I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 32: The awakened ancient god?


Lingpingan looked at the customers in front of him happily. He was shocked when he saw the furnishings in his bookstore and couldn't bear to look away.

He walked to the water dispenser, picked up a plastic cup, poured a glass of water for the guest, and handed it over: "Please drink water..."

Situ He came to his senses.

He barely suppressed the panic in his heart and took the water glass.

He took a small sip.

Really just regular drinking water.


At this time, a kitten strode out from the counter.

It walked to Situ He's feet, then raised its little head, and softly called out again: Meow!

Situ He lowered his head and saw the kitten.

Then, he swallowed hard.

Because he recognized the psychic reaction coming from this kitten.

It was a few years ago that the King of Egypt came to visit.

As the head of security, he received the visiting king's family.

I have experienced similar psychic reactions from them.

Situ He also heard the governor say that two hundred years ago, spiritual energy revived and the first wave swept the world.

Some ancient gods awakened part of their consciousness.

Among them, the one who awakens in Egypt is the cat goddess Bastet, the family guardian deity they worshiped in ancient times.

It is precisely because of this awakened goddess.

Only then could the Kingdom of Egypt gain independence.


Didn’t the Cat Goddess awaken only a little bit of consciousness and instinct

Only after a grand ceremony is held can more of His power be awakened briefly.

What's going on with this kitten

Lingpingan looked at the customer and looked at his kitten curiously.

He then picked up the little guy with a smile and said, "It's called Best, I picked it up a few days ago..."

"How's it going?" Lingpingan grabbed the kitten's two paws and said hello to the guest: "It's cute!"

Situ He swallowed hard and looked at the incredible scene happening in front of him.

The being who looked like a cat goddess was picked up by the monster like a pet.

He also grabbed the paw of what appeared to be the cat goddess and said hello to him.

Situ He's breathing couldn't help but become rapid.

"Picked it up?"

"Pick up a goddess and show it to me!"

At this time, Situ He finally remembered.

A month ago, the imperial diplomats from Kunlun State sent back a report saying that there was unrest in the Kingdom of Egypt.

A domestic warlord who was dissatisfied with the kingdom colluded with foreign enemies and invaded Egypt's heavily guarded holy land - the Pyramid of Khufu, which enshrines the life-size golden statue of the cat goddess who rested her awakening consciousness.

and successfully snatched the cat goddess statue from the Egyptians.

Intelligence shows that in addition to the rebel parties in Egypt and abroad, many forces in Qinland participated in this operation.

Among them is the Temple Society, which has been secretly fighting against the Federation Empire.

Therefore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Empire issued an early warning to all overseas kingdoms of the Federation, requiring them to be more vigilant against extraordinary beings.

In case the temple would use the stolen Cat Goddess statue to do something detrimental to the Federation's overseas kingdoms.

Unfortunately, the sudden outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in the Northern Zhou Kingdom attracted all the attention of the Federal Empire.

And the temple will be slow to move.

Therefore, the black-clad guards gradually relaxed their vigilance.

Now it seems that it is not that the Temple Club is inactive, but that something happened to the Cat Goddess statue they stole.

This accident was most likely caused by the monster in front of him.


Situ He looked at the kitten he was holding.

The amber cat eyes were obviously filled with flattery and flattery.

"Could this monster be some awakened ancient god? And he once had an unusually close relationship with the cat goddess of ancient Egypt..." Situ He had to consider such a thing.

But the problem is...

In the Federation itself, what deity would be associated with the ancient Egyptian goddess thousands of miles away

"If I can go back alive, I will definitely ask the governor..." Situ He thought.

The Governor is the only human to have ever defeated the awakened ancient god.

Maybe he can know more.

But now, Situ He could only smile reluctantly and echoed the other person: "Cute, very cute!"

Hearing his answer, the monster seemed satisfied, and the kitten in his arms was even more satisfied.

The cat's eyes drooped slightly, giving him a little encouragement of 'You said it well'.

Lingpingan was very happy to hear the praise from customers.

Of course, as the owner of a bookstore, he knows that it is wise to seize the time and promote books.

So, after observing the customer's expression, he tentatively said: "Guest, do you prefer to explore the truth of history and find the secrets behind it, or do you like to study the hidden hands behind the war? "

There is a reason for him to say this.

In recent years, with the gradual development and popularization of mobile Internet.

Netizens in the Federal Empire have gradually become polarized.

Young people are naturally more interested in surfing the Internet, playing games, reading novels, and watching videos.

The middle-aged and elderly people have another style of painting.

In many people’s Moments, you can often see the Moments posted by their elders.

Basically, they are reprinted web pages or reports.

His painting style is mostly shocking.

Shock! The truth about the New Qinling Battle two hundred years ago is actually this!

alert! Genetically modified soybeans from Northern Zhou are harming our health!

careful! These things around us may lead to disaster!

In short, they are all similar titles.

After opening it, it is basically a standard marketing account format.

The younger generation feels ridiculous looking at it.

But most of the elders believed it firmly.

Some time ago, news reports mentioned that middle-aged and elderly people in a certain community collectively protested against the construction of a telecommunications tower in the community.

They categorically claim that radiation from signal towers can cause cancer!

As a result, the telecommunications construction company had to dismantle the communication tower in the community.

As a result, the community's telephone and Internet signals were all out of service, and young people started yelling at each other.

But the elders retorted with unscrupulous marketing articles they found somewhere.

Lingpingan guessed that this customer should have a different style of painting.

Judging from the retro military uniform he wore from the Taizu era, Lingpingan guessed that he should be the typical middle-aged and elderly Republican voters who worship Taizu, Taizong and Gaozong.

And what is the style of middle-aged and elderly Republican voters

They are full of conspiracy theories and always feel that many things that happened in history have behind-the-scenes masterminds and conspiracies.

They stubbornly believed that many things in the history of the Federation Empire had a conspiracy.

They doubt the cabinet, the council of ministers, and even science.

Some extreme people even doubt whether the earth is round.

Basically, except for the community neighborhood committee staff who live in the community where they live and get along with each other day and night.

They were suspicious of everything other officials said.

What they love most, of course, are related conspiracy theory works.

For example, three of the top five books on the current federal book bestseller list were driven by these people.

Moreover, these books all have one thing in common—they are expensive and the profits are extremely high!