I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 640: Origin (6)


Time flies.

I don’t know how many years have passed.

In the silent universe, color suddenly appeared again.

A blue planet rotates slowly.

There is no psychic energy or any other supernatural energy on this planet.

Very rare and very rare materialistic world.

There may be only one such materialistic world among a hundred universes.

Every such world is obscured and protected by the mists of infinite time and space.

Almost impossible to detect!

But things are changing quietly.

A shooting star streaked across the sky.

Brings a future soul.

History has entered a new branch and opened up a whole new world.

As a result, the protective shield of materialism exploded.

This world is like a lamb that has lost its protection, exposed to all predators.

A golden door opened.

Seraphim flew out of it.

He looked at the world.

"Lord..." He prayed, "This is a brand new pasture!"

"I will spread your faith to every corner of the world!"

He didn't finish speaking.

A new corridor was opened.

A ferocious giant monster with maggots crawling all over its body and countless rotten wounds exuding deadly germs.

"Quack quack..."

"All living things are corrupt, but all things are immortal!"

"The great father of disease will dedicate this world to the most noble father!"

Countless sons of disease poured out from behind the corridor, like a tide, instantly engulfing the seraphim that had just flown out.

The father of disease roared in triumph.

The dark side of the entire world was shaken by the roar of the Father of Disease.

The spiritual ocean that has been sedimented for thousands of years is revived.

The Father of Disease screamed as he threw a disease spore given to him by the noble Father God, the immortal loving father, towards the blue planet.

Drop point…

It is Fuso's Osaka, the ruins of the shrine of the feudal god Daimyojin.

The spores fell, took root instantly, and then sank into the ground.

Combined with the remaining souls in the shrine, a brand new monster is produced.

But the march of the Father of Plague had just begun and he had to stop.

Because, His invasion disturbed the waves of time and space and attracted defenders from a certain time and space.

A great steel wall rises from the back of the world.

A golden man made of bronze pokes his head out from behind the Great Steel Wall.

The brilliance of the formation swayed in its pair of bronze eyes.

"System self-test begins..."

"Determine the time and space anchor..."

"Connecting to the Xianqin Observatory..."

"Disconnect… "

"Calling the Immortal Qin Expeditionary Army..."

"No response to call..."

"Retrieve surrounding space and time..."

"Enemy found!"

"Kukas, son of Nurgle, father of plague!"

"Activate the Xianqin defense system!"

"Release the Immortal Qin Terracotta Army!"

"Wake up the Corps Commander!"

"The commander has awakened!"

"The fifth doctor of Xian Qin, the captain of the Expeditionary Military Academy, Your Excellency Meng Yi is online!"

The bronze golden man unfolded immediately.

Immortal Qin rune cannons appeared on the Great Wall one after another.

The Immortal Qin Terracotta Warriors Corps automatically awakened and immediately went into battle.

And Nurgle's legions discovered their old enemy.

They are also extremely jealous, and the two sides are fighting fiercely on the dark side of the world.

The immortal Qin golden figures and pottery figurines are not afraid of diseases and fungi.

And Kukas, the father of the disease, has a lot of cannon fodder and spores.

The battle between each other reached a stalemate at the beginning.

At this time, the Seraph, which had been swallowed by the Father of Disease, was slowly squirming.

A golden mechanical eyeball was drilled out of its body surface.

"This is my world!"

God made His declaration.

As a result, the doors of heaven, which had been closed, were all opened.

Groups of angels from heaven swarmed out.

Under the will of God, they rushed towards the Father of Disease and the Great Wall of Immortal Qin like a tide.

The three-party melee tore apart the dark side of the world.

The corpses of dead angels and disease soldiers were piled together and sank into the depths of the spiritual ocean.

A trace of spiritual energy overflowed from it.

The spiritual recovery has begun!

At the moment when spiritual energy revives.

A terrifying portal opened a huge gap in the dark side of the world.

Gate of Kadath.

The pyramid rises and the Black Pharaoh sits on it.

Countless whispers echo in the dark side of the world.

Whether it was the Immortal Qin Expeditionary Force, the Disease Legion, or the angels, they were all deprived of their ability to perceive and think at this moment.

Time seems to stand still.

"This is the world that gave birth to the master!" Black Pharaoh declared.

"This is an honor for this world!"

"It's also lucky!"

At the same time, behind the Black Pharaoh, indescribable figures emerged one after another.

The incarnations of the faceless god appeared here one by one.

They each have their own agendas and do whatever they want on the backside of this world according to their own wishes.

They tamper with cognition and modify memory.

Even, the corpses of dead gods were dragged out from the portal of the kingdom of heaven and buried in the dark side of the world.

Then, these avatars screamed hey hey.

The Black Pharaoh ignored them.

As long as these guys don't destroy and affect the birth of the great master.

Then let them be!

The Black Pharaoh himself even joins in on the fun.

He quietly threw the light and shadow of a kitten into the dark side of this world.

Ten years later.

