and soft.

But to Han Li, it sounded like he could see through his own reality at a glance.

Of course Han Li knew that right now, she couldn't even control the book in her arms.

If you get those 'profound' 'books' again.

for example…

Investigation report on the upper abyss...

I am afraid that the moment I get it, I will be driven crazy by the crazy knowledge and taboo content!

After all, she could almost collapse now just listening to the 'spiritual enhancement potion'.

Therefore, she immediately bowed and begged: "You are right!"

"That knowledge is indeed too profound for me..."

"To contact him hastily will have a huge impact..."

Lingpingan listened to the girl's words and looked at her sincere expression.

He praised in his heart again: "Can I only say that he is truly worthy of being a child educated by an old imperial family?"

"Even rebels are so observant and polite..."

He thought for a moment and then asked: "Then who is the guest coming this time?"