I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 642: The end of the legend


The sea of stars is so spectacular!

The black hole is spinning at high speed.

As the ultimate celestial body of the universe.

This terrifying monster is using gravity as its tentacles at every moment to move the entire galaxy and even the universe!

Therefore, after countless years of prying, black holes captured galaxies and even the universe.

They shape the universe and change it.

The stars shine!

In fact, it's just shining for the black hole.

The light of all stars becomes bright and beautiful within the black hole's event horizon.

Here, you can see the true appearance of the entire galaxy and even the entire universe.

Lingpingan held Li Anan's hand and walked within the horizon of this black hole.

Ignoring the gravity of black holes and the basic physical rules of the universe.

Time has become his toy.

Matter also became his prisoner.


The rules are his! He is the rule!

"I created all things..."

"I also deconstruct all things..."

"Molecules and atoms are the code I wrote!"

"The four basic powers are my programs running in the background!"


"Auntie, let's watch a cosmic fireworks!" Lingpingan said with a smile.

Then he snapped his fingers.

Outside the black hole's event horizon, two silent celestial bodies orbiting the black hole - pulsars - suddenly began to explode.

Gamma rays travel across the universe in huge explosions.

Gravitational waves began to leave deep imprints on the background of the universe.

Li Anan was stunned.

This is indeed an extremely beautiful and brilliant scene.

It cannot be described in words, nor can it be described in words.

"Ping'an...how are you so powerful?" Li Anan couldn't help but ask.

"Haha..." Lingpingan laughed: "Because... I am so powerful!"

Now he finally understands and knows his truth.

He is who he is.

He is still him!

He is the bookstore owner on earth who just wants to eat and die.

He is also the supreme god of blindness and ignorance who devours all realms.

It was born from chaos, the core of original chaos bred by chaos and darkness.

He was still an ancient god born from the spirit of the Human Emperor under the protection of the True Spirit of Taiyi.

He can go back in time, return to the starting point, and change his life, bloodline, and form at will.

You can also jump to the end of time, at the end of all worlds, choose to restart everything, and open all worlds again.

So, who is he? Depends on himself.

It also depends on whether he can continue to maintain his own knowledge under the impact of so much information, knowledge and power.

If he feels that he is spiritually peaceful, then he is spiritually peaceful.

He can do anything with his hands.

You can also raise your hand to open up a new world!

It all depends on his choice.

And now he has made his choice!

"Auntie..." Holding Li Anan's little hand, after walking in the galaxy for an unknown amount of time, Lingpingan's heart knot was all opened, and he looked at his aunt, his dearest and dearest relative.

"You wait for me on Earth first..."

"I still have some things to do here..."

"When I finish processing, I will go back to pick you up..."

"I will take you to fly over all this..."

"Climb to higher dimensions!"

He already felt it.

The real thing is calling him.

Call him back and master the power of his body.

In the past, he would not have dared.

but now…

I have seen my true spiritual peace and have no worries anymore.

Because he is the core of original chaos.

The dark and chaotic depths of the universe.

The origin of the Big Bang.

The infinitely small and infinitely large vortex slowly rotated.

Lingpingan stepped into it.

Then we came to the gap between the universe and the universe.

Countless universes, like whirlpools, shine in the dark mist in the distance.

The uneven space is deeply affected by the gravity of these universes.

Standing here, you can easily see that the so-called universe is actually a huge thing that is bright and connected together like a chain of pearls.

Each strand of pearls is nestled together.

They form a long river of time that keeps rolling forward.

Only those who come here can follow the long river of time and return to the starting point of time and the origin of matter.

By occupying the starting point of time, you can change history at will.

However, very few can do this.

At least, in the infinite universe and countless time spans, there are less than a hundred people who can do this.

Other universes, in the eyes of these beings, are like ownerless wastelands.

If you want, you can project your own imprint on it.

Then follow the time, return to the starting point, turn this universe into your own private property, and open up the so-called whirling world, pure land, and secret realm.

He even plundered the universes of other universes into his own.

But all things will eventually perish, and all things will never perish.

Even beings that have grown up to the point where they can trace back to the source of time are still unable to change the depletion and cessation of their own time river.

At this point, the long river of time will stop flowing, and everything will be destroyed.

That great one will eventually perish.

Their remaining bodies will fall into chaos driven by the world.

As time goes by, more and more bodies fall from Chaos.

The remaining body rotted and turned into the original fog of chaos - the nameless fog.

That is, the original outer god.

A monster that has no instincts and can only wander in the depths of chaos.

The nameless fog is getting deeper and deeper day by day.

Thus, from it was born the natural enemy of all universes, the ultimate destroyer and scavenger - the core of primordial chaos, the god of blindness and ignorance.

These are all things that Lingpingan naturally knows.

He walked slowly among them.

A long river of time has been crossed.

Countless tentacles hang down from higher dimensions and penetrate deep into these long rivers of time.

Looking at these tentacles, Lingpingan seemed to have seen his past.

How did he, as a monster, get to where he is today step by step.

The original core of chaos that was first born didn't even have instincts.

Just blindly attracted by the death breath of the universe.

Brutally destroying and devouring dying universes.

Until He ate too much.

He cannot digest these blindly devoured universes.

As a result, the remaining consciousness in the wreckage of these universes was slowly transformed in his body.

Just like the bacteria in the human body.

These bacteria continue to multiply, evolve, and adapt.

Gradually, the first batch of Outer Gods born from the core of original chaos were born.

The mother of darkness, the black goat of the forest who gave birth to thousands of offspring.

The formless god, the writhing chaos, Nyarlathotep.

The Key of Silver, the one who unites all things, Yog-Sothoth.

When these three pillar gods were conceived, blindness and ignorance, the original core of chaos, gave birth to instinct.

And the Three Pillar Gods directly coexist with this instinct.

Just like a computer.

The computer itself has no intelligence, only computing power.

But the program may!

Over the long years, the original core of chaos gradually hatched some self-thoughts from instinct.

This self-thought constantly interacts with the feedback brought back by the three pillar gods.

Finally, gradually, the concept of awakening came into being.

When the core of primal chaos awakens.

All the universes controlled by Him will be destroyed as a result!

Only when He falls asleep again can it be restarted.

This is because everything is similar to a computer program in a quantum state.

Awakening means that the original chaos core has recovered all its computing power.

But this…

It's still not enough, far from enough.

Because computing power is just computing power.

Mechanical instinct, quantum in a chaotic state.


Need your true self!

This is spiritual peace!

The product of a great plan!

The product of the original Chaos Core's self-needs.

Created after invoking countless simulations of the universe.

One for myself…

Commander, or rather, brain center!