The resurgence of spiritual energy has begun to truly impact the world.

Eastern Taoist priests, zombies, and ghosts all began to appear.

The West also has paladins, vampires, werewolves, and witches.

In the hinterland of the newly born Daxia Empire.

Little meteors fell on the top of Xiong Mountain.

That night, a peasant family named Ling dreamed of Shao Siming, the patron saint of infants passed down from ancient times.

From then on, Lingshi became the priest of Shao Siming.

Another ten years passed, and the Ling family became famous.

The patriarch, Ling An, even became a guest of the Daxia royal family and a founding member of the original official extraordinary organization, the Black Guards.

At this moment, Ling An dreamed of Shao Siming.

The goddess ordered him to prepare a ritual.

In the following years, the Ling family made every effort to prepare for the ritual.

During the preparation process, the Ling clan members began to dream and hear all kinds of strange and unknown murmurs.

Someone starts going crazy.

Some people even become unknown after death.

At this time, the Ling family finally began to notice something unusual.

However, Ling An suppressed all opinions.

The leader of the Ling family has long been controlled by unknown gibbering.

Became a puppet of a terrifying existence.

Another few years.

The ritual was finally ready, and all that was left was to hold a ceremony to usher the goddess from the Kingdom of God into the mortal world.

At this time, Ling An suddenly woke up.

He understood the great mission shouldered by the Ling family.

So, he went to the imperial capital, met with the emperor at that time, and left a page of memorials filled with taboo words.

After doing this, Ling An returned to his ancestral land.

Back here.

He opened the ritual with his own hands.

What the rituals attract is not the goddess.

But it comes from an indescribable messenger.

One after another, monsters like trees, with huge hooves and tentacles all over their bodies, walked out of the ritual.

Then, they committed suicide one by one in front of the shocked expressions of the Ling clan.

The terrifying blood blended into the earth and soaked the rituals.

Soak it with strength.

The voice of truth and wisdom echoed in the ears of every Ling clan member.

Let them know their great mission!

They willingly walked onto the ritual sacrifice platform.

Sacrifice your flesh, blood and soul to the immortal gods!

So, as a mortal, I cooperated with the power of the ritual.

They not only attracted Shao Siming's divine power.

It also attracted the divine power of Donghuang Taiyi.

And above the ritual, the terrifying alien god quietly appeared.

Insert tentacles into the radiance of the ritual.

After seven generations, the power of the gods will fade away from the descendants of the Ling clan.

And the seeds conceived in it will be born!

The great Supreme will be born in this world.

Using a human body, a body of flesh and blood, the seven orifices are opened to give birth to a truly independent personality and spiritual intelligence.

Lingpingan is like a bystander, witnessing all this.

Scenes flashed by.

The lives of the ancestors of the Ling family.

His ancestors migrated from Jingchu to Guangnan.

Each generation of ancestors can only conceive offspring with the messengers sent by the Dark Mother Goddess.

From generation to generation, the bloodline is thinned and the divine power is weakened.

When his father was born, there was great light.

Taiyi's divine power finally broke out from Shao Siming's divine power.

At this time, a trace of the power in Xiongshan's ritual also separated, fell towards Guangnan, and appeared in the belly of a pregnant woman.

The child was born, a lovely little girl.

Her parents named her Shasha.

Because, before she was born, the little girl's father dreamed of a lovely girl, Sasha, Sasha babbling in front of his bed.

In Jiangcheng City, Guangnan, the little boy's parents also gave him a name.

The name has been decided long ago: Ling Qingyun!

Lingpingan breathed out lightly.

He looked overhead.

"So, after my father passed away, I never dreamed about him once..."

"It's because he is already dead!"

"His divine power, divine kingdom, and divine blood have all become a barrier for my physical body!"

Jiuge World…

Already in danger.

To save the world.

The god conceived by the sun sacrificed himself.

"I'm really awesome!" Lingpingan sighed.

For him, the gods of Jiuge World sacrificed themselves.

Not only the divine power, divine kingdom, and divine blood are used to build a barrier to protect him.

To prevent him from knowing and coming into contact with the real world prematurely.

The Human Emperor, who has a world of mountains and seas, split his own soul and used his spirituality as nourishment.

gave birth to the prototype of his personality.

Know all this.

Lingpingan sat down slowly.

He leaned against the stone wall of his ancestral home and looked at the ritual.

His humanity begins to question itself.

"Who am I?"

The god of blindness and foolishness

Or Donghuang Taiyi

Or the human emperor of the world of mountains and seas

Who exactly shaped me

He looked at Qin Lu on Earth.

The Odin gods of Northern Qin Continent... seem to be alive, but are actually broken corpses.

The Walking Dead.

Likewise, there are the Greek gods.


The King of Angels in the Bone Church also has a shadow behind him.

The shadow of the faceless god.

These are puppets, puppets.

Just a fashioned, tampered and modified toy.

What about him

Is he a toy

If this question cannot be clarified.

Lingpingan knew that he would never have the courage to take that crucial step.