I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 3: Magic leaves


Bookstore business is as usual.

There was not a single customer the entire morning.

Lingpingan lay on the counter and slept all morning.

When I woke up, I realized it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

"It's another boring day!" He rubbed his temples, opened the drawer on the counter, and saw a delicate short knife inside, and a bag of things placed next to the knife.

"It doesn't seem like tea leaves?" Lingpingan picked it up, put it in front of his eyes, and looked at it carefully.

I didn't look at it carefully last night, so I just put it away.

Only now did I realize that what was in that bag was not tea at all.

It seems to be the leaves of some kind of plant

Out of curiosity, Lingpingan poured out a piece, held it in his hand, and observed it.

"It's strange..." The leaf in his hand has a very special structure. From the outside, it seems to be a plant leaf with many jagged edges, which has been dried and baked.

It looks dry, but it feels very tactile when you hold it.

Even Lingpingan could feel that there was still a little bit of warmth in the shriveled leaves.

He carefully opened the curled leaves with his fingers, and an alluring fragrance immediately hit his nose.

"Some kind of spice?" Lingpingan put the leaf back into the bag.

After all, it was someone else's thing, and he didn't want to damage it.

Otherwise, what should I do if I ask him to compensate

The sun sets in the west.

Night is coming.

Unlike during the day, the world at night is more dangerous.

After the cataclysm, half of the world's population became monsters and evil spirits.

This makes the night a nightmare for humans.

Except for the safe area, other areas are red danger areas at night.

Sometimes, some areas even turn into extremely dangerous crimson and black, which symbolizes disaster.

Based on standards published by the United National Security Organization.

Safety levels around the world are divided into: very safe (dark green), safe (green), dangerous (light red), extremely dangerous (dark red), disaster (black) and the highest level of depravity (dark black).

Donglin City is a dangerous area.

Except for the safe area, all other areas are dangerous areas and civilians are prohibited from entering.

At night, the danger level will increase in most areas.

Even the army and demon hunters don't dare to venture into dangerous areas late at night.

Because, at night, the abilities and activity of ghosts and evil spirits will be greatly enhanced.

Moreover, those low-level ghosts and evil spirits that are suppressed by the sun's rays and do not dare to appear during the day will appear in groups.

But Han Li was sitting on the roof of the East District, which was clearly marked as extremely dangerous.

A pair of slender and toned legs swayed on the rooftop balcony of a building more than 20 stories high.

This was once an upscale neighborhood in the city center.

Not far away are the ruins of Donglin University.

During the Cataclysm, fierce battles took place here.

An entire regiment of soldiers were killed here in order to cover the retreat of women, children and students.

Therefore, in the community, we can still see the temporary trenches and fortresses built by those respectable soldiers back then.

The tanks, already covered with rust, had their muzzles pointed at the underground parking lot of the community.

The garden of the community was full of craters and scattered bullet casings.

All buildings in the south and north of the community have become rubble.

That was the most dangerous time, when bombers taking off from Donglin Airport dropped napalm bombs and caused damage.

Night gradually falls.

Figures began to crawl out from the rubble of the collapsed building.

They are spider-like, have eight legs, and crawl like lizards.

Their skin and bones are as hard as steel.

Their speed can exceed two hundred kilometers per hour.

Their claws are extremely sharp, and their blood can corrode most armor.

Therefore, the United National Security Organization named them 'Spider Demons'.

It is one of the B-level ghosts that is most feared by humans.

Because they live in groups.

Moreover, a group of spider demons often has hundreds of spider demons.

At most times, humans have recorded swarms of tens of thousands of spider demons.

The community of spider demons here once numbered thousands.

So, a mechanized armored regiment was torn apart by them here.

But now, the number of this group has been reduced to less than a hundred.

Don't be happy!

Because if the number of individuals in the ghost community begins to decrease, it can only mean one problem - they are expanding.

Han Li looked at the spider demons that were approaching the building.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised in a nice arc.

The crimson book she held was constantly turning the pages, and a whispering sound echoed lowly in her ears.

"Abyss General Class, Demon Genus, Insectidae, and Human-Faced Spider!"

This is the true origin and name of the Spider Demon!

Their most vulnerable point is the third cervical vertebra under the neck!

Han Li jumped from the roof.

The tight-fitting black combat uniform accentuated her beautiful figure, falling like a Valkyrie.

Spiritual power bloomed from her hands, turning her hands into two sharp blades.

"Death!" Han Li had already locked onto the neck of a human-faced spider in the air. As soon as he landed, he used the bouncing power of the landing to jump lightly and landed on its back. His blade-like left hand accurately chopped at the spider. On the cervical vertebrae of the human-faced spider.


