I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 49: Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately


"The details are really well done!" Lingpingan raised his head and looked at the monster that suddenly emerged from the ground!

I can’t help but give the game maker a thumbs up!

"If all the game makers in the Federation are of this level... why can't they take money from my pocket?" he sighed.

Unfortunately, there seems to be no recharge channel for this nightmare legend.

This is a bit of a pity.

"Outsiders!" The huge Hydra lowered his head, and a figure hidden in the shadows said: "Get out of here! Otherwise... I don't mind, let my laboratory have one more test subject!"

"NPC can actually talk?" Lingpingan was shocked: "Is it a cutscene? It doesn't look like it?"

He quickly contacted the official and got the answer: The Nightmare Legend game uses the latest artificial intelligence algorithm to realize the intelligence and anthropomorphization of game characters, and can interact with players. Players' actions and choices may also affect NPCs!

"Gan!" Lingpingan couldn't help but said in his heart: "Is there such an advanced one?"

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that the Federal Empire really may have such technological strength!

This is because previous federation centers have always been most willing to spend money on education and scientific research.

In the annual fiscal budget, education and scientific research expenditures are items that are said to be 'not allowed to be cut by a dime'.

Even in an economic crisis, the federal center would rather cut military spending and royal family spending than spend a dime on education and scientific research funding.

Because whoever makes a move will step down!

Thinking this way, Lingpingan no longer doubted it.

"A little boss dares to talk nonsense!" He sneered in his heart.

But in order to maintain his image and fit in with the culture and tradition of this game, his face remained as plain as water.

He just slapped his head and said: "Amitabha, the donor is in trouble!"

While speaking, he had quietly consumed 20,000 nightmare points and lit up new skills in the skill bar.

And the nightmare points he finally earned were reduced to single digits in an instant.

"I'll use you to sacrifice the flag!" Lingpingan thought and continued to step forward.

The whole person has a majestic appearance and is indescribably compassionate and divine.

And as he moved forward, golden lotuses bloomed from under his feet.

Wherever it passed, the smashed and flattened bones of the dead were all covered by this sacred Buddha lotus.

Flowers composed of Buddha's light fell from the sky.

Lingpingan sang the promise softly: "Amitabha, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately! How good! How good!"

As a result, twisted and painful black shadows floated up from the bones.

They roared and struggled in agony.

Finally, in the golden lotus and Buddha's light, the black mist on my body was washed away bit by bit.

The pain and resentment gradually dissipated.

Their distorted figures gradually returned to normal.

Then, these souls suddenly understood something. They collectively looked at Lingpingan and sang in unison: "My Buddha is compassionate and saves all living beings. I put down my butcher knife and became a Buddha immediately!"

In the beginning, only these souls were singing.

But, slowly, in the sound of their singing, the stones from the ground jumped out piece by piece.

He opened his stone mouth and began to speak: "Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

Then there are the grasses and wildflowers on the ground.

Their stems, leaves and flower bones also opened their mouths, chanting sacredly and piously: "Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

Finally, even the clouds in the sky seemed to have a mouth: "Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

Chu Wei's eyes widened slightly, and he watched helplessly as the burly figure of the senior monk stepped forward like King Vajra Ming.

Golden lotuses bloomed from under his feet.

"This is..." Chu swallowed slightly: "At least a living divine monk with Arhat status!"

Chu Weiwei once heard from her elders that fifty years ago, when Master Jinguang of Mount Emei was still alive, he gathered believers and monks to give lectures.

The master walks like a dragon and a tiger, stepping on golden lotuses. When he is teaching, the sky is full of flowers and the fragrance is filled. It makes people intoxicated, feels comfortable physically and mentally, all diseases are eliminated, and all kinds of diseases are eliminated.

It's a pity that even those eminent monks and great virtues have a limited lifespan after all.

On his 108th birthday, Master Jin Guang suddenly summoned his disciples to explain his funeral arrangements, and then passed away with a smile.

Since Master Jinguang, there has been no eminent monk with Arhat status in the world.

But now, before her eyes, she saw with her own eyes another living Arhat.

This made Chu Weiwei's heart beat loudly.

But she soon discovered she was wrong.

Because this senior monk is far more than Arhat.

I heard him reciting softly: "Amitabha, put down your butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately! How good! How good!"

Golden lotuses bloomed.

Smallpox fell from the sky.

One by one, the twisted dead souls were released from the corpses that imprisoned them.

Then, they were washed away by the Buddha's light of resentment, pain and resentment.

At the same time, the evil spells controlling them are also washed away.

So, each of these souls put their hands together and chanted the Buddha's words: "Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

As they chant.

The stones, flowers and plants on the ground, and the clouds in the sky all seem to have spiritual wisdom: "Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

There is an endless stream of Buddhist chants.

It comes from the air, comes from the earth, is sung by people, sung by souls, and sung by flowers, plants and trees.

The whole world seems to have joined in this grand sacred chorus.

"Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

In this sacred Sanskrit chant, Chu Wei slightly felt that his body and mind had been baptized.

The fatigue and fear of this strange nightmare world dissipated little by little.

"One word determines the law of heaven and earth!"

"This is the kind of cultivation that only living Buddhas can have!" Chu Weiwei was shocked.

However, the people in the shadow of the Hydra Hydra have a completely different feeling.

"Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

The endless Sanskrit singing is like a gangrene attached to the bones.

Not only got into his mind, but also got into his soul.

Shake his mind, corrode his determination, and even change his thoughts.

Let him immerse himself in memories of the past.

Let him immerse himself in the years when he was weak.

In a daze, he suddenly had the thought, 'I have really committed a heinous crime, and I should go to the Bodhisattva to repent and ask for forgiveness! 'The thought.

Fortunately, he is determined.

The moment this thought came up, he bit his tongue fiercely.

So, he immediately woke up.

Break free from that chanting.


He can break free though.

However, his mount, the Hydra given by its master, obviously did not have such a firm will and strong determination.

Click, click, click!

The nine heads of the huge nine-headed monster hung down one after another.

Its body, as huge as a hill, knelt down.

On the nine rotten and maggot-infested heads, the festering eye sockets actually shed tears like human beings.

Frame, frame, frame!

Hydra kowtows crazily.

Nine huge heads kowtowed in a very rhythmic manner.

The sound of the kowtow seems to be saying: "Please pray for the mercy of the divine monk. Please pray for the mercy of the divine monk. Please pray for the divine monk to save me! Please pray for the sacred monk to save me!"

Seeing this scene, the Necromancer behind Hydra finally collapsed.

He simply did not dare to face that weird and powerful monk again.

He immediately turned around and ran towards the castle on the cliff in the distance.