Like a toppled domino, the huge human-faced spider didn't even have time to howl, before it collapsed to the ground, like a piece of machinery that had all the screws unscrewed.

With a crash, this ghost, which could withstand a grenade head-on, shattered to pieces.

Dark green blood and internal organs exuding all kinds of stench flowed all over the floor.

Eroding the ground into a deep pit.

Boring afternoon, boring games.

I have knelt down five times.

Lingpingan felt that his mood was a little impetuous.

"The handle is either five shooters, five mages, and five junglers..."

"The bronze section is really hell on earth!"

Putting down the mobile phone in his hand, he rubbed his sore temples. The aftereffects of last night's all-nighter had not subsided yet.


"It seems that there is no way to update today..."

Turning on the TV, there was another familiar three o'clock soap opera on the TV.

The family is in trouble, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are quarreling, and Lingping is drowsy after looking at it.

Subconsciously, he picked up the tea cup and started making tea.

When the water dispenser made a splash, the pleasant fragrance filled the mouth and nose. Just smelling this fragrance, the whole person immediately became energetic, as if the fatigue of last night and the emptiness of now were all swept away.

"Why does it smell so good?" Lingpingan lowered his head.

I saw something floating in the tea cup.

It was a few golden leaves.

Full and bright.

"Made the wrong tea leaves?" Lingpingan was stunned, and then he remembered that he seemed to have confused the tea leaves in the drawer and used the bag of leaves that the girl had pledged here last night.

He picked up a leaf from the tea cup. After being soaked in boiling water, the unknown leaf turned golden, like gold. When he pinched it gently, juice overflowed from it, filling his nose with fragrance.

Lingpingan tentatively dipped a little of the golden ** on the leaves with his fingers, put it in his mouth, and took a taste: "It's so sweet!"

The taste buds in your mouth were immediately overwhelmed by the sweet and fragrant taste.

Lingpingan swore that he had never had such a delicious drink!

There are more and more murmurs in my ears.

Han Li shook his head to wake himself up.

She took a breath and kicked the head of a human-faced spider away from her feet.

Then, she stepped forward and walked into the dark underground parking lot.

Taking out the flashlight from his body, Han Li turned on the power and shined it into the parking lot where no one had been for decades.

Luxury cars that had been abandoned for who knows how long were crowded together.

Many vehicles have overturned.

There are bones inside the car body that has long since decayed.

Han Li bypassed these obstacles and continued to move forward.

Then, she saw a scene that shocked her inexplicably.

A dozen skeletons of soldiers in military uniforms were scattered in a bunker in front.

Several heavy machine guns were pointed forward.

The bunker was littered with scattered machine gun bullet casings.

The stone pillars and walls of the parking lot in front of the bunker are all densely covered with gun holes.

Han Li walked over and looked at a skeleton that was obviously that of an officer. From under him, he picked up a photo that was buried in the rotting soil and had turned yellow and discolored, making it impossible to see clearly.

However, in the photo, you can still see the silhouettes of two lovers cuddling together and smiling brightly.

Under the photo, there is also a nameplate.

Steel recorded the officer's name and unit number.

Captain Yu Aiguo of the 7th Company of the 3rd Rapid Reaction Battalion of the 5th Airborne Division of the People's Army.

This was the number of the first army that rushed to Donglin City for rescue during the great disaster.

Looking at the nameplate and photo in his hand, Han Li cursed softly: "This damn world!"

So, she knelt down and found pieces of nameplates among the bones and mud.

Then put them away.

Han Li continued to move forward and walked to the depths of the underground parking lot, in front of a huge collapsed hole.

When the flashlight shines down, in the dark underground, there are densely packed gray grasses.

That is the dead grass.

"This is so awesome!" Lingpingan murmured to himself as he sat on the counter, holding the teacup that had been drunk and even the dregs licked clean.

He now feels that his energy seems to be endless.

My whole body is full of strength, maybe I can fight ten.

More importantly, his eyesight has also improved a lot.

Take off your glasses and you can actually see clearly!

"Who are you?" He grabbed the bag of dried leaves, tilted his head back, and recalled the woman last night: "Could it be that these leaves were secretly developed by some large company and specially supplied to the nobles?"

If you think about it carefully, it is really possible.

After all, the nobles of the Federal Empire have been very playful since ancient times.

The romantic figures in the Wei and Jin Dynasties rose to prominence with just five stones. In modern times, the nobles of the Federal Empire are not much inferior to the figures in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

Thinking of this, he quietly put away the bag of dried leaves.

"Don't touch it again!"

"I can't afford to pay for such an expensive thing